HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1971-01-07, Page 11,!.!!'"p:,•,. 15!,`5,7.,•:110.
12.60 A Year In Advance — $3,50 TO U.S.A. TH30 11141161.1elilfsel T•11-1.7 RSDAY, ,JAN, 7th, 1.911'. POST lealiLiSHINGI HOUSE.
Holiday Visitors
Chrietnies Day visitors with mr,
and Miss. Earl Watson.were Mr.
and Mrs„Tainos Sanderson and
Beiats, AVroxeter; Mr. and Mrs.
Dave. Sandereon, Londoe and
,Jamey Sanderson of Torpilfse
Mr.. and MrS.• Fred Dunk visited
6srCheistmas with their ,son and
fancily, Mi. and Mrs, David Dunk
Mi and Mrs. Erni Mills spent
ChrietMaS.Day with Mr. and. Mrs,
Stneray end family of ..Brant-
ford. ihen to Burlington to spend
the ,holiday weekend at the ,home
Of Or's. Jean. and Gerd Westehrnate
Mr. and Mrs Gordon Alarray and
Susan . spent Christmas Day with
Gladys, Ida and Rose Leiper, at
their home in Millet Township. •
Messrs. Charlie Murray, Tom
Stevenson, Barry Currie and Doug
Currie spent Christmas Day at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Mr and Mrs.Ed Fischer of the
Corner Restaurant spent, a Christ-
mas holiday with Mrs. Fischer's
father and stepmother, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Howes of Mount
Forest. •
Rev. and Mrs l)ocken visited
over the holiday season with their
families in Kitchener and Blen-
heim. and London, also spending
several days at their cottage.
Miss Patsy Badley spent sev-
eral days of the holiday season
with her grandmother, Mrs. Pete
McDonald in the village.
Boxing DaY guests' with Mr. and
Mrs. Rollie Achilles and Ann were
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles and
daughter of Fergus. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Taylor and family,. Strafe
and Mr and Mrs. Don Achilles and
family, Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. "Herb Kirkby and
Steven, 'Woodstock, and Mr.
Frank Kirkby, Walton, spent
Christmas Day With Mr. and Mrs,
Douglas Kirkby and family.
Miss Judy Clark, London, spent
the holiday weekend with Mr, and
Mrs, Harold Snialldon.
Mr. and Mrs Jim McCall told
'Sutati, of .,AR 1, BlYth, and D•rvid
LOnden were Boxing Day
aneets at the ilente of Mr. and,
Mrs. Allan McCall,
Christmas Day gueste With Mr.
and Mrs. Herb 'Traviss and Gail
were: Mrs. 'Frank Sellers of Wing-
ham, Mrs, Harvey Treviss, Sea-
forth, Mr! and Mrs, Stanley
Jackson, Kipper', Miss Lois Jack•
son, London, Dr, and Mrs. Brian
Traviss, Hamilton, and Mrs. Hilda
Sellars of Seatorth.
Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Ennis and
faMily of Whitby and Mr, and
Mrs. David Freethy and Randy
spent. the Chriatmas and New
Year holiday with their parents
Mr. and Mrs, Doug Ennis.
Mt. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald
-and. Lytle spent Over ChristMas
with Mrs. lean MeGale and family
aiid. Mes, John McDonald, Tototitie
Mrs. Walter Broadfoot and Miss
Love of Toronto spent
Christmas Day with their sister',
Mr's. Win. Leming, Seeforth,
Miss Ann Achilles left Malton
air port last Thursday for Cali-
fornia. where 'elle will Spend the
next three weeks holidaying. She
was accompanied Mrs, Jean
Turner of Varna
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCall and
Bill spent Christnies With Mrs.
Liede Scott, Ab and Bob Within
pr011it(ifi, 'grille WAWA tat:
OlOttlitlf60 .4 POW hall]]
John Hoover London was as
Christmas holiday visitor with
his perente Mr, and MN, Norman
MO, Wes Kerr was'a. Christmas
guest With her son Simard; and
family of Guelph.
,Mis and MI.'S, Roy 'Purvey were
GliiistinaS visitors With Mr, and
Mrs, Wm., McTaggart, GOddrich.
Murray Pipe, eon. of Mr. and
Mrs, john Pipe,-who Was a patient
ill Winghani Hospital rettirri ed
ho me. on SaturdaY.
Mr, arid Mrs. Lyle Brothersf o
Scarborough were holiday Visit-
ors with Miss M. Skelton.
Mies Yonne MeC teheon.
daughter of Mr e and Mrs, George
McCuticheon lihs• returned. to
Guelph University after spending
the holidays at home,
Her many friends are pleased to
hear that Mrs. James Bryana is
reported as slightly improved in
Victoria :Hospital, London.
Pte, Michael Kernaghan of
Camp Borden, Ont., spent the
holiday season at the home or his
aorents. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
Kern agh a a.
'Mrs. James Armstrong Sr„ is
spending some time with her
daughter, M.rs. Wilson Tibbo .and
family, Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rice and
daughter • 'Shannon, • Kitchener,
were Christmas guests of .Taack
and rsthe, McCutcheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lahn of
T-Tflilover. were holiday visitors
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Smith.
Murray McDonald, son of Mrs.
T. L. McDonald has returned to
his studies at Waterloo Univer.
sity after holidaying at home.
Mr. and Mrs, Clair Burrows and
Mr. and "Mrs. C. Haberrneh I, all of
FTespler, Were New Years visitors
with Mrs. G. CbidloW.
Mr. and Mrs, 11.Onis 'Mel and,
fancily, Ingersoll, and. Mr. 'and
Mrs. Roy Darst of Walkerton were
holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Me Glitch eon ,
Mr and Mrs. R. W. :Kennedy
were Christmas guests of his
brether Hugh and Mrs: Kennedy,
(continued ..on inside page)
Rev. Salmi& Kerr, Exeter.
Occupied the pulpit in Knox
Church on 'Stinday afternoon at
1:30, Mr. Kerr will be the minister
on January 1,0th at the same time.
Rev, C. A. Winn is reported mak-
ing. favourable progress and hopes
to be back in the pulpit shOrtly.
Miss Kate McNabb. Temiska-
ming. spent the holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. Martin McDonald.
,Cameron, Marshall and friend,
Chatham, N, j., spent a. few days
last Week With Mrs. Calvin
Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Cameron and family.
Miss Nanny Strickler and
friend. London, Visited Mr,- and.
Mrs. Wilfred Stricklet:
Mc' and Mrs. Gordon Switzer,
Deanisville, were. week-end visit-
ors With Mrs. Mac Engel. Oh Sun-
day Mrs. W. Engel, Ruth, and
Wayne Tirums, Stratford visited
at the same home
The .Cranbrook I. are hold-
ing their January meeting in the
CoMmunity Centre on Tuesday
eVenIng„Tatreary 12. There will be
kl :411(gt.11rierilat' fe-11,10'Weil by Orb,
11', fin Nnit't `-io,T11
Following the final practice ie
1970, Mary and :reek Bryens
entertained the choir members •of
Brussels United Church, with
their husbands Red wives, about
50 in all, in their home,
A delicious sfnorgaebord dinner
was ezefoyed l'ofloived fry' a earol
Joseph Turnbull, who has been
a resident of the callander Mus-
ing- Home for the past five years,
died in Winghath tied District
Hospital at the age of 02 yearS,
'He is snrviVed ,by .one sister.
Mrs. W. E. Hatton. of Ottawra, .
The funeral service was held
front the j1T. L. Watts Funeral
Brussels. at 11. asin, on
Thursday, beceifiber 31st. The
Rev. K. Stokes of St, john's Ang-
lican. Church officiated.
. ,
Interment in Brussels cemetery.
Pallbearers were Ross Duncan,
D. A. Rana. Roy Cousins. Keith
Russell James Annett of Finis-
sole'. died Tuesday. December 29th
in Wingham and District Hospital.
Be was Si) years or age.
Born in Grey Township, he lived
in this area, all his life. farming
hefore retiring in Brussels irr 1900.
Ile is survived by his wife, the
former Mary Etta MacT)onald:
one daughter. Mrs. Te (Vernal
Croeier of Ethel: one 500. 'Harold.
of Kitimat, :B.C.: a brother. Albert
of Wadina, Sask.: also five gramt,
children anti two great grand'
The funeral seri'ice Was held
from 'the M. L, Watts Fueeral
Home Bruesels, on Thursday,
December 31St at 1.:30 p.m, Rev,
C. A. MeCarroll officiated:
Temporary entombment in the
Brnssels T3urial Chapel. Interment
later in Ethel ,cemetery.,
Pallbearers 'were Norman
Goughlin, Stanley MacDonald, Bill
Vine; Chester Earl, Sam Beirnes;
and Jim ..Acheson.
Leelie H. fleirnes of Winghara
died Friday, December '11th, 1970,
in the "Wingham and District
Hospital following a brief illness,
'He was 77.
Mr. Beirnes Was a native Of
Grey Township, a son of the late
Francis : and Margaret, Beirnes. He
was educated ita Elma Township
and fanned in Morris Township
until his retirement in 1908.
He was predeceeeed. by his wife,
the former Pearl Susan Ald wortle
in June 1970.
Survivieg are one sister, Mrs.
Lottie Casliek of Stratford and
one brother. Harvey of Gadshill,
The body rested at the Walker
Funeral Home, Winglinne where
Rev. THC, Armstrong conducted the
funeral service 'Monday at 2 pen.
interment was in. Brussels Burial.
Pallbearers wore Mel McArter,
Gerald. McArter. Ray Fesehe's
sklitiVorth , David Aldworth,
tied HiSteld AldWertil, r1owor
T1tI'11 tail vol$ onogifim it.p4 IMO •
life-long resident of 41,.)
munity passed away at, the age of
84 years, at Thironview, Clinton,
ou. Saturday, December "6th, ;liter
arrr illness of two years,
Born in Morris Township, he
farmed there until retiring to
Brussels in 1946. He was active
in municipal affairs for a number
of years, He served his native
township as councillor and Reeve.
rim earlier years he was an enthus-
iastic sportsman, and was a.
Member of the BrnsSels champion-
ship football' team.
His wife, the former Rachael
Smith. predeceased him. on July
23rd, .1955. He was also predeceas-
ed by three brothers.
Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs Paul (Velma) Hastings of
Eespler; two sons, Ross of T-3ruS-
sels and Donald or Kitchener'; one
sister, 'Mrs. Nesbit (Gertrude)
Harriilton of Atwood; eight
grandchildren and two great-
The funeral service was held at
2 p.m. on Saturday, December
29th, f!.oin the AL L. Watts Fun-
eral Home. Brussels. Rev, C.' A.
McCarron tit Melville Presby-
terian Church, officiated. Terapor-
rary entombnient was in Brussels
Burial Chapel.
Pallbearers were Jack Lowe,
Clarence Ronnenherg, Ned Itut-
l edge, Thomas Mill or. Prank
Carter, George Thornton.
Flower' bearers: Dell'in East,
logs, Dwight Duncan.
Following a short illness
Margaret Mary Grainger passed
away suddenly at the home of her
only daughter, Mrs. Jean Work-
man, Brussels, Monday, Decemb-
er 28th, in her 80th year.
Born in Howick Township, ebe
was the daughter of the late
Robert Earls and his wife
Jeannette Wallace of DonnybroOk.
The former Margaret Earls was
united in marriage to the lete
Fleming Grainger fifty-one years
ego. Mr. GI-singer passed away
five years ago. They had lived
their entire married life on the.
first concession of Grey Township-
After the death of her husband
Mrs. Grainger mOVed to Brussels:
SurviVing are one daughter and
four sisters, Mrs. Mary King
'Mrs. Jean ;1.1.0cDonald and Mrs.
Lillian Hastie. all of Gorrie, and
mrs. "Nebel Miller of Wroxeter.
She was predeceased by twe
hyalite's and one Sister., Also
surviving are three geandchildren,
Lynne, Murray and Don Work-
Grainger received leer edu-
cation in Wroxeter and graduated
as a Registered Nurse from Tor-
onto Western Hospital fifty-three
years ago.
She rested at the M. L. Watts
ninerlil lime, Brussels, until
Wednesday, 1/esienilser 30, The
Rev. K, Stokes conducted the
funeral service in St. John's
Anglione Church. Brussels. al
2 p.m. -Wednesday.
Tempornry entombment took
Place in Brussels Burial Chapel
with spring interment in Moles-
worth c'emeter'y,
Pallbearers were' :Harry Bolger.
Harvey Bradshaw, John Joheston,
'Wm. H. King, Glenn MeKereher.
Jtick Tarn,
triblItes Were etirl'Hd
Mr and MrS. 1.3eruard Ten Pas',
R,R. 2, I31tieVale, .marked their
35th wedding anniversary with a
delicious dinner at the New
American Hotel in Brussels, on
Monday evening, December 29th,.
To help them celebrate this
occasion were Mr. and Mrs. John
Eesselink and son, Albert and.
Mrs. Te Winkel of Drayton, Hank
and Agnes. Ten Pas, Al and Mary.
Ten Pits of Brussels, 'Maas and.
Teresa De Vries of Listowel, Hank'
and Wilma Mulder of Guelph,
Reid and Dianne Hackwell of
.Exeter, Ben and Chris Ten Pas of
Brussels, and six of the oldest 14
The evening was very much
enjoyed by everyone.
Calling All Boys To
Join Cubs And Scouts
Cult and Scout Troops are being
sponsored in Brussels by the Bette,.
sels Lions, Al Harvey is the Scout
Leader and Doug Callender, Cubs.
beatings are held in the Brus-
sels Public School at 7:30. Cubs
on Wednesday and Scouts on
Thursday evening.
Boys are urged to join. This
world • wide organization is
most: interesting and offers many
opportunities in exciting adven,
titres It also helps to develop
characteristics of a good citizen.
The firs( local mixed bonspiel
way;oic.0(likc.:ld in the arena on Decemb,
o'clock and 1.1.
er 30 with 1(1 rinks competing in
the two draws at
The winners were as 'follows:
9 O'clock Draw
1 st: Ralph Pearson, 3 wins pins 10
2nL D. A. Bann 3 Wins pine 4
3rd: Hugh Pearson 2; Wits plus 3
Consolation; Glen ,..Rathwell
11 O'clock Draw
1st: Neil HeMingway 8" wins
2nd. Jack McDonald 2' Wins1pu 1 u : 1. 02
Ross Veitch 2 wins phis
Conselaation; Max Oldfield
Winners of the Residential and.
Contniereial Christmas- Decoration
Competition will be atittouneed
tiering Brussels "Polnr Daize"
All residents are. asked to leave
their colored lights and Christmae
decoration in place nutil after the
"Polar Mize" festivities,
\SAVE 50c
The Brussels Post, is forced to
increase their subscriptiou rate
10 per week commencing Pebrit,
au 1st, 1971_ owing In the advance,
in the cost of paper and a dozen
ether thing's. The Post will be
3.0 0 per year in Canada and $4.00
per year ill the IT.S. Single copies
will he. 10c. It. will still be. the
lowest priced weekly paper in.
Huron County. Subscribe before
Feb. 1St and save,
Th6 titunep imbgerihers three
,tinothm arni raorft in tatourq