HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-12-17, Page 1r Ilittliihtlialo01 POSIT, THURSDAY, leleC. 17th, 1970 IRO A Year In Advance — $3.50 TO U.S.A. POST PUBL1`41 ING 8:0T,TSE.- Jr. • • IT'S 'UP TO YOU A Snowmobile Club is, being form- ed In Bressele 'and it ie. hoped that ef ibe.spor1? Ira ..4"ttaOAL4)31i113 tilA . RUA r egulations,' : At 'presept some l'snewmobetr operators are not exhibiting much consideration (*others. They race ..thrpeele the.. village , at all hours of the night disturbing the pick "and put across inehte- proliertY• damaging lawna "and shrubs. They 'endanger their own and the.livesef others raeirle along the streets at all. hours. These antler; are well on • the .;w:14.0. ceasing, stringent curtitil, meat of .oneration of these, .,vehicles Within the village limits unless -there is considerable '0'00340 in the belereimir of 'the feitelittoteet MARTIN MAN MAW 1.1,D .Pie. At a Directors' Meeting follow- ing the 'Anneal Meeting of the Dieted Dairy Producers Cooper; ative in 'Guelph. *Martin T3rean of R.R. .Walton, was elected presi- dent of "U.D.P.C, Mt, Been has ;teen a, director,' of .U.D.C.P. since l9131 He is a large dairy fermere Ile has been very active in farth and co-operative organizations, :being President Of the Ontario Co-operative Development Assoc- italtin as Well Be a member of the Otuity filllf Committo, ETHE L. Mr, and Mrs. Carl 'McDonald visted Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Morse -'1' MY Mill Mts, A; Oreintier and 'OORP i4rd•-fifiliofS .411 %V iigliahi On Sunday. Sunday • evening Mr. and • Mrs.' Les Earl, Atwood entertained their family at .a pre' Christmas dinner. in the Cedar Barn, Water- lop. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dunbar; Wroxeter; Mr. and' Mee Bill Peebles, Atwood.: Mr and Mrs, Bill Searsoe, Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. Cheater 1)arl, Ricky, and.Judy, Ethel and Mr. and Mrs. Gary E.arl of Wieghtien, Euchre Party Held A euchre was held on Thursday night, 1)ee. 3rd, hi Ethel Com. •hintilty_Centre. Mrs. Chester' Earl titkd fqrs. ekiot'ge Pearson n- ecl the ,eiiefit With t.bieteeir .table', illi4ifiga Weird Wee folloeving: "efigh edor'd s Mee. I{. 13io~dti s Monkton; §QPi'e nitnt , Low Lady, Mrs. Elmer Furst, At- iiood.: Low Man, George Peerson. SpeCial girt gala ; , errs. Roy Hall; Scott McLean, 1Vlotjcri i`1' CRANBROOK Keith Purdy. Cookstown,' visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Purdy over the weekend. eild Mrs. Alex Cameron and 'family Visited' Mr. and 'Nfrs, J. Pa.riS, Michell on Sunday. 'Readers of the eratbrook Libr- tire di.e asked te eet theie•hooks for over the holiday „Wef:Ik en Sat- ulna~'. be. 19. The tibrriey Will be. cloSed the following. Setuedee, is boxing Day and will he efeitleeee jannary 2 from., 2 to CtaribtOOk WA: Mdkiiie The. Deceinber Oratebtook T. Was held at the llffin of Wiff'red Stricki Metriberi §at tioteii to s ieioue • turkey dinner; With ali the Folio-n;ing the meal a. sheet meetieg ~vas. conducted by .the ;president, Mrs, 'George, T-l'art, The minutes were read by Mrs, LeSlie Knight and the treasurer's iiepOei, was given by Mrs. Frank Work man. The roll call was ansWere by t•eading a Christmas recitation; Several glasses,,,-7ere displayed, end the members• clioire• the one ' they wished the Hall Board to pine etia.ee. Thee Mgt:tette alSoe decided to put ehetteeeeeeeseel 2stecjere for the `Flagg kitchen. The conveners of the meeting.. Mrs:- Wme•••Breitinerl-Arrs,-.GOrdetf` rtlngel, and Mrs. John Sriekler con-. 'Meted several contests one -tames. and presented a reading, Th er eew serregi teexehan geefrone our Sunshine Sister and Mrs. Strickler was presented. with a. gift for hosting the meeting. the fireSitient ,told.the, members that the Januatee'theetitik'' would be an opoit Meeting to the com• triunity. it will be held in the. Cone munity Centre Jpiluary 12, with Andy McBride showing slides and speaking' on pollution. SUBSCRIBE NOW NQw is the time to sehepribe to The Brussels Peet, Only $2.5() pei; Year nntii the end of JantiatT 1971, it also makes an appreciated Clitteme8 gift. All' sebecripion thht Were due last October entst be paid prom- ptly or your Merle will have to he. q'tti Ved NA hi ft k CROWPS OF GREETED SANTA :HERE satnrd4y. was Santa Claus day in Brussels, ' A parade of floats, tile'were liirs(le and riders, deeorat- Pd tie no bicycles, the are' truck .fif FinifA4 Se, Nick pee ed , irt19.11g, tf Mit rt street from the IyIpTipni-00401riee Yard to the Legion Hail ,11€4, lid • the Brussels 'Legion Pipe Band., in ere the youngsters received a treat from Santa and his help. ere, sponsored by the Brussels Ihreinees Men, Legion and Lions, e00 bege of candy were distributa ed. After visiting with the childree Santa called at the Callender N'utirts:e teheer to treat the resi- dt,„ While there were a number of floats tfollt the village, for which good Airtieg tq&e oroyed, •was. disappeintitii fiat blot e Weee net entered by groups in the )F440 rounding communities, Prize winnings entries were • as. • iciii.oiir*S-f • Floats: ('.urging Young Peoples, Brugge :1e leiettle,- Beat Comic Float: Rebe eels and •Oddfellows Best Group Effort: Guides and Brownies Best Clown: James McNeil, Doreen Rutledge Best: Horse and Rider: Sandy realielafeile Dottna Wesenberg Decorated , Snowmobile: Max Watts•riScott-Wilsofi Decorated Bicycle: George Johnston test Cliktume: Debbie McCall, hied 'Neter:in 't'he ely'stety Shoppers in liters- eels on Santa Claus Day were: Mte, Irene Blake, guessed by Miss Wendy grnith, RR :3, Brussels, and flogfilati of 'Walton, who hever i.ira A Alt OAS ed: . . BORN TAYLOR-• to Mr, ood ..• Edwar a To or, in Sea:forth • Memorial-Hospital. ori Wedeese (lay, December 9t1i,- a son, TT-10111a S Iledley. LEGION TURKEY BINGO WINNER'S Mrs. Finnigan, gingham Bill Teepee. Listowel •• Beth AteCaughley Mrs. 'merge • Mrs. 'Finnegan Mrs. Russel. Adonis, Gerrie Cathy Elliott Scott Wilson Mrs. Win. Stephenson :fr. Pearl Baker .Kahleen Etila.cott. ListoWel Mrs. Kay Diluent] Dorothy MeA.rter Mrs. Ken McDonald • Mrs. Jack Flaniket, Specials Mrs, George Hislop Mrs. Russel edarne :Tenn elreefeil Beth AlcCalighley Mary Bone Dorothy Wellerneson Deer Prize me te bon MeAV I by ilbbAtth oz MRS. RACHg4. AHRENS Michel Ahrens of 13rod- ha.gen away at, the :Halton Centennial M'Sil'Of In Milton on December 9th in' tier' Sith year, after suffering a sey;611 € efeake, just a week before, She wag the former Rachel Wesenberg, eiddefr daughter of Henry and Marie Wesenherg, In 1910 she married Karl Ahrens' who predeceased her in 1,Mt, She is survived by SOPS V1,,ilfre(L.Of Theodbagen. and Donald oe •l'im:Iiifetofif one brother, George of 1..ir.M4,fs AO six sisters. Caroline 'flelligeofi reof Vfodhagen, Louise Carlton of, WiVeti, Barbara. McLeod of ~iitCi ell, Orhninit,) Airs. Chris Leonhard. of Searorth, Irene Hinz of Kitchener, and Marie Ryan of Niagara Falls, Ont., also six grandchildren. Her body rested at Lockhardt Funeral Home, Mitchell, until noon on Saturday, Dec. 12th, then removed to St. Peter's Lutheran, Church, where Rachel was a life long member, where funeral, 'e'er- • "vices, were held at 2 p.m, Inter- meat In. adjoining cemetery. 1.71:u.e.kbush of. Burlington offic- leak PEOPLE. WZ KNOW Mrs, Jack Pipe is ti Clinton Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. W, Turnbuif W6qii?, weekend visitors in Burling- Lei did li'oSt 'have the names of your holIdaf 'Yigitors. Call 837-MI1 Lester. Machete Tororftee Was at home with his parents Mr. alifd Mrs. Leonard Meehan. • %Ilea end Mile W. J. Perrie re- turned home last week after a holiday in Texas and Mexico. Mrs. Maggie Rutledge returned home last week frefra a two-month vacation in Alabama 'where she visited relatives and thorougely.. enjoyed her holiday. NEWS OF BRUSSELS -PUBLIC SCHOOL An annual tournament was held in the Wine-Term School Sat- re-day, December 12. • Our school has been practicing and ra.waitine to diselay our taleet hut only to get. to the quarter finals. The first set which was against Winghem was lost be- cause of the time factor.. which was limited to halt -an hour. "We was robbed", because the oupos- ing team got all the serves in the two minutes of the last game of set. This really killed our ehenees for having' lost two games we were out of the witinees circle', We wiped nut St. Joseph's on. the second set, Then in our third and fourth games we defeated Blyth and Were. In turn defeated lee Brookside. T-toWevet. du 0 to the tremor-if:tome coaching of -mr. Scott we Managed to come front behind in the second game against Brook- side, The overall winner for 'the hays was Sacred Heart School' from Wingham. • Henry Oleehewsei A.e the some tournament. the girls defeated. 13rookside girls du to' OntStLitidfng serving: We ad- voiced against Ripley, defeated them and went on to leave Myth defeated as well. We were beneee by Ripley and 'Hotteek and this ;oft us in second place, .11M Oiit Until iitit "toll Huronview please' brew them tei the January meeting. Rebekah Cinistrn Party The members of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge held their annual, 'Christmas party folio-Wing their regular meeting Tuesday evening,. December 8th. A variety program consisting of it reading, two skits and carol singing, :arranged by the social committee under the convenorshie of Sister Margaret McCuteheme AV 4; enjoyed by all. Santa Claus. assisted by Sister Bronson, in his usual jovial man- ner distributed gifts to all. Sister Ethel-Long and her com- mittee served a delicious Christ- liras supper. '01:ADE NEWS .Oit Tueday. Dee. Stli the Guides had their Christmas party, As S00/1 as we got to the Libras we • lk e d to the Nursing Home where Nye sang Christmas enrols. When we returned to the Library each patrol Was asked to do a skit, As soon as we all did our Skits the Captain. Lieutenant, attire Ceininissioner aid a. skit of their owe. We played a. game of cleaves and ',Groves. A circle Was formed and ire were served cake and cookies followed by pas- sing out exchange gifts. The meet- ing wtis eAlotuned. 90111110 gritiilriiritl, .iilit§sEL§ tie* ~i-1RIS`I'MAS PARTY The, Brussels Lions held their annual Christmas Party on Mon- 'day night, at the Royal Canadian-' Legion Hale when they entertained theie `wives and. Other guests in- cluding the District Governor. Frank'Barnes of Arthur and Reg- ion 3 D.D,G., George Mutter of Brussels, Lion President James Arm- strong presided and "weleonled their gneet8. A teeAt to the ladieS wag proposed by Lioh, Clef Witch, resPonded to by 'NH's. George Mutter: aotirse of bib eVen: sing-sOngs - were r eed h~ Ltciii Ken Scott With his guitar: A guess of "how many beans in ▪ gild jag`s' Wae"Wolf by Ali's. chick M the &nidliision. Of the beriettet entertainment; was proVided tericier. ]the ilirectioti of Lioii. .fait. vein . Viliet A comedy- Skit was Present-, ea iw Lions Ross McCall, George Langlois, :Tames Prior,, Albert Ten Pas. Max Watts kind D. A. Rahn: Tinder the direction of Mrs. Jan van Wet, with mere. Jack Beyens at the piano, a novelty exchange dance created a great deal of •fini,• as did also a hilarious fashion show participated in be —both" Lions and ladies...ean van . Vliet, conducted au auction 'of unidenti- fied- parcels. Bob Raymond won the prize for collecting the most tags _An_ the,. erossed legs contest, MAJESTIC W. I. CHRISTMAS MEETING On Thursday teen, Dec. lOtti", •• members of the Majestic W. L partook of a bountirea pet leek dinner it the Brussels Public' Minim'. Arrangements for the meat were looked" after by the lunch C"Ririmittee -convened by Mrs, Doug, Nelithigway. At the cdfielesion of the meal' Mrs. Jas. Synth, president, open- ed the meeting: Yifh the Ode fele lowed by the Mare i Stewart Col- beet and read a• Chrfeem:as poem The secretary, Mrs. Clarence eie- Cutcheon, read the minutes of . the lqavember meeting and the fittanc•• • Ja• i statement. A euchre panty 1.5 to lie held in the library on Tan. :y at S:36' .y.m. and everyone is wel- come to attend.. More cook hooks are on hand aft' l t _can be gotten a ThompSon & Stephenson Meat Market or front mivs. Clarence • McCutcheen.. 'Pie' boxes for the shut-ins will be packedat the liter. arty on Monday.aftereocee Dee, If you wish to donate a deck •of playing cards or the residents Of • , Mrs., !rein Strachan, a branch director Who -then took charge or the meeting commented on the fine display of cushions which -mere made by the twenty three 'ladies who took the eteriese "Ac- ceeeeeles for the Home" Mrs. Alex 'Stoics, a.. branch director give a wonderful paper on the Christillas Story, Carol singing with Mrs. Welter Kerr at the piano teas enjoyed all. Consumer news dealing with Irair Curlers was read by Mrsr Carl Hemingway. T appy 'Birthday was sung for members whoseeterthdays were in December. Mrs,Frank Shaw in her u s tizi jovial manner played the part or niaits and distributed the gifts which the members brought. The Queen brought the meet- ing to a eloSe. 25 boxes for shnt,ins were peek- disributed. 2S Cards sent and a box of apples to resideete et' the Co!lander, Nursing _J