HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-10-15, Page 47wr774,.. MORRIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING morris Council met in regular noesion oat October 5th, 1970 with all members present and Reeve Wm. Elston presiding. The following motions were carried. Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Jas. Main that minutes of the last meeting adopted as •.xend. Eight applicatio7-6 wete receiv- ed for supervisor cat the waste. disposal site. Moved by ..:Mlles :tiair second' er by Robt Grasby that appli- cation ot Adam Smith for super- visor for waste .dispoal site for $1.50 per hour be accepted. • 1,,1ved by Ross Pmith eecond- er by „las Moir that road super- intendent and treasurer submit necessary petition to Department of 'Highways for Interim Road Subsidy payment. Six tenders received for snow plowing. Moved by Thos Miller seconded by Rat Grasby that, tenders for qrvow plewing' for 1F;70-7l Glen* McKercher at $8.50 per hour and $8,50 per day when not plowing and Lloyd Ja.cklion at $8.50 per hour and :$8.50 per day ilr 1. out p;nwing ho accepted subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer. eeting r2 +It r npd tr) ro again November 2, 1970 at 1 p.m. or at call of Reeve. Accounts approved for pay- ment: Roads *81,316.01 General 5,043.4G $36,360.07 Wm. J. Elston:, :Etelen I). Martin, Reeve Clerk PRE.E SCHOOL . OR Today, among 'Students one of the great protests besides the Vietnam war concerns the school system, The students believe that they should be allowed "Free • School System." whereby they would be allowed to attend what classes they want and when they want. But .they do .not fully realize the changes this would Incur. • 1 believe that thii type of System is excellent, but with the way the old system worked a free school system could not, possibly be 'brough overnight. This change 'would have to come over a period. -of years. The students of today are •just not re.culy Col: it, with the way the past system worked students were told to go to school, given certain subjects and they worked or else. TI they suddenly threw a free school system at them they would be lost. Students of today are jlast. not taught re- sponsibility . and self-discipline soon enough in school If today 1,., to stien.,:at and s.)!(1 you don't have to go to school today if you don't want to, ten to one he or she won't go and you can't really .expect them to be- cause it is just too much respon- sibility thrown at them at one time. There are free schools being tried' all the tiiite, some work but some don't. • so stedents if you want a free school cystem and feel it is better, -eau have a gbal in'life. Since you probably.' • 'Won't get.•it in your school years•get it Or the young of trinorroW, • Bill Melton 14B Student Council Preeident• Service 13113181:114108 voir,, Daussms, °Num OCT 1170 ENTER T N :IV AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. EARL and MARTHA HAY WOOD FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM b8/ FEATURE; Turkey, Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut, Fish and Chip* Ileguiralleilaimalillt,4111111M102111Wilamolu rali IiRAUS. CARPETS arpet Clearance" Acadia Twist Acddia Twist 'Laurier Laurier Ridge Trail Barbados Loktex Leisure Turf (Indoor Outdoor COME IN TODAY TO THE REPORT FROM, QUEEN'S PARK By Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. (Huron'.BruCe) '171te resumption of the Legis- lature after".the summer recess thiS Week brought an announce- ment of direct annual payments totalling $87 Inillion, this year to relieve the property tax bUrden on farmers and needy penSiOners. The Government will giVe all owners of land assessed, for farm- ing a direct annual grant equal to 2.5% of their property taxes. The grants also include up ;:100 ,to needy pensioners promised in last Me Fa 's budget speech. The grant will be paid to every pensioner who receives the fed- eral income supplement thai Ottawa pays on the basis of need. The new provincial grant will go to all eligible recipients whether they live in their own home, a single tented room Or an uptirUgepl, If a husband and wife, both receive the' federal inceitte sup- plement; they Will automatically receive a $100 grant: Single pensioners can claim $50 on the same haSiS„ and may claim another $50 if their taxes exeeed' $50, All owners di farm Property Wi1Lautothatically receive '25% rebate on their taxes urileSs thefr farms are less than ill acres In size, Owner of such small forme will be eligible only if. their gross income from farming: is at least $2,000, I asked the. Minister of Trans- port if the Ontario Government intended to appeal the decision of the Canadian Transport , Coln- aliFiSi011 to allow the O.N,11.. to discontinue iiliNSCIlger train sec. vice to our part of Western Ont- ario. The Minister replied that the Department had studied the matter and hasi decided not to appeal the decision, Passenger train service is scheduled to stop on the 1st of Npvember. Regular Price Price $ 319.00 $ 229.95 430.20 306.00 302.00 220.00 237.45 172.95 295.65 214.6$ 169.00 106.00 134.00 98.00 Sq. Yd. Sq. Yd. 11.95 8.95 12.95 9.95 L95 7.95 7.95 5.95 11.95 8.95 995 7.95 7.95 6.95 11.95 8.50 7.95 4.95 TIME IS SHORT Subscribers wbo neve teeetVed notice of overdue subscriptions have until Oct. 19th for payment of Same. After that, date. we Will be forded to remove their names from the mailing bit. Thanks 10: the numerous Sribet'S who proinptiy attended to this Matter, Installation fl EE Es'FINT 4 Barn Cleana- Sunk Stabile: bON/110 u. IVES R. R. 2, Blyth Phone allItigei8 8871024 .1944,bapdame,motrlivearangueloftvemegifewiraili Roman Gold,. 12' x 19' 4" Woodlawn Green 12' x.27' • Spanish Moss 12'x17'6" Harvest Gold 12' x 13' 10" Sun Flower 12' x 20' 3" Olive Gold x 16' Olive. Gold. 12' x 12' 6" Acadia Twist Roman Gold, Bronze Olive, Spanish floss Grand Manor Harvest .Gold, Spanish Moss Cloud Ridge Atkin Beige. 'Olive Gold. Loktex. Gilded Gold Manor Twist Celanese Autumn Gold. Winsome Celanese .Mayham Gold Weather. Tuff Foam Beek Peacock Blue Fortress Foam Back SIJanish Medallion, Autunin Gold, Sherwood Green, Apricot Verdant Moss STAIR RUNNERS Fortress Autumn 'Gold 5' x 12' Acadia Twist 'Bronze Olive 45" x 12' Acadia Twist Roman Gold 42" x 12' Acadia Twist Roman Gold 36" x 10' ALL CORILONS GREATLY REDUCEL GOOD SELECTION OF PLYWOOD' PANNELL1NG 56.00 23.00 44.75 20.00 41.00 12.00 29.75 10.00 M. FilcDONALD LUMBER BRUSSELS, ONT. -so tit