HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-26, Page 7fata -Valmemeletelks:- THE HURON SIGNAL 1 1H• , 1881. ANYTHIITIO HOUSZKETIPING. A elm Whom linn1011 Taal Illeereinim and • thmborger lt/*a Heraid.l She was a *statute of when *he married Julius 4guatus 1 Smythe she was very much like another young lady who -Mal know eithikan from tut key." Hotier, she told Julius Augussus that ehe a good housekeeper because her 'nether and pandasother were, and it ran in the tonally. Su oa the strength of this he went to housekeeping. ghe bought a sweet little morocco glowered note -book and an enihrt i,Ittrud niarkst Wakes, aad carried a gold pencil, wore an icetbstio morning costume, and ap- peared bks. vision of delight before the magnates of the cleaver at the Central. "Oh, the dear, sweet, cunning little pigs," she exclaimed, sppinit at a stand where several little roasters were'im ex- hibition. "111 take a couple i.f those; how much are they a pair 1" "Five dollen' for two." I guess I'll take. yard uf beefsteak and a pound otchewing-gum instead,ahd aome-oh, yes, some sweetbreads. Ju- lius said he wanted some; nice fresh ones, please, with plenty of raisins in than." Than she 'sailed over to a poultry stall. "Have you any clucking, ?" she asked of the woman an attandruice. "Heaps of 'ern," was the reply. "How much do they cost a heap 1" she asked in rather a faint voice. "Half a dollar* piece, mem." "Well, send up a piece to my resi- dence," and aim 'timed to the next still and picked up some little packages that looked very nice. "What is this sweet stuff that siaelle so lotply 4" she asked of* red-headed boy behind the door. 'Limbunten, Willa, and it. just splen- did; tastes ever so much better than it smells -have oft r She took one, and then she asked the boy where they sold their .tuail on West. "Ain't any in the market,' answered , the young reprobate. "Mother's gone atter a load, though, and we will send JOU some as soon u they're in..' "What are those navy blue berries ?" she inquirei "They'll just match my china. You may send Hie a bushe!." Finally she decided to try a quart, which she carried herself in the artistic basket Then she ordered some eggs, as she wanted to make an omelet for Julius Augustus. and smade, But she neter did, or rather who'lhe got home the omelet was l with a liberal admixture of blueberries, and the front of her leshotic dress was ruined. Added to this was an odor that sent Julius into spasms and frightened the cat to death. The limburger had, melted. The Vassar girl did justice to high Spanish and Greek in the explanation that ensued, and the next day they burned the morocco note -book and went to boarding. imisksise. The "biggest thing" in English water- ing -places is Brighton, which is some- times called London -by -the -Sea, and which in size and solidity corresponds I with the great metropolis, and is a worthy and appropriate "annex" to it. It is practically no farther from Bel- gravia than Coney Island is from Madi- son Square. The fast trains whirl down to it in a little more than an hour, at isoi cost to the passengers of from eight shil- lings, second class, to twelve shillings, first class. A business man may leave his office in the city at a late hour in the afternoon, and have time for dinner and a walk on the pier or a drive along the King's Road before dark. It is London repeated on a small scale, without, ihe smoke and the slums, and with a purer atmosphere, though with scarcely less of a crowd. The shops are London shops, the actors at the theatre belonging to London companies, the faces and dress- es have become familiar in the Strand or Piocadilly, and the Cockney dialect, with ita soft drawl and misusedaspiratee, is heard oftener than any other. Like London, too, its social life is sustained by many classes cirmslating in a (general current, but never affiliating; and while in one quarter coronets are no rarity, *ad a prince leads society, in another the excursionist of a day, or the trades- man upending a two -weeks' holiday, einehmillis beim or clay mut sate his shrimps without feeling the disparity, and without realising that Brighton was not node especially for the delectation of his own ohm But, though prastisally incremented with it, Brighton 11 Ifty mats away from the City, asid lyiag between the two are undulating finglish leadscapes, with many shady loam and ancient villages, through which the trout Mies whim it. ones beyood the spacious 11.110 01 Lon- don. Uader the Box Hill Tunnel, which is the seine of a story by Charles Reeds, and hes often done service in Se- lina; over the lofty spas of the Seven Bridges' through deep and Mehl* cut- tings of chalk and Ihneston•-this is the may to Lendow-by-t10-•les; sad es we some soarer to it the land is hillicw, the foliose. lees &headset, and Seeks ofsheep ale seen fattening ins the nutritious passes of thebreery South Dowu& • • • It is to be remembered that, with tho exception of the creatisate and squaraii and iutectectiou oil the crescents and equares and intersecting street., there is no break iu the three miles ot truildims which abut on the sea; the houses, shops, baths, and hotehi Mt set together with- out any unoccupied Iota between them. But to fully eceaprehead the extent of Brighton, one should go out on the pier, and then tha place may be seen in its cour,dex and substantial entirety. Cite - pared to it, Ilse most erowded AmeriCan watering -place -Coney Island, Atlantic City, or Long Bunch -is within/ more than a camp. It is veritably, and wit in any fancifulness of nomenclature, a city by the sea -a city modelled on Lon- don. and having the structural lenient- isncy the metrupolia. It is not bunt on Its., 1.inks of the river, nor at the sheltcr of a bay. It is immed- iately on the coast, the chalk cliffs, with their grassy summits, are at either side of it. and the water is never more than a few yards from the esplatuide. The solidity and couipactnese of the I frontute of buildings, antl the heights covered with houses, are things which must excite the wonder of any one who sees them tor the first time. Brighton is not busy for a few sum- mer months only, and then left to the gales. the fisherman, and the coast- guard. Though the fashionable serum does not begin until late in September or early in October, the excursionists crowd it from the early summer until late in the year. From August to De- cember the climate is most salubrious - warm, elastic, and bracing. An east wind keeps visitors away in the first months of the yeu, and the place is then deserted except by a more handful °of people -about one hundred and four thousand -who constitute, the resident population. -W. H. Rwr.uso, in Ha... per's Magazine for September. Cana( Ith a Lustre. A subscriber, says the Golden Rule, asks us to write an article on "Table Manners," say ing : "We have many authorities on the subject, but I should like u. see a sensible, intelligent opinion as to how far the knife nen be made use of in eating, without one's being consid- ered ill-mannered." The shortest an• swer is the best -not at all, in polite so- ciety. But what our cormspondent per- haps means, is: What sense or reason is there in the prohibition, by society, of the use of the knife in 'eating? That is a harder question: but the sufficient fact is that ilociety doesn't need to furnish reasons. In the realm of etiquette, what- ever is, is right. As a matter of fact, it is doubtleu alarming or unpleasant to many people to see a knife put to the mouth; it suggests a possible 'cut, and too nearly resembles shoveling in the food. A man may know that he will not cut himself, and declare that he lifts no more food than his neighbor does on a fork. But society says that it is ill bred, and until the custom changes, peo- ple had best conform, unless it is a mat- ter of conscience with them. As Ham- erton says., in a parallel case, you may see no reason why you cannot come to the dinner -table with your shootingboots and jacket on, and bring your dog with you, if you are clean and your dog is well-bred. Very well. Society will not argue the point, much lees concede it. It will simply drop or taboo you. If it is essential that a man should eat with a knife, or in his shooting jacket, or that he shall take up his plate i n his hands, or drink out of the botele, or discard ;)nth knife find fork on the pleathat ens wero made before forks, he had bet- ter dill:: alone. That is the way it seems to us. Coufortnity is the best wisdom in min..r unessential matters of custom end fuhion. NaTrapfliptir Laws. NVe call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper mw.: 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does riot take his paper out of the °dice, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. 2. If any person orders hie paper dis- continued, he must pay all arrearage., or the publisher may ountinue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post-offiee, whether directed to his name or anoile, or whether be he. sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher contemn* to send, the sub- ecriber is bound to y for it if he takes it out of the This proceeds upon the ground that a man munt pay for WbMh. ems. & The egintla have decided thet refus- ing to tisk* a newspaper and priodiesie from the post -office, or removing and leering than uncalled fort;I:turvinis iseie evidenee et iatentiosud fleanSinil £rs.en Obivik The beet naive in the world for MIS, Bruises, Sores, Uleersabajealtrd Rheum, Fever Sores, Tatter, Hasa*, Chilblains, Corns, and all in Eruptiqps Med preitivsly sorsa Piles. It is guar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction or mossy refunded. Price 25 cents per boa Por Nu. by a antismog. Itousehoto ]tints. • e;e015 1.'enesslq jbe ;.! rq ir,4 co LDS, ,187'1iNA, 88 OP In staking *crust of any kind, do nut melt the lard in Sour. Melting will lib - jure the crust. To maks macaroni tender, put it itt cold water and bri jin tnilk.g it , to a boiL .t will then be more t •nder than it put int.. hot water or stew In making sauce, nut the butter and dour in together and the sauce will never be lumpy. Old potatoes may be freshened up 1.3 plunging thein into cold water beforc cooking them. Never wash ruins that are to be usc.1 iii sweet dishes. It will make the pill ding heavy. Ti clean them wipe iu dry toweL When anything is accidentally too salt it can be counteracted by adding a tesspoonful of sugar. In boiling dumplings of any kind pm them into the water one at a time. 11 they are put in together they will with each other. In boiling eggs bind put them in boiling water ten minutes, and then put them in cold water. It will prevent the yolks from coloring blac.k. Potatoes at any time of the year CAD be made mealy if boiled in salt water and drained and then coveted with thick towel and left on the back of the range ive minutes. Jelly moulds should be streasiel with oold butter. When you wish to remove the jelly or pudding, plunge the mould into hot water, remove quickly, slid the contents will come out in perfect form and without any trouble. • fl .1 0 iVCIII 7 I L V010 le, 110A nsr.vEss .lND T111:') 17' Pli'leerIONS. • P. 1sr" °!"t.V=tua' :;114.r.:41;. .47x. 2;74= .0. 54 CI .10114 afrost 4011 mwraar tees &ask tam ward sul..olite ,.'$1t-. ChM /*0 yas.v.gies. Mrs coas 10. fr.....r.,:. yj,h,l"..5 GRAy'S n a. pansies. Owoeuvre ItOW swat .11 es a•vy ;.t'l.: SYRUi) eswasse• lel Lams Di. ov :...„,,....at144.se.......4 vevtorowS, 'tnleamode .repartam , ,1 pr. eft-rs RED •sretut.:A- nia sp r- yW,ow mew illH tte1got1. 3.'sted''a"t :a '111',''S11UCr,1I.E: wade wort ,itudita M Orgi order laws 1 • !rink .1,417, ;Val tea/ toga GU1‘1. !Asrt:uaeumIakilee ,(•...::.4 ,eLkeIi ggdt.h S r... ...•.•,. Its remarkablepoire;t certain forms of Bronelt,, a .,,1 as almost speei4e elect in e•4riii;1 i *linage hacking Coughs. is top, r•cii known to Ma loiltlie a! berg.' P. w tereld.,..t.bp. 61.411 mow... sable eke 1.1.444. • „ Ma ...M.'. Spew° ..,1" r.ril .b/s,sse. Owo." We • .r li.viale ,-.1 ' r ..ie Ms._ ., . : • . ., igai.V abet. dia, ob.o .e0.4. ,..1. • KERR 3' IV. l 7'.ti'i . ... Whoie.ale I) *s . f •• , Sok II' ,--keters .6a..1 II ...at . ,..,i ,,,,,,•,,,,,..., FowLERs AFTER TEE FIRE. JOHN PITOR.Y The Tinsmith Is Mill to the front. I have pleasure to slat* that despite ths laccaveaseam I was pug 10 1. ing hada the meat Ere la soy premises. that I an now la tell MEM again. PmPared to Mee the Eno bargains la Galeria\ la STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS and every other Ins la the bame. I wool/ also return my Doak' to the Firs DrMade and Pewlde OodLreleh ter the sac osestut sesta la saving:my property la my absence from home. at the late John Story.. HINDERS' VARIETY STORE. NEW GOODS. 5,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER Ai -FRESH STOCK.-116Xistr•NEW STYLES. -114 WINDOW SHADES, TRAVELLING BAGS, BASKETS, BABY CARRIAGES. A FINE STOCK, STYLISH AND CHEAP Note the Stand. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." CO'Next door to fhe Poet Oflice. Fun anti Fancy. -- "Always pay„as you go,'said an Aberdonian te his nephew. "But, de, suppose I haven't anything to with 1' "Then don't go." Ordinarily we know from what coon try most people come by the langua..:: they use; but in the case of the swearci it is different. He uses the hineuage the country to which he is going. The force of habit. -"You smoke great deal, Gus," said a friend Gus 11. Smith. "Yes," replied Gus, "partici - laxly after dinner. I have got so in the habit of smoking lifter dinner tl.a: dinner don't taste right when 1 eat it unless I have a smoke afterward." • A little boy who was to pass the after- noon with a neighbor's little daughto was given two pieces of candy. Wio n he returned his 'nether askedhim if i. gave the larger piece to the little ;rirl. "No, mother, I didn't. You told mo always to give the biggest, piece to com- pany, and I was company over there. - "I sells pepperminta on Sunday," re marked a good old lady, who keeps a candy shop in Edinburgh, "because they carries 'em to church and eats 'en:, and keeps awake to hear the sermon; but, if you wants comfits, you must come week days. They're secular commodities. The French poet Charles Baudelair: used to wear a hat that time and wetti had reduced to a miserable state of dow• diness. One of his friends reminded him from time to time of its shabbiness - but Baudelaire never replied. At lrft the friend in question,, blushing nt the attention which the famoua hat attracte:1, threatened not tog° out with the poet unless he bought a new one. ,"Never said Baudelaire. "Why not ?" "It serves to drive away false friends." When the big show came to town The rural chap was there. With his Mariar and peanut -bag And ginger bread to spare. Ile strolled up to the elephant - The first one that bed seen - And eyed it like a connoisseur - Though he was powerful green. -Marlar." cried Ic ain t hc • show He beats old el:lances cow ! An just for fun twist...his tail, I will. Mariar. I .wow . He gave the twist -two miles away That rustic fell kerettunk He thought he grubbed the elephant'stai: He didn't-Iwas his trunk! AT THE OLD STAND. EXTRACT WI LD D. C. STRACITAN Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of he:tit!. within her broad, generous bosom, at:. man needs hut to go to her irltelligeliti:t for hill every need. The 11HICOV•ry • the great Cough Remedy, GRAV.S or Reti Searenc“-m, is an apt Mush:, tion of :his. As a cure for Cough -- Colds, Loss of Voice and Hoarseness i! stands unrivalled, while its low price Mt, readiness of access places it within t!!. reach of all. Try it and be con% ince-1 All chemisis 1:eep it in 25 and 30-eeo, bottles. -- ad ECIV SCOCOA. -G RATEPUL AND COM PO/Cfl -By • thorough knowledge of ,he naturo laws which govern the operations of digest to• and nutilCom and by a careful application the fine properties of ,A el 1 -oelec t et! Cocoa. Epps has pro% Ided our breakfast tables with ' delicately flavoured beverage which may sa% I tie many.heacy doctor's bills. It Is by the judi- cicions rye of such articles of diet that a roil. atittitIon may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready_ to attack wherever there is a wewk point. We may escane man,: a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fordfled with pure blood and a properlv norlished frame." -COQ serriee sasese.-soia only in Pack( labelled --Jswes EPPS tt Co., HOMarepath'e Chemists, London. Eng."-Altio makers cf Eppe's Choeolate Essence for afternoon UPC. 17.11 8TRAVVBERRY HAS KESIoVE1) His *sz•I Cures Cholera,Cholerrt Morbus,Cy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick - nese and Summer Complaint; also Cholera Infantunt, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying of gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and -foal humors of the secretions; at the same time Cm Acidity of the BtomarA curiZet& = eMetidLHaches, Dia - urn. Constipation. Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dim- ness ofVhdon.Ja dice. Balt Rheum rFluttering of thEria=''Nervonsness and General Debility; all these and many other simi. lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of RUMOR' BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1. For sale hy all dealers. T. MILIKEJI dt CO, Preprieilem Toronto HOP;BITTERS. (• Metkene, nos a Drink.) CONTAINS BOP., 'Weill; MANDRAKE. DANDELION. At. lb TRH Prism. axo Deer Mantest.QT visa or ALL (mina ilirrasa. • CITIZE All‘Plaesters of theStomach. Rowels, Dined L:rt-r. ',Weep.. and Urinary Organs. Ner- votianosa,Sleepicsaneasand especially Ffflaale Complaints. $1000 IN COLD. Will he paid for a case they will not cure or lp. Of for anything Impure or Injurious found In them. Apic ',one druggist for Hop Hitters and try Oran before you sleep. Take se Other. D. fe an abeolute and Ir-re.tMthleeure for orunkeuesa, use of opfam, tobacco and narcotics. ISMen sox ciactrias. All mho,* *old by elraWsk. Hey Utters blip. Co., Rochester, W. T., A oat C10CMFL7SII•TMSS To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him. where he will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES AS _ T. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. CSTRA.C1-11 I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. MR_ D. FERO-T.380N VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of said Stock, as well as tny own oinal Stock. was bought berme the Advent, of Hardware. I an therefore in a position to sell Cheaper Dias any ether Mame In the county. MY STOCK OF Farmers', Builders', & General Hardware IS COMPLETE which I want is run off quickly. COMZ AND BIM AT 81708 PRIORS AS WILL IILIIASK TO. Fresh G -round Water Lime in Stook.. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. 1751-4rn. W_ ILL0=1•1-Zi EURON CARRIAGE 'WORKS. T. 86 J. STORY, ISUCCE8SORS TO JOHN KNOX), MANUFACTCRERP OF LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory W0111,1881-1882. TO BE PUBLISHED 11.4 NOVIMBER 1101. Price IP. Oa. LOVILL. at the request of several DI Mordants and others of the Province of Ontario of the City of Moutreal. Re,. bete_ 10 Saa0OXIO0 Oat Ida Arm wit_ pettish a PRO- VINCI' OP ON.TARIO DIREORY. la No- vember neat. containing: an Alphabe:ical Directory AND • THOROUGH Classified Business Directory 51 110 30.105.5 5.4 Profeeelosal awe le the Oletes. Towns, sat Villages el (Marie. with • 4Thassifled Business Directory 0. TEM CITY OF MONTREAL Ts. same rare aad attention bestowed en Ihs Dentales asta Provinctal Directories at WA will be give' to this work. tabsegthere amass reepectfeity setictesd. Tomas of Ad. mettelng mode knows eves applleselem JOHN LOVELL It 100Litasiirs. Illeatesal Dee. I. Cheyenne and Drietriata. re, NW by .9 A II PA ‘‘ newt, Owiarie Rave**, C1 q acc_ acc_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch, and at Ilene. onable Rates. Call and examine before. purchasing elsewhere. - tft t7- Sell °It HAMILTON STREET. I KNOS.'S OLB SIND. GRAND CLEARING SALE F Boots and Shoes, -A T - CAMPBELL'S BOOT and SHOE EMPORItt FoR E MONTH. Previous to took taking. MY Stook is Large and well-sesorted. GREAT BARGAINS will be given. TriMiTaUCS CeiamigleTZ WM. CAMPBELL Gederieb. Jan. 111, 1881' 110 .........-es••••••••••••1•1•11WWWW•Plat••• •