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12.60 A Year In Advance --- $3.50 TO THZ BRITSSELS POST', THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 8t.fs 19'10 POST PUBLISHING }OUSE.
Ann McKercher, daughter of
Mr. arid Mrs. 'Glenn McKercher of
Jamestown graduated on, Friday,
October 2nd, 1970, wiritli Ii4T-
Baehelor of Arts degree in history
from the University of Guelph,
Ann is presently enrolled at the
Althouse College of Faltication,,
Following the; convocation ex-
ercises at Guelph, .a family
dinner was held in Ann's honor at
the Twin 'Gables, 2Listowel. OD
Saturday evening, friends and
relatives attended: a party for
Ann at the McKercher residence.
Friday tight we had an Autumn
.Dance, which was the first dance
of the year. Some pupils of Grey
Central School attended this
dance.. Mrs. D. McLean chaperon-
ed. Many thanks.
In .girls' soccer teams the
captains are as folloive:
Tenor 1, Maxine Watts
Main 2, Janet Cardiff
Teath 3, Laureen Barbour
Team 4, Linda Mair
.• Linda's and Maxine's' team
tied for first place.
The boys' soccer team went to
Belgrave Thursday and cane
back with a victory of ; 7,• With
the help of our cheerleaders and
their inseiring cheers. •Belgrave
will be returning to-Brussels for
mother game on Thuraday. Let's
hope they win again. The boys
.have soccer games as well as the
girls. The standings are as fol-
Team 1, Hugh Nichol and team
5, Stephen Martin are in first
Team I., Wayne Willis, • 1
Team 2, Henry Otechonshi 1
Team 3, Guy Stroop
Team 4, Hugh Nichol 3
Team 5, Stephen Martin
Mrs. Cousins is hack teaching
again at school and we welcome
This poem entitled Canada
was written by Jackie' McWhirter.
Come to Canada where bison still
Then down to our border where
Niagara does foam.
Corne to Canada where the Rock- , ies tower,
A land of might and a land of. •
The 'Great Lakes take the ships
to sea,
This is a great land ford you and
A sunny land, a snowy land,
In BritiSh Colinubia the prospect-
ors panned.
• • •
Come to Nova Scotia and fill your
boats• with cod,
Tourists come froth very near and
very far abroad.
Canada, oh Canada, we love you
so Well, •
My Homeland, the best land more
than words can
Dianne Wesenberg,
Betty Mason
;loot, '
Did Ntow your Bramiel=,
Postal Service- on Thanksgiving
Day, Monday, Oct. 12, will be
There will he no wicket service;
'ius'mail .-received' or dispatched.
Also no rural delivery. The lobby
will be open as usual. ".
Did you notice the 17 pound
puff ball that was on display in a
window of The Bruseele Post this
It wee brought in by jaek Clark
of Brussels who found it in the
Cranbroek area.
Mrs, It, W. Stephens has return-
ed home after spending the past
weeks in Boston.
james Hogg is a patient in
Wingham and 'District Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dawson of
Leamington spent a couple of
days this week with Mrs. J. W.
Tom ,Gareiss had the mis-
fortune to cut- his hand sseverly
Severing an artery betWeen the
thumb and 'finger.
Subscribers who nave received
notice -.of overdue subscriptions
have until 'Oct. 19th for .payment
of sante. After that date we will
be forced to remove their names
from .th.e
Thanks to the numerous sub-
Bribers who plromptly attended
to this matter.
Melville Ladies' Aid
The October meeting of the
Melville Ladies' Aid was held
Monday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Allen Smith with
splendid attendance. Mrs W.
King- presided. opening the
meeting with , a reading and
and Sunshine reports were
given by Mrs. Dennis, Mrs.
Armstreng and Mrs. Evans.
Mrs. Shaw read the scripture.
Mrs, Evans Nad Current ,Events
prepared by Miss Mosee. Quilt
blocks finished' by the ladies,
Were gathered in in prepara,
den for a quilting later in the
Mrsee Evans galre a short read
ing cora:paring past years with the
present, whites were not so dif-
ferent after ail. A queStionaire
released from the CNI13 news was
very interestingly eiYen by elm
Matheson. and Mrs. Dennis. A
committee of four ladies was
chosen to complete plans for the
Lions supper. Mrs. A. Steiss had
charge of the program when Mrs.
icing gave a very realistic picture
and highlights of her trip East
this summer. A delicious lunch
Was served by Mrs, Lowrey, Mrs.
Fischer and the hosteSs, Mrs.
Smith. Mrs, W, W. Smith invited
the Aid to her homo for the Nov.
ember meetinK, The Mizpat F10.11.
etitOtit% brooett flu) MOC,ting to
If you . have, not yet had the
pleasure of observing the wild;
fowl at the Hugh Pearson torM,
you have missed a most interest-
ing sight.
On Tuesday there were well
over thirty geese enjoying the
protection and hospitality of the
pond, which toes. become Mr.
Pearson's bobby, Wildfowl mast
rap idly communicate Aiforint-410n
to ono another of each ideal eon-
ditions, as those provided by
Hugh, for they are making eon-
stant use of the sanctuary.
'The Women's Missionary Sae-
iety met at the manse on Friday.
afternoon, October 2nd, for their
regular meeting with the presi-
dent, Mrs. 71Icearroll convening,
the meeting. Thanksgiving was
the theme, throughout the entire
Program. The call to worship was
followed by a hymn, Mrs. Evans
read...Psa 90 and Mrs. McCarroll
offered prayer. The roll call was
responded to by a Thanksgiving
Bible verse or a, Thanksgiving
Thought. The secretary and treas-
urer's reports were read and
adopted, Mrs. McCarroll gave a
very interesting talk on Armagh
and current topics.
Mrs. Steiss had the Thanks-
giving topic and read a poem and
thought •'provoking reasons why
we should be thankful. Mrs. King
read a. letter from. Mrs. Lillian
Dickson, missionary in Teiwen.
telling of her work there, and also,
of a new mission, she and her
Tiawan helpers rue undertaking.
in Borneo, a.. neglected island,
where the Dyak head-hunters still.
one -ate,, At the close of the letter.
Mrs. King reminded the members
of the six mishiona,ries in Taiwan,
who are our prayer partners for
this year 1970.
The offering was taken and.
dedicated by the president: A
nominating committee was aprt
pointed to bring a elaWof'officers:
for 1971 to the Neveniber 'meet-
ing. • . s
The closing hyfrin was sting
followed byH• the Mi•zpah Pent,-
A cup of tee was served by the
hostess and the..Soeial committee,
Ladies' High Single
J imiie Ward
9.82 9 26
Dianne I-Tneth er 281, 2.14
J oyce Kellingtnn 220
Ladies' High Triple
.Tane Ward
Helen Adains
Men's High Single
Ray Adams. 299, 285
Cord Meth.eson 244
Cord •Tacklin 231
Men's Mph TrIole
nay Adorns
Miith$0.11, somord,
Pob. Richnioad was selected as
president of the Brussels Minor
Hockey Association at a meeting
last week. James Prior agreed to
stay on for another term as
secretary-treasurer, Coaches for
the variouS teahis were selected
and they are as felieWs:
Tyke — Don ',Mute, James
SqUist — Bob Richmond, James
Pee Wee --- Wayne Lowe, Frank
Bantam -- Mel McArter, Brian
Midget — Allan Nichol
Juveniles Barry Peters,
In, other business, the entry fee
for each boy was set at $3.00.
This will mean that the boys
playing squirt and tyke will have
to pay $2.00 mote than last year.
Registration for Minor Hockey
was set for Friday, October 16,
in the Library basement from
7:30 to 9:30.
Max Demaray was put in
charge of arrangements for the
mid-season trip to Garden City.
Last year's excursion proved most
successful, and it was a unam,
imous decision that we try it
again this year.
ft was also decided that we
make -season's tickets available
for the Minor Hockey activities,
) look for them in the near
future. They will be available
from the ,coaches.
Branch Office - Brussels
Htiron County Board of Health
has established a branch office of
the County Health Unit in
1.1russels. It is situated in the
centre.13 rll S
sele Medical and Dental
The public health nurse for the
district served front the BruSsels
office is Mrs. M. Roberton, the
district consisting of East Wawa
nosh, Morris Township, Girey
Township and the Villages of
Myth. and Brussels. While Mrs.
Roberton spends much of her
time home 'krisiting and in the
schools of the district, she is
available at the Brussels office
;nest, days from 9 - 1.0 ant and a
secretary is in the office all day
each Wednesday to deal with
ineeiries. The phone number is
F'S 7-9331.
A Child Health Clinic is held in
brussels on the second Tuesday
or each month, except ._ August,
between 9:30 and 11:30 aim and
it should be enwhasited that
these clinics are not just for the
giving of imiminization*injections.
important though these are.
The regular meeting of the
Village •Council was held on Oct-
ober 5, 1970, all members being
The tellowing motions were
, Moved by H. 3 TeaPaa, second-
ed by J. L. McCutehems that the
minutes of OW meeting of Sept-
ealber 14, 1970 he adopted as read,
Moved by B.. W, Kennedy see,
ended by I. G, Campbell that we'
afFfdy to the Department of Highs
Ways for interim subsidy on the
1970 road expenditures..
Moved by J. L. McCuctheon secs
oared by I. G. Campbell that 13y,
Law No. 6 1970 be introduced, and
read a first and second time and
This being a By-Law setting
forth the date of the Nomination
Meeting and Election of Officers
gto serve the Village of Brussels
fer the years 1971 and 1972.
Moved by H.J. TenPas, second-
ed by R. W. Kennedy that By-Law
No, 6-1970 he read a third time
and passed and the Reeve and
Clerk be authorized to sign and.
sealed with the Corporate Seal.
Moved by H. J. TenPas, sec-
onded by I. 'GS Campbell that we
invite tenders for snowplowing
in the Village, of Brussels for
the season 1970-71. Tenders must
state hourly rate, standing time
_and type of equipment to be used
tenders to be in by -November 9,
1970 at 5 p.m.
Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec-
onded by R. W. Kennedy that the
accounts as approved be paid,
Hank Keel, labour
Gallant-ler Nursing Home,
HaSTelakput n.:N):rsing Acct, .... 1204.36
Ryan Bulldozing„ levelling
Crawford 'Gibson, sharpen
Oldfieldsav supplies 4.32
McCutcheon MotOrs,
repairs 103.62
Bauer Farm and Garden
supplies 9
Bridge Meters, gas
Brussels Post Office, Box
Rental 6,00
Health Insurance Reg, Ed,
insurance - 33,00
Receiver 'General of Canada
C.P, and Tax
DedeetionS 123.96
Receiver General of Canada
ILLS. 10 .40
O.M.E.R, Pension 65,04
Gorden Stiles , Gorbege
and grav el 32.1 .""
Mrs. Joan 111xe1, deeming .... 7.89
During the diseuseion N'orn
illation. Reeve R. B. Cousins and
Councillor J. L. McCutcheon
stated firmly that they will not
be candidates for the respective
positions. Councillor H. J. Teb.Pas
Indicated that he. is seriously
considering letting his name
stand for Reeve Comoillors
Campbell. nail 'T cabs were tre.
dPItIllif..ri(gqi' by q,t Horioiyi OttOt
Wita liflF111
This branch office is also a
eentre for perdiatal classes and
7vi1 o. tAtilns • of Buell clasileH Oont
11311 Milnemt on W011itfilltitly1 11011 Agit,