HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-10-15, Page 5and PHONE Se.9491 Riwalr 4110.4iDANY solos 1011111 LISTOWEL ,BRANCH i111-1450 0110 WEEKEND Kay Siguilonstoh and Lloyd Robertson again head the on-air personalities CEO Weekend, ..as the ..fiagship info6riation series began Its second season on CSC television Sunday nights. CBC Weekend is a 764011606 eolor ,prOduotion that attempts to show what's likely to happen! and why it matters; it Includes a titriVaCeat n tii ,t.Bazsgm4a zatvss.st;esi. 41irrAta44 McGavhea Farm Equipment spEckftt.i tzg IN COMPLETW, LINE OF' FARM EquiPmEN T' SAL AS, ANO• SERVICE • WA.L.irl" ON TARIO SELS PO'S' ICAMINSOY, Publisher A , P0aliehed Pritelete, kiniarlo., every if4orsdajt Second class Mail RE.gistration,,Numbee 942 memper pf Canadian Weekly Newspapers, Aes,Oolation Copeland. .,../far):1Sicen, • Olarglle9 Jackpot of S95; Mrs. Gladys'" Delistedt, Dorislog, ;MM. W. Henry Bates, Har'ristiiii, WInghain, .13111 Kennedy,. Kincar• • Doer Priges; Doreen Donstedt, dine and Barbats Sinaltz Dorking . PEFI, 9§1,1, MildmaY, Mrs. IlazeigrOve, 'Wins Tracy Liitowel and Jas. Um; Mrs. Derbecker Winglian;; Scott., Iii4owel. Mrs. Clarence Denstedt,' Denting; • " • Mrs. Caswell, .Winglitun'And Ruth Cietiselation 'Pr4es: Airs. Win, Golwing) -LisloW 01 ; 1111pep,,-.Nwott„ Blrievale,. Patsy Walter, Listowel; Mr4. Ward, WrOXeteri Bob nontgomery, Wing- iistette, '\‘'ingltain and Wm.. 04004 Jean • Alton;: Harriston Upper, Listowel; Mrs. R. %Teen- ham. Jim Cardiff RFAL ESTATE BROKER N&14AL iNSUAAN GE etC.ENr, FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INS. FIRE Plitflu OftFiti Stit,4100 •t t IURiAjo• SHOP, FIAPt4iii/34ii$S1-11P fldeii kveil Wbekdi dvttr • 35 Yiasi of ,40 JOHN.mAt..c.rbk 1. MAX" FURNISHINGS — INTERIORS M. L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME F$1-1 N is. i.127-63313 or 837.05e5 BRUSSELS, ONT. ...',RAWFORD and MILL J. H. CRAWF-fariD,Q.C, A. R. M, MILL, .LLB. tosmon:33,71.71(.07.,T.Ctivii.A.ttowftrkg&tonwimis, WM, ADA1VISON to Every Moil., Tues., Thurs. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Mal 887-6357 PCV .CLASS FS and weisamorwitgrave LONGSt AFF OPTOM OTRIST 0EAFonTii, GOVENLock ST, 527.1240 TUesclay, nurser y, Thursday Evening CLINTON OFFICE, 10 ISSAC STREET Monday, 0nd Wednesday 482.701L, CM, Either pfficit For Appoliltnittrit HURON COMPITY 1.113RARY (sitif -1Afron. gounty Library ;Board' 1ms entered into an arrangement withMiddlesex County Libfary• Board fOf "YreCiproeir . nee 'Of' borrowers cards in the two count- ies.,Offective• Octeber-..1.fitb„ ' „ borrowers registerd in Ilitrort fitir:p6S8 • ' • County will have 'their cards .' • /rho yttiO4 Tod, Aloha is, tt? eli -9utitie..3iotiRi pogo /10111oUred fOr borrowing in • 4ftePl.ile aware' of dlesex .County libraries, middieeek their. _ enyiroirient mill tho'r fing0v003 „. 111111 have .the Male reePeneibilities, .orditZ to re.- DYWifig4i $0, Huron. Pins will nit late sUccessfully• -to others,' pal=itreta• Me' ififirp,ries in the I4orth- in the nreva.of tinuroottnth C:ititenrtey ths and other drugs. much as }in ObjeCtiVeS ) cquittles have a 27,411.1e cam- :Not dependent upon, -ena, er, simple — Cl.)- :.readeK Ain't abuses cum" Present a Inembership_ card frOni drugs. . . a public library or branch In- his A) To examine:other-responsible urea 'AU "residence; fiig prohlenis arising from • lefi;61.4, cligaed .aucL,.t.4aieer8 s are' i)leased lox thi ' ar. Earn higher interest on our- Guaranteed tay.estrnent Ccrtifiz..e.tco' raz-v, p'ayin:4;as hia,h as eight atitiiirwee. quarter: percent. Ne.!wspapers ftissecyAtom 0••• se.Z.4,1 HOWICK LIONS u . Iturristen; Anne. Kocher, BINGO WINNERS Mlidina,7 'and M114, C. Yeoman, Vroxeterl lea; "7.4allose, Kiticar- Regillar Gaines;; MrS, Siiii0h dine, RillSetti 1l ldiuci. A Ma. Wilfred , •fiSlitite"' the -Wealth, 1: lean WhIghillit 'Mid alibi' Pay; kiwi; Flarristeill et M-rs. Elgin hukistolitL ;104ifiTlittilc4; ainaclr $261 Spediali Mt's: deo/ stop, ,Tint SOotit, Idra.,;:vinghanfr• AUTO LIABILITY RES. 887-6164 ALiAloTf St ROUSE o IWINGHAM PHONE 357-3030 • A PEOP1.4,/!PRQSItiStif /3.Y: IfeathOr liowJtt, • The idea Qt. dOss _NOM problem" rather than ',drug pi obidlitt ffr thf dlihilOsOphy of many grOupa tenchaa about drugs and aloohnl. Too Alpaa is one Sileh Organ 1Zation,. a proVincial movement, the :youth #00ilon • at. 41Pc,111P1 and drug concern. Tlielieliciquarters is located in Toronto. There are Many. Ataxic!), "pr,ograms involving young viotile betiveela the ages of fifteen and twenty,five, The best way to define 'roe Alplia„exist" arise is to quote their -Purpose and obiectives from the -infor; friation and •Inembership 1) .encourage a life whirl.) is mon bOundty.Requi1.4&entS • • attitudes to ale...Alai or Otto -. • e ri~ust view to ..resolv% 1 e.2. abide b y the rules ,no library from which he.ia :o their WA • - • • ' (3) 6111. t .42 -fr 3). To. proViue- Unique expel e coo.t04,, o 'fences which aoltiat 111-Vol- from -Which he - berraWed thein. ' Inuit. 'arid .awareness •-tf tfitt „pirrboie calf rtakehillx10. ' 'this is a considerable step %lor people who are intere7t-•-'• onward lra providing good libr•- „..7:2p Alpha provides edueationdrr 4'7 e YFuron '991414.3%.131`1 • raugeMen.t .. cannot . but !. silupirove • btlie.r. community Orgill-ilia-aim !pod Alpha's •Ple''avnilabiiitr Or books to, Huron lies Leadership 'Training pubty reagents. iletts3O'ne, Aeg!otiai slid -District *kink lAtefattu.a, anti Speakers 'sin drtt :i Mkt alcohol. Also iteici Olifidtk • Dias . . . 'Where: Shera --.•,i7.-•Roil; 1 •-ara When•!-December 2 -30, 'Why: Come to find mit, For anyone wishing more intM.- mation write ta: Toe Oervain Drive, Suite .603, 1,1•,a Mills, Ontario. EITHER. . (Intended for last wee Mrs. Frank Heimstra and . hsby' son are home from Wingham arid District Hospital. Mr„ and Mrs. ,Tioward ,Harris bf r ordwich cotnniunity Wert :Suit- day • visitors with "Itliss, Jane McLennan. -Sunday visitors With -Mr. and. Mrs- Roward. Kleinsteuhet were . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lindhorat' of Rratipton... • Mr and Mrs. poll And family of Owen Sound were visit- ors with Mr. arid Mrs. Roy aall oft Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. JaInee .Caftliff rind fanitly have taken tip real, derice in iltussele. In the home they purchased from Tt. 13. COusins. or. to. Horne and School Assoc- !atilt are busily engaged in the preparation of two plays, and. Oth0r ehtertailMeat, to b(i prey ;touted late 16 NOVeuthOr, SEAFORTIrE 527.0245 'LARRY'S RADIO arid TV SALES and SERVICE STEREO THIS WEEK ONLY 4 ,M494 REDUCED TO $329.00' 43=0646 =- Blyth, On