HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-10-08, Page 2LOW MILEAGE., CARS DEMONSTRATORS: IVO LTD 4 DR. -HT, 390 Engine and Fuil Power. Equipment. CONVERTIBLE 429 'engine 1970 FORD . P.S, PB, and.Bpdio 1970 CUSTOM 500 2 DR HT VS Autos; PS, and Radio SEE TH,E COMPLETE 1 9 7 1 FORD LINE UP SPECIAL PRICE 'REDUCTIONS ON 1970. MODELS STOCn: BRIDGE MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG PINTO, TORINO, FORD and THUNDERBIRD _DEALER PHONE 887_6249 PHONE 357-3460 BRUSSELS WINGHAM DOCTORS ENDORSE • USE OF SAFETY BELTS CALL FOR THEM IN ALL MOTOR VEHICLES . The main organization of Canada's doctors, the Canadian Medical Association, is on record, in favour of promoting the use of safety belts by doctors and their families:" Several, studies in Canaaa and the Tinned States show that doct- ors were far from. leading the way in the use of these life-saving devices. The CMA convention in Winni- peg earlier this year passed . a. resolution favouring use of the restraining devices by members of the profession, The doctors also called for legislation re- quiring the use of Safety belts in all motor vehicles. They are not yet standard 24' I 9> '1' OPTQA/R• 0111 40/0. .10,00.4 Dead or disabled pews. over 1,000 lbs., $10 to $16 Dead . or dleabled horses, $20.00 each Small animals 60.019 1,000 lbs., le per4b, AU other animate such, as calves and pigs picked up irse. We Pay, you for your animal atyour form, icu. PAU, co44ECT — BRUSSELS 0874344 • If no answer van 887-9335. BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Prop, GOROON .JOHNSTON , Formerly Marlatt Bros. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE The teams are as follows Marlene's Outlaws Mel McCitteheOn sill Stephenson 'Helen Adams John Cousins Don Nolan Marlene Rutledge (Captain) Dianne's Dazzlers Jane Ward Greg Huether AI Harvey Gord. Smith Lois McCutcheon Dianne Huether (Captain) Wheeler's Dealers Shirley , Wheeler (Captain Dave Hastingi Joyce Jacklin Doug Huether ate Peters Barry Peters • Treibner's Terrifies YOyce Treibner (Contain) Jack Higgins • Mel McArter Carol Harvey George Wheeler Cord Matheson Lois McArter Lois McCarter (Captain) 'Murray LoWe .. • Don' Laurie • Marilyn Higgins Ralph Treibner Merle Cousins Herb Breithaupt IS a man well qualified to host CEC radio's weekly terlies Concern Wednesdays at 8.03 p.m. A United Church minister, Breithaupt describes himself as "a quiet teVolutionaty" who's found e new career as a Sympathetic and, epen•Minded breadeaSter Concern probe. the nillndi of people and their concerns in a fast.moving r„mi offer confusing world. It frequently chaticia full tilt Into some "gutsy" issues Which has earned it the kndoe Of both ;HMS and iludiencei Oallienient in trtiche and. their in- stallatien is opposed by the car- rier§, although the, Teameters Kition has Called for compulsory. safety 'belts in the big rigs. Their use inaxis. and buses was else recommended by the doctors. Court decisions mentioned Speakers at the convention made mention of recent cowl, de- cisions in Canada end elsewhere reducing insurance payments to Car occupants injured in auto- mobile accidents who were not wearing seat belts. The .OMA also suggested that doctors start promoting the Ilse of safety belts• by patients as one good prescription for staying healthy. Doctors could follow ' the ex-. ample a confrere front Pitts, burg, Pennsylvania who , Increased the usage of safety belts by his patients from 49 to 49 :per cent. Ejection is known to be the" single greatest cause of death in automibile accidents. Safety belts keep you inside the car and in your seat. When a car hits a solid object, it comes to, a sudden halt -- but the car occupant does not stop. While car doors on new model cars no longer fly open in a crash because of the installation safety locks, people are still being being ejected through wind- shields and side windows. "THE:. GOOD DRIVER" . An electric car is being built in Oshawa that can go anywhere in the country, according to a stagy noted by the Ontario Safety League; all you need is a 8,000 mile extension cord. • e • A one-year test of 31 Toronto Transit Commission buses. fitted with water-filled bumpers in front has' been so successful that the '1'TC will gradually convert the whole fleet The Ontario Safety League says that the cost of property damage and injury' claims per million miles 'operated for the buses fitted with the energy-absorbing water bumpers was. $1,370.; for buges with conventiOnal bumpers the figure was $7,250. TTC buses average 30,000 miles yearly, and the saving works out at about $190 per bus per year for the units with "front water bumpers. • * Cowl Drivers "pump" 1, their brakes when th6 need arises for fast deceleration; 'that is, they apply, then release their brakes in rapid succession. This reduces ,the danger of skidding, and is re- commended particulatlY When the road surface is slippery.. But. there is one potential cleng- er in this technique that is little realized, says the Ontario Safety League_ If one of the brake lights is not functioning; "plumping" gives the effect of a, turn signal to the other brake light, which could mislead following ttaffid. This is an additional reason why all car lights should he checked frequently, and replaced iterned- lately when necessary', • * Here's a "nigheoip" ,ciatatistie froM ,the Ontario Safety League. The period from midnight to 3 a.m. sees less than 4 per cent of all traffic, htit More than 20 per cent a ail ;dal. erashea, $4,300 RAISED. FOR KNOLLCREST FUND $4,30(1• was raised' for the con- struction fund of the Knolicrest Nursing Home to be bitilt in mil. vort4n, at ' the comfnunity• sale held there on. Saturday. It took, tivO (Maio-steers seven hours to dispose of the furniture and household' articles that had been 'donated by area residents. Garden produce, handicrafts, used beolcs• and clothing, were sold in, booths The federal government has 'promised to. Contribute $5,000 per bed for the i33-bed' nursing ''home. An auction last October 'raised ;5,200 and two walkathoni colleot- ed a total of $1.7,500, for the :Knoll- crest fund VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES. STILL BIG PROBLEM . Vitamins are receiving renewed attention from nutritionists. Dr, D. Hill, Department of Nutrition, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, said that problems related to, vitamins and animal needs are not all solved. as a *.recent vitamin, problem. Dr. Hill cited biotin deficiency Deficiencies of this nutrient • are rare, as. thost feeding rations contain adequate levels of biotin. In 1985, biotin deficiencies appear- ed in both birds and animals, Young turkeys, particularly, suf- fer from this condition, which results in high mortality rate, and. a characteristic dermatosis of the bottom of the feet. Biotin deficiency can be cor- rected by adding more of the vitamin to the feed. For young turkeys, this rate is 100 to 1 20 milligtams of the pure vitamin tb one ton of turkey starter.. Asked why a vitamin such as biotin should become a ptoblem. so suddenly, Dr, Hill explained that modern feed programs And new bird strains may be ,the cause. Ration formulas lire con- tinually changing, and a change in the level of one vitamin could create inadequacy in another. Also, some of these vitamins ard produCed in the intestines of the birds or animals. The amount pro- dueed may he' affected by anti- biotics and other feed additives. A new type of 'bird, especially a rapid-growing strain,. may 'aide re- 'quire additional vitamin supple- ment' . • Amounts el these' critical nutrients must be' continually te- Vised to Shpfek the needs of oar livestock. There may be something-to this 'idea . of teittoarnationt women be 35 can remember thifigi 040 4,a pond 46 1100 NO/ Ruth's Ramblers Ruth LoWe (Captain) Howard. Bilker • Ray Adams Pat Nolan • rtank Stratton Gordon Jacklin REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to alitypes. Complete appliance repairs at BURKE ELECTRIC Wiegham - 3574450 Electrical Contractors Appliancel Motor Rewind, 24 hour emerge!). Drivets, don't be "Maintenance Misers"! The Ontario Safety Lea- gee poirita out that thaititaieifig a. car Makes better souse thitti T41411.4100 24 hour BOWLING NOTES. (Intended for last week) Officers are as, follow; President Al Harvey Vice- President John. Cousins Secretary Marilyn Higgins Treasurer Ruth. Lowe Press Reporter .. Dianne Huether Congratulations to •ceir presi- dent and, his wife en their new arrival. — a son. The , 70-71 bOwling Magee has started with most of the old bowlers at it again with new ones that are welcomed.