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MO tali-ft Advance 050 to u.SA. BitITS-SFILS• 1P1ITIRSDAY, DEC, 3rd, 1970 POST PUBLISHING ITQUSE
„Neg.:V. As tleekWell spent a
ftlw thiYs O•vet fast•Weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. eld: 8rieith,
• • '
Wendy Humphries, who is
employed at the Children's Re-
tarded Hospital near Palmerston,
visited 'at home with her parents
last week.
e Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Dunk and
.Mr. Wm, Bennett spent Wedries..
day in Toronto,
November W. 1. Meeting
The N!oVember meeting of the
Walton Women's Institute Was
held iri. the doitiiiiiinitet Hall oh
Wedhesdi4 eVeriihg; N'oferitbel-
M, With guests iii'dedut frein
iiiiitidte§, 'a few of the
and.,theiy.Mothers. Tite
;3r.Oident, Alvin. Mello,nald,
iv elconted-evgryone to the meet;
lug, opening With the' Ihstitnie;
Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and 6
Canada with Mrs. Herb Tr•aviss as
pianist. Mrs. Wrn., Humphries
read the minutes .and correspond.
ence. The meeting was then turn-
ed over to the convenors on
Citizenship, Mrs. Don McDonald
and Mrs, Meth Tea- its. Jeanne
McDonald and Cathy Maboiliald
sang b„ very pleasing duet. "frosty
the ,8nowttiati", with Miss. Mce
thiiiti at the piano Pdggy- Raiz
played the part of the
ShoWiiish and really did look the
{fart in het Shots white suit. Mrs.
Mettotia1.4 Mad de list Of tb§.
have rust toinpleted -die fall pro-
ject, "Focus on Fitness" and .in-
troduced their leaders, Mrs.
(lerald Wats6ii aiisd. Mrs. Affair
Their derrionStratioti
''First Aid in the Home" was put
rrn by Anne Watson, Susan HUM;
PhrieS and Kim finniphries took
.Than Bennett'S part as she was
litiable to attend. Walton eft Chili
niehlborli Were giVeii out Old their
leaders Were Tvirs..;Allan Me.:001
jahiSen, gave the comments
their exhihit, "HazaidS in "Votii
Cupboard" which was set up "the
same as they had it for Achieve-
ment Day. Mrs. Don McDonald
introduced the gin* of the eVen-
ing. Mrs. Jerry (Ann) Ryan who
had many colored wax eandiee
display that had been Made in.
Many different shaped inoulds.
She ,gave us, inany hints holy the
Moulds should he filled and things
to use to color theist. She aisO
denionstratbd hoW to frog, h
with the w hipped wax and
she made pink rosés tcehe put on
the side of candles which looked
Very attractive, Mrs. Herb Tra.viss
efitainted Ann and presented hex'
with a gift on behalf of the iri-
Institute. The roll call "What arc
We es Institute members leaving
for our successors?" was well
answered by 35 members. Mrs.
Jan van Vliet Jr. led hi a sing
song which was very much enjoy-
ed with Members and a number
.of the guests taking part. The. In,
stitute Grace was sung and a
delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. Herb Williannion, Mrs.
Murray Smith, Mrs. Mae Sholdice,
Mrs. Jack Gordon, Mrs. Roy
Williamson ) Mrs. Ralph Traviss,
Mrs. Norman Schade, Mrs. :Harv-
ey Craig and Mrs. W. .1. Leeining,
Mrs. Harold Bolger won the door
prize, a beautiful candle centre-
piece, Mrs. Irvine Bowes of Blyth
won a prize as holder of the
(continued on infiltio page)
Fellow citizens, let us have a
190% tynont, on Dec. 7th. Show
plug appreciation for the privilege
of free veto while we still have
that 'cliatieV,
George Wesen erg.
.john Everett Locking died
suddenly at his late residence RR
Brussels, on Tuesday, Novena).
er 24th, 1910, in his (32nd year.
Born iii Grey Township, ' he
fakified there during his lifetime.
He is SuifiriV(?d by his wife, the
fernier :Gladys L. White Of Grey
Township: Also surviving are
tveo sons; Robert of Grey Towle
ship and flail a.t house; five
Marie) Mgegere 2'
stee,n; 'Ma rgar et, at 'florae; Mrs,
Riebar4 (Elaine) Underwood of
New Hamlin:Ve., Mrs. Robert
(Joyce) Alexander, Grey Town
ship and Velma at home; ' fei'd
brothers, William of Lendesboro
and Elmer, Grey Township; two
sisters Mrs, Lorne (Alice) Stev-
ene j sarey Township, Mrs. Sam
(Edna) Horne 'of Monkton, and
nine grandchildren. One sister,
Myrtle; predeceased him in 1963.
Service was held from
the L. Watts. Funeral Home at
2 tide. on Thureday with temper-
Burial Chapel The service was
conducted by Rev, E. LeDrew.
Pallbearers were Itoss Cunning.
been, Ross Smith Don Cotton.
Goldtriii Knight, Tohti. McDonald,
elate J .4.4ehtiock
Ziegler is a patient in
gh a Hi flosPital,
dongrathiatlonS to Mr. and Mrs,
Ca nu an .„ Smith on the a rrival a a
Son to Listowel Haspitni on Nov,
Ladies' Aid Bazaar
The Ladies' Aid had a succes-
srtil baiaar on Saturday afferntion
in the Community' CeetrP. Alfred
Knight declared the bazaar open
vt 2:30 and the baking, cariciY,
Sewing, fancy work, vegetables.
and other articles S6011: disappear
ed: Christmas and, Everyday card
Were oft sale and later a s'oeitil
'time and lunch 'was enjoyed.
Congregational Meeting Held
A joint congregational meeting
of the Monktit- Cranbrook Past-
oral` charge was held on Monday
evening in the Monkton PreSbY-
teritial Church. Rev, Gs A. Beaton,
Listowel, tihnirinati or the Past-
oral Relatietie and Boundaries
Committee presided, Roe Dennis
Clark, Atwood, also spoke and it
was agreed that the Rev. C. A.
Winn be granted three Month's
leave. effective Dec, 1, 1970 to
Feb. 28. 1971. The Presbytery of
Stratford-Huron are responsible
for procuring pulpit suply and
and providing pastoral services
required by the congregations
during theSe thtee months. Rev.
Samuel Kerr, Exeter, will conduct
the service at Monkton and Cram-
brook on Sunday, Dec:, 6. Anyone'
of the Cranbrook congregation
requiring the services of a min.
ister please notify the Clerk et
the ,5essitih t Clare VeltrAlk
Wm, Elston
Ross Smith
-James 'Maly
'Mimeo Miller
11-inif(Stl Grasby
The •,anovE'i' a f, l'eturned by
acclamation for 1971-7i StidhF ferni,
Mrs. George .Kirkby, the former
Grace Murray, of B0rwash, died
In Sudbury Hospital on Saturday.
Nov. 28th. She was in her 65th
She is survived by 'her husband,
two sons, Murray of Listowel and
Tat of Sudbury; two • daughters,
,OeVerly and Patricia.. at home;
Arid brothers, Vordon, Willis i
and diarlek all of Walton, David
;7C Witighatri and Kenneth of
Toronto; liree sisters, Mrs. Earl
Toronto; three .sisters, Mre. ,Earl
Jack (Norma) Lamer Londoii,
and Mrs. Glen (Margaret) Haase
of _Sault St.e. Marie
The &neva service Was 'h.eld.
from L. Watts funeral
home, Brnseele,ail Tuesday at
2 p.m, conducted b.s.' Lid key. E,
LeDrew. Burial was in tfiiettsels
Pallbearers were Neil McGavin,
Mac Sholdice, Doug Kirkby, Herb
Kirkby. Don Murray and Don
Mrs. Edith 'Raymond of -Brus-
sels. widow of the late Charles
Ray/lime; died in Victoria Hoe-
vital, London, on Thursday, Nov-
ember 26th, after being in declin-
ing heaalth for some time. She
was in her 73rd year.
She is survived ,IreS, two Sens,
Robert and Derek of Brussels',
five ditughters, Mrs, Clifford
(Priscilla) Bray, Grey Township,
Mrs, James (Patricia) 'Davis of.
Lucaits Mrs'. :Carl < (Elizabeth)
.Gbwing, Morris Township, 'Mrs,
Sack (Esther)) McCutcheon, of
Brus6eli and Mrs. Witinifred Bell
of BruSSels, Also surviving. are 2:3
grandchildren arid: nine great
grandchildren; :a .sister Mrs. Joe
(Martha) Davidson, of Mazenod,,
Sask. and two siSterS lit England.
One soli, Ilarold, predeceased her
hi 1955,
After testing at the M. L.
Watt's funeral home the service
was held at 2 Pan. Saturday. its
St. John'S Anglican: Church, of
which Mr's. Raymond Was a
faithful member, conducted by the
:Reif, Keith Stokes.
Pallbearers were: WM. Turn-
bull. Ralph Pearson. Stuart Lowe,
Frank Thompson. Sam Worltiatan,
and George Mutter.
Flower cio bienag.ters: Don Bray and
Temporary en torithm ent in
Brussels CemeterY.,
Now is the time hi' subscribe to
The Thueeels ,Most. Only $2.60
per year tin tit the end of January
J -07.1.. It also makes en appreciated
Chrietems gift.
Two Enjoyed Comedies
Well Attended By
Andiencei 'l'i'tre* Nights
The two plays "Tisie P:sel Lamp
and "Scrambled Eggs". pfeeented
In Grey .Central School Attator-
lem an Thursday, Friday and gut,
u'rdaY 6.1- last week drew aPpeec-
iative audretices each evening.
Sponsored by •di'e* Central Heine
and School AseoeitsCien, the plays
were declared , an ogetanding
miMcess with the players of both
fOoductioUs interpreting the f
role' lei excellent' character.
Rohert esiliningimen was the
genial Master Of Ceremonies and
heween plays enter6Ttliiiient was
provided by *Ken Scott, fliebricipal
of Brussels Public School,, the
"Sweet Adelines" of Listowel and'
Saturday evening Robert Cunning-
ham, with Donald Dunbar at the
piano, led a sing song.
Refreshments were provided
each evening by the Home ie.
School Association, served by
grade 3 pupils.
During the Thursday evening
intermission, the director,. Mrs. R.
Kennedy and Mrs. Neil Mc-
Gavin, had assisted her, were
presented Wftli. c'erSages by inemb-
ers of the ewe:. On Saturday
eyening, at the Mrs.
Kennedy, Mrs, M.cel-atfifn. Mrs.
Grace Sinn:1i, Who had assisted in
various ways, arid Robert
received gifts from the-
.A.ssodatioii, in apPreciation of
their partiapafion.
Cast of Charaaties. in' the playrs
"The :Red Lamp": Jeaff Weber.
Beyeriey Speirau, .Tenny Lend.
Lothar Weber, Donald Perrin.
Jim Armstrong,
"Scrambled Eggs,': Jan Thomas.
Aileen Clark. Jackie Ony. Murray
Hoover. Neil McGavin,,,Tim Arm-
Following the. Saturdty evening
performance members of the cast
and others invented in the entire
project, were entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 'L. Weber'. •
Twelve essays have been hand-
ed in to be judged for the Canad-
ian Legion Essay Contest.
Mrs. Adamson is in Listowel
Hospital. She had het , appendix
out on Tuesday. We miss her very
much here at school. All boys and
should, if they could, send
her :a get well card.
Don't forget the biggest event
of the school, it is the Christmas
Concert which is going to be held
on Dee. 21st.
The volley ball team from Teten
berry is coining over to play on
Tuesday, Dec, 1. and then the
ternseele team goes back on
The 'Grade three elfiestooin has
student teachers for the week,
Their names are Inne Mouctiel
from Lucknow and D011ith Riley
from Londesboro,
Mr, Scott requests that the
snowmobiles refrain from driving
across the front lawn of the.
sehool,The tracks are hard on the
new planted grass tied the snow is
Packed on the sidewalks making
it berd to remove. They are
most welcome to use the. hack
of the. school yard. Your co-
operation in this matter Will he
greatly appreciated.,
Stephen Mania,
Qnly a handful of ratepayers
attended the Brussels nomination
meeting held in the Library on,
Monday night, showing a regret,
able lack of interest in their own
municipal affaire. The same un-
concern was evident at other
noinetion meetings in. the area.
Those nominated were:
For Reeve:
I. GI. Campbell. H. S. TenPas,
S. L. Mcenteheon (Q), R. B.
I. Cr'. Campbell (Q). R. W
Kennedy (Q), J. L. McCutcbeott,
:Jas, MeTaggart (Q), S. TenPas
.1. C. Kreuter, (Q). C. L. Work,
man (Q), J. L. MCCutcheon.
All in by acclamation.
Chei I'M an appointed for the
meeting was Win. H. King.
H. B. Cousins thanked the
Council for their co-operation
during his term as Reeve. He gave
an extensive review of County
affairs including Welfare. Libr-
ary Board, County Museum,
auronview, and Road Systern. He
tried to secure a senior citizens
}Mine in- Brussels, on the old
school property. Owing to the lack
of 'a Sewage system the request
:Cats denied. He told of the village
water signify made availahle to
the new homes in the eastern
section of the village. All work
was done by local workers at half
the cost of outside contractors. He
rein-MEd' village finances with a
surplus of over $5.000. He also
dealt with other local matters.
Hugh Il.inn, of Hallett, candi-
date for Huron Warden. spoke
briefly asking far support.
H. J. TenPas told of the trials
and, tribulations of a Reeve. He
reported on garbage' collet:don,
the buying of a tractor f or the
villa ;e, cutting and replacing of
trees that had to be removed,
J. L, McCatcheot4 being on :the
fire department, said there had
been a number of regrettable the
cidents such as the stealing of
the fire truck. and openeng of fire
hydrants, both serious offerie68
He; also mentioned other vandals
isin, He stated the reereatiOUat
PrOgrani must have more support
from neighbouring; townships.
T. 'G. Campbell reported 00 the
paving of seven streets. also on
differeet methods that could be
used for snow removal this whit,
R. W. Yenned-3' said he, enjoyed
the council work during the past
term in office. Ile noted that 1972
will he Brussels Centennial year
mentioning there had been Only
three publishers of the Paassel8
Post during that time.
James MeTaggart thanked his
nominators and said he. would
wait and see if be was needed,
I'. C. Kreuter said lack of
interest shown by resideuts itt
thee- local commitnity affairs
'eels partly responsible for Reeion-
el 'Ms-eminent takeover in the
near, future, He said also that it
Was very disheartening to those
vim tried to do a good job.
C. L. Woidonati said he would
reinaie on the P.U.C. and spoke of
the advance in hydro rates, over
which the local P.U.C. has no
control, Ontaria Hydro sets the
(continued on inside );Iage)
thetnbe.ra In Walton t CIO *id;try'• i n leenseci e