The Huron Signal, 1881-08-26, Page 1joielismgmagagneggesweeesamesimetemeineaseet. tee.
-ill Mr( •."'‘.14C
j KnOLLLICUDDY KIM Pueusustati
New Advertiartmesta.
High School -H. 1. Strang.
Allan Llne-H. Armstrong.
Auction .ie--J.dC. Cutrk.
Stock Side M. Y. McLean.
Exeursion -Thos. Greenway.
Great Sale -J . C. Detlor ik to.
Voters List -Edward F. Moore.
School Books -T. J. Moorhouse.
811 Days Sale -Colborne Brothers.
Trareillag Guide.
.• Auttioneering.
. TIONEER, Goderich, Ont. 1751.
Miscellaneous Tart*.
- - -
r -r Office, Crabb's Block. Kingston id.. thick -
rich. Plans andFilketions drawn Lorrect.
ly. Carpenter's' ttrer. s and mason's wurk
measured and viued.
Pam. Exp's. Mix'd.
restrt liic.Lv 7.00am 1.1.05pm .3.15pte..
h. .. 7.50" 1.10" 4.15
15traord.Ar 11.15am 2.15pm 9.30pni
Pass. Exp's.
Stratford.Lv 1.9laru 7.50pin 7.00em.
fireforth... . 2.17 " 8.56" 9.15 " .5.40 '
Oodsrich-Ar 3.15pm 9.50pm 11.00ani 7.15pm
Rep's. Mall. Exp's.
Mann golag earth ..9.39am ..4.23pm.
rola' south .3.544.m .8.01am
Luckaow Stage (da(ly) arr. 10.Lm d
1.00.m .
Benmiller " (Wednesday and
sAtuelavo arrives 9.00am
L1SHED This estabesement la chiefly
devoted to Job and library work. mpeciallY lo
those uniq ue and economical hellcat( and mor-
rocco styles. In all cases the best of stock and
workmanship, with strength and beauty com-
bined. Bindery overJohnbuttun's drug store.
RISTERS. Attorneys. Solicitors.
ep pm Goderich. J. T. Garrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751.
ram I
t9.15 "• A torney, Solicitor in Chancery. ft
Ooderich. Out. " 1751.
1 Q EAGER & 'MORTON, B A R R I 8 -
I 1.3 TEEM to.. Ito.. Godsrick and Win
C. Seeger. Jr.. Goderich. J. A. ltortomernali
-i 1
171.• TIST. Oftloe and residence, West Street. i ham' 1751.
three doors below Bank of Montreal liwit-
She Peopte's Column.
re -on on THURSDAY Sti,r. 1. For any
indormstlea apply to H. 1. STRANG, 11. A.
Hind master. 1201.
rooms with board. for small family.
Address A. J. M. Goderich P. 0. 1030-21.
cabinet making business. Apply to G.
C. Riamireox. East street. 1800.
Stephen's Parsonage Fund. will $D. V.) be
oa the grounds of Stirling House IMrs.
Hrowus. Huron Road. on Friday sites noon and
evening Ilik inst. from 1 to 9 o'clock. Ad-
mission 'Including teal 150. children half orb*.
los cream. music &c. 1800.
11 resihne her tuition in music, on Wed-
nesday. 1st September 1881. Terms $6 per
qr i advance. Use of piano given if re-
quired. Stanley st. Goderich.
Sept. leh 1881. 1800 -It.
• concrete house at the corner of Newgate
and Albert streets, occupied for over 10 years
Mrs. J. Y. Ellwood. It is in good repair
th hard and soft water and other con% enl-
aces. Apply to Jose BRECKENRIDGE.
adder. 1790.
med. by Daniel McDougsld in favor of
undersigned. The public are hereby cau-
tioned against negotiatirg. or disposing of it
In any way. as 1 have received no value for
the same. Camas* CHURCH. 1798-3t.
LY to Tor SIGNAL to ad vertise animals stray-
ing ein your premises., and avoid prosecution
illegally detaining animals. Address THE
Ilsonat. Ooderl, h. Ont.
era will be received by the undersigned
up to the 3151 inst.. for supplying the 33rd
Battalion. 310 strong. with bread and meat of
the best qualities. while in camp from 13th to
24th Sept. next. Bread to be in 11b loaves.
Meat enup to suit messes To he delivered
in camp at such times and in such q mint it les
as may be ordered.. H. CooKE, Ad't 33ri1 Btt.
V. M.
Goderi, h. Aug. 1881. 1790'
L. S)UciIor. Odiceolrner of West Street
and Market Squaee. thlterga Acheson's.
.1 -4. LAW, Solicitor in Cleuseery, emery -
sneer, &e. Office over Sheppard's bookature.
Ooderich. Ont. Any amount of money to
loan at lowest rates of Wenn. 1751-y.
Barristers. Solicitors la Clisaariy. kc..
Ooderich and %%miens. M. C. Caseerom Q.
C.; P. Holt, M. G. Canserom Ooderich. W. E.
Mann. Wingham. 1751.
el R. McDONA44H, M.D., PHYSIC-
IAN. SURGEON. &c.. Graduate of Tor-
onto University. licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians, Londoo. aad. ke.. kc..
M. C. P. S., Ontario. ogle. and resident -e:
Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hamilton street. ilod-
OEON. Coroner. &c. Glace ad residence
on Bruce Street, second door west of Viototia
Street. 1761.
. ciam Surgeon and Accoueher. Graduate
of Toronto U niversity. 031ce opposite Causer.
ron & Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. 1.1 not in
otilm. enquire at the Bank_
-1.-• Physicians, Surgeons. Aocouchers, kc.
Office at 1)r. Shanoon's residence, near the
Jail. Goderich. G. C. Sitatixos. J. C. HAMIL-
TON. 1751.
P./ • to 1)r. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario Ve-
terinary College. 'Office. stables and residence.
OU Kewgate Street, four doors east of Colborne
Hotel. N. B. -Horses examined as to sound-
ness. 1751.
"A chiel's amens ye. takin' notes.
An' faith hell prent it."
If you want a first-class cooking stove, call
and see O. N. Davis' variety. Also American
and Canadian oil for family use. Something
new -tbe magic fluting machine.
Mr. James Thomas is laid up with
The volunteers will parade at the
armory this evening.
Miss Sarah Morgan, of Bayfield, is
visiting Mrs. Vivian.
Miss Annie of Detrnit, ar-
rived in town yesterday.
Mr. B. L. Doyle has been on the sick
list during the past week
Goderich High School will re -open on
Thursday, lit September.
Miss Nellie Salkeld is visiting friends
in Stratford and St. Marys.
Miss Radcliffe, of Detroit, is the guest
of her uncle, Mr. R. Radcliffe.
1u... -Mr. M. C. Cameron, M. P., has
been laid up forafew days with inflamma-
Mr. R. McLean made a good ship-
ment of lambs' to Buffalo during the
The North Street Methodist Church
picnic will be held in Bingham's grove
on Tuesday next. ir
Knox Church Bible elm is requested
to meet at Mr. Millers residence on
Saturday evening.
A woollen and cloth factory on the old
site at Hart & Co's mill is said to be in
prospect. Let it hum.
Mra. Sheriff Gil.bons returned home
last week from a very enjciyable visit to
her son in Pennsylvania.
The English Church Sunday school
picnic will be held on this (Friday) after-
noon at Bingham's grove.
Miss Freeman, of Princeton, has re-
turned home from a brief visit to her
sister, Mrs. F. J. Gissing.
If you want s horse, buggy, or set of
harness remember Stott's auction sale on
Wednesday, September ith.
Mr. J. Youill, of Goderich, has been
fixing up, the pans in Gray, Young &
Eparling • salt block, Blyth.
Master Frank Roberta has secured a
situation in a general store and tele-
graph office in Ainberley, Ont.
Masters Joseph Williams and Stirling
Bluett returned on Sunday from a three
weeks' cruise in Georgian Bay.
Mrs. Christopherson is in town, hav-
ing recently returned frnm a trip to that
charming resort, Lake Chatauqua.
The monster advertisements on fifth
and eighth pages came in so laze that
much interesting matter has been crow-
ded out of this week's issue.
Goderich Volunteer Company has
been supplied with knapaacks, haver-
sacks, canteens, etc.. which, with the
overcoats, will be immediately distribu-
Messrs. Black and Morrow, of Gude-
rich, have been engaged in repairingthe
boiler in Kelly's grist mill, Blyth. Our
Goderich boiler makers have a county
FIRE PROol ROOTING. -Capt. Cox. of
the British Exchange, has iust hal the
roof of the British Exchange Rotel celled
with fire proof paint, guaranteed to last
twenty years.
Mr. F. Graham, of Goderich, has
been engaged by the Huron Live Stock
Association to dispose of their stock at
their annual sale at Clinton 4.11 Wednes-
day, Oct. 19th.
Postroeitn.-The West Riding fall
I show, which takes place in Goderich,
1 has been postponed until Wednesday and
Thursday, th and 6th of October, so as
not to conflict with the Toronto Indus-
trial Exhibition.
a tremendous crowd in town yesterday.
Th a Mitehell excursion, the band tour-
nament, and the presence of Sir H. L
Langevin were the ea.uses.
PASSED. -Messrs. R Hayes and P.
S. Carroll have passed their second in-
termediate examination before the On-
, vino Law Society. Mr. Carroll .passed
without an oral, and Mr. Hayes ranked
second on the list with oral.
The Reformed Episcopal Service was
held in the parlors of the Point Farm on
Sunday by Rev. W. F. Woolgendero(De-
troit. The musical part under the direc-
tion of Miss Kathleen Trowbridge, of
the sante city, was very nicely render -
Mr. D. S. Aldridge, an old Brusse:ite
and a member of the Platteville brass
band, genially blew his horn in town on
Friday last. He enjoyed the visit to
the lake hugely.
Miss Jessie McKenzie and Miss Kate
Dutton, of Stratford. returned hume this
week, after a month's stay in Goderich.
Each will commend Goderich as a pretty
and healthful resort.
Mr. Robert Roberts, baggage man. G.
T. R., is now in Scotland. He has been
in a delicate state of health f• r some
time, and we trust he will return bene-
fitted by the sea N-oyage.
Mr. Geo. Stiven, of the Bank of Com-
merce, and bride left on the noon train
on Wednesday, amidst. the waving of
handerohiefs and benedictions trum
many friends upoe the platform.
STOCK SOLD. - 1The goods belonging to
the estate of the late James Watson,
amounting to about 87000, realized 67
cents on the dollar last Friday. A Mr.
Bailey, of London, was the buyer.
CAMP MEETIMo. -A camp meeting
under the direction of the C. M. Church
at' Holmesville, will be held on W.
Elferd's farm, commencing Thursday
Sept. 8th and continuing for one week.
Milli Ellen and Master Char. Vanatter,
are on a visit to their brother here. We
wish them an enjoyable time, and hope
that they may return home greatly re-
freshed by the cool breezes off Lake
We have received a copy of "Latest
Selections for Autograph Albums" front
the publisher, Wm. Warwick & Son,
Toronto. This • little beok is full of
choice quotations, and sh.ould meet with
a ready sale.
PRINTER'S IeK.-J. C. Detlor & Co.
b i i t i h bli f
e ng anx ous o acqua t c o
The body of the infant child of nt Mr. their immense clearing salee, mpu
Loans anb insurance. R. McKeon, G. T. R. was taken to half of our tifth page this week. J. C.
fit500,000 T4) LOAN. APPLY TO
rich. 1759.
73,000 To LEND ON REAL ES -
14.7 TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L.
OLE. Goderich. 1751
'V on good Farm or first-class Town Property
at 8 per cent. apply to R. RADCLIFFE. 1731
Real Estate. .,....i.
amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 111, per
_ - cent. Private funds. Apply. to Skims.* and
, MORTON, Ooderich.
amount of Private Funds for investment !
at lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply
. Lake Range. Ashtleld, Huron ('ounty.
184 lyres, 33) cleared and highly improved,
°slam* staadisqt timber. Good orchard. new
frame house. barn Mee and an necessary
stabile'. two wells. For particulars address
Cits. McLiss. Amberly. 1790-3m.
Stratford on Wednesday for interment. Detlor & Co• are shrewd in their day
The Government dredge Challenge, is and generation.
expected shortly to clear the sand bar Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Macara,
wliich has fortned at the harbor ap- the Misses Hutchison and Miss Kate
Macara, visited Cleveland during the --J. F. Lawrence, Ann Arbor; D. Guth -
week, taking passage ..n the Saginaw rie, M. P., Guelph; Robt. Gilmour,
Valley. The party, doubtless, had a Toronto; Mrs. J. Thompson; Miss Wel-
pleasant journey. king, Detroit; Mr., Mrs. and Miss Read,
Brantford; Mrs. J. Ranaford, 2 children
he G. T. 11. Co. was represented at ment of the lumber received by Williams and nurse; Mrs. Wm. Ransford, and
the reception of the Minister of Public & Murray, on Monday. 22nd Aug: Rath- child, Clinton; D. Edwards, J. D. Earle,
Works in Goderich on Thursday, by bum, 185,141 ft; Nia ra, 270,493 ft; East Saginaw; Adam Parker, Fergus.
Todman, 139.700 ft; Ontario, 181,600 ft. Saliva') Htx Ream -A lecherous old
Miss M. Ferguson, of this town, has Total 776 934 ft. brute named James Thompson was on
THE HEATHER. -MT. .D. Frazer, De-
puty -Register, nn Wednesday received
from Dr. J. T. Duncan, who is now in
the old country, a sprig of heather pluck-
ed front the famous island of Iona. The
specimen is an exceedingly pretty one.
and Mr. Frazer, who is an enthusiastkf
Highlander, glories in his prize.
Escumitmo-A large and orderly ex-
cursion from Platteville, Bright and
other points of Oxford outlay, arrived
••11 Friday last, and took in the sights.
They were accompanied by the Platte-
ville, brass band, and the music of the
aliens was much enjoyed Ly many of our
Mrs. Hawley, wife of Hon. J. Hawley,
left on Wednesday for Washington to
pay her respects and express her sym-
pathy with Mrs. Garfield, who is a.ri in-
timate fran.d. 1 z will be reinelebered
that some years ago President Garfield
and family were the guests of Mr. Haw-
ley here.
BANDTHII&NAKI247. -The Band Tour-
nament under the auspices of Fetzer's
Brass Band held yesterday was patron-
ized by four bands. The fudges were
Messrs. FL Carmichael and W. Trott, of
Seaforth, and C. Fetzer, of Goderich.
The bands paraded the square early in
the afternoon, each contributing a
march, and proceeded to the Agricultu-
ral Grounds, where a stand had been
erected. The price of 25c. admittance
was looked upon as too high a figure;
hundreds took free seats on the adjoin-
ing roof and verandahs, while the num-
ber of paying spectators was smalL Each
band played a quickstep and a selection,
and Messrs. 'frott and Carmichael
adjudged the points as tollows :-
Mitchell 190, Clinton 152, Goderich,
(Amastrone's Band) 138, Benmiller 116.
Prof. Fattier, however, adjudged the
merit at tha following ratio: 'Mitchell 14,
Goderich 12, Clinton 11, Benmiller 8.
The prizes were awarded as follows: 1st
prize 850, Mitchell, 13 pieces; 2nd 830,
Clinton, 11. pieces; 3rd, $20, Goderich,
13 pieces; Benmillet 8 pieces. was com-
mended for so small a band. Every-
thing seemed to be conducted as fairly
as possible.
Marne news.
Saturday.-Schr. Jane McLeod, Port
Albert; J. G. Kolfage, Port Albert,
Sunday. - Prop. Saginaw Valley, Bay
City, leuisengers and freight; prop.
Quebec, Sarnia, iNassengers and •fre*ht;
schr. E. W. Rathburn, Spanish River,
lumber for Williams and Murray; Niag-
ara, Spanish River. lumber; H. Todman
Spanish River, lumber; Ontario, Byng
Inlet, lumber; Evening Star, Detroit,
light; Restleas, Michael's Bay.lumber.
Monday.-Schr. Wave Crest, Bruce'
Mines ties.
Tuerday.-Str. Manitoba,- Duluth,
passengers and freight.
Misi Fannie Hutchison arrived front Wednesday. -Str. Manitoba, Sarnia,
passengers and freight.
Thursday. - Pry. Saginaw Valley,
Cleveland, peassengers and freight.
Friday.-Schr. Everleigh, Georgian.
Bay, light.
Saturday. -Schr. Jane McLeod.' wood
and bark,
Saginaw Valley,
Cleveland, pessengets and freight; prop.
Quebec, Duluth, passengers and freight.
Monday.-Schr. E. W. Rathburn,
Port Albert, light.
Tuesday. -J. G. Kolfage, Sauble,
light; str. Manitoba, Sarnia, light; schr.
Evening Star, Kintail, light.
. Wednesday. -Schr. Wave Crest, Bruce
Mines, salt; Restless, Owen Sound, salt;
Todman, Collingwood, salt; Ontario,
Byng Inlet, light; E. W. salt;.
Detroit, tan bark; Evening Star, Detroit,
Thursday. -Prop. Saginaw Valley,
passengers and freight.
The schr. Niagara is having a new
foremast rind bowsprit put in her under
the supervision of Mr. Henry Marlton.
Montreal last week, rather improved in
health after her lung stay in that city.
She was on board the train wrecked near
Prescott, but the Pullman car in which
she was did not leave the track, and we
are pleased to ray she was unharmed in
the least.
Mr. Samuel Pollock, a former well-
known and highly -respected resident of
Goderich, and at one time Mayor of the
town, came hither on a visit on Sunday
last, and remained over until Thursday,
when he departed for his present home
Bad Axe, Mich. He is delighted with
the town in which he- now resides.
Irersuasrixo. -For the first time in
eight years the Brussels Post has sus-
pended for a week, in order that the
staff might attend the nuptials of one of
the owners, W.H. Auld, and Mies Wood-
hull. at Strathrey. We wish the happy
couple a lone and prosperous life, and
trust that the vows taken on Wednes-
day last will evermore be fulfilled in true
love. Friend Kerr, Wu your turn next.
Dr. Graham, Brussels, and Mr.
Macaw, the welleknown architect, of
Toronto, were in town yesterday, taking
in the sights.
Lraisze.-The following is a state -
Mr. Brotherhood.
been spending it moat enjoyable time ArranFemeuts are being made by the Thursday sentenced to 1 year and 11
during the past tire weeks at Ocean Mechanics' Institute toward the success- months in the Central Prison, by Judge
• Beach, New Jersey. ful carrying out of a series of literary Toms, for an aggravated assault upon a
"City Chimney Sweep" is the way it and =Wail entertainments, under the little girl named Frances Jane Spotton,
VOR SALE. -LOT 9, LAKE SHORE li Money to lend at. lowest rates, free of
Tp. of Colborne, containing 112 acres 30 "7 c'N'ts t,r charges -
reads upon the band of a hat worn by a
tall stranger. It makes the place appear
quite metropolitan.
Juclgutgfrorn the piles of baggage com-
ing in from the Point Farm the put few
d that establishment must doing
a rushing business. "
I Councillor Sloane is back from his
trembles in the emit, and his genial
Icountenedce again beams upon Hamilton
street and the Square.
Judge Toms has had a relapse, and
has been again prostrated by an at-
! tack of asrue. Wm would like to hear
scree cleared *dance excellent timber. °P8Zite L°It"'rne
erica. sere March UM. 1779. ;
a good clay loam. As this property adjoins
the Point Farm It is in consequence most
amide& For particulars apply to J.
M.rch le 1881. 1776-11.
if Landed Credit Compaay is prepared to
lend moneydortrod Fenn moerity. .3 541 per
cent Full ulangiven epos
li COB HAMILT0b. C. L. agent. ite:riN.86: ,
Dungannon. 12 miles from Ooderich.
A consisting of I of an acre ef land. well fenced:$20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND
A frame house, a good well and pump are also
on the premises. The lot has been well im- tertoto0 Fmarmortgogesand Topwsuremsed.Prepertny oact,osnlownitetimesonin-
proved. Terme ressonable. Particulars ran „,„ __,
be had from Kr. J. M. Rosters. Merchant, N.8.rmoneveas ramata oetiale
Dungannon, or R. E. BROWN. NUe P, 0. Iftitle is satiefactory.- 13AV78076 s 30811
1167-". STON. Barristers. be.. Ooderiek. 175i
auspices of the Institute during the
coming fall and winter.
Liana FUNCHAL -The funeral of the
late A. C. Simmons, which took place on
Friday afternoon, was very largely at-
tended. Orange Lodge No. 182 turned
out with regalia, and the band. playing
the dead march, preceeded the hearse.
familiar face will be missed in our
midst -not of a man but of a horse.
Poor old "Spot- who for so many years
has carried the mail to and from the
Point Farm, drew his last breath on Sat
aged 9 years, in the township of owick,
some time ago. Thompson is an old
offender in the same line of iniquity.
Obituary. -A well known face will
be missed in Goderich, Mr. Donnelly
Bain having departed this life on Satnr-
night. The deceased was formerly em-
ployed on the railroad, and for a number
of years was in the steamboat agency
business in Detroit. He had long been
in failing health, but remained cheerful
and happy to the close. He was held in
high esteem by our townspeople gener-
HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND I R RADCLIFFE, FIIUL of his speedy recovery. urday last. COUNTY EXAM/4393 -The Board met
gate Jas. Plasm.. Architect. 0 co Cnbb's Morley to lend on Mortgage. either in Teen or loon, was visiti which of the Model schools
ne his cousin. Capt. Gib- autogmch of the e(ii
_tor of THE SIGNAL, candidates
Dieraurcs co. a ''''n,
Mr. Watson of the firm of K &
ontrea accompanied by his av ng ex
Ataroossett. -A number of persons on Tuesday last, when the secretary was
76. oorner of victoria and East Ants, in • IA?? and Accident Innarsisee Awed. .
-exchanged tor farm property. Forerticulam for the CANADA Live
Farm Property. in any vray SD INIlt the borrow- ion during the week. he is wi ling to comply with the request, they shall attend, on the 29th instant,
. or J. C. Creme, auctioneer.
Oat. 1751 Notice has been received from the and send it attached to a subscription as arranged at this date. The Board
this tovra Ooderich. tor sale cheap, or will be Ivnreientifte hrot.,1014•31611**- Ak40011•411 1W/ m an7 h i pressed a desire to obtain the instructed to notify the nonprofessional
IS.3 sale fe acres, 50 acres cleared and well
•=. Brick Cottage lit* stone cellar full
01 bouse. A large creek rues through
4 lid lot. eo waste land on the creek, A Tel
One orchard eG
urrounds ths house. ood barn
and other buildings. Terms very easy. Apply
Lojnts. T. Harem -Mt 16 Lake Shore Road, Col.
Township, or to 0*aHow Paean -
A: eon. 13. Colborne, about *even Mileafrom
t Se'dorktt. mall'Oriming arreL 50 teared.
some_ lame, and a new frame barn WS and
a a 'able and Other outbuildings are es the
tier A young orchard. good pump. Ole.
6 -▪ -the farm. Th. farm has a road on two
ogee a .s. r °Tr lot fall wheat are sown.
mums se le mile • poet ofacie. For
parttatiara Vier to m. SHIELDS. Sheppard.
tea P. O. 1777.
A.7 Pest Ogles, for gale or to rent with i acre
see. Steck all fresh *ad good. Will senora veil
say Mew* having other bueneas to attend
Per nether partiouiere to R. T.
Livonia. Mon 100 sere* of teni, west hat nI
Let %, on the Md eon.. E. D. Asti Id. Good 03
6r4. Teems House. and astable. witty scree
-temenig;;;eu teased. Apply to Ostosow
ft Piero 1761.
', . AYR mitt HairAreatee, hogs to return
hanks to tho tot Met patrons/A:. awl
Ada a rostlenanee of custom. esa
aware be brand at his Stories I'veise,mm
‘be Poet Mee Godlerki. Ina
er. Office --laminates. Kara Mock. Oweemetch. '
BRITISH ASS. WT. Tolloweo-Latablielted
PHGCNIVabodfft Lasitme
II A I:7MM figi...stEaninutia.
CaMalEsta 1711t
receipt upon the usual terms -81.50 a
Educational Department confirming the
admission of the successful candidate at
year in advance.
the last entrance examination. Miss Annie Preston, daughter of Rev. ,
Mr. J. C. Harrison.sof skating rink
fame, was in town last week, looking
well. He is now superintending dredg-
ing operations across the water.
nein CONSIGNMENT. -Mr D. Fergu-
eon Imerneeieed thwlivet consignment of
this season of Lake Superior salmon
t trout. He is bound to rush the season.
Mr. J. R. Miller, P. S. 1., returned
The andersImeed fa alma Apgraber tor the lest week from a three weeks' trip up
CANADA PER. LOAN AND SATINOS CWT. French River. He looked brommd, and
TORONTO. says he was Bloch benefitted by the out -
Nosey to Lean ea Ileat-elera eacmity. tram ing.
iligatehablVVI2... a
7*S per Cleat -Champs moderato.
CUL411144i SALL -Colborne Bros. pur-
11110KACZNOIMON. pose holding a clearing rale for 30 days.
Oedertea. eem. 88. Int 175'Their big advt. will be found on page &
I We predict large Isla during the next
Rooth -in Mostreta. eis the Illad it Wary 1 Mr. G. 11. Old has arranged to do a
Ana. wife atiosms lmoth. amt heavy trade in apples this fall. He Nays
I dawehter of foam Wahrt. chemises. ared
I SI Team
Ihe will require fully 6000 barrels of
1 McKeown- maaday. nad Azi,ov.u.boolataiz posesw.und fall and winter apple* for all par.
totantme, firer, Dunk". the
sea 01 Sebum mot haste lIcKaaws. sawn friend M. Y. moLosin, a the
year 3 MO and 117 dare Out
Daft -la flodorion. cos Ismentay. Aug. 111th. neaforth ffrpoefor, has been recupees-
1 imenetir egad la years ting in Muskoka. fie was accompanied
nitrite- In WI Wawaanah. Oh emu. ea the i by Dr. Toren. who has pt keen mutt for
Slat Ma.. WOUND Derada. .nod 31 mare sad
I Meath. ' emu+ lile
"." "-^•""'"..--.41rwmihuramMaira.-wstrat
also rescinded a resolution in reference
the renewal e cat
of 3 I Class C rtii tes
passed May 12th, 1877, and resolved
that in future parties requiring an
Fall Maims 15 19011.
Industrial, at Toronto, Sept. 5 to 17.
Quebec Provincial, at Montreal, Sept.
14 to 23.
North Perth, at Stratford, Sept. 15
and 16.
Mitchell horticultural, at Mite
Sept. 22 and 23.
Northern Fair, Ailsa Craig, Sept. 19
and 20.
Hullett Branch, at Clinton, pt. 20
and 21.
Provincial. at London, Sept. 21 to 30.
Turnberry, Wingharn, Sept. 28
and 23.
Hay B,ranch,at Zurich, Sept. 29 & 30.
South Huron, Exeter, Oct. 3.
Central, at Guelph, Oct. 3 to 5
Central, at Hamilton, Oct. 4 to 7.
East Wawanosh, BeIgnive, Oct. 11.
Morris, Blyth, Oct. 12.
West Riding, at Goderich, on Wed-
nesday, and Thursday, Ootober 5th and
ERiding, at Brussels, on Thursday
and Fnday, October Oth and 7th.
Tuckersmith Branch, at Seaforth, on
Thurday and Friday, September 15th
and 16th.
Saturday morning shortly after leaving
Prescott Junction the express train west
on the Grand Trunk en000ntered an ob-
struction in the shape of a cow lying be-
tween thoi rails. The engine was thrown
from the track, the baggage, mail, ex-
JRS. 4 , ng ' 3r1 Claes certificates shall be required press ;t•t;- passenger cars being
the week visiting old friends. Weun-
nd thatPreston. who pass the professional examination and I turned upside down. The sleepers, of
derataI attend one 141 the model se!teols at least ; verde& there were several, remained on
accomplished musician, has been ap-
pointed one week before the etamtnetons. The ithe track. The engineer, John How -
teacher of music in the Wesley -1
-+tri examtne l'iscit'• et riCWIo s imme-Ider the engine. The firemen, Taylor,
Hotram SSITTED. -MOMS D. & J. P. Idisseir before ths, 6104'4 of the schools, was found in a field near bt, insensible,
Fisher have just made a shipment la en- ; spending two days in each. but not seriously hurt. The two re-
tire stock to the United States. Their' We are pleased to learn that three of rem managers, Arthur King of Sint -
Public Va. ...I I tiape:tors were ripple/god ortauf alueszesa, irme, found. 4.sea eft_
an Female College, Hamilton. _
four et tons --is omen, coachour Oodench lxiys passed their final el
tWf•ClyttoodAles-will, with two StilliLatS I ausinati.m. Att,rwey.Barrister wet
;a heavy draught and a blood stallion) , ere taa,,ts, at ()erode Hall. T.Ironto, Wit
bent in their charge by Mr. A. Smith. to woe 44.0rile Watson, wh,, had cm
be exhibited at some id tho fall fairs in
some time past been practising as at -
the neighboring States. torney at Clinton, and • Mr. Complain est
Sutra Warimeo. -On Monday riven- Toronto stood number 182 ane were en-
ing lest a pleasant company of persons titled to compete for honors and the
(nen the town and country aammhled at gold medal. Watson, °win; to indisposi-
the residence of Mr. William Sera/114d. term. latter making high marks en the
Bayfield Rosd, to celebrate with him his tine paper was obliged witharaw
silver wedding. A very enjoyable time from the c,mtast. W. E Maoism and
was spent in music, innocent games. and E. N. Lewis passed without an oml,
social chat. Mr. and Mn ftwailield re.owingto their full mowers to
mired some valuable presents. May ; their printed paietiewis and their having
they live and enjoy them until the !arse! lween examined Cr barrister and attar -
on!, and Mr. Mackenzie of Hamilton,
were aeriously injured, indeed how they
escaped instant death is rnireculoes
The bwgage master was slightly hurt, as
was al. alfr. Hartshorn of Michigan,
and these were the only casnalities of
any account. As the train was crowded
with Boston passengers returning to the
west, that so few were injured i. a wee-
The London wheat buyers are out
buyiagta the country and arranging ler
farmers shipping their wheat by the ten
1114 from the nearest stations? inalead
..1 drivinr in with teams.
The Mayor of Ingersoll has offered
memories of this occasion are refreshed esv together. Th were the presen• 6200 reward for the of the
by the celebration of their golden
wedding. and as much longer as may
please Providence gram
te to the court antl were then that to person or persons w o set the to the
he sworn in before the Common Pleas introitnum at the 0 W R. %tele on
inage of the High (Inert of Jokier the 110.11