HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-19, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUGUST IJ, 1881.
MOULDINGS, and every
Description of Interior Finish.
A Speciattt•. Send for Price
Estimates on applica-
tion. tta-Addrees
Guderic h
Sift mesa.
Rer. arse. -Mr, Thos. A. Ramsey
who left Westfield scan time ago for
Michigan, returned to his father, Mr.
Robe. hairs y, last week with a partner
for life. When he loft 1Vestfield he was
REI oveKtxu,-Mr. Guard, who has
been laid up for the past fortnight, is on
the trend.
Mr. R. H. McDonald, who is now
spending his vacation with hisparents
here, and a pupil of Clinton High Sohuul,
• was successful in writing at the recent
intermediate examination.
(loop SHoorIxo.-At the annual rifle
practice for No. 4 Company, 33rd Batt.,
Clinton, on Wednesday last, Sergeant
S. C. Hagen, of this township, scored 45
points out of a possible 60. The shoot-
ing throughout was good. Sergeant Ha-
gen, although resident in this township,
has not severed his connection with the
Clinton Company.
W. I. Davy, who has been.residing
in Chichgo, is at present in the vil-
lage, he is trying to dispose -of his
tannery and dwelling.
Workmen are busily engaged fitting
up the C. M. Parsonage. Rev. A. E.
Smith has sone away for a short time.
Some of the knowing ones say he
has gone to look up a partner. We
wish him success.
A caul malted Riley, of Ottawa', Inas
informed the police he saw iinanaBrr
Kot.,, the ruiasiug Tonna(' thoatr.cal
►uxuager, w Saginaw City lately.
'rheum' R. Stringer, of Woo'bh rise,
threshed iecuutly 4114 busliule of trtrley
from thirteen bushels sown, the amount
being grown ion leas than eight acres.
Mr. James Moore, of Asphodel, found
among a newly hatched brood of turkeys
one which had four weal -developed lags,
the surplus pair bntnching oil' Irian the
others like a two-pronged fork.
A mal named Bulwer deliberaluly
tired a pistol at the foreman of Lovell's
bindery in Montreal yesterday. Mr.
Lovell, who was present, struck hie arm,
and the shot missed. Itulwur was itrtwsted.
W. .4. Stephenson, contractor for the
Napaueo and Tamworth railway is entw-
ine. He failed to pay the wages and is
said to have taken $5,000. Soule Napa -
nee merchants will lose heavily.
A. :umpany was successfully er_ainzel
at New York on Wednesday to uuanufao- I (hums railway, will probably he offered ; .A gentleman in Brockville has a pair
ture grape sugar at Walkervillo, near I the same position on the Northern rail- ' of ponies, one of which has curious bibw-
Windsor, Ont., with a capital of $100,- way, rendered spirt by the death of I luus tt iidencies. Every day he goes to
000 fully paid. Operations will bis cont- Cul. Cumberland. 1 a saloon, where he once received a glean
utenced immediately: Mr. and Mr-. Sp o ipendye is the title of lager, and there he waits until he is
Mr. Isaac Williams, of Walsingham, of a new comic book just issued. It is a supplied with the beverage. His mas-
phinted in experiment one grain of wheat collection of mintalities which ap seared ter is a temperance man and never al -
from which he raised thirty-five heads
Containing altogether one thousand six
hundred and fifty-three grains.
Eight hundred ••d W dollars is 1 THE WORLD OVER.
°decal by the Parkhill Ooeneil to Mr. ;
£Mlandor Matra of Toronto, providedWm. G. Fargo died in Buffalo en the
he strikes either oil or oatat ParkbilL ' 3rd Inst. He is said 4, have been worth
Robert Hobson, Sheriff of nes county , 130.000,000-
of 1Velland, diad on Tuesdaym.,rnttntt1��'i Gauibetta has announced his policy of
of itright'adiawte*. He I.as Hewn slrsvill reform. rhe judges and 1 courts are
ut the county since 1857, at,d wap much . 4, be reduced sod the E 1 sh circuit
esteemed by all r ho Luuw hue. systrw wtrudueed years'
A gang of Ottawa roughs stowed the t"r7 service and no li�lety ..f *swims
in Mechanicsville, a .uherh of awn to religious bodies.
Ottawa oat night. They
array City
w.kel fix lt- ! n amen ]curio, of the ,
PeuitOntia 1•1!. t t
(pier and when totaled were var • uuu .. ry• wet arr$ated ou e
A Mr. Menard p,ep,perwl them} with ya °latgr 'Lb attemptng to poison Keeper
shotgun and scattered the en.wd in a Itarrell y puttut adruginhunesdicine-
hurry. One rough it believed to have i Farrell took one „se, with nearly fatal
been shot effect, and the doctor says anothe dues
would have killed him.
A bailiff of Hull, n i wubim, to hila a' It is said that the doctors attending
prisoner over Sunday, and the trtagu- the President lova agreed to charge 1100
trate being unable to make tett a proper , at day. apiece, while Drs. Agnew and Hain -
bail bond, took the man bet ..f 0110 1 Ilton are to charge $1,000 each for each
I t y, g � ten performed. L p to the present time
appeared. ' according to this reckoning, the e1p,enses
Mr. Walter Shindy, at present lemmg- � are over 172,000. This looks a little
in;; director of the St. Lawrence .t like extortion.
eieNv/eb MaskNs.
Guoaluc H.
Wheat. train Y boats. ..
Wheat, .Sprutgt Y bush....
Flour. Y barred.............
ats, Y bush ................
k'ca.L Y barb ... ... , ...
(•ora, (+ bust...: . ,- ,...
krarle). Y biish..............
Yuutues Y busts newt......
Hay. Y ton ......
Butter, r a .................
Itras , dm. maps. a...
b eta. M cwt ..............
Bran, Y seat
Chop V cwt-; „ ....:. «
Salt per..
er harlot
August lath, HSI.
11 is oe 11*
bau Uta eW
.... U e3 ow 030
.... 0tu itf 070
0W • 071)
0 $3 vs. 060
.... Oso ,,q u 60
.. • . 10 00 k' 10 (N)
.... 0 17 e 0 16
.... 0 13 yr 0 11
011 0181
, 075 r, 075
,. OW '050
..." 013 •• 01.0
... 150 " t 73
0 65 w e3
HuJust open douta
.Auctioneering: - or --
• TIIMMER. Ouderlch, Oat. 1751.
thousand dollars to nothing that he would suit and 000 for each surgical opera- 3 iiacellaneous taros.
x ,•,lar on Mulcts • and let him o. He'
�+ rK 1
WHEAT. -The first load of new wheat
to enter this market was broughthy Mr.
J. J. Fisher, of Colborne, yesterday and
bonght by Mr. James Fair for 11.15
per bushel. Mr. E. H. Gotid brought
in a load the sane day.
Mr. Wm: Snell, of Mullett, (youngest
son of Humphrey Snell, Esq) and. Mr.
Thos. Bell, of Londesboro, left here,this
morning on a trip to the old country,
going by the Allan Line. The latter ex-
pects to purchase some horseflesh during
his absence, and those who know Tom
Bell, know that he dill purchase noth-
ing but the very best.
Mr. F. Whittingham of thin place,
purposes attending the Normal School,
Toronto, at the approaching fall term.
The school he has lately been teaching
in Morris will be taken by Mr. T. C.
Reid, a former pupil of the Clinton High
School, and lately a student of Toronto
Normal School -[New Era.
Harvest is nearly completed.
Green harvest apples and paregoric
are doing a good business.
Miss Sarah Dunt has been brought
home from Berlin, Ont„ on the sick lot.
Whiskey is smuggled into Canada, in
barrels painted the actor of oil barrels.
Several are tied together, and as they go
almost entirely under water th ly are
towed across. In cue of alarm the bar-
rels are anchored.
On Monday the store of R. Nottor,
grocer, at ()wen Sound, was entered by
burglars, and a smallsum of money taken
front the safe. A number of similar
offences have been committed at the
Sound lately,and nu clue has been found.
KING,TON, Aug. 16th. -On bluuday
night a wedding was celebrated on board
a barge lying in the harbor. A French-
man named Lafonierre, when leaving
the barge, fell overboard and was drown-
ed. He leaves a wife and seven chil-
HaMILroar, Aug. 16. -Jas, Wilson and
Miss Davidson, daughter of John Ihavid-
son, grocer. Caroline street, were rowing
in a small boat on the bay un Tuesday
evening. The boat was run down by
the 'teenier -Algerian. Wilson was
drowned and bliss Davidson was rescued
in an insensible condition. She will re -
A commission of the Synod of the
Presbyterian Church, of 1alifax, has
beeuappointsd to investigate the charges
of libel and covenant -breaking against
Rev. S. G. Lawson, editor of the Pre.r-
biyterian, of Charlottetown, preferred by
Hon. W. D. Stewart, ex -Commissioner
of Public Works, of Prince Edward Is-
land. The case has caused great excite-
ment and interest in Maritime Pro-
A bald-headed eagle, hovering over
Sir John's Island, suddenly swooped
down and attempted to carry off a two-
year-old child of Mr.John Clancy's, play-
ing in a field alone. The light clothing
gave way with every tug of the voracious
bird, and was torn into ribbons. Some
men working near by, came up in time to
save the child from injury, but the eagle
refused to go any distance away until
shot at. • '
. Thirteen months ago a young man
named .Albert Arkaw, of Ompah, was
shot on the water one night in mistake
for a deer which was thought to be
swimming. The wound has been similar
originally in the ciluruns of the Break- , lows hien to take too much. Strange to
lyn Eagle, and which has already sold say. he displays no fondness for any in -
very largely in book form. Price L'Oc. ' toxicating drink but lager.
Published by Lancetield Bros.. Hamil- Her majesty the Queen has been criti-
ton, and for sale by all b eksellers. I cited rather freely for threatening to
withdraw her patronage from the inter-
national medical convention, sitting last
week in London, if women were admitt-
ed. Accordingly, forty ladies, re-
gular graduates in medecine, were shut
our. The St. John Globe pertinently
remarks: "It would be a queer thing if
"the monarch of Great Britain were re -
"fused admission to a congress of sover-
"eigns because she was a woman?"
When Lady Augusta Bruoebecame en -
ed in marriage to Dean Stanley, the
een, with whom she was a great favor-
ite, congratulated her upon the choice
she had insole, and said to her, ''When
the Prince consort died, I had hundreds
t ►n Tuesday morning as No. 18
express train on the Canada Pacific
Railway, which leaves Brockville at
7:30, was about leaving Fairfield station,
a girl 15 years of age. a daughter of B.
Cowan, attempted to cross the track in
front of the engine, and was struck by
it, receiqing injuries frumwhich she diel
in about an hour.
On the 3rd of this month a man came
to Bluevale and professed too be a com-
mercial traveller, representing a loot and
show firm in Toronto. The manner and
speech of this peculiar object gave vent
to suspicion amongst the villagers. Next
(lay he drove to 1Vingham in company of letters of condolence from my friends,
with two young men. This would be but among then all that which touched
commercial traveller has turned out to oe ; and soothed me most was Dr. Stanley's.
one of the female sex, who prior to this It was not like nearly all the others, a
-time resided in Bruas01s. letter written by a subject to the Queen;
Robert Havens and Adam Horn, of but it was a letter written by a tender -
Guelph, hammered each other iurinusly hearted than to a broken-hearted wunman.
the other day. It appears that while Ha -seemed to forget altogether that he
Horn's wife was driving across the wag writing to the Queen, and addressed
Square, Havens asked her to give him me only as the bereaved widow.
a ride as far as • the Wellington hotel.
Just at that Rime the husband came
along, and ufter demanding what Havens it Bold, tad Bey
wanted, struck him in the face. In the Perhaps the following is not founded
fight which followed, however. Horn was 'on fact. 1Ve have endeavored to teak!
badly vanquished by his opponent. • The it so, and will at the outset decline any
affair will end it•a police court rase. . intention to decoke the' public.
Jacob Miller, residing on the town-
between Trafalgar and Toronto Ars Omaha youth professed great affec-
r-rtwee, Crabb's Block. Kingston at., Oode-
rich. Plans and' correct-
drawn corrt-
ly• Carpenter s
rer's and mason's work
cured and v led,
►k) LISHKU VMS This establishment is chiefly
devut.vl to Job and library work, especially t0
Wase unique and economical half calf and mor -
rue u styles. In all tears the best of stock and
workmanship. with strength and beauty cum•
blued. Bindery overJobn Dutton's drug store.
1 AkSUW & PR(►l'DFOOT, BAR -
Vf RISTjCRS. Attorneys. Solicitors. etc.,
Gods in& J. 1'. Marrow. %v. Proudiete. 1731.
Attorse). Solicitor in Chancery, etc.,
Uoderich, out. 1751.
Ellvolopes to Match
In all the Shapes. These are the
Neesi and Finest Good
mat can be bought any w Gere:
STEM,GER MORTON, BAIttIB- Prices Moderate 1
TE, Sc., 2 c:
c.. uderkch and ta'1nham. i
C. Seager. Jr.. Uodur,..ts. J. A. Morton, Wing -
ham. 1731.
. SoLleftor. 0111-a unser of West Street
and Market Square, ovo r George Achesonli.
Ooderbh. "M. 0 0, 0 0 0 ROLLS
LAW. Solicitor in Chancery, Convey-
sar, Sc. Once over Sheppard's
same, bookstore, '
Ooderiok, Oat Any amount of money to
loan at lowest rates of interest. 1731-y.
`lolicitors in Chancery, ac..
Godericb sad togba , M. t;
l'. Cameron.
C.: P. Haat M. O. l sasaut, Uoderich. W. h.
Harass Wlasham 175L
3 iebical.
. IAN. SURGEON. ke.. Graduate of Tor-
oato University. Licentiate of the Royal (•oI-
1eige of Physicians, London. England. kc.. &c..
M. C. P. B.. Ontario. Dace and residence :
=site Bailey's Hegel. Hamilton striet(• �od-.
tiWN. Conner. Re. Oce and residence
on Brace Street second door wear of Victoria
Street . 1751.
township, was badly injured on the tion for a young lady schoolmate of his
morning of the 15th inst.. by a reaper. and frequently alluded to her as his in -
He got off his seat to remove a stone in dividual 'huckelberry.' A coolness,
front of the knife, and when in the act however sprang up between thein, and
of lifting it the horses etartetL He was his anxious mother,seeing the fresh color
caught in the knife by his legs and. of youth fading daily away from his
dragged over one hundred yards, at wasted cheeks, sought and obtained aa
which point the horses leaped a fence interview with the young adonis, in
and he was thrown out. Both legs are which eusued the following colloquy:-
badly torn, but no bones are broken nor Now Eraatus, I would like to enquire
any injury done to other parts of his the reason of your apparent melancholy.
'Well, you see, Matilda's weakened on In a recent speech at Maidstone, at a me.'
Weakened: What du ou meant"'
'reception reception tendered him by the Working -1
'She's shook me.' y
mens Club, Mr. A. Jury, of Tomuto,,ta •Shook you! How could she shake a
speaking of the advantages Canada offer -1
ed to emigrants said that thereeducation great boy like you?'
Plated Forks and Spoons
. cies Surgeon
of Tiwesto University.
rest Cameron's Beak. Lucknow. It not in
cam esquire at the Hoak. 1761-y.
and Accoucber. Graduate QUALITY
Oce opposite Omer-
Physicians. Surgeons. Aceouchers. lac.
Office at lx. Sbann.w's res..lenoe, near the
Jail, Ooderich. 0. C. SHAN:loN, J. C. HAruL-
TON. 1751.
U • to Dr. Dunat Graduate of Ontario Vey -
to inary College. Moe. stables andrrsieence.
ea Newgate Street. four doors east of Colborne
Hotel, N. H. -Horses examined as to sound -
aces. 1751..
Loans ane Insurance.
was free, if not quite so c. mpulsery as' 'Why don't „you twig the thing 1 She's (= --
heshould like to see it. This was a vei'v' live the away. i it500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
boon to the country. and tended to 'Given you away -to whom?' si'ri CAMERON. HOLT A CAMERON. bode -
typhoid fever is the trouble. to that of President Garfield. A few break down much of that social classism 'Yes, she went back on me and tumbl- I rich. 1730.
YP (lays ago Arkaw rode on horseback from which existed in England and other ed` to along chap with a read goatee.'
Dir. Wm. Allin of the M. C. broke Mf son,your Is. is utterlyin-$75,000TO LEND t)\ REALES-
' his home to Om h, a distance of four places. To a mechanic wh•, was l.erfect- y NageTATE.Terms favorable. Apply to B. L
one of his ribs, last 'week while doing miles. He now uses a crutch • to get ly happy and contented iri England he explicable to me. Cannot you give ores DOYLE.Goderieh. 1701
something at his carriage. Dr. Taylor around with though he la for •nine would say, remain where vel are but O1re clear account of the disagreeable $50,000 PRI\ATE FUNDS T(► LEND
attended hint
While threshing on the farm of Mr.
E. H. Good one day last week, Mr. H.
Hable had his wrist badly cut by the
' band cutter.
Mr. E. H. Goodof 4th con., we believe,
carries off the palm) for completing his
harvest and threshing first, as he finish,
ed threshing on Friday, Aug. 15.
On Friday morning 12th inst., the
barn of Mr. W. Hill was struck by
lightning, and it, together with its con -
months i► great sufferer. a bullet those who wish to improve their position sub'ect(
�1 11
came away of itself. he would advise the agncultural labourer e , I71 tri! Tau see Matilda is a
SARNI.t, Aug. 16. -Four young ladies who was anxious to emigrate to seek his .the chs sort were rather sweet on her, of
had a narrow escape from drowning on home in Canada. and he honestly assert -kinder chaps
it would be a soft thing
Tuesday evening. They were coming ed that it was quite imp..seihle I �r any to go:for her on m oars account
off the Ontario when the steamer Hu- honest, hard-working late.urer 1.
go ether to sack some of those low do
watha was moving nut from the dock. there a ithout in the spact. of ten yearsanklget
tes who are ells a on the bilk and
The Motion of the latter caused the On- having a freehold of his o wn, instead of y
tariu's stern to swing out, and the after working f"r such wages as were paid in never do the square thing anyway.
England. Well, Matilda waltzed right into the
into the river. En 'neer Pettigrew and The last petroleum o:.,l was at out
fang plank fell, precipitating the ladies garse and we just slid right along for a
one or two more of the Ontario's crew
tents and the out buildings, was entirely jumped in and succeeded itt keeping
cousumed. them up until means were provided for
bringing them safely out.
Some time ago a party of miner' from
Nova Scotia started for Mexico to work
in silver mines for a company in which
some local miners are interested. Anoth-
er party were to hare started for the
'same place on Saturday, but have not
done so in consequence of information
having been received that the first party
was broken up, )many of them running
away, while sante of thetp were shot by
Indians. The names of those shot are
not yet known.
A TUMBLE. -When taking stock to
the lake to water last week Mr. C. Stew-
art's mettlesome mare bolted, throwing
the rider, and bruising hint considerably.
He waa around in a clay or two as active
as ever.
Btu PITCHING. -Mr. S. Knuck pitch-
ed 320shocks of fall wheat in about five
hours,keeping two waggons on the jump,
on the farm of Mr. Fred Horton one day
last week. They made thirteen loads.
Gond work.
Mooet-toHT HARVESTING. -Commenc-
ing at about eleven o'clock on Friday
night W. H. Frazer and D. Jones, in the
employ of Mr. It. • Fulford, cut and
bound three acres of wheat before 5 a.m.
The grain was well cut and nicely
TEMPRRANCS. - At the last regular
meeting i O. G. T. Lodge 213, the fol-
nf8cers were installed for the ensuing
quarter by Brn. D. Cummings L. D: W.
. T., Bro. Alex. Cowan; W. V. T., Sis-
iater M. McManus; W. S.; Bro. S. B.
William.; W. A. 8., Brn. G. H. Clutton;
W. T. Bro. John Linklater; W. F. S.,
Brn, Henry Mutant L G., -Sister Ne117
Burke; O. 0., Bro. Alex. McLeod; •
M , Bro. Geo. Hall: W. D. M., Sinter
Martha McManus; W. C. Bro. Alec.
Clinton, W. It. H. S., Sister M. A.
Clutton; W. 1, H. S. Sister J. Lang;
P. W. C. T., Bro. W. H. Ahern. The
Lodge intend to paint their Hall at an
early day To defray expenses, efforts
will be made to get up one of their pop-
ular entertainments. Bro. Cummings
was elected L. D. for the current year.
Post office address Milburn, Colborne,
Tp. _
Daniel McCarthy. of Toronto, turned
hu wife trot of door. and began tosma.h
the furnitars P. (' McHenry went to
reason withhim, whir, M-Carthy ran at
hint v ith a elsving 1 f'. cutting the
omit c ' rhino The sprang back,
.Te TWA •t, • man, who
•,ts takes% Th.•"on
e atously
On Tuesday afternoon, a little boy,
five years of age, named Cornelius Mc-
Laughlin, son of a widow residing of 141 carne under the cla,sitbghon of mineral'
Colborne street, Montreal, was pilling subject to a State Ryalty. But Auieri- unkey.'
on the titre it near his mother's house ea has distanced Austria iti the oil husi- The good womin wilted. -[Ex.
when John F•:wwegan, carter, carne driv- nese. and the Viennese may yet burn oil
from our. bran new wells. -(Toronto lrese•hteeieal Report.
Mail. -
AN IN•rtassat,o, C sea. -The Seaforth State of the weather for the week end-
Eopositoe unto -A case of some interest ing August 16th. 1881.
to employers as well as employees was Aug. 10th -Wind at 10 `1. m. North -
tried before Mr. John Beattie in , east, light, sir clear. Numbet of utiles
this town a few days ago Mr. Peter wind travelled during 24 hours 318.
Moore, • farmer in tuckersmith, ongag- Aug. 11th -Wind at 10 p. m. South-
east, light, partly clear. Number of
miles wind travelled in 24 hours 154.
Aug 12th -Wind at 10 p m.. North-
not west. Tight. cloti f. -Number of miles
wind travelled in 24 hour 340. Beg=
to rain at 3 a. m. , ceased at 9.30 a. m.
Thunder and lightning -amount of rain-
fall 6.5 cubic inches.
Aug. 13th • -Wind at 10 p. m. North-
west, oinderate gale, cloudy. Number
of miler wind travelled in 24 hours 478-
Aug. 14th --Wind at 10 p. m North-
east, light, clear. Number of miles wind
travelled in 24 hnnrs 522 --heavy dew.
Aug. 15th- Wind at 10 p. m. NOrik
light, hazy. Number of miles wind
travelled in 24 hours 332.
Aug. 16th - Wind at 10 p. m.
light, cloudy. Number of miles wind
travailed in 94 hours 107.
G. N MAcnowaLn, Olsevvss.
t iederioi, Any. 17th, UNIT.
11,1010111111110i .
John, �11Sesp At t.
bride% are. c Alts 1144 't
MerOnlre. n inh iAnh
shier of Isaac Halliday. tat of
own Sarnia, but the tint was Wade by
two rat;ne-p of Galit.-•a in the early part of
the century. They were Josef Meeker
and Johann Mits, and they found the
mineral oil bstweer. 1810 and -1817 in
the neighl..rh.+ ! ,.f Truscovaai. where
they were working sutyphher and lead nee:
The first mention of distilled petroleum
occurs in the report �.f a lawsait which
took place in the latter year. •Lt the
same year "ns.phthx an 1 m!r.eral nil."
probably distilled, and row petroleum
were f„rurally trate} by a c"utntiasi,m
organized by the Mayos of Prague.
Nothing more was heart cf t•etrleum
until 1838, when it is mentioned as a
mineral product in the account '.f a
mining section at Starunia and in the
same year it was decided that the oil
spell till Boliver Masolt struck the town,
and then she soured on me. You rem-
ember when. old Cauliflower turned up
his toes and they planted him?' Wei
ever since then Matilda has thrown ate
off, so I've concluded to brace up and
strike for a new leal. The fact is, when
you get to bed -rock in a girl's affections,
it ain't any use prospecting any further.
I jumped the game and now call for a 20,000 PRIZ'ATE FrND$'�O LEND
new lead. • Money talks and a fellow on pyres and Town Property at lowest in -
might as wall pull down his vest and but -1 terra• Meresoyas pervhaasd- ate commtsstoe
ton uphis lip. Some other time I'll Mu'Cosysyandng Fi's. reasonable.
P orrowers owe obtain alone In oar daT
rent x hall and tell you about it. The It title is ssdseactery. ItA VISO7i a JOHN-
jig is up, and I ain't the fellow to squeal I ST". BarriMsea, ata. Godertck 1751
on her. Matilda is as gay as a peach,
and I ain't a -going to get at all ap oney.
if you talk it over with Susan, don't
sling in too much chin music, but just
rive us a rest; matters will come out all
on good Farm or first -claws Town Property
'ate per tent ADDIT to H. R ADCLIFFE. 1751
to suit borrowers at vi to t;} per
twat. Private funds. Apply to SrAutR and
MestrON. Godericb.
ase nu K Private Funds for investment ,
Mlaasssss•s first-class Mortgagee. Apply
to OAit1 O & PRO(' UFWT.
Money to lend at 'sweat rates. tree of
say coats or charge,. $EAUER r MORTON.
mano se HoteL
Modsets► lad March 1111. 1779.
1 Landed Credit Company 1s permuted to
lend money>o Farm securtty. at six per DINING ROOM,
tont Full p .MILl.r. Jft. 1 epos applic. God r , SITTING ROOM,
to Hl -OH HAMILTON C L year (ioderted
Would respectfuily intimate to his numerous
customers and the public generally that he
haling. opened out a
Fresh Stock
Of Paper Hangings comprising every
• Novelty in
Barbs -Decorations -Borders
suitable for
ing along carelessly. Before the danger
could be realized the horse dashed
against the child, knocking him down.
Instead of holding in the animal Finne-
gan struck it with the whip. and in an
instant the heavy wheels passed over the
little boys head, and he wag carried
home dead. Finnegan was arrested and
brought to the Police Station, where
subsequently his wife went to bail him
out, but bail was refused.
When the hen arrived for opening
the loon of the Hamilton Academy of
Music last night far the appearance of
Fannie O'Neil's Hibernian Blondes, a
squad of police posited themselves across
the entrance. Two others took up posi-
tions at the entrance of the reading
room and library. The polies would al-
low no one Go go in the hall, though Mr.
Kneeahaw was there and the ticket
office was open. The crowd on the
street was very large, and wanted to see
the show but could not get in. Every
moment came along some person who
did not know of the obstruction, and
stepping up to the door was astonished
at being checked by the police. The
show had been advertised chiefly by
means of hand bills and small posters,
which were,nggestive of a ,how of the
"Black Creek' (or worse) style, and it
heing thmtghti that it'would turn out so,
the police prevented s11 person. from
,•marina *he hall
ed Mr. William Graham to work for him
one month during harvest. Mr. Gra-
ham carte on t , wor. at the nted
time. but as Mr. Mo..r-s hart was.
quite ready and as Graham; w„uld not do
chores and such like teeth it was mut-
ually agreed between them that he
should lay if or g„' elsewhere t., work
for a few days until Moor. notified him.
When Mr. Moore was ready to commence
harvest he notified Graham and asked
him to come on to work as he had
agreed. Graham refused to do s,, alleg-
ing that he had work elsewhere, and
that the agreement between him and
Moore le ng only a verbal one was
not binding. The magistrate, however,
ruled otherwise, and ordered Mr. Gra-
ham to fulfil his engagement or be com-
mitted to gaol for thirty days. We un-
derstand he has adopted the wiser plan
and has reternewl to Mr M,eor. te com-
plete his engagement. 1f then would
beer in mind that they eann-t desert
their employment at plemems. they
would often acv. themselves a deal of
and expense
. Lie and AeeMent Insurance Agent.
Rrpreeenting Int clam Companies. Also agent
for the CANADA Lvs broew [xsraaxcs Cn.
Mosey to lead era Mortgage• either In Town or
Farm Property. In any way to writ the borrow-
er. 0111m--Ospetafrnt Kay's block. Goderteh.
Ont. 1751
BRITISH AM. CO' T. Toenuto-E.tabllshed
PROM' X INS. C(VY. of l oxnow oEn gland;
Established 1:11
HARTFORD) INS. CO►T. et HA)rrroan. Coen.
-Establ steal Me.
taken in the shove firstmass Offices. at
Millallissist natal by HORACE HORTON.
All this Season's Patterns in
Window Shades,
%Vblch will be found much superior to
Udall yet shown to this county.
Iricos ory oost.
AM- A call solicited. No trouble to
show patterns whether yon buy or not.
Maw pwrse Lima on erstaisse esearlt)•. trots
1 WO tor Mari.-Ckagse MMMl.
oeaeeteb. Meet ie; tall. 1751
eM .ss.) ilebeol. for the higher
efyseasrladies MA Pletcher will
es-epea hes woad es
parisealarse tea HiattPeheet ter Iola
R T rLKTCWER Karl °tr et.
T. J.1100Rg01 E,
are now ready for your Inspection al