HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-01-07, Page 4TkU4 BliU88111$ POST, T.311.USiS1,8, .anAnt, ef OM% "10..0 la../...0.11 •••••••••", .....4••••••• r 1...we*? • ....won 1...? ;1. 1 4.itt0,4Y„ 1971 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT, MIKE HODGERT and the TRI-TONES et Exeter FRIDAY and SATURDAY We flIATUNit Timm, Mpart f#ibi gird ii41410. NolgoonnornwevitorwomonomitontraorftmOnevoiti, '"nstiON't " "t, Half Phille LISTOWEL DRY CLEANERS ANNUAL SALE 20%DISCOUNT Starts Monday, Jan. 1 1 th FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY OUR AGENTS IN YOUR AREA ARE: 'BRUSSELS CLARENCE 'PEGELOW STORE ETHEL WEBER' S GENERAL STORE motrgwoRTH ot.NERAL • DerowilacicaratatragAsk"voatat,twoivoorsroattsitilat ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY.'S HAVE.N QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS SMOKEY DUNN'S HILLBiLLy, STAGE SHOW FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT Menu: Barbacued Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chicken and Chips l-e-iteeeie4V-leteWeeliettatEteei:Meig-IeXICLICe===1C,VCW=WeeMICklielN•tel DRIVERS NEEDED Train now to drive semi truck, focal and over the road. Diesel or gas; experienee helpful but not necessary. You can earn over $4.00 per hour after short train- ing. 'ror application and interview call 416-362.4002, or write Safety Dept., Transport Training Sy- stems of Canada, Ltd., 20? Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario, Canada. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ,JOHN EVERETT LOCKING, deceased AT41., persons having dahlia ageinst the estate of John. 'Everett Locking, late of the Township or. Grey in the County of Huron; farmer, who died on or about the 24th day of November, 197" are hereby notified to send partical• ars of same to the undersigned On or before the 14th day of January, AD,. 1971, after which .date the estate will be distributed -With re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 14th day of December, 1970. CRAWFORD' & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrato) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of EDITH MARY RAYMOND, deceased ALL persons having , ciaiMs against the estate of, Edith 1),Iary Raymond, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Buroti, Widow, evliedied or about the 26th day of NoveMber, 1970, are hereby notified to send particulars at same to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of January, A.L. 1971, after which date the estate will he distributed with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATIM at Brussels this 14th day of December, 1970. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator' YOUR REPRESENTATIVE. For Confederation Life ip this area contact; Stu Kelly, Mitchell, Ontario, Tel,. 348-881.0 FOR SALE , Registered • holstein Bull, 21 months old. John Boneeeliansker 887.5870 FQR SALE _- 2 pair Boy's skates, sizes 4 and 6; also g girl's Winter Coats, size 10, also pair of boy's oxfords size 4, John Bonesehansker 8874870 DON'T SIT AT HOME and let life miss you by. Sell AVON. Make new friends and enjoy high profits too. 'Write or call collect, evening, Mrs. 'IMillson, 17 ha.wkesbury Ave., London, 451-0541 GENERAL OFFICE STAFF Applications in 'writing will be received end interviews arranged by the 'undersigned for a clerk- typist for employment in the Children's Aid Society office at Goderich. Please include details of qualifications, experience, and When available, Salary range - $3,300 - $4,200 de- . pending on experience. Attractive employee benefits. John G. Berry Clerk-Treasurer & Administrator, County of Huron,' Court House Goderich, Ont. WALTON (continued from Mtge one) ban), also Visited at the same home. Mr. an Mrs, Win, Thainer and family, Mrs. John. -Campbell of Seaforth, and Mr. end Mrs. Volker Hertl ein, London, spent Christ- Mas with MiSs Pearl Thanier. Christmas Day euests with Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Mitchell and, family Were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, and Mrs. J. FT. Storey Seaforth, Misses Luella. Mitchell and Elizabeth Dickson and Jacb Mitchell of Brussele. Mr, and Mrs. John Currie, Cheryl and Rhonda, and Donald Currie, Omnipion, spent a. few days of the holiday week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan MeCall lance Beverly. Mr. and Ale's. Volker Hertleiri, London, spent several, day,sOf the holidays With the tatter's mint, Miss Pearl Theltier. Mr. and RAY `Htiether, Steven and John ,had Christmas dinner neatly evening With Mr. and Mrs. Watson Webster and tamil; Varna. Mt, and Mi'S Horace Rutledge and, family; toridhgt, and Atte, Margaret Ilttniphties; Welton, Spent .,'ChriSititte bair With Mi's. Roy 'ennett ;.%At's, Rachel Walters and Larry, Seaforth, visited With Mr, and Mrs, Willie Achilles la .et week, Mr; end 171.4, Allan McCall and nexerly, and ',4411 SteveNieri virittO with taw Mrs, IrarrY Snell 11110 fainilSt RR 7,a tealdeti4 :4'ett0 V011114, till',. ill. 31iiitXy'll:l'It'N and family joined • with the Me- Donald families at the Teeswater hall on Boxing Day. • New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDonald were, Mr. and Mrs Murray huther and family of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Krauter of Atwood, Mr, and Mrs • Don McDonald and family, Mr and Mrs. ken McDonald and fam- ily, -and Mr. and. Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald' end family. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie, Achilles spent New Year's Day.. with Mr. and MT's, Jerry Achilles and fam- ily, of Fergus. Mr.. and irs. Allan Beverly and Turn Stevenson were guests Saturday evening of . .alr and Mrs. jim RR Bbrtli, Mrs. Gertie Bewrzily, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yuji] visited Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley and family. Mr. and Mrs. W Stutz, Water- loo spent. Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. '1'. Dundas. Mrs. PeLe McDonald spent New 'Years Day 'with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Badley. and family of .RR 3, Wall in. Lester Doug Mitchell was holi- daylag .1:017 a few days last week wit.: his grandparents Mr. and Mri. Wilmer Cuthill of Seaforth, feuests with Mr. and leirs.Stew- art Humphries for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Hum- phries and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Humphries and family of London who remained for the • week's holidays. Mrs. Jean Miller spent Christ- mas Day with Mr, and Aire. Win, Mr:Taggart or Goderich. • Christmas guests with Mrs. Russel Marks were elr, and Mrs. Lawrence Marks of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Traviss and Linda and mt. and Mr's. Nelson Marks and family. Mrs. Laura Meehan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Machan and family of Sarnia spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid Mrs. W. C. Hackwell spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack elellwain, Seaforth. Christmas guests wih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mason and family, •• and Archie Mason, Blyth, 7.11.r. and Mrs. Jim Riordan and faintly of Strathroy and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blake, RR 3, Walton. - Mr. Forest McKay spent Christ- mas •• with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cardiff, Ethel and New Years at his sister's, Mrs. Elgin. Dewar of. AtWeed. Mrs, and Mrs. Alvin Still-ore, Stratford, spent Sunday with mr.. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Don't forget the euchre party in the community hall, Friday, .Ian. S. 'Lunch will. be served NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF CHARTER The Brussels Driving Park Association Limited NOTICE IS 'HEREBY G1V.IN that TT-Uri BRUSSELS DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION LIMITED intends to surrender its Charter to the Lieutenant-Governor and to distribute its assets rateably' amongst its Shareholders as tuck dental thereto, DATED at London, Ontario, this 1.6th day of December, 1970. JOSEPH A. NVIN'y ER • Secretary 'Ties, above ad appeared in the London Free Press On December 22nd. There are those who believe this is of vital importance to the 'Village of Brussels and letters of comment and opinion are invited. All letters must he signed but. names will be kept confidential if so requested. Mail letters to Box .Brussels. (Paid Advertisement) ATWOOD CAL-RAY SHOPPE JANUARY SALE 20% OFF On All Merchandise SPECIALS TO CLEAR AT HALF-PRICE We carry a full line of Ladies', Men's and Children's Wear Ladies' Dresses, Half Sizes up to 24 1/2 SNOWMOBILE SUIT'S, and SHOES SALE NOW ON Open Saturday Night Until 10 p.m. Norm and Grace Coghlin, Prop. WANTED — Lady or gentleman pensioner for boarder. Call 8874343 STRAYED DOG Anyone proving this property and paying this ad may have same. Apply to 887-9200 FOR SALE — 1 Nearly new, color T.V. Meehan leardwaee, Brussels. Ont, Phone SS7-6525 PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR SPRAY PAINTING Paper Hanging Free Estimates RICHARD GILL R.R. 3 Walton 887.6596 FOR RENT MOVING LOCAL AND ion; distance .. eacking and storage if required. tree estimates. Phone (ilenn Cerinigharn 356-270e Atwood REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guai.anteea service to all types. complete Apliance repairs at. BURKE ELECTRIC Wingham - 357-2450 Electrical Contractors -Appliancee - Motor Rewind, 24 hour emergen- cy service. EXTRA INCOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME Flexible hours, pleasant dignifies work. Want a better home? New car? Colour television? New ward- robe? You name it and we will help you attain it. Free Details. No obligation. Apply to: Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, phone 357-1383. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer efficient, courtesy, same day, service 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Phone Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70