HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-10-08, Page 4CRANBROOK WALTON Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut, FIsh and Chip. nrkey, 04 *wow Roo.fit mwoomokif tiwanlo 00'013.1i, 01.4 ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVE.iv QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS SMOKEY DUNN'S HiLLBILLY: STAGE SHOW FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT TRY OUR FOOT LONG HOT DOGS Menu: Barb.aeued Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chizicen and Chaps AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. MIKE HODGERT and the TRI-TONES of Exeter FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM ENTERTAINMENT FOR SALE 5 Jersey Heifers, due soon. Phone 13russel 887-6749 FOR SALE -- 1 'Landrace Boar, Purebred. Douglas Meehan Phone $87-9345 FOR SALE — • Fresh Honey. We can fill your containers. Lloyd Wheeler Phone 88743025 FOR SALE — 1956 Pontiac Sedan, cbesp. In apparent good condition. Phone 887_6622 FOR SALE — Thor ringer washer, General Electric, Dryer, in good shape. -Phone 887-6513 FOR RENT — Mobile Home with attached p,,ec. room, on good lot in Ethel. Jim Cardiff Ph.: 887-6100 or 887.6154 WANTED -- To buy in good condition, a. Snow Suit for a boy, size 12 to 18 Months, also a, jolly juniper. • Mrs. 1-Toward Martin. RR, ,Brussels Phone 887-6705 HELP WANTED --- Hairdresser. Preferably exper- ienced. Full or part time, Apply: George of Brussels, or call 88'7-6751 FOR SALE -- Brtu;sels Acre Apple Orchard noV,, have good supply' of Lobo apples, so, ,bring along your Con- tainers. 'OR SALE — • Pressure System with Softner. Ideal .for farm. Contact, or call. 881.6751, George Langlois Sohn St., Bruttsels. FOR SALE -- Prick Houge On Mill Street in the Village of Bressele, belonging to the late Alec Colunian. For further , information or appoint-. mart contact Donald. Coleman, Boat -87I, Ontario, or Phone 669-2953 #00: RENT — MOVING LOCAL ANT) long distance Daeking arid storage retitiired. Prge ,estiptitteEt, Mena Mon 1001,,OlOwn, 3API04• AtAlod DRIVERS NEEDED 1 • Traiu now to drive semi truck, local and over the road. Diesel or gas; experience helpful but not necessary. You can earn over e4.00 per hour after short train- ing. For interview and appli- cation, call 416-362-4002, or write Safety .Dept., Transport Training Systems of Canada, Ltd., 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario, Canada, B.M.G. RECREATION APPLICATIONS WANTED For the position of Secretary- Treasurer. Applications are to be in the hands of the Chairman by 1:00 p.m., October 17, 1970; Please state salary desired, ex- perience. phone number. Duties to continence upon application ..• acceptance. For more information contact: Ted MacLean, Chairman NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW Take notice that a By-Law for raising $200,000 under the Act, will be taken into consider- Aet, Avil be taken into consider- ation by the Council of ,the Corp- oration ,of the Townshie of Grey at the Municipal Office of the Township of Grey, Ethel, Ont., on the 2nd day of November, 1970, at the houe of One O'clock in the efternoon, Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey.' YOUR SECOND INCOME AWAITS Company requires responsible man or wonian to refill snack veeding machines with national brand products. Can net depend- able person excellent second ineome. Applicant must be honest, energetic, have serviceable car, devote 8 to 10 hours weekly and 'lie able to Invest $1,500 to $3,000 for inventory and equipment. Routes established. No selling.. More info provided if your letter contains details on self When writing )pletete . include phone 'Mather. Sunway Distributing Ltd, Suite 2100, Place de Ville Ottawa 4, Ontario, "I'm sorry we're so late getting hoagie," said the husband to the babysitter when the couirle re- turned later than expected, "Don't apologize," replied the girl, "1! I tikil kid lik0 yours, I 010014t11 be 10 o burry boina 01.00v)t ..ef /14*., HELP WANTED. .-» CLERK TYPIST Applications are invited for .the Position of clerk-typist At Huron County Health , Unit Branch Office in Winglnitn, • Duties are mainly secretarial and clerical, but include some work in School Health .S.ervices and Child Health Conferences. Hews will lie from 8:45 a.m. to 120.5 pan, five mornings a week. Applications with copies of two recent references should be made td Dr. G. P. A, Evens, 'Medical Officer of tfealth, Court House, Goderich, as soon as possible. ATTENTION FARMERS HAVE YOUR DULL CLIPL,:?ER BLADES in for RE-SHARPENING PRICE PER SET $1.50 Guaranteed. To Clip Like New CONTACT: GERALD EXEL BRUSSELS PHONE 887-9002 (Across from Sales Barn) NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of ELIZABETH ROSS CARDIFF, .deceased ALL PERSONS having claims Igainst the estate of the above deceased, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 28ed day of June 1970, are required to file proof of same with the under-. signed on or before the 16th day of October, 1970, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they , shall then have received notice. DATED at Brussels this 1st day of Angest, 1970. • CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels; Ontario • .Solicitors for the Executors FURNITURE SALE for MRS. M. A. FORSYTH William St. in Village of BrusSels SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10th 1:30 p.m. Several Rocking Chairs, Couch, Combination Hetet Case and Desk, Living Room Table, Several Small Tables, G.E. Mantle Radio, Clock, Drop Leaf Table, Kitchen Cupboard, Findlay Electric Stove, Extension Table, Buffett, Several Press Back, Chairs, Antique Clock, Sewing Machine, Several Antique Chairs, d Thanks, 3 Pine Quilt Boxes, Antique Mirror in Stand, Mats, Quilts, Linens, Cuehione, Pictures, Towels, Card Table and 4 Chairs, Large Quantity Dishes (AntiCItte), Cooking. Utensils, Dlectric ApplianCeS, Numerous Other Articles. Terms Cash REAL 'ESTATE 6 Room Insul Brick House on Nice Large Lot, 2 piece Bathroom. Terms on Real Estate — 10% Caeli Day of Gale, Balance in 30 Days When Possesion Willi Be Given, Sold Subjent to Reserve ludo Apolg$0 ooscioni ApptIonotto TURF,: Sunday School re-opened on Sunday for the fall term. Mrs. Eivelyo Hall is a patient in Stratfurd rIospital where she is undergoing surgery. Alex Dark and M rs. Jack Clark, Auburn, visited with Mrs. Mac Engel. . • elte and Mrs. Douglas -Purdy eleited over the weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Bouch, of stayner. The current bad cold seems to have caught up with a number in the community. Cranbrook Diet Club The club had its regular eetleg last Thursday night. The new president, Wilma Rathwell, conducted the meet- ing. Wilda Bailli e and Isabel Armstrong tied for the e thiee month competition. The prize was 15 dollars which they divided he- Wilda Baillie was tweet' them. also Queen of the month winning a silver dollar. Further plans were discussed on the bus trip to Collingwood on the 14th of October. The meeting closed with ex- ercises and coffee. NOTICE — For all your electrical wiring needs Contact: Don McLean Phone. • 887-9261 Brussels, FURNITURE SALE for the FREDRICH ALBERT SCHMIDT ESTATE IN THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS , SATURDAY, OCT. 17 1:30 P.M. Chesterbed (Brown), Modern Pl tforte Becker, Leatherette Lazi-Boy Chair, Coffee Table, :several Smell Tables, Electre- home Color T.V. 25 Inch, Leanest. Stools,, Wardieibe, 'Mirror, UP- holstered Mane Larg,e Modern Dresser, Metal. Bed, Box Spring, and Mattress; HolyWoOd ned and Mattress, 39 Inch: Aug, 9x12, Clothes Hamper, 'Pictures, Metal Chair, Icelvinater Refrig- erator, Moffatt 30 Inch Stove, kitchen Table and 4 Chairs„ Bedding, Towels, DiSheS, Cooking Utensils, Mantle Radio, Lawn Moire, Step Ladder, Davis Power T./.1wn Mower, Iencli Vise, Eland Tocl., Garden Hose. Terms Cash Waterloo Trust &. Savings Co., 305 King St, W,, Kitchener, ExeputOr& 460k6,06 **long Atotioneoo Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston of Acton have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston. Miss Shirley Johnston returned home with them for a holiday Larry Heard, son of r. and Mrs. Art Heard, has returned home after being hospitalized, for two weeks with pneumonia. The Walton Women's Institute members and their faMilies are cordially invited to the Monceieff Institute family night on Wednes- day evening. (ktober 21, Anyone • wishing to go are to let Mrs. W. H. Humphries know before October 15 haw many plan to attend.' 4-H Meetings 5th Meeting of Walton I The fifth meeting of the Walton I "Safety Kits — was held Monday evening, September 28th at the home of Margaret Short- reed. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge, secretary's report and roll call. The next meeting is to be held Saturday, October 3rd at the home of Airs. Gerald Watson. Burns, fainting and suffocation was discussed. 'Preatineuts were advised for burns. The meeting was closed followed by Margaret serving lovely lunch. 6th .Meeting The Walton "Sfety 'Kits" held their sixth meeting Saturday' afternoon, October 3, et the home Of Anne and Sandra Watson, Posture and Prepee Diets were the subjects of discussion. 1Vienab- ers exercises and played various gatnes. Next meeting is 'set for October 24. Walton. II "Safety Sallye 6th Meeting The sixth meeting. Of the Walton "Safety says" was held. SatOrday afternoon, Oct. 3, at Tune Williamson's home. Marie Nolan, the 'President of the club called the meeting to order with all girls, repeating the 4..B pledge!, Patty McDonald gave the eeere; tary's report followed by the Roll Call. The next meeting will be held Saturday, October 17 at MeCall's. The main topic Watt keeping physically fit and why we should eat properly to feel right, Posture was also discussed and. Partnere were chosen tb complete the potsure chart in the members' phamphlet. Different eicercieee prartiaecl ley the members, The crafts are to be completed and brotight to the next Meeting' to be on dlalrl ,Airs. J, Willi'atrt~ pop 69rVeil It :Nat at the nicror0 OKI n11100A#