HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-11-26, Page 1 ••••••••••••.......••••••••••,••••• THT BRUSSELS P001`; THeIRSDAY, NOV. 266? 10/0 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Question: Do you like school? 'Kindergarten: Mrs, Ireland, Yes, I find it interesting with the little ones. Berbie Elliott, I think school is a place paint. Richer Havemen, I don't like school cause 1 have to lay down and go to sleep, Grade 1: Miss Mithell, Yes, because the children are fun, DiMan Van Den Assent, I like school because I work at some- thing. Sandra. Cloaky, Yes because of art. Grade 2: Mrs. Huether, Yes, because of the kids. 'Karen McClain, Yes because of art. Paul Nichol, Yes, b&ause of the art and painting and stuff. Grade 3 Mrs. Wilson, Yes, I enjoy work- ing with children. Reggie McClory, Yes, because I like P.T. Kathy Elliott, Yes, because: I like the- math. Grade 4e Mrs. Tyermen, I like school he cause it is an interesting and re- warding experience to work with children. • David McLellan, Yes, because I like it. Carol Wheeler, Yes, because I get along. well in school. Grade 4: ' Mr. Prior, I like it because of the intelligent children who al- ways do what you want' them to. Julie McCall, I like it because I can grow up and get a good job, Lyle Bridge, T don't ,like it bes cause •of the work. Grade 6 Mrs. Cousins, Yes. I like it because Norma Smith laughs at my jokes. Bob Boomer, Yes, because of art. Dawn Wesenburg, Yes. because of recess. Grade 7: Mrs. Raymond, I think it is a most. satisfying profession. Some of my most ietelligent and best friends are my students. Collen Raymond, 'Yes, because th.ere is a lot of activities. Norma Smith, I don't like it because of Mrs. Cousin's jokes. !Oracle 8: Mee. Adamson, I like it because I've been :going for years. Linda Mails No, because there's not, enough cute boys. Hugh Nichol, No because I can think of better things to 'do. Ptiecipal, Mr. Scott, Although science; mathematics, and physi- cal education are My favourite subjects, enjoy most aspects of the teaching profession. Having on opportunity to work Wi young people is perhaps the most rewarding part of teaching. Spotts Volley Ball teams started on Monday,. November 25th, 1970. Girls volleyball tournament is on Saturday, December 12th, 1970. Cover Contest: Colleen Ray- Mend and Sharon LeDrew shared ,,the happiness of winning a $5.00 award for our school paper cover contest. Laverne Mason, and Donna NiCholson. Realtor, to young couple: "The only house I have in your price range is now Odoepied • 15, - *WI., . . Mr. and 'Mrs. Tolls 1, Ethel celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Satur- day night when they entertained friends, relatives and neighbours and family, at the dance at the Canadian Legion in Listowel, and later at their home. The. couple were married Nov- ember •24h, 1945, at Christ Church, Cathedral in Hamilton. They have a family of four, (Margaret) Mrs. Bill Henderson, Gordon and Linda, all of London and Beverly a home. They received many cards and gifts. Tom and Betty thanked everyone for them. JOIN BRUSSELS SCOUT TROOP All boys interested in joining the Brussels Scoet `troop are asked to register at the Library at 7:30 p.m. on December 3rd. WATCH FOR THEM Members of. the Walton W. enjoyed a bus trip to London on Saturday. " While :there thtete of the members were taped for the program "Take YoUr Choice" which Will be televised over CFPL, Leindon; at 5:30 p.m. on Monday. November 30th. PEOPLE WE KNOW reurn home from hospital on return home from hocryital 011 Thursday of last week. Leonard Machete who suffered a heart attack last week is a patient in Winghate Hospital. He is reported as improving, Mrs, Walter Krug of Chesley visited last Week with Mrs. R. \V Stephens, :Brussels'. and Graham , Krug of C.K.N.N. Mr. and Mts Normah }raiding, Fordwich, and Mr. and Mts. Fred Doubledee of Wroxetete end Mrs. John Varrie, Toronto, weee Slindey vieitOeS Witit yfr, •• se•f• :119,0 ST. AMBROSE CHURCH WELCOMES NEW PASTOR On Thursday evening; Novemie er 5th, the periehicmere of St. Ambrose Church., Brussels, gathered to honor their pastor., Father Mooney on' the' occasion of his appeintmerit as pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel church, at Mount Cannel. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was held in the church, after which those present retired to the- parish hall, where all partook of a delightful meal., An address read by 'William Blake accompanied a. gift to Father Mooney from his parish- ioners. In . his reply Father Mooney recalled some of the perils from snow, the kindness of people of other faiths and some of -the lighter incidents of his.six and one-half years as pastor of the mission church of- St. • Am- brose. .• Our ...prayers' and .hest wishes. tor Father Mooney's success 'and. happiness go with hintto his new parish.. • • Three New Members loin Lions Club The November meeting of the- Brussels Horticultural Society was held Monday, the 16th at 8 pee. in the Brussels Public Library. Mrs.' Wm. Miller presided and after welcoming members and guests, opened the meeting with 0 Canada with Mrs. Walter Kerr Allan Cardiff and Dale Wheeler then played the guitar and sang,. The ladies all agree we have wenderni talent in these. boys. Mrs. A. McCall thanked them and presented each with a small Mrs. Miller introduced Mrs. D. W, Ryan of Clinton who demon etrated arrangements using ''veeds, grain and dried flowers also cones and plastic PlowerS. These urrangements were varied and beautiful. Mrs. Ryan was thanked by Mrs. Cudmore and presented with a gift, The done prize was won by Mrs. Win. Hewitt of Ethel. Mrs. Ryan donated an arrangement, which was won by Mrs. George Davis. Mrs. A. McCall conducted a contest, the winner being Mrs. S. Alexabder of Ethel, . 25 members and 12 guests were present, Queen closed the meet- ing and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. R, W. Stephens. Mits. (1. lielnitgwey, Mrs, While St. Ambrose Parfshioners. Honor Pastor At FareWelL The members of Saint Ambrose Church welcome their riese pester' Father Mitchell Kaminski. Prior to becoming pastor of Sacred Heart perish, Winghtele, and St. Antlfrose, Beeeee150 Father Kaminski was associate. peetor at Tillsonburg. Arrangements Demonstrated At Horticultural Meeting Lion President James Arm- strong presided at the • regular Monday night supper meeting of the Brussels Liens Club. Lion Ta iltwister Max Watts, wielded the fine box. with his usual enthusiasm. Lion Hank TeriPa,e as Lion Tamer led the Sing song with Miss O. McWhirter at the piano. Lion Secretary Cecil McFadden called the roll„ and read minutes and correspondence. Considerable besiness came under di:cession including a report by Lieu Ross McCall on the Santa Claus Parade to be held December 12th; and Lion Max Watts on plans for a three day Winter Carnival to be held Jan- nary 15th, 16th, and 1.7.th, to be, known as "Brussels Polar• Daize". It will feature snowmobile and snowshoe races, moccasin deinie, hockey games, etc, etc, District Governor Lion George Mutter inducted three new memb- ers into the club, Jack Knight, Jack Bryans and Wayne Lowe, ft Was moved that, the Club buy a fan for ventilation in the, Libr- ary basement. This matter was left to R. 13. Cousins to arraege, Lion. Selwyn Baker reported on plans for the Club's 25th anniver- sary, Lion Russel 'Knight spoke of the Fenn Home for deaf Children and a donation Will be sent, Lion Ross McCall won the: guess. At the conclusion of the meet- nig Lion George McCe tch eon showed a film on Conservation. BOWLING NOTES Leslie& elligh Single :lane Waed 249 Ann Bosnian ...... ... ..,„. 0 4e Doris-Matheson '41 Ladies' High Triple, Jane Ward .. .. ....... 674 Ann Bosnian, ... 062 Doris MatheSon 659 Men's High Single Ray Adams .. . 273 Dave Haetiegs 26e Stephenson .„„ 266 Men's High Triple Ray Adams l'hive Hastings 13ill Stephenson .. . Subs.: Susan McNeil 'fee ITip,-gins r:}010siffl ilifOffi fir 'MnPftiP GREY TWP. TO HOLD ELECTION FOR REEVE AND COUNCIL, DEC. 7th. Grey Township Nomination was held iii Ethel Community Centre on Monday aftereoon, Nov. 23rd. Nominations as follows; Reeve- Charles Thomas (Q) (Q) Laws= Ward Melville Lamont Kenneth Bray Councillors — Four t(o Q::ie elected Clifford Bray Melville Lamont (Qy Roy, Williamson (Q) e Do oLgl•de el\eriensle.triiibl erg (.(QQ)) Lawson Ward For two members for the Board of Education for the County of Huron for the combined munici- palities pi Brussels, Morris and Grey: Donald MeDoeald (Q) Wilfred Shortreed (Q) Acclamation for tseo members of, the Board of Education: for two year teem, Election for Reeve and four. Councillors for two year term to be held Monday, December 'WI. 'Clifford R. Dunbar appointed ChairMan for the ratepayers' meeting. , Donald McDonald gave the two year report for the Huron County Board of Education. He said the board had two years hard work. They wiels to make more use of the schools by the continuities, for adult education etc. They want every child to be able to attend kindergarten, Tendering has sav- ed money for the board. Wilfred Shortreed said he had been interested in education and deckled -to stand for trustee when the area is now allowed two members and would do his best. for the area. Elmer Hayter, Reeve of Stan- ley TovinSbip, and candidate for Warden. William Elston, Reeve of Morris ToWnship, and Calvin Kreuter, former Warden, spoke briefly, Charles Thomas gave the Coun- ty report of two years work, Each Councillor now sits on only one enernittee, 'unless a special committee, :He had the Opportitn ity of sitting on planning and reg- tonal government Melte-it teee, County Council had adopted a policy of setting salaries and wages on two years basis. An of- ficial plan would be ready for the next meeting. Frei believed region- al government not close in 'Hie On County. itlelvilie Lamont, nominated for both Reeve and Council would leave his name es Councillor, fess quoted notes from 1920 financ- ial statement and noted the dif- ferences in provincial grants and mill rates. He had been appointed drainage commissioner and was fully responsible to council on drainage matters. ).:a-wen Ward as tlheirMae retillthill(iti Oil NEWS OF iBRUSSELS Grey Township Couple PUBLIC SCHOOL Celebrate 25th Anniversary it It* LOCAL GUIDE AUXILIARY MEETS • The local Auxiliary of mothers of Guides end Brownies met on NoVember 18th at the honie of the -president, Mrs. -Barbara Watts, with eighteen ladies: present. ,L. A. dues for 1970 are S. to be collected by the telephone cern- mittee. The Guide and Brewnie cookie and candy sale showed a profit which is to be used for a trip. Bus fare and arrangements for this trip are to he held over until a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bernard, on behalf of B,P. Oil Ltd. offered to donate a trophy for "Best Guide of the Year" which is „ appre- ciated. Apple Day. on Nov. 21st was discussed with mothers volunte- ering theft help. • The meeting adjourned followed by a delicious lunch. --at the •piano. Minutes, treasurer's report, correspondence and roll follewed. Mr. A. Knight read the News Letter. A nominating. committee was named to bring in a slate of officers for the : next, meeting. Mrs. F. Shaw. M rs. Hemingway. and Mrs. R. W. Stephens were named. Alr8. M. Humphries seconded the motion, carried. 7'26 672 002 MarilYI)