HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-26, Page 3THE HURON SINAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26. 1881.
The following interesting coree.pon- Inglis & Hunter of Guelph, have de-
detwe came two late for insertion hast
Mr. Oe,. Doper has secured the
Clerkship for the baLutce 4 the year, in
place of Mr. D. Watson, resigned.
Removal. ---Mr. A. R. Murria, tailor,
who has disposed of his business to a Mr.
Miller, 4 Cranbrook, left un Tuesday
last and intends seteling in Winnipeg.
Flax is coming in daily in large quan-
tities. As much as eighty tons was
brought in in one day. The crop is very
good in this section, and prices range
from $8 to 812 per ton.
We have two popular acquisitions to
our town namly a shooting gallery and
a stoves. tent. Tice former teaches the
young idea how to shoot, and the latter
vividly displays the horrors 4 the Lon-
don disaster.
The annual gathering in connection
with the Caledonian Society, to be held
in September 15th (the day following
the Lucknuw gathering) pro noes to
eclipse anything of its kind ever held in
the County.
Our lacrosse club played a friendly
game with Clinton on the grounds of the
latter last Tuesday. The Referee who
did not understand correctly the rules of
the game, decided in favor of Clinton;
but acoording to the rules laid .down
the Brussels club claim the victory. The
return match will be played sometime
next week.
Lack ow.
During the past month Mr. John Tre-
leaven of this village, purchased over
$9,003 worth of butter, fur which the
highest cash price was paid.
Mr. Alex. Cameron of W. Wawanosh,
brought to this office last week • root of
oats which produced sixteen vines, all
of which came to head, and were well
New FIRM.—Mr. R. J. Whitely. the
popular proprietor of the Whitely Hotel,
has Purchased Mr. Jas. Stewarts' inter-
est to the livery business of Miller &
Stewart. The new firm will be Miller
& Whitely.
Nsw GaLLaay.-.Mr. E. L Johnson,
photographer, of Goderich, has come to
reside amongst us. Mr. Johnson has
leased the premises of Mr. Thos. Reid,
which he is having fitted up to suit his
purposes, and no doubt Mr. Johnson's
reputation as a first class artist will soon
secure him a large share of business.
Seamus AcciDsirr.-On Wednesday
of last week, as Mr. John Jewitt, was
engaged in carrying a bee hive across
hi, garden, he slipped and fell to the
ground with great force, breaking one
of the small bones in his shoulder. He
is now progressing favorably, and with
the aid of a sling to support his arm, is
able to be around again.
BAcx AGAIN.—Mr. Geo. McHardy,
after a two months trip through Manito-
ba and the Northwest Temtoriea, re-
turned on Monday last, much improved
in health. Mr. McHardy is high in his
praise of the Prairie Province,and thinks
that at no distant day Manitoba will be
the finest farming section in Canada.
He invested heavily in lands, having
purchased in the neighborhood 4 Crys-
tal City, 640 acres, besides several smal-
ler lots in different section&
Quornisa.—Those present at the Gym-
raiium on Wednesday evening last, were
rather more interested than usual, there
being a friendly game 0 quoits between
Mr. Chas. Walkinshaw, or Wingham,
champion of Canada, and two of our
local quoit pitchers. As Mr. elkin-
ehaw had not his own quoits, and never
played by la .. , light before, the game
resulted in favor of the latter. We un-
derstand that arrangements are being
made for a match between the champion
and Mr. W. Treleaven of this place, to
come off at an early date.
OCE VILLAoE.—Almost every- village
in the country has felt the draw on its
population from the immense emigra-
tion to the States and Manitoba, and our
own village has rendered a very large
share in proportion to the number of
inhabitant.. But at the present time
there is a larger number 4 families and
fewer empty houses, thairhave been for
years. Business is not booming, but
every one his a fair share, and a course
0 steady prosperity has settled down
with a feeling 4 contentment, that we
are not like some 0 the unfortunate
places that we read about.—(Sentinel.
Dyspepsia can readily be cured by tak-
ing according to directions Dr. Carson's
Stomach and Constipation Bitters. They
greatly aid the digestive powers and tone
the whole system. In large 8 oz. bottles
at 50 cents. For sale by Geo. Rhynas,
special agent for Goderich.
The Old tellable.
The remedy that has stood the test of
time is Dr. Fowler's Extract 4 Wild
Strawberry. Almost infallible to cure
dysentery, cholera morbus, and all man-
ner of fluxes, cholic, cramps, cholera
infantum, and every form 4 summer
For all Liver and Kidney complaints
and affections of the Stomach and Bowels
use the great Dyspepsia remedy, Dr.
Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bit-
ten. In large 8 os. bottles containing
77 teaspoonful doses at 50 cents a bottle
Oen. Rhyne., special agent for Goderich.
Cholera ina.t..t.
That terrible scourge among children
may be speedily cured by Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry. All forms
dimwit complaints, mamma and . s
ing, from an ordinary diarrhoea to the
most severe attack of Canadian cholera,
oars be subdued by its prompt use. It
ia /he beat remedy known for ebildren
or adults suffering from summer com-
cid to remove their large foundry and
machine shops to Toronto immediately.
Airs. W. Scott, for twenty-five years
a resident of Huron township, has been
gathered to her long home. She was
seventy years of age.
Sir Wm. Palisser paid a high owpli-
ment to American artillery office, say-
ing that their records of gun testing were
by far the most complete in the world.
It is said that in manning fruit one
pound 4 sugar stirred into the fruit of
ter it is coo ed and while yet warm, will
make the f it as sweet as two and a
quarter pounds added while the fruit is
b oiling.
And now the doctors of Wellington
have resolved to cease attending funerals
at the head of the procession. The cus-
tom is a peculiar one certainly. Fine
way of advertising one's business, you
Mr. Robert Collen, aged fifty-three,
an old army pensioner. was found dead
at hie residence, St. Catharines, un
Wednesday last (17th). He was subject
to fits, and it is supposed he was stricken
with one and died before assistance could
reach him. Deceased served many years
in the regular army.
Patrick Moore was arrested at St.
Catharine on Wednesday night, charged
with victimizing many Roman Catholics
there and elsewhere by professing to sell
a Dotes), Bible fur one dollar, worth fif-
teen dollars. He alleged Bishop Lynch,
of Toronto, had a large stock on hand
which he wanted to get rid of, and had
deputed Moore as his agent.
The foreman of a boiler manufactory
in Montreal, name 1 McKeil, was placed
on boar' a foreign ship un Friday night,
by 'crimps," while drunk, as a sailor.
When he came to his senses he demand-
ed to be released, but was refused. He
then deserted, but was subsequently
arrested. The matter was finally com-
ptonised by McKeil providing a substi-
Some time on Wednesday afternoon
Jaynes Kennedy, a knitter by trade, died
very suddenly at Galt. It appears he
was picked up on Main street bridge in
an unconscious condition and removed
to his boarding house, where he died.
It is .aid he had been drinking hard for
several days, and sustained an injury by
falling out of a buggy.
A banquet was given ex -Secretary
Evarts, at London. on Thursday night,
at the Conservative Club, by Puleston,
M. P. Many distinqushed yersens were
present. Puleston spoke of the gloom
the President's relapse caused throughout
England, and expressed a fervent hope
for his recovery. He thought after Gar-
tield'i convale.cen a the net results of
Guiteau's crime would not be altogether
unfortunate, as it has brought into
strong relief the great sympathy of Eng-
land for America, and strengthened the
ties between the two countries.
A citizenof Mt. Clementananted Frank
Moore went out crow hunting early one
morning. His wife, who had just finish-
ed breakfast, was kneeling down saying
her morning prayers when he returned,
and Moore, entering the door, was drag-
ging the loaded gun behind him. The
door swung shut, striking the hammer of
the gun and discharging the piece. the
whole load taking effect in one of Mrs.
Moore's legs. The wound is a very
painful one, but not ncceaarily serious.
Moore says he was more scared than his
King Theebaw, of Burmah. had a nar-
row escape from death by poison. One
of his royal consorts sent him spine dain-
ty confectionery, with a message that
she had prepared the toothsome gift
with her own fair hands. Theebaw
transferred the cakes to a mother-in-law,
the parent of the very queen from whom
he had received them. The august lady
partook freely. Two hours after doing
so she was a corpse, and her daughter
did nut survive her long. for Theeb,iw,
as so..,n as his mother-in-law's demise
was made known t.1 hitn, gave nrdera
that her majesty's head should 'be re-
moved from her shoulders without an
instant's delay.
The elder Mrs. Garfield was greatly
cheered and comforted by the letter
which her wounded son sent to her last
weak. The letter which has appeared
in the ClleOeland L•n,l•r, runs thus :—
"DEAR Mosaic :—Don't be disturbed
by conflicting reports about my condi-
tion. It is true I am still weak and on
my back, but I am gaining every- ,lay,
and need only time and patience to
bring me through. Give my love to all
the relatives and friends. and especially
to sisters IHitty and Marl. Your loving
A \-ILL1ANOU'5 DEED.—tt'iliie Can-
trell, aged thirteen. son of the Section
Superintendent of the Indianapolis, Bal-
timore and Western Railway, was on
Tuesday, tied by an unknown man to
the rails. and struck by the train at
Pekin, Ill. Ais ribs were broken. and
foot mangled. As soon as the train
passed the ruffian ran to the boy, evi-
dently expecting to find him cut in two,
but the lad had twieted himself to one
side. The man cut the rope and escap-
ed. The boy was found in a ditch moan-
ing piteously. Several parties are hunt-
ing for the brute, with the intention 0
lynching him.
Oarsmen a.d w.eb.atew.
If you wish to avoid great danger and
tremble, besides a no small Mill of ex-
pense, at this season of the year, you
should take prompt steps to keep disease
frostour household. The system
should be cleeneed, blood purified, stom-
ach and bowels regulated, and prevent
and care diseases ariaing from Spring
malaria. We know of nothing that will
en perfectly and sure! do this as Elec-
tric Bitten, and at the trifling cost of
fifty cents a bottle. --(Exch. —Sold by
Free of fest.
All persons wishing to test the merits 0
a great remedy ---one that will positively
cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma. Bronchitis, or any affection
of the Throat and Longs—are mg -tinted
to all at your drug store and get a trial
bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, free ,1 erns, which will
how you what a regular dollar -sits
bottle will do.
A healthy man never thinks of his
stomach. The dyspeptic thinks of noth-
ing else. Indigestion is a constant re-
minder. The wise man who finds him-
self suffering will spend a few cents for
it bottle of Znp'ws. from Brazil, the new
and remarkable compound for cleansing
and toning the system. for assist-
ing the digestive apparatus and the
liver to properly perform their deities
in assimilating the fool. Get a 10 cent
ample of Zoperr, the new remedy, of
F. Jordan. druggist. A few doses will
surprise you.
Tile "SIN" Job Once
Chea Work
Prompt Weary
Neat Work !
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Note Heads
Business Cards,
—• —AT THE
Printing House,
McGillicuddy Brokers.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Sto
Hamilton Street. Goderich.
--A good assortment of Kitties Bed -room. DU.lag Rows sad Parlar Formant*. snob
Loung {m his. Wean - clad wood NOM Looking meted).
pbontds. Bed steads Kattrassss Wgshw
N. B.—A)0000ess.�e assortment of Cofsns and !Shrouds always on hand. also Hearses for
at reasonable rates.
Picture Fremiss • specialty.—A Ball solicited. 1751
Red, White and Blue !
Acheson GEORGE Acheson
New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery
Chemist and Druggist
Wholesale and Retail Dealer to Des. Chemicals, Paints. Oils. Dye Stuffs. Artist Colors
Patent, Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles. kc.
Physicians' Pre onlpUona carefully dispeneed.INS
Holiday Presents,
Photo and Autograph Albums in groat variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very
suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars.
Stock is New, very complete, and consists of Ladies' and Gents' Purses, China
Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pots,
Cups and Flowers,
China and Wax Dolls!
A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundries—Merschaum Pipes and Cigar Holders
and Brier Pipe. -100 Different Styles.
School Books, Miscellaneous Books,
Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Symons, Wasas1t's Hymn Books, Psalm Books,
&c., &c. --Subscriptions taken for all the best ENGLISH, Scares,
Dlagazinea at Publishers' lowest
rates—now is the time
to subscribe.
A full stuck of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model School Students
All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice
and- large selection of
Christmas and Cards ! AND CHEAPER THAN WAR,
Dominion Telegraph and PostageStemp Once.
64 Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich.
manufacturers of FIRST CLASS
I ,
Opposite Colborne Hotel. We solicit an examination of our vehicles.
In Leaving Town
wish to esters my thaaka to the public for their patroeage dune, the pet. and MUMS
the seas 1a filters, and to remind them that i have left a reliable person Is charge of the
will be dose es ..