HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-26, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 2d, 1881. THE FALL TEAM. Grain is already cooing into the mar- ket„ sad money is beginnisig to ices more freely. Tlraaerehant is rejoicing over the prospect of a brisk fall trade, and the handling of more cash. The way to iucress° trade is to °demise wisely. If you have bargains, tell the people about it. II you want public custom, invite it. Our large and rapid- ly increasing circtslatioe tenders Tam MroNAL the best medium for reaching the public in this vicinity. The mer- chant who neglects to advertise in a paper rescuing so many treaders is doing his business an injury. Try our rates for the nest four months. "BIG CRY AND IJITTLY WOOL." Our neighbor, the News, wants sym- pathy. It alleges that a scandalous piece of favoritism has been exhibited because it diff not get the printing for the West Huron Fall Show. In an ar- ticle, nearly half a column in length, it twutndly Dentes the officials of the so- 1 means.uf cDuferring a L.a.11 uixnt our h add theharbor, THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1881. KR HECTOR LARtEVIN Visit of the minister of Public 1 Works to Goderi3h. nor tarots to those alma she thought deserving. The conferring of the title upon l.i►u wan a pleasing tribute to his Province, acrd was au honor to all those t his creed. Isn•.',tt tau al i extraction. But he would now talk of a matter which would be more t.. the taste of his hearers to -day -about the harbor, Goderich harbor of refuge. He was happy to say that he it had been who had recommended the construction of a G.ternn.ent Winter at G.derieb. And when he did su he had two objects in view: tintq, he wished to establish a har- bor of refuge at Goderich, iu the interest of mariners and ship owners; and in' the second place, he was Batxious to show that he was nota nun bound up in one Previuce, but took interest in the Do- minion as a whole. He belonged to the people at large, and worked for them without regard to any narrow limit- ations Although of French extrac- tion, he was a British subject and a �Iiuiat. r .'f the Crown, and was at all tuxes dete.ntinetl to act in the interest of the whole, regardless of feelings of nationality or location. It was pi.saible that puny to -day listened to hon who might be opd•osed to hits politically, but *seem•• y Sae t as•r w l etsaett- ttthe A.Nress- Reply lay air I;ecsee- s Sim Marber said 'Sews She a�Kllasaeeeet. Hon. Sir Hector Langevin, Minister of Public Works for Canada arrived at Goderich at 4 o'cluck p. in. on Thunhay by carriage from Kincardine, sccompan- ied`by Mr. McKay, Secy., dd r. Perley, Chief Engineer of Public \ orks, Mr. Farrow, M. P. North Huron, 1t:ghtmev- er, of Kincardine, and Messrs F. W. Johnston and 8. Platt of Goderich. Shortly after his arrival the members of the Town Council met, and forthwith prooasded to the Court House Square, where His Worship, the Mayor, .,it behalf of the town, presented the Minis- ter of Public works with the following ADDRESS, Tease Hes. Si, Hector Lanwayet rix, Y. C. Minister til Ywtlic Works: It is with the greatest pleasure we to- day welcome you to the town of (eed- erich on this, yuur second official visit. Eleven years have elapsed sinco your previous visit, but the tine intervening between the two oecas has served to show that your former cut uing was the AbilDEYT. --Thu vett .run horseman Mr. J. J. Fisher re -ovally sustained a painful injury by the heat}• stallion, "General" stepping upon his foot. Mr. Fisher's tors were badly crushed, and he suffers otosiderable pain from the injury. OANADLAN NEWS. Mr. Jeremiah Dorman, of lot 30, con' cession 7, McGi$ivrayy, departed ithie life on Monday last. Deceased was ,one of the pioneers of the northern portion of ltliddle.ex, and took an active part in advatrciug the educational and religious interests of the township and its sur- ' rounding* lu his Inven►e.ss; a -c' ,Mr. Mackrnrae I1j pr,ibte41 out 1!ae : t1 ati.t.t.c of C:u„al;a 1c 1H tug represented in in'eruatiowil .L.c u. - Sion* by uten Who (eel- n .: to the country. rather than by Englishmen who Rate nu knowledlre ..f is. Mr. M:, -kenzie look the Curethan view 0 the questrou, and showed that although he is a l�cotchnnan and loves hi* traits laud dearly, he does not put Canada in the seams' place when Canadian interstate are at stake. He re- minds us that lard Caniarv.;n, :.t that nate Secretary fur the l'.'.,uies, named au Englishman to represent s- ' nada in the fisheries dispute, but that I the Englishman was dis •laced for a Ca - !Indian on the ground that "in all tat- ters .•f 14p1 I li14 y Eugli.Rtu: n h...l en � outwitted by the United sates. As we all know, the Canadian was Sir A. T. Galt, and the award in favor of Caned& was five and a half millions of dollars. As Mr. Mackenzie say.. the chances are that if an Eii t s!.uuui had t foliaged ;he turiuess l'.144.:.1 a u, ;ill ,.ay. c,.ti.- iug. He is quite right in taking the position that it 's far letter t.. have Canadian affairs managed by th,.or who understand them than by those who ew nothing whatever of theta. That is a aottiltl ji1 e1: 1r to go upon. n. Trickett, who has been unable to Leat Canadian oarsmen, feells himself .luitc competent to measure sculls with the Americans. He has challengede any hits mar in the United Mr. Thus. Swinyard's name has been mentioned in connection with the man- agement of the Northern railway, ren- dered vacant by the death of Mr. Cuur- berland. Mr. Swinyanl was for many years manager of the Great \Vesteru, and is an able railway titan, but he can- not "orate" like the late Northern man- ager, n..r can he swear as vigorously as the present Great Western manager. Mr. Swinyerd has been for some years it Was ,,I ssible t.. object to a man'a Poli- manager 4 the Dominion Telegraph tics ane? cet 'a. friendly with him per Ci,,� and now that telegraph amalgam- ation s•a4a11y. \Is'ut their harbor, -lie had is the order of the day he may be taken iefuge with thew to -day, and ready to ge back to railroading. trusted he was among friends At pre - An article in the September number sent he could not gives definite answer of Harpers Magazine discusses the eiety for their atison in the matter, and i town for which veu will be ever remtem- says, "It savors too much of Grit clique I bored trust kindly by the residents of doIngs." The News then goes on to say: God rich As far back as 1860, the question 0 "It may be that our friend, Mr. A. McD. the estsblishutent 4 a harbor of re - Allan has worked for THE SIGNAL, as he fuge on the eastern shore of Lake Hu - claims to have done other years." And , r"n was under consideration by the Gov- I so on runs the terrible indictment. enuutlnt of the day, but, notwithtliaml- lugthe fact that a recouonutdation in fa - The quarrel is none of outs, but "1 ver of Goderich harbor was made on May our friend the editor of the _'dews is a 114th, 18ti0,by the Committee 4 the Leg - little rash in his statetasnts, and as he I *Wive Sthe [utter, antappointed poi i tedn t iy 17thti- g, throws oast a number of uncalled-for as '184it lot a Parliamentary Committee, no genions upon innocent people. we grant w- made by the Government for hasten to set him right in the matter.. the prosecution of the work. The printing fur the West Riding I However, in 1870, en an official tour, 4 Heron AEriculttaal Society was similar to that which you are at present the same 'undertaking in the interest of the De- Isl thee year en exactly partmeut "f which you are the head, and basis ass last year, when Mr. \\'Rite- with the laudable intemtien "1 becoming ly was manager of THE S►ci eL-the t.ettcr a.,tuatuted wit'.& the ::ar,ug1 prize lists being given to THE SIGNAL, ' working of that bunch of the public service, by persl nal ohsertvation, you and the bills and tickets to the tar- i came to Guderich. \\'Rile here, you which shows how partizan was the ac- I were favorably impressed with the great tion 4 the "Grit clique.- True, Mr. 1 natural advantages possessed by God Whitely has severed his cennectien erich is its magnificent harbor, and after a careful and muIuteexamittation, sustain - with T4s SIGNAL, and is now connected I ed the reports of the various engineersand with another establishment, but that the Parliamentary Committees of 1860 doesn't alter the facts of the case. Mr. :and Dail, by ren,mmending that an ap- Whitely in 1880 found no fault with the 1'rupriation be made ray the • iuvern- anent for the construction of the necess- ary works to [Hake Goderich harbor a work between the Star and THS SIGNAL, harbor of refuge on the eastern coast, arrangement fur the distribution of the notwithstanding the fact that a third s office --and the seif-sante establishment 1 over which Mr. Whitely n. ow presides -- for to err cess respecting ,r, t h f h N lth- fur the reason that he had not yet in- west. The writer Gays that a harder and sleeted it ; but if he found, un better carie[ "f wheat is grown in Man- itoba than in Minnesota, and that it is `�• wheat -growing calm n area u t a o INE STATIOILERY! MOORHOUSE Has Just upeaed out a UPERIOR GRADE $10,000 a side. that necessary repairs and improvements should be ivade, they would be at once attended to, and an appropriation made with the sanction of the Governor -in - Council. The address was a lengthy one and gtce reasons for the prosecu- tion of the wort, but one good reason had been omitted -the Government had this year a surplus of $3,500,000, and if on investigation an expenditure on the harbor was f.,uud to doe necessary, the n: nc•c would be fortheoming. (Hear, hear., His previous visit to Goderich had been full of pleasant re- collection, for on that occasion he was 1 1 M M. C. Cameron, •a olitical o op .urns. He regretted to that gentleman 1. ..0 been suffering The en1111A `ale 111141.: 1:.• cur -piers o the illness of late. but was ,,peas- grew with the country, engaging in mer - 1 sly in demand by the manufacturers Afoatctpatifr of the Torn of t:udetit'A, TLat can be bought anywhere. of est quality flour. In illinnesota, but County c' /►creno especially in states farther south the Notice;. hcnby lusts t h at the !'.t rat as wheat softens and runs out in the course persons apt•4ring by t:.r last re.is t asci•.. ui a few ears, and fresh seed has to meat roll of the said n'u14iripatity, , to tis' ,'n y unfelt to +uta in the 844(4 wuuut{'al'ts, at imported. The writer expresses the municipal elections and election to the 1..•sis- opinion that a still better quality of Voter. Lisa[ A -t of is�ee wpm unit posted up wheat can be grown on the prairies be- in my oMcr, at (iodrrieh, on the 22nd day of yond Manitoba, and that this regiiin la August, net and temente teereforiespectiee. destined to be the great wheat -producing Electors are eahcd ulsn, t.. cMnn4inc It t' said list, and it *ray 111088on , r . 1Lcr rerun. are centre of America. 4 sur Northwest un- found Iben•in, to take ituo.•dao,• prol'e.•'t'n6' 13 O 0 0 0 questionably has a great future before it. to+e' the said errors carr. cued uccuraliag to low NOTE PAPERS hying 1u all the Shapes. These are the PIII'�t �IIIII Fiusi G00�� Prices Moderate l Mr. Wm. Goo derham, sen., died at Duitcd at Goderich this ."_hid Aug. [tial. IF , Toronto on Saturday morning. 93 )115 .o . tIooRC. aged1NI1, ler: i.t •.tial mnniemaltc. ROLLS entrrtainro y _ r. . years. Deceased was in the British ser- -_- --- - - vice in Martinique in early years. He • i� 1-1(4 IN L1'VE STI11K ASSOCI pcame here from En laud in 1833 and I l TION. ser - earn had g f h u o.0 ed to know that Ilia condition was antile business. He was successful in - all h ventures,and amassed and int \' r prosperity uAI entries must accompanir re- Huron Live Stock Ar... into 1- will be held in the Town of Clinton, on WEDNESDAY, Huron much int Droved. His resent rets ►s stock for It 19 4)01. Parties desiring to enter p p p stock for this sale, can do so up t7, the morning tion evinced good feeling from I mense fortune. He was interested in of the sale: but only such stock as is ebtered all quartan, and this was u it should many insurance and monetary curpwr- Secan ase asen in the •Srcle letaltuguuc be. \ e must all have the f Miens and he and his partner Mr. J Id by the the whops country at heart, and must G. Worts, virtually owned the Itallk of uired fee, and owners of stook must send iu not divide on *null matter Whether Toronto. His nine is known through- dtplaingly *oelites anui4a' fully made out our friends are in peewee use not, if the out the continent in c,miection with his Tern .r tetra■ee. distills He leaves seven suns and For each thoroughbred Stallion. Mare. nun. Horsley prospered we should not en- distillery. , Cow or Reiter, r!; for each pair of sheep or eater to put out men who tributing to the .roe •eritv.simply to sup- 31r. Henry Ware, late Secretary of commission of 1 per cent. will be charged on d entering should d the1 were con - swine, daughters swine, xt cents; grade stock halt price. .\ ( 1 all stock add. All roan t plaint them with [,then ; but if the men' the Young Men's Christian Association, have the pedigree ldAl of whooeir• in power did not do their duty, then I London. Ont., and for some year 11 I turn themt H thanked then[ in evangelist and city missionary in the sw• io t e ca logue. All entries must b.• addressed to the out. e $erretary at Seafinth. and furtherinforntaticn for their kind address. east of London, England, has accepted a will bet `111;lie bLth�m uch as had been lung required b}• mar- conclusion,Sea Secretary. nor: and shit, owners.- Cheers were then given for Mr. Lan- unanimous call to the pastorate of the JA4 . BIGGINS. Clinton i're-idet,t. Pour. Tit, i eskilt proved that y •ur ; adbnoent , geviu and the l,•ueen.1 p _Ba Dtist church at Kincardine Itis 1 ro- was a uud, .and that the discernment ' At the conclusion of Sir Hectors re- posed that the ordination "e 111r. Ware ALLAN LINE Imanage- entered the carriages as a Baptist mini will tak ld h theDepartmentof Public! prepared forh bytheCouncil, place in the Baptist church,on Wednes- wasenwy,i the Ware running order, under the man- which has characterized your as marks the partyregularP e agement of Messrs. Cathcart R A me . 1 ment..,1 u is t a occasion cunt Th h f arrangement was right I Works was clearly exhibited when you and endeavored to carry out the remain- day, Aug. 31st. Mr. are is not un• in 1880, is it wrong in 1881 mude'Yhe selection. der of the programme, which consisted known in the eastern part 4 the county: ate the ins- An appropriation was made by the ..1 an examination of the harbor, and ani He labored as an evangehst in Walker- 1 1 i specifics- ton and Dunkeld duringlast summer. essiunthat the public will be the fusers I recommendation, but fhb oppx,rtunity tions prepared by the council, and sub- We bespeak for him a successful pester- Again, the .us would ere Government. nan accordance with your inspection of the pans and I o • pr f 1' uIl was nto a t e y g to 1 the Harbor Master s dote to the by net having the work given out differ- I fur carrying out your original intention mitted to Sir Hector by Capt Dances, ate in Kincardine. ently. Well, we don't know what the owing 1,rdduu Incoof those changes which at I International Salt Block. owned by Mr. THE WORLD OVER. Star will charge this year, but the esti- 'any time are liable to .occur an a land of 1.10seph Kidd; to the North American I • - mate given by THE SIGNAL eau from $8 free: institutions, where contending par- Chemical Salt works, superintended by The Conservatives of Dumfries, Scot - 10 lower than last' ear, when Mr. , ties are anything; like equally balanced- Mr. Rice and to other points of inter- ,'land have refused to have anythingtodu to ) of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONIIONIIELIIY. GLAD G(1Iv. , SHORTEST SEA IBM_ TE. Cabin. Intermediate and Steerage Tickets at LOWEST RATES -- Steerage Passengers are lee,lied to London. Cardiff. Bristol. Queenstown. Derry-, Belfast, fialway and Glasgow. at same rates as to L! s erpool. 8d1L1 \'(:3 FJ€I).t1 QUEBEC. \1O1tAt•IAN .. 27th August. However, .your successor in office, est. 1 with the proposed nnanument to Robert SARMATIAN Whitely was manager of THE SIGNAL, protea led to carry a n the mor mag the evening ase ecu, on the rated byyou. and m so doing,showed I partywere entertained at a dinner given democratic in his political ideas." Who. POLYNESIAN.... P" PARISIAN... rates that he believed your action, in locating I. the Town Council, at the "Park ever cannot subscribe to what 'edifies •aunialAN .. ' if\fuascuN .... With regard to Mr. Whitely'* gratui- the harbor of refuge at Goderich, to be muse. There was a large and select there may be in "A mans a man for a' �ARrtATIAN ..... . 1'.th outcome d d d S' H t expressed I behind h' B w CIRCASSIAN. . :rad • h k" a u- InS' Hector and his Burns,h ground that he "was too I t IRCASSIAN and, it » to be :presumed, fixed theESIAN Ifth " , .17th " . 21th " .. 1st Oct'br. wh tons allusion to Mr. A. McD. Allan the etc me of wisdom. attendance an it eC ..r that is met is age as urns as k for THE Sn NAL "u he claimed But he, in his turn, was not permitted himself very favorably, with regard tis' somewhat ahead of his own. The }toe- k which hail . h h 1 f 3 ( de f 8 f lass *, the p o ical I rich, through their representatives while his political errors, if he cherished working u y g ppeople - try o urns is u the immortalc K to finish the mor w .w ou mai •• 1 t e esthete u the e of.. to have done in fernier years," we have urated. Another turn wheel, and we find you, Sir Netter. The spread prepared by Capt. G. W. ian •, are harmless now, and his best only W say that we know neither of itis action in the [natter this year, nor in the Past. Mr. 'Whitely was a partner in the "Huron Signal PrintingiCo.," in conjunc- tion with Messrs Allan and Gissing, and it ill -becomes hint to make any exposures again oc.:upvu1Z the is.sltton which you McGrec,r, the enterprising manager of po :tical opinions 4 almost universal ac . held when the work on the har(s,r of the "Park House" was one "f the best ; ceptation. Burns will be remembered refuge at Goderich was initiated. From eever witnessed in Gderich, and did I when the narrow-minded Tories ..f Dum- a knowledge of your past action in be- , credit to Goderich's well known sum mer' fries are deservedly forvotten. ginning the work on the Government resort. The proper thing to do with a sum 4 money or a parcel or anything else of harbor at this point, we took with ,a'n- hitl of the doings of the firm, rightlyf wrongly, fur it has been said, "It s a ing with your character to leave anytlun t to your action in the Store. or knowing as we de, that it is not use keep- •- value. when y..0 find it, is to advertise , it. if this had been done in the recent K HoR+E Dttu.-J1r. C. Gin in, Breve dirtybird that fouls its own nest." The -- be it Important .fro otherwise -an an .,f \\-eat Wtwanc'sh. had a valuable hone case of a Tor, ntonian who found a lady's dress at Burlington Beach he would pro- !' ro- !'cited b}' us, in any shape unfinished condition. • , died last Saturday from intlamntatin' tahl., not have got into trouble, and l h t work was unso or form. We did not even kit )w• who "' late everything to none you o HARVENT1NG.-Harvesting is complet- would have escaped the gross injustice were the direceers for 1881, and did nut complete the work. It was begun by ed in this vicinity- farmers are busily dune him by the Hamilton police. By you, after careful investigation; your successor in office, although oppose.' to yhu isdnically endorsed your decision by his subsequent action In the matter, the natural location of the harbor is all 1 that can be desired: and lastly, the i mount of money already expended trust be looked upon as wasted, comparatively aq,eaking, if the work be left in an un- finished condition. Since your last visit to Goderich you hare been the recipient of a title sof dis- tinction at the hand of Her Majesty the Queen, through her Viceroy. Al- low us, Sir Hector to congratulate pail upon having received this manifestation of Royal favor, for, although essentially a democratic people, we are nevertheless loyal 1., Britain and to Britain'sQueen,and leek upon a mark 4 respect tendered [Dy Royalty to a Canadian statesman as not without significance. engaged in preparing their ground for fall wheat. New THRESHER. ---Megan. Morrow ik opprosa'l. any I4 then) on the subject. advertising an article 0 value you may Furthermore, we believe the Director- have found, you give proof of your hon- esty and your desire to restore the arti- ate was not actuated ly otherthan honor- able motives when ti,e precedents which had in past years been endorsed by Mr. Whitely were follewed out in 1881. We have exhibited ne antipathy to- wards Mr. Whitely or his new journalistic venture. We lselieve this world owes everybody a living, if everybody only knows enough to nuke the world pay what it. owes. It is a matter of no im- portance to us whetter the -Vries suc- ceeds or fails, for its success will not in- terfere with the Feld occupied by Tye SIONAt_ If two journals of Conserve - tire leanings can grew rich in Goderich, there is ample room for one on the up - In conclusion, Sir Hector we again posite political range. llut if the Yens tender yon a most hearty welcome to believes in exhihiting its wounds. bruises Gtderioh on behalf of the people 0 the own, ir-eapectiveof ja,htical bias, and and putritying soles every time it doesn't hope lb.r expression of our sentiment get all its editor wants, Goderich is will be received by you in the same likely to be blessed with it modern Jere- spirit in which it is tendered. miah. On behalf of the people of G dericb east the c ng, HORA'•s HoeroN, Mayor. the next morning. 2nd. The mail -- would be received at Auburn from an "Let me Sleep and Dream Again," is THE REPLY. . - /near t* aw boor and a half earlier emelt the anxious request 0 a poet named Sir Hector 'Angevin, on rrctiving The day and in winter we would get our adM s. from the Mayor, said: mails more regularlyas it would only have Lyle, in the Sarnia (Nervier. its rather a I Iiia MAtfue AND lit.rLav ileo -het nice way of putting it, Lyle, but we are . me thank you for this kind address to 1* carried G miles by stage furs Blyth, which you have to -da presented to me, instead of twelve by Carlow and God. afraid you've awxioue too escape the i ly If f th y 1 f t neh' if had hes ted b own I Cantelon have purchased a new steam cle to its rightful owner. If the owner thresher, which no doubt will do excel- does not come, the law allows you to lent work. convert the articles to your own use. In the case of a cow or horse you can sell Anlmrl . it, after due notice being given through the newspapers, in order to realize the Mr. Jas. Symington has bought the expenditure to which you may have been {.nopDerty in this village, known as the put in keeping it. The honest man who Downs property, for $.00.. finds a sum of money announces the fact through the newspapers; the dishonest The Rev. Mr. Smith has returned with man man puts it in his pocket and Gays his wife. May health, happiness and nothing about it. -[Toronto Telegram. r it be their Nation in life pr I y I • (ora MAIM -There is being circulated in this neighborhood at present a petition addressed to the Posuataater General, signed by about 150 of the names of parties receiving mails at Auburn, poet office, asking that the mail be brought to Auburn from Blyth, instead of Carlow, for the following reasons: 1st. the mail leaving Auburn lies over night at Carlow and does not leave Goderich till noon the day after it leaves Auburn; it sent by way of Blyth it would Ifo north and same semi and south at 7.30 morning chorea All the dreaming in . on 'e 'a '' a people o your own. the world won't start the Greene* fill the' parte ;t would hare been welcome, Lot yawning aced -boa. I coming from the members ..f both pnliti- cal parties, it is doubly welterwe. It shows TO SUBSCRIBERS 1 that we can honor those who have the 1 oontidence of the Parliament of the day, ' ow So eraser • s'asaerN aNsesa I and who at present control the majority. 1 The speaker then proceeded to thank In ordering the address of your paper them for the congratulation ` which had 1• et n presets y my changed, give the I.1d as well u the new address, and sign yournani. as plainly as possible. Due observance of these sug- gestions will ave us much trouble and expense, and insure prompt compliance as plauang ninth thewest t.• mae c ke thhant• reco gnized no nationality, no creed, no re'7 language. no hemisphere, in dfepeweing ofietv,d him iw+eau tinction which had been conferred upon him by Her Majesty theQueen. it had hren conferred upon him, doubtless, in ree+ragnitaon 4 past publie services. and it to know that our Sove»ign �s...�a .-, . e aomimmengieseillellielasimessite Seventy thousand cartridge pereogaiou oncaps Friday. ed in the ay. sands 4 Winchester metal were dnven into Maurice Reilly's flesh, half to thewelquarters 4 an inch, many were hur,ed ►n h» eyes There ie no sp.,t two inches square nn the front "f Reilly's person that did not show where the shells penetrated. His cloth - Mg was cut to pieces, teeth knocked oat and his arms frightfully mangled. The tench was broken and one 4 the pieces seriously hurt 1Rei11y. The side of the building was shattered and the windows broken. !tone 4 Relily's compose -me were injured. Reilly died • . - ...,«..,_ ..'warm. EWERa02ex FAILING PowltRu. -- A visi- tor to Concord, who met Mr. Emerson, writes the following about him: • * * A vein of sadness ran through his words as we convened, which now and then deepened into indescribable pathos as he spike of himself. "I am visiting the summer school, and called to pay my respects to you,' I said. "I thank you, he replied, and a slight difficulty in arti- culation was noticeable as he spoke. "I arm glad to see you; yet I fear Inn do little. I can only disappoint those who onme to see me. I find that i am losing myself, and I wander away from the matter that i have in mind." There was ttttte to be said, but 1 made Mbe remark, and he continued: "1 cannot sa much. When I begin I bee myself. And so when my friends dame to see inc I run away, inatesd 4 going to meet them, tbst I may not make them suffer." i spoke of an examining committee on wheat he had served at Cambridge, and 'his face lightened for an ittttant. "Yes, 1 yes." he said, and made some personal inquiry 4 me. "Bet I see no one now," he added. "Your general health grt'.a, 1 trsst r' i eked. Y«, my health is gond enough," he replied in- difierensly. Then he said slowly, with a wonderful ratios m his voice " Ret wham one's wits begin to fail it is time lne the heaver to open and take him stray.' He turned sadly aside, and i left Aim. Ken keenly than any one else tan does the philosopher realism that cyte 1. tasting a sbsdow upon his memory and slowly chilling his faculties. useseeliamsAll taThe last train connecting at Quetec with the Allan Mail. Steamer will leave Toronto every Friday at 702 a. m. Passengers can also leave Toronto by the 62 p. m.. train on Fridays. and connect with the steamer at Rimouski [pacing the extra fare, $1 IS. Quebec to Itimou,ki.t For tickets and every infornoation apply to 17t1 -3m. H. ARMSTRONG. Agent. Montreal Telegraph Office Goderich. FAPil FROM 4c PER ROLL A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT -or- Plated Forks and Spoons 1N TRIPLE AND yl-ALRt'PLE PLATE. QUALITY GUARANTEED, Moorhouse's. MOORHOUSE Would respectfully intimate to his numerous customers and the public geoer&ly that be has just opened ort a Fresh Stock 10f Paper Hangings. comprising every Royalty in GOLD & BRONZE PAPERS, SATIN PAPERS, MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS. Mr. Greenway, who returr.s alantioba early in Sept.. will take charge of any parties , desiring to accompany him on his return ' 071 trip ados---Decorations- -Borders WEDNESDAY 7th SEPT.1 Freight and stock on FRIDAY BEFORE. A first rate time for prospectors. Full in- formation as to the country. Apply to THOS. GREENWAY Or to WILL. J. WHITE Express Agent. Exeter. 1/401 Seeds! Seeds! The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock a FARM and GARDEN SEEDS consisting ,,f CLOVER, TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN 00 VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cannot be beaten. General need Dealer. Hamilton !Street. PURE PARIS GREEN SLIME SHOT FLY AND INSECT DESTROYER T112 MOT IN 1:131. Cilialese Hair Renewer, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST AR- TICLE MADE. Fort0= BO CTRL JAMES WILSON nrolfirit suitable for DRAWING ROOM, SITTING. ROOM, BED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE KITCHEN. All this Seeson's Patterns m Window Shades, Which will be found much superior to thing yet mown to eels county. Prices very Lowest. JMIP A call solicited. No trouble to show patterns whether you buy or not. T. J. 11001111031. SCHOOL BOOKS. TEXT BODES required for HIGH and COMMON Scbisk, AT VERY LOWEST PRICES AT Ave Ibtli