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;;;1 --1-17r
52.50 A ear I
n Advance — $3,50 id b.§.11, IRV MAURO ttok, P981% THURSDAY, DEC. 24th, 1976' POST P0131..4S111NO TIOT,I,Sli; •
Dr. Brian and Mrs, Tr4visF; of
Hamilton spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Travis) and
nail: Mrs. Hilda Sellers Of Sea.
forth Alt() vigited at the Salim
to tt$Poi:i.,
butidag ithiti to
1.4st Fl icla.v iFoin
1P.,,.140,1,,Weest. a iiatieili; folidWing
an operation. •
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Don 'Nolan on the arrival of their
daughter in Wingham Hospital
on Friday, December 18,
The Christmas Service was
held in Duff's 'United Church on
Sunday morning with the thin,
ister, Rev, D. Docken In the pulpit,
Christmas Carols -Were snug and
the choir rendered a Special
Christmas anthem with the. otgaii:
1st Mrs. Ian Winiee accompanying
at the organ. A special ChriStrilaS
Rye SorVitte Will he held Thurs-
day. Dee, 24 at Sllfi at Dates
The 1.5.•gulai AerNiice on ',i,.=liritciay
IS .to
rstbSe,Oes Of;
Crt611. On the firSi. 'Sunda..(r of
the New Year, January 3, "World
Wide Communion" will be observ-
73.&, and Mrs. Docker enter-
tained the members of the NNtiaton
their on Thursday t'Senitig, ft-0;
lowing the regular choir prattle}.
thilis Hold Christmas Meetling
(I f- C a on ,nit o the U. .C.
was held Thursday evening in the
Yuletide decorated basement of
Duff's TTnited Church in the
-form of Christmas dinner at
7 p.m Mrs. Don Achilles leader -0'f
the losing Aide of the Conner
Contest. ofitntil
Weteon'llng- AW•O'nhe nha itev..
botken followed with A
delitions smorgasbord dinner' ieas
gti @tits, after which in dschafi• ii.
ti ft iftS took piace with MrM. Tan
f'ilbeis Mrs. 0,9r4oii Murray , and
Afkitait apiipitiied to be
iii Charge. Doti AChilles itiid
Mac Sholdice isd in the de-
1'otional Period. Phrisim a YiyninFi
Wiire Sung with Mrs. 10.e .Httether
Mr@, Stioldiee_reat1
tiiliaerl .yersion of the "Story..ef
the Nativity" and Mrs; ,Aehelles
led in brayer, Mrs, Gerald Watson.
f ,011(1.1/0.0d j.h butiluess period,
thanking lilt , who .belped in the
ilvetsins. _and tholie beining at thq
the hmeheon,followin the funeral
;'.31' IJIt slat;:'1 Mrs., George nirkbY,
1. thhfik4'oti •Oiiiql Wag ttital
!Org. jAan (Roe) Racho, Mrs,
}"rod Dunk volunteered to be the
assistant for out' unit meeting to
help to prepare the May and Oct
oher bales for the needy. An In-
vitation was announced front
Brussels PresbYterian Church to
attend their special meeting on
Tuesday evening. Our May meet-
ing in 1071 will be a Joint meeting
wilt all members. The A T1 "
nual report, is to include irt nieni-
ory of whom the choir music is
provided. The Set-4)0ms, prayers.
topics and lunch tickets for the
coining year Were giv;sit ont.11i.s:
Ron Bennett and Mrs. .TaMes
Nark tire* the names for theit>
side in the Copper Contst for 1971.
Mry, Gerald Wesou dosed the
Ile-41/11g WW1 prayer.
-ylcisntinIld •Page),
Hat'e ft 011-4 Ott titiftlW
W.M.S. Eyeiring Group
The Evening Group of the
W.M.S. held their regular monthly
meeting at home of Mrs. Stuart
Stever-1On. Mri. jack Knight
SirdSident, opened the Meeting
With 'was; i be a Candle", follow-
ad by singing of a hymn. Airs,
'Pfeifer` read from Tlatt.
2.: 1-5, gsli hint background to
'S 1-6 ad bY Mrs,
Pftiili3r,b34 ,t11.
prayer and had the' toiiit.;
"Just one • small candle" •ai.id
"Trouble at• the Inn"-, ;Sirs. jack
Knight. gave a. -reading "Pattern
of Love"'. A Christmas verse was
given for roll call and there was
11 small gift exchange, The elec.-
Bon of officers resulted in the
following slate of ofE.kera:
President Mrg. Stewart SteisS
Viazgreg. • Mrs. Jim Knight
Secretati, ....as MPS. Gordon. Engel
Tr(Sas. Mrs: Sttitot Stsivenson
Prietidahip Gild
.. Meg, Leslie Knight
Auditorg dint knight;
,lack Kriigllt.
, tiro-' ieere guiig. Mrs:
Gold Knight assisted the host,
Newlyweds Honore
A -farge crowd attended the
presentation for Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Fischer (Linda. Johnson)
on Saturday evening M. the Corn-
inanity Centre. An address was
read by and the
MO'? ti err Veseiited *WI it
piius of ifionOY by boriald Peelifd.
ft Proirided
for 016 danAtig. .
Tire Euight families,
Pre-Christmas get-togeth er • • on
Sunday at the home. of. Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Knight, Toronto. At-
...tending from this area were Mr.
and Mils JIM . 'Knights- •-•:fir, and
IY1.9, :lank 'Knight, Mr. and Mrs,
Lesiib fat-hi:116M:
lli'ss'Nfarie Veiteis. Centralia, is
Spending the liolida.ys at the hothe
of h&j. tiai4ints, Mr.. and Mrs. Clare
gilireman, Bright,
trig MF. and Mr.g. Wilerdd
fsadiSIZs of Groups
were guests oe•Melviild Charei fof
their .Christmas ineediiSf.
HbLiatkie: SEASON
'Tile""' l';TJefitief
season was held in- the- ' s
Legion on Wednesday. Deeerilbi!l.
16th, The meeting opened •9.t 7:30
with president Orval Bower in the
ash* and thirty-two interested
Stlistriiiobilers in attendance. Con-
Statile Ron 11011 of the Wingham
OOP' was the guest speaker and
t3i'ii` ilk the es elifng• Wag c1s.11ed
rfP4g Jrizi.riis times to aiiswOr gues-
t Ion ShoWrit obilfrig
safety and within .hill *stile
of the more important lasyS
1. Driver must be lf.; years old
a:Mt-have a„dri V Or s permit.
2. Snowmobile may lie driteir-9n,-
the Highway if they 4,ire dicenced
and are insured. Highway means
feline. to fence.
'J. Any occident or damage of
jiroperty of over it:1200.00 must be
reported to the 01513 . Mao any
:q.egistered owner is respon-
sible for his niach.lnq ttillesg it has
been reported missing.
5. 'Unnecessary noise cati
ih the owner or driver Of the
Anowitinbile being charged with
Causing a fitWilrhances
.6. Any offence happening on
private property is the re"snotiails•
try of the owner of the. snos.(S-
iim.fille and be is liable 'under the
Canada Criminal Code.
7. An offerioe happening on the
streets or HighWaYa Is punishable
under the. Ontario .11igliways Traf-
fic: Act and is no different than
when driving a car.
Jack McCutcheon made a few
suggestions which might help to
kilep stiowntoblles under control
Within the -village.
1, Curfew at a certain hour each
night and. Sunday mornings dur-
ing church hours.
2. Slow down on village. streets.
S. Regular meetings oil the.
4, Large numbers on the sides
of all snowmohiles for gni:CS;
M'ark . dangerous objects and
dangerous areas.
6. 1i5C common
Next meeting. Brussels ,Legion,
Wednesday, December '?"rd, 7 'Stn.
littppy, (.."hristroas and a
leeo,j, to All 91#.
Stiimeribitvi hog-toei.
Brussels Public School
Presents Christmas -Concert
To Pacica Auditorium
The annual Christina:; Concert-
of the Brussels Public School Wag'
held in the school auditorium on
Monday night, December 21st.
to a packed house of appreciative
Bob Cunningham of Ethel was
the capable master of ceremoniee.
The program opened with two
choruses by the Junior Choir, The
Kindergarten deeoratod u beauti-
ful .C.hristmas tree, as they sang
an appropriate song.
:Grade one presented "Christmas
(labors" With fairies, elves, snow.
.fiiikOS; candles, bells and the
CyuritiMia§ War. All took part.
The"l'f:t'Jii operetta,
with ' all the Potts' faking part,
was presented liy Ot.ifde two.
Cathy ShOldice the capItiM feadmr!
for the rhythm band overCuYe.
The characters in the play in-
eluded 'Patricia Havensan as
Mother Rabbit; Brian TenPas
Peter Ralthlt; Johnny Stroop as
Mr. NleGionigle; tfarold Kurnis as
scarecrow and D (Mile Prior.
Karen Johnston and Karon
McLean, the Rabbit girls. &NW
,children were Flowers and Vege--
Grades three and four followed
he operetta "Snow White
ge-s:-Fiti Dwarfs", Dianne
Steph611E6i;, tiorfrayed
White n .0.1h ifstAl rtSni7e.
Grades five and six dell'ivered
"Jacques Cartier Meets the
which was quite Boiiniti
Richmond played the 'role . of
;Jacques Cartier.
Grade seven pupils emphasized
the real .tneaning of Christmas
waif (he well loved carols. Sol-
(Mg 'Were Marie Lichty, and
• Mtiel:Ttlf•E rein da Kingsbury,
Jackie .Rcrviffifitoy -.ariti Marga-ret
tibe• (-1hrigtrrias
l li dione,:e was aiptik4 fir
Hugh Nichol and. Bruce Jermyn,.
Grade eight., tried to find a house-
keeper in, "Wanted A House-
keeper". Barbara .Elliott,„ Linda
Mails Debbie Keffer, 'Janet Car-
diff and Susan Budnark took the
other parts. •
The Senior students displayed
their skills iu gymnastics,
Proceeds of this canopyt will
be used to purchase • new equip-
ment for • use in. the auditorium,
games for the pupils, .classroom
aftim and eXpeuse,5 .ittcarred as
result of the concert.
firs, Finnigan, Winghant
Dort Laurie '
Mrs. Richard Jaoklin
Jackie Logan
Mrs. George ,Hislop
Mrs. Simpson
•M rs. Fred Ohms,, Witighntn
Anne Bosman
:Jim Smith
Jla rold Bolger
AuS tett, Witigham
Joyce Cordon
:firs. George. :Hisinp
Rick Setinniirs
Kath sins 'Tolima
• Specials
Dorothy Mc.Arier
Mrs, Abe Nf411,1(31''
Dale Soblile, 111.s. Riley
Doer firlte
MVO; AlVirl 14 00.;iin
004 *11
it* :$fiabi
The last meeli of the Village'
Council was held in .f.trAr Municipal
Office on December' 15th. all
members being present.
tie following motions were eat'.
Moved by H. J "renPas, second-
ed by S. L. M.cCutefieon that the
minutes of the ineetW of Nov-
ember 2, 1970 be adopted as read...
Moved by 1. G Campbell', sec-
onded by R. W. Kennedy that
Qporge McCizteheon be appointed
I,epresentative• to the' Maitland'
Conservation Authority for'
the s.:Vgins's 1971..- 72, and 1g73.
Moved by( .11L. MeCutcheon sec-
onded by 1, -CP. -Campbell that the
accounts as apprerf'ed be paid.
Brussels Fire Brigade
fire time 1057.00
Joan Exel 7.80•
P. C. power L45,811,'
0.M.E.E?..5.1%. 'pension
Douglas CallandS4s Nursing
Home Care 1717.1)4
Glen ,Somers, labour'
Win. H. King, voters
lists, jurors and
V.:XP V1S 9544'
IL, J,,,:iT!,,,iusins, salary and
jurors 3111..00''
VI, .1. TenPiWc,'alary 2011.00
J. G. Campbell, stigary 200,00
.1. L. McCutchoon, siet:ary .200.00
it. W. Kennedy. salary' ••200,00' •
Brussels Lions Club
dona i ion 15.011!:..
Alifcin County School
balance 1970
renniSiVon 13,
Coun ty of :fllitra is 1970
requisition • 15.836,20
Alfred Knight. laficitir 24.01
Huron County Mufo'dI
Aid, 1.971 fees sass?
Bauer Farm and Carden
Equip„ bucket and
labour t ,n7
K.e.n McDougall. mileage
aml. picking jurors .. 9,0p
f.fridg.e 'Motors, gas 21.45
Natetiee Pegelow, drugs.... 20.00
SiscLilad's gina Service
gas "7.50
Geo. Matter, fuel for
office 66.10
.1. M, Mc.Donald Lumber
Ltd., :supplies 28,76
Howard :Berne rd, fuel
for fireball 45.11
Maitland Teleservices Ltd.,
rates and tolls 55.44
Rutledge 5-1.00. 7..2:5
Brussels Canadian
Legion. wreath 15.75
Co-operative Realth
medical 109,50
Brussels P.I.T.C., light and
power 140.1'3
Cordon Stiles, oil, garbage
and salt 399.35
Gordon Nobel, planting
trees 3:18.50
Twp. Morris, grading Si"! al'e of
garbage disposal 3.352,69
Mitcham Fidwes supplies 12,33
Win. Stephenson,
supplies 22,12
Town of 'Wingham, fire
Dose repair 16.25
Glenn WI cKerch er,
digging 52.50
sail I h wester n Tree
Service. tree work 1698.01
McCuteheon Motors,
repairs ..., 37.37
Domtar Chemicals, salt 47.78
Provincial Treasurer,
insulin 2,51
Lloyd .14:et-Nigh a tt, b r a ry
ervratildilg Wm()
tiMt tgr.)
ttfith 13,1tq
Mary Lillian Alepek, of 17,N4
Wellington Street, London, died
in Victoria Hospital, London, on
Friday, December 18th. after an
illness of several months.
Born in Cardiff, Wales, she
Married Thomas C, Alcock and
came am a war bride to Canada.
atid they Wer6 residents of the
BruSsels coMniullity for a time.
She was a Nursing Supervisor
a C.P,11.1, London, Ontario Depart-
1110(11 of Health,
I-301'1.1ring besides her husband
solid Harold David and
Tlitsniat of London, and
one dai`fgrit6iv,• fieitily A ti
home.. ••,
The body rested - at
Watts Funeral Home, Brusiiefk
until 2 p.m., Monday, December
21st, when the 'funeral service was
was held at St. John's Anglican
Church, Brussels. Rev. K. Stokes
officiated. • Temporary entomb-
ment was In Brussels Burial
Pallbearers were Carl, Ken and
C. -Craher and David, Th OM as and
Jack Alcock.
_ .
Ottawa -- All Mail service if;
cancelled for Christmas Day and
New Years Day. On Saturday.
December 26 there will he no
wicket oF hlivery service. On
'Monday, December services
other than, letter carrier deliss3r,i(
including Wieket service' wilt be
determined ,according to local
On January 2nd, normal Saturn
clay service prevails, There will
be regular delivery on Mandan,
January 4th.
In non-letter carrier offices
there will be no wicket service on
Christmas, . New Years Day and
December 26th, On the 28th, ser-
vice Will be reduced •according to
loal needs. On January 2nd, 1101111.
Y service will prevail',
Kitch eller