HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-19, Page 7ea" ^ prtw-aex,ir•cm• Wirt .nurah 11,11111 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUGUST 19, 188L Household Hints. 1 uu►ha powder made into a puts with water is good fur daeb-iin un the bites of gnats overnight. Cooks stake the mistake of Boiling tun much. After reaching the bulling point WOW should simmer. The toughest meats can be made tender by w duiug. Flies are said awn to disappear from a room containing a plate of the fullowwq mixture: Half a teaspoonful of black pepper in powder, one of cream mixed deuunded•- &Itugether. "How now, sirrah.' Where are you RAILROAD CAKI.-Two eggs, one cup going, mod what is your errand t" of sugar, one hall cup of milk, one table. •'I'm simply crossing from water to spoonful of butter, two cups .,f flour, une hal( water, and tired enough lam. I believe teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one teaspoonful of sola. Flavor with lemma 1 have batt three good hours tusking extract. half a wile." RASPataaT FLoar. -- One quart 1 rasp- "Three hours ' Why, I could strut liar riMeatt and Oa OrsWe, One day an oyster set out to cross a neck of laud to save hiutsdf a lung ewiiu aruuud it, aud, as he lourueyeci alo the dusty highway, couteut with the weather, the climate, and his surround- ings, he suddenly heard a harsh voice crying out fur him to halt. As he roll- ed Into the shade of a pigweeid, a pea- -ick advanced, with lordly strut, and berries, whites of four eggs, a coffee eujo- over that distance iu three minutes ! Ah, ful sugar. Beat the eggs white sus :but you don't amount to much for light, aid gradually the sugar and bur- me y ries till yygl have dish heaped up like a - will of a light purple tint. gulp," BLACzaaaRv Mn .H. -Two quarts oil "And you aren't the least bit pretty." ripe berries, a quart of ?roiling water„. That's true. My shell is coarse roil two saps of white sugar and a little salt. Boil slowly five midutes, then thicken full of ridges." with Graham flour and cook a few m in- "And you can's utes longer. Put into a greased mould to cool. Serve with cream. To Kate Paasaavt:a — Apply the white of an egg with a brush to a single tnauy mu in with the de icacy, which "Nu ! a child can swallow me at a "Not a note !" "Nor fly." "Not a fly!" sing. thickness of white ttuue paper; with "Well ' I really pity you. Now, which cover the jars, lapping over an then, if you want'to see something gaudy inch or two. It will require no trying, just gaze on we !" becoming when dry inconceivably tight i "Thu bird strutted up and down, head and strung, and impervious to the air, up and tail spread out, and the oyster CratA.T PRm.YgayZS. -To each pound ,was compelled to saythat it was a sight of fruit add one pound of good white [ 4f sugar, and set it on the stove. Let it to do the eyes good. come to a boil; skits out the currant"While you creep I walk, strut and and boil the syrup down till it will Make fly,., jelly; put back the fruit and dip into „Yes „ bowls. When cold, paste paper wet with white of eggs over the top and act "While you tumble around in the away. mud and sand I reflect all the bright FEArnaaa.-To utelize the feathers of colors of the rainbow on the lawn." chickens, ducks and turkeys, generally "I admit it," sighed the oyster. thrown aside as refuse, trim the plume from the stump, inclose then' in a tight I And wlu! e a pigweed shelters you, it bag, rub the whole as if washing clothes, takes a whole apple tree to give we and you will secure a perfectly uniform I shade. You see - and light dowu, excellent for quilting And the oyster saw. An eagle had coverlet and fur other purpOPea. been looking for a breakfast. The Bear STEW. -Select from the cheapest humble oyster, hidden away under the cut "f beef about three pouuds of the weed, seerglances, but lean, put into= iron pot; cover it with Ped his piercing g water,, and add one quart of diced to- the gorgeous peacock was instantly seen matoes and one half pint -of sliced okra, and spotted. There was a whirr, a three on , cut fine, and half a dozen scream, and the eagle had ascended with ears of corn, cut from the cob. Let the the vain -glorious bird fast in its claws. whole stew gently fur three hours, or until the vegetables make a jelly with the "Come to think it all over," said the meat. Season with salt and pepper he- •.yster, as he squinted his larboard eye fore removing from the fire. f desirxl, aloft, "it is about al well to be an oyster add two ounces of butter. under a pigweed as a peacock in the To PREsERTE PLrna. - Look them claws of an eagle. I guess I'll move over and pick out all that are imperfect and unsound, Make a syrup of clean =- brown sugar and clarify it. When per- MOI AL. fectly clear and boiling hut, lour it over Those who were borne to strut the plums. Let them remain in the syrup two days; then drain it off, make s it boiling hot, skint it and pour it over I again. Let remain an ether day or two, then put over the fire and simmer gent- ly till the syrup is thick and rich. Use one pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Iean 'Facer. -Select fine bunches of grapes, currants, raspberries, etc., on their stems; remove all imperfect ber- ries; dip them' in white of egg tempered with water, or weak gum arabic water. Sift finely pulverized sugar over them; set away to dry and then serve. Any larger fruit* of rich flavor, such as ap- ple., pear plums, or peaches, inay be iced in the same way, whole or sliced into ornamental shapes after re- moving the seeds. In the hands of a lady of taste in decorating, iced fruit is always a great success on $ table. SPICED CU'RKAN-TS.-To five pounds of fruit add three pounds of sugar (either white or good clean brown), one pint of good cider vinegar, too large tablespoon- fuls of ground cinnamon, one tablespoon. ful of ground cloves and one tablespoon- , ful of ground allspice. Heat alltogether in a porcelain -lined kettle; skim out the fruit, and boil down the juice till it will make jelly; return the currants, and let it boil up once: then pour into your fruit jar. When cold, tie or paste a thick paper over the top, and set where it is dry and cool. Geed Adobe O r Wilkie *ea as well ea Mark. W. should rejoice L o two the habit of social drinking dune away wall , togeth- er, and more euuuutuy practised. . We should like nu wore to bear maud- lin and ungentlemanly profanity by some of our young wen (who thiuk they are at the top of the social ladder) in the presence of young Lilies on the dance psvilliun in s picnic grove. We should like to see )ouug teen throw away their cigars when they are the escorts of ladies on public thorough- fares. W1, rhuuld like to see fewer young men lounging outside church doors, and more of them on- the inside listening to the arguments that 'make the solid men. We should like a certain set of young men to drink less whiskey, pay their debts without murmuring, and cease de- faming men of good character iu the presence of others for the purpose of creating an impression that they are of more censequenoe than they really are. A coward is a bravado at all times -in the absence of the man he tears. -{Front the Globe, the New York Organ of the Colored People. Tke Lean seamen Vesaase TerUrr. But even great hulking, bearded fellows, who ought to know better, con- tinually go to the madame for lucky numbers, and fur her solution of their dreams. Sometimes an ugly customer stakes his appearance. The other day, so says the madame, a fellow came in, wore of liquor, and began to use insulting lan- guage. I see you advertise to bring together those who are separated," he said at length. "Yes sare," said the madame, divining at a glance the sort of person she had to deal with, and reaching over touched the district alarm for a policeman. "What's that for 1" asked the bully getting up. ' 7.at is to bring together zuee that are separated, sare," raid the inadlame bland- ly. The bully got up and made for the door. "One dollar, +Mare, eef you please said the madame. ''By zia time ze policeman is at ze bottom of ze stairs 1" The dollar was paid, and the bully allowed to go. - [The Traveller. Newspaper Laws. We call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by fetter (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, The Greer Awaertears Reawdiy fir COUGH& COLD8, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, LOBS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTION& =Smola /verb. se saw oaths stow _114= aweassObeab llipmas Insd aas ousel miaow Bums lir ltdtelaa 1 puma.. Sows une har• Mont w tae wow derfol .1 /sole Q/U/ syr a.al •.d th• PI.II 1. o •ass el Lang D. houldn't exult over those who were and state the reasons for its not being born to creep. The rrrveatlaa or au Mrake. The following hints for the prevention of sunstroke are given by a New York physician: -"To avoid sunstroke, exer- cise' in cxcersively hot weather, should be very moderate; the clothing should be thin and loose, and an abundance of cold water should be drank. Workmen and soldiers should understand that as soon as they cease to perspire, while working or starching in the hot sun, they aro in danger of sunstroke, and they should immediately drink water freely and copiously to afford matter for cutaneous transpiration, and also keep the skin and clothing wet with water. Impending sunstroke may often be warded off by these simple measures. Besides the cessation of perspiration, the pupils are apt to be contracted, and there is great frequency of micturition. When there is marked exhaustion with a weak pulse, resulting from cold water application, we should administer stimu- lants. The free use of water, -however, both externally and' internally, by those exposed to the direct rays of the sun, is the best prophlactic against sunstroke, and labourers or soldiers, and others who adopt this measure, washing their hands and face, as well as drinking copiously of water every time they come within reach of it, will generally enjoy perfect im- munity from sunstroke. Straw hats aitould he worn, ventilated at the top, and the crown of the hat filled with green leaves or wet sponge. It is better to wear thin flannel shirts, in order not to check perspiration. We may expose ourselves for a long time in the hot sun, and work or sleep in a heated room, and enjoy perfect immunity from sunstroke if we keep our skin and clothing wet with water. PaAt'H ROLM:T.-This recipe was pro- cured by a gentleman from his landlady, and he recommended it to all his gentle- men friends. If it will satisfy the pro- verbially fastidious palate of a boarder, it ought to do as much for a husband. One quart of flour, a lump of butter the size of a walnut, a pinch of salt, enough milk or water to make a soft dough. Roll out half an inch thick, put on a layer of nice ripe peaches. Begin at one side and roll up nicely, then lay in but- tered basin, and steam anhour or longer;' or boil in tin pail set in a kettle of boil- ing water. Cut in slices, est with sweet- ened cream or butter and sugar. Rica Persona Coln. -Two quarts of milk, one gill of rice, one teacup •of brown sugar, one stick of cinnamon about three inches long; wash the rice in a colander to remove the floury particles which are so much loose starch and spoil the pudding: put it in the baking duh, scattering in a quarter of a'fiend tog raisins; cook very &owl for WO lours. Keep a cover over the dish until the last half hour, when the upper skin may be allowed to brown; do not stir it, as this breaka.upp the rice; it ought to look like rich, yellow cream when done. A large pieoe of think paper of a large plate can be used to cover up the pudding dish. IOWA. fa ?roan the phyla edeas reqs- N r s. turfy wall Mynd s.4 i their o o.- i saratko o• ler, pa/Wats is .05 ..w, t►r yard Weaalu .soda .wad • a •p e order Mew e e a. t f t y le drink alta arat a tea rale ;Ached from the Oar as Spruce c.ryas t• Soya 1.calla•. Al remarkablepower in relieving certain forms of Bronehitia, and its almost apeciiic e4'ect in curing ob- stinate hacking ..ougha, is now well known to the public at large. sold by at t respectable a*ewiabePri , i cad si nags a book. ole milt " Byre* N ad Raseuuse Oust" o.,ast 1 tau oar Bput.rod From Mark, enol our ,era u,.. r aadiab.1a are aim regUtereL KERRY, WA 7'RO N to CO., waei.k Drappi.t., J. Ro,:elw. art Mannioetneees. MonfreaL GRAY'S SYRUP w RED SPRUCE GUM. LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory FOR 1881-1882_ TO BE PUBLLSHKD IN NOVEMBER seal• Price $5.00. - M(R. LOVELL. at the request of setrrel 171 I(ercbanta and others of the Province of Ontario of the Pity of Mout rent. &'... begs to announce that his Arm will publish a PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DI It Et -told'. in No- vember neat. containing an taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper dis- continued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can le no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post -office, whether .directed to o his name or another, or whether he luta sub- scribed or not. is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his latter to be stopped at a certain, time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post-offloe. This proxeeds upon the ground that a moan must lay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and i+ori,dicals from the post-otlice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is primo facia evidence of intentional fraud. Wow ewer. Vie cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalids and sufferers by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. You are requested to call at any drug store, and get a Trial Bottle free of met, if you are suffering with Consumption, severs Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronehits, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Hoarseness, or any affection of the Throat nr Lungs. it will pnaitively rlirn yt u 7.oraaa. rime Raaatl.-Its "reader ful sAinity to the digestive apparatus of the human stomach, its most surprising effort upon a torpid liver, end in cleans- ing and toning the s,fgtem, silo ha tasked with a tee neat sample bottle Alphabetical Directory ANi) A THOROUGH Classified Business Directory ANCHOR LINE. UNITRD STATS MAIL &TlEAMLKB Ws Nicw road 100 of LAaucw CABINS, $& to OM trrEZKAaz a• Them 8teaawe de rot carry wattle. sheepWda CABINS eel o ro $ss =:er•W .z It dread i'aseeageraer ts000aaodasl� os., ars namarDeck. ed ♦1l os. Mata Dost. Passe hooked at lowest rats, to or from as i t ?road Station to Europe or America. u lowest rata,, pasebie urea of and Deland. l tiroout Ea a[Ia d, anon, p �' to HaaDalloaobooks as Hlsoraaate, 7 plaaai J. aasx. N. Y. Or to MRS. L WARNOCII. Albion Block, 1761 Agent at OudertCb PURE PARIS GREEN BYRE t3HOT FLY AND INSECT DESTROY= TRH WWI IN USS. Ciagale0 Hair R elewer, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST AR- TICLE MADE. p'z'ZO81 60 Orrs- JAMES WILSON Druggist. of the Btuinew and Professional men in the Cities, Towns. and Villages of Ontario. with a Classified Business Directory Or TUE ' CITY OF MONTREAL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be given to this work. subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known upon application.. JOHN LOVELL & SON Montreal Dec. 1881. Publishers. 1781 Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian.. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous boson), and man needs but to go to her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Remedy, GRAY'S SYRUP or Rao Srntca Cave[, fa an ,apt illustra- tion Of this. Ms a cure for Coughs, Colds, Loss of Voioe and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places tt within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced. All cheniists keep it in 25 and 50-.ent bottles. -- ad The tract envelope in use by the Rev. A. Sims, of Kelvin, publisher of "Tile Radical Christian," is worthy of refer- ence es a curiosity. The card reads es follows: "The Kings Insurance Co.: the greatest, oldest and most reliable Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company in the world. Cash capital - The unsearch- able riches of Christ. Aorta; real es- tate -an inheritance incorruptible. un- defiled, and that fadeth not away; cash in bank --Gold tried in the firs. Lia- bilities- Whosoever will, may come. Surplus over all liabilities- - Able to do e=eseding abundantly over all that we flak or utak. Condition of pokey -ii• - pentane. towards God, and faith in oar Lord Jesus Christ. President -Te King of Kings auekiru's Arnie* salve. The beet salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles. It is guar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For sale by ell druggists. An attempt will be made soon to re- cover the machinery of the propeller Brooklyn, whieh imploded near F'ght*/ Inland about seven years ago. Biliousness. Indigestiee, Const.ipa tion- Loll forms of Dyspais yield at once to a few doses of eso, the new cntlapntind from Brazil. A 10 coat am- ple proves it —,_. ---- SPAS 8COCOA. —6&ATsn•t. AN I. *OM v'etrtao. lawn which thoroughknowledge the operations.1 the egesural itus and nutrition. and by a carefnl applicailon of the flne properties of well -selected Cocoa. Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate?y flavoured beverage which may save ns many heavy doctor's bills- 1t Is by theladt- cicions tee of such articles of diet that a cow slit talon may he gradually built up until suvag enough to resist every tenden,y to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around to ready to attack wherever there I•• weak point. W. mar escape many • fatty shaft by keeping onreelves well fortif1a,1 wail Mir* blood and a lweperI7 nsa. wrtehed Irato'- --(NM/ nrrr•ier ()azefte d cm!' in Packets labelled JAMS), Epp. t t'n . Homoeopathic Chemists, London. Eng." Alan makers of mars ChoeoW a Essence for afternoon use. 1711 Mile Year 40 4.6 JOHNSTON'Sl{0Q' SARSAPARILLA —10R— t.1QE3 COXPIILIST, DT Ei;S;d, And for Purifying the Blood. It has been in use for 20 years. aid Pm proved to be the beat rrereratioa in the n'arket for SICK HEADACHE. ?'AIN IN TtlE SIDE OR BACK. LIVER COM- P!, 'TNT PIMPLES ON THE FACE, J.3i'E$BIA. PILES. and W Diseases ..'`.1: arise from a Disordered Leer or an .mp'.tre blood. Thousands of our best -e-.oyle take it and givelt to their chit - Physicians prescribe it daily. Those err, tee it once. recommend it t0 otbers. It. is made from Yellow Dock. Hondu- ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stilling's, Du.odelloo, Sassafras, Wintergreen. and other w^11 known valuable Roots and :ierba Itis strictly vegetabie. and can- ,t hurt the most delicate constitution. ft ,. nn^ or th., I,,•< medicines In ?150 for Re.mtatin; the Bowels_ itis sold by all responsible druggists at one dollar for a quart bottle, or viz bottles for flee dalant Those who cannot obtain a bottle of this medicine from their druggist may send us one dollar, and we will send it to idem. U. J011M1troff a co , sturnctsiwS, Amiaasracao oat'. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. BTR A. 31 AI 2f Hit )t*MU)'ELI 010 Gl•ROCERY 33TTSIlTE8S To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where he will he pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generaly. A large quantity of h:or sale by JAMaa W 118oN, GEORGE RHTNAt, Chemists turd Druggists. HOP BITTERS. (A aledletne, not a Drink') CowTAnts HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE" DANDELION. A n n TIM Prssar 57(0 Dire 1618DTOA L QUASI Tilts o, ALL OTaea BITTraa • TII1 'Y CL'It V Alt Diseases of the Stomach. Rowels. 11 Liver. KI4neys. pod r rinarr Urga•s. rN•n raaessara oat lata ally *10001111 COLD. Wm M p•N fora rase 1My will not cure help. sr for asyth 1 nR Impure or Wallow' touod In them. r drwgalat form p Bitten sod t•y Mate see deep. Take no Other. DJ r is ahrelste andlrrMatlhlP ears to ler.aa•a.sy are of o stn, tobacco sod osmotic'. Moro roe Commas. All .e... »11 ley enOM1a 5., NSW* Wt. O., taw, It, T.. a T_.ay NEW, FRESH GROCERIES ♦tt ('HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. D, C_ STRACHAN, I HAVE BOUGHT' THE HARDWARE STOCK. MR. D. FERC+USON —AT A— VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own original Stock. was bought before oke Advent. of Metalware. I ant therefore in a position W sell Cheaper than any other Reuse In the County. MY STOCK OF famrs',11llitbrs'&GmieralliardwoisColite, which I meat w rim osgniokty. SEIEGKILLIR 00= AND 84T AT 8408 PSI= AB WILL PLEASE Your. Fresh C --round Water Lime in Stook.,, AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ -W_ ]V[0 E NZIE 1751 -am. Chilled Plow -AND- AGRICULTURAL WORKS. HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY, (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN KNOX), MANUFACTURERS OF °F.& _ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. Criages REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch. and at Raw onable Rates tall and examine before purchasing elsewhere. az J_ STORY, HA$i:LTON STREET. IKNOX'S OId) STND. GRAND CLEARING SALE Boots and shoes, —A T ---- •e 4 CAMPBELL'S MIT ad STIOE EINEM FoR ntiF; MONTH. JV Previous to tock taking. My Stook is Large and wc11-assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given. T=RMS = WM. CAMPBELL Ooderieb, Jan. 13,1901 ` 1769 fl•vtwg enrehaaet the Oedeich foundry, i am atlas the premises Mr the manufacture of (MILLED PLOW Eland AI+RR• t' LTti itAL iMf'LEMF.NTq on a large scala Mill Woe*. Q�at�rnl Repairing and Jnbhlng wilt he erre Mlawtia. All wort fr ar.atse•d. liar. D. Ranettw.n 1a the only man ast.hertsod paymrnt1 sad lire reeetpt• nu 1w d the bite arm of nnein.aa R Co„ and palmars N.det.lteel are re pereted to covers Tee ace reiatrty a AsEOMII LER. Pie ieletne The only Medicine that successfully purifies _ the Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Sizin and Kidneys, while at the same time it allays Nervous Irritation, and strengthens the Debilitated System, per't:e:tly and speedily curing Biliousness. Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Qeasti- patior., Headache, Rheumatism. Dropsy Nervous and Gen- eral Debility, Female Complaints, Scrofula, Er; alpelas. Salt Rheum, and every species o: Chronic Dael.se ari3icg :rom Disordered Liver, Kidneys. Stomach. Bowels or Blood. TIE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC IN THl WORLD. aaatple Sallie. ler. T MILIYSII & CO lids AUNTS. 1010100 newwaer Masi S1.M fir•. pru'e see Wens hsr�Mc k e .s:. ewe W .Aatwst de.1UV s M arab.. him q drat• .w s i,. A Vel. 5 lessee's New MMM 111100. regiad r win Wal/ a.. she/ dry Ante a, ..ryas Num , t 1111• pat mulidet waw w taMad'er �Bt Said try JASON =.01POida