HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-19, Page 5mentelamenniensit ; THE /11 RON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1881. Mr. Donnie Curry1a recovered from • severe attack d plehriey. M» Miters had her um lollies by being thrown out of • Tel. a lieu 'If Mr. James Torrance bad a large area under1U wheat, which in the spring promised a yield of about ten bushels to the acre. It will probably reach thirty bushels to the acre. Mr. W. T. Cluff, a student of Huron College, London, and formerly of this township occupied the pulpit of St James' Church, on Sabbath Ijst. If we may judge of Mr. Olen 'ties an far, he will no doubt be very IuoosfiaI in his profession. DURS11:131fon. Mr. Wm. McArthur is authorized to receive subscriptions for Tits Snow.. Mr. John Martin has been making in. provements, in the shape utanice nen nonce in float of hie lot. fon bousewards. "I was both hurt and angry, and I know I would have sidd soulething hard against those boys if a few lines Iona Horace had not occurred to tau at till moment. They *hat nue tip, and 1 vials., i the rust of the way home in silent*. Those lines are Or hears them laid. not defeeda: "He ti shall rail last his absent friends. suns with thew knie and speaks whereat lie can, A only to be called • witty man. Teitales and bringe his friends to disseteent; T man'e • knave -beware, beware of klia." cOrtii•D. r It is said that in all the tiine (over abs weeks Guiteau has been in jail no one has ever called upou him with $ friendly purpose, and that during his wanderings ke never made one friend who now manifests any interne in him. He has never asked that anyone be sent for. If there was ever:an utterly friendless man in the the world, it is h... ?dies Ada Pointer, .4 Hamiltou, and Miss Lilly Brunson, of Lndon, are at present the guests of Messrs J. M. Roberta and Rev. Jas. Caswell respec- tively. Two little girls, daughter. of Mr. James Johnstone, of Crandon', had a narrow escape hem drowning last week. Venturing too near the race by Mr. Harris's milk, both fell in. Mr. Rued! being near at the time, got them out not much the worse for their ducking. It is with feeling of surrow that I chronicle a eery sad accident that oc- curred here last Friday night. Miss Mary Anderson, after attending choir primal:* in .the &era was in the act of getting into her brother's buggy to re- turn home, when one of the horses kicked and struck her on the side of the neck. She was picked up and conveyed halal in in unconscious Condition. At last accounts she was doing as well u could be possibly expected. We had a base ball match here last Friday between the boys residing in Ash- field and those in Wawanwh, and to say that things got mixed would be a very mild statement of the condition of affairs. After the nine innings were played each side .cored twenty-six runs and conse- quently the game was undecided and the great question was how W settle it. The Ash-"tielders” *antedto play until the match was decided, but the Wawanosh club deiermined to leave it off for another day. But by resorting to child- ren's tanks, viz., "oglii g. names' the Wawanosters were induced to take oft their coats and continue the game. They played another innings apiece and scored thre runs each, leaving the game still a Lie. Ashfield insisted on having another trial, but about that time Wawanosh experience a gnawing sensation in their vitals, in short they wanted their supper and they went and gut it. Most people enjoy a morning's walk, especially those w o know how to appre- ciate the works of. nature. Now nothing enchants me more than a quiet stroll on a pleasant summeel morning, particu- larly so just after a rain. Then nature has had her old face washed, and every- thing is so unspeakably bright. But I don't gratify myself in that way often, reserve the luxury for Sundays. There re then more motives than one, which actuate me to take the walk in question. Lf the weather is fine the very thoughts . f staying in the house in the mornings are simply abominable, for Mrs. Conrad about that time is always flying around niostly in my vicinity— 'trying" is she terms it "to get the house in some pre- sentable form," which consequently keeps me hopping around like a "toad on a fiddle." By the appearance of last Saturday night, I predicted for Sunday a wet day and so my first impulse upon awaking in the morning was to consult the political articles in the Globe. Bt Mn. Conrad told me the morning was fine, and advised me to attend to my re- ligious duties, and show unbelievers that I could for one day in the week at least attend to matters of more importance to my future happiness than reading politi- cal newspapers. Accordingly, I took her advice, dressed myself in my best Sun- day toggery, and strolled through our beautiful little village. The sun shone bright, the balmy breeze was enjoyable' the roads were clean and almost dry. The people were hastening to attend church, reminding sinners that there are plaoes of worship open for them to hear the word of salvation. I thought, u I walked along that summer morning, how many persons have gone through a long life without seeking intelligent answers in regard to the wonders of nature, and what rational being can contemplate all these marvels above, beneath, and around us and not be awed by a sense of a Supreme and Almighty intelligence. • If we consider the worb of nature and art, as they are qualified to entertain the imagination, we shall find the latter very defective in comparison with the former. The one may be as beautiful and delicate as the other, but can never show itself so magnificent in the design. There is something more bold and masterly in the rough cordon strokes of nature than in the nice touches and embellishmenta of art. Look upon the rainbow; does it not contribute to nature's rnagnifieeis it not beautiful in its brightnessinfli t encotnpasses the heavens with a glorious circle, and the hand of the Most High hath bonded it. If our young men of the village would only pay more atten- tion to this beautiful study would they not nay enrich their minds mors than any other sulijeet they could take up, bet they would always have then, some interesting and instructive matter to convene on when together, Wined of holding snob (excuse me) idiotic conver- sations as they mostly do when grouped together at one of the Wren corners. Don't think for a moment that by the above statement I wish to cog $ soar upon our young men. No; fer from it, for as a general rule I as. proud of our boys, proud of their moral and upright &minter, proud of their steady church going principles. Net one of them I think would willingly and intentionelly break the fourth ennetandritent. I had reached thus far in my meditation when I was interrupted by the noise of en approaching vehicle, and upon turning wound beheld—yes, anomaly beheld six of our young men in a canine and to all =rano, oil for a day of pleseare. sighed cleeply. and tamed toy John Culbert. of Shanty Bay, while hurrying to catch a train, on Tuesday of last week. was observed to stumble and fall forward. He made an effort to re- gain his feet, but again fell, and when assistance arrived it was discovered that his life was gone. An examination showed a rupture of the artery tram the heart—one half that organ was minus the life blood. Over exertion .o soon after eating, to catch the train, may be said to have broken his heart. De- ceased was only 50 years of age, ap- panmtly • strong hinny man. ALL THE NEWS FOR A CENT. Toronto Daily World, TSB ONLY ONE -CENT MORNING PAPER IN CANADA. THREE DOLURS A YEAR ! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS AMOUR!! ONE CENT A COPY !I! tirLats• than Malf the Coat ef any ether Marabas rarer. Neal CAN MANE MINI= by canvassing for The World. Agents and Canvareers wanted everywhere. Send post -card for terms and SAMPLE COPY FREE. WORLD PRINTING CO., Me. No. 4 King street east, Toronto. SALLOWS TRU _ PHOTOGRAPHER, MONTREAL St. GODERICH BEST LIGHT, BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- IES, BEST CUSTOMERS BEST PICTURES, BEST SATIS- FACTION. BEST EVERYTHING. FRESH ARRIVALS. CANNED CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN. POTTED TONGUE, BEEF, HAM, CHICKEN. FRESH SALMON AND LOBSTER, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Christie Brown & Co's BISCUITS AND CAKES, MRS. WARNOCH begs to remind her numerous customers, in and around Goderich that she has opened out her new stock on HAMILTON STREET OPPOSITE THE COLBORNE HOTEL and solicits • continuance of their patronage, as she can with confidence recommendgoher ods as be first chute in every particular. The aid of MISS CAMERON, an accom- plished milliner, has been secured es as- sistant. • CALL 18 EISPNCTIFDLLY INVITED. Wanted Immediately, a number of appren- tices to lawn millinery. iHamilton Street, next door to W. Mit- chellGrocery. 1784. 1NTotice_ SUGARS AND Pure Spioes. TRY THEM. Chas. A. Nairn.' R. PROUDFOOT Has just received a Now and Well Assorted Stook OF FRESH GROCERIES THE STATUTES OF CANADA, 44 1 VICTORIA, 1881. are now ready for dhstri. bution tat the (nee of the Clerk of the Peace, In Goderich, *0 Justices at the Peace and oth- ers entitled to same. IRA LEWIS, Clerk of the Peace, Huron. Clerk of the Peace Office, Godericb, July 12,1881. 1 1795-21 AN D I" 1R, 0 VISION8 - Which be will sell at the Banking. BANK OF MONTANA'. CAPITAL. - • WKS* SURPLUS. • . - • PAMPA Goderich Branch. C R. DUNSPORD, • • - reaper stAgllerez inast2restahvoular adepeardia tes he all parte of the world. 1. 0ANADIAN BANK OF C0104:RCE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ALSO Pix' to Pamil3r Flour CANADA'S GREAT FAIR. test —AND--Inel INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION AT TAR FEED, AND CiT.71R.M7D MEATS 1 Always in Stock. Goods Delivered to Any Part of the Town. Goderica, June 4th. lall. 171141 City of Toronto, MOM SEPTEMBER br n TO n 17 r n. (two weeks.) W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS DF THY Goderich Mills Paid op Capital, - .6,000,000. Rest, 81400,000. Pramidast. - MON. WM. MeMASTER Omens, Afanapee, - W. N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - hinsurs. Interest allowed on depealte. Drafts os al the priacipal Towne and Cities in Canada Great Britain and the United State., bough and .old. Advancano Farmers en Notes. with elke or more endorsers. without mortgage. 1781 (LTE PIPER'S.) Basta reture5beir thanks to the public ter the liberal estrous* recetved during the past year, and to state they INV prepared te do San BM I l'1'43t* on the shortest notice, or for the CORTI/11MM of parties living at • dilemma will exchange grata at their town store (Late W. M. Hilliard' s,) Masonic block, East St. Goderich. AO -Highest price paid for wheat.-kk $25,000 in Prizes ens omission ron Live Stock, Poultry. Agricultural, Hortieur heal. and Dairy Prodectajmplements, Man - Muter.. and Iodise Work. kc. /to., ENTRIES CLOSE AS FOLLOWS: GODERICH BOILER WORKS. SHEPPARD'S BOOKSTORE. Chrystal & Black. Hymn Books. NEW PRESBYTERIAN, NEW METHODIST. NEW ENGLISH CHURCH. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- tured on shortest notice. Revised edition of NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS. LATEST Seeds! Seeds! The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock of All kinds of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietors who Live Stock itc.. kannhinures of all kinds, saturday Aegnst Mtb. FftOry, and IMIT Riders Co., September nit. EVERYTHING NEW INSTRUCTIVE AND INTERESTING. THE GNU TEST ATTRACTIONS and best moommodatioa Or exhibitors and /linen evLot=away exhiblion held Is al Canada? CHEAP EXCURSIONS will to run Enna all polata. PRIZE LIM AND array FORMS will be sent anywhere os reosipl 01 Poet card. Seed tor these to J. J. WITHROW, Pesetas/at. H. J. HILL, fiseretery, Ifteento. 42111-4t. ARE Practical Workmen. P. O. Box 103. 1787 Fall aid GARDEN RIDS XTOTICE TO IINTENDING BUILD - 11 sm. • Sews days art 1 bi" "RI "Iraqi= Le•""1.•=1 A L 0 T ~A slues met tas 11pm he •••ty i.e. is et pertele. Off oonsiiiting of CLOVER, TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cannot be beaten. 8. .81.40A./•TE. General Seed Dealer. Hamilton Street. MILLER it 1cfjU1RRIE has on hand a choice lot of A 1. PANNELL DOORS. FRAMES and SASH of all wises which they will sell cheaper than the cheapest; they are also prepared to furnish building material of all descriptions to order, or will take building contracts at prima which defy competition. No °placation in the County recognised. Do not forget to call on um: we always uar&ntee sellers .dion. Cor- rect pima, spec noations and estimates tar- nished on application. MILLER & McQUARRIE Pining Mill, Newgate St.. lioderich Ont. 17884m. C▪ ARD OF THANKS. To the Osman TM and Marline laserame c=cin.toZthanks0 the nwirteil. ?Ewe an4itatittentheryearts:41 jtotareormo:t. rerk MeD. 1.1= of A. Siwna Treaeseer. rolherne. Jay MI. IAN ALLAN LINE er Resorts The Point Farm PRINTS AT OTS T Colborne Brothers. LEMON SQUEEZERS. CARD BOARD, BRISTOL BOARD, SCRAP PICTURES, CAMP STOOLS, CANVASS, AT 1 G. C. ROBERTSON'S. • • CLEARING• SALE CARPETS tVe etfcr the balance of our stock of CARPETel RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. OUR BIG SALE —OF- - =rocs 3-oods will continue for thirty days. Just opened another ease of CHOICE NEW TWEEDS. JOIIT C. DETLOR & CO. IP' -Y. 0 T.1 W A.. 1\T Fr PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, &c., THE PEOPLE'S STORE. -w-c•-o- 17T.A.1•7"1' GOOD CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, &c., 00 TO THE PEOPLE'* DRUG STORE. eplendid assortment of FISHING TACKLE, just received, and w111 be sold CHEAP. GEO. RHYNAS Successor to GEORGE CATTLE. Blake's Block, neat the Market, Goderich. Prescriptions a Speciality - - Night Bell on the Front Door. C3401:011TtIcDEL.. i• TillitatCgPriaearer tRigitZeri. &OFF LAKE Spring and Summer Goods. NOVELTIES, 1\TO-V-301../TIMS_ A choice selection of FANCY STRAWS. in HATS and BONNETS. STYLI/3,H, NEAT AND SURE TO PLEASE. FRENCH and AMERICAN goods in the latest novelties. A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS and LACES. Hata and Bonnets trimmed in the newest styles. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. We take pletootre i showing our goods. Nligililtill A llgosi _ Mari.vt, Goderich. MISS WILSON =1"1-5..g11:t T° of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY. GLAS- GOW. SHORTEST SEA ROUTE. Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage Tickets at LOWE.? REM. Mmisle =leach. 01117rtristhr6r4Tbaarienw11%_ beerlg 11C= Galway and Gairgew, rime rates se te Liverpool. RA !LINOS FROM QUEBEC: Sawn/aims ....................88bANL lith MORAVIAN " SARMATIAN COW AMMAN ..... •... /Oh . Pot.vmat Oh A!gest. PARISIAN1 gaittrITLA: . ...... t/th Sans AVIAN ........... Sri Ofer. ciarsainsie •Mak " POLY/MIA* . 11181 Psalm/31 SARDINIAN• IM Oct N MOR•VI AN OIRDMIIPI A N .. *. SAMMATI AN . Fhe lean train connecting et glister v.erLlth Io the Alba Mail Steamer wlll leave *very Friday att Mt a. ea. Padid p. m., train on mencers Teem% by the sad enamel with the ateariver Ri lowisig the subs me.. pa I& Qesibes Rimenek)..1 Toe Sabres and *very womanish apply to EL A ItIfiltranwo. Agnes. Modred Telegraph 011en iledarish. Ota.1 DOMINION BAKERY-, WENT STRUT, - NEAR THE POKT OrVICF. 1 LA ROE ASSORTMENT OF Fiala na.d ramify Cakes'. Wedding takes Steel sad Ornamented Soo. :id to none. All kinds liatig 'loam (Tints, 7)7.•.•13•1!•ti,c 1cf 1 'T AND Splendid. VOISMIDAI• PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD, Which 1 deliver dallcyto all parts of the town, and JudgeJudgefor 7° T. VICNIGHT 200Guests "'ea Ism. 5791-1? Near the Post Office HAIR DRESSING. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS! Which I guarantee will give Sat :Alec ion. Self praise is no recommendation, but try my ACCOMMODATION TOR MONTREAL TELEGRAPH OF- FICE ON THE PREMISES. —T. 03 It Zif 8.- 1800 TO 110,00 PIE WEIL ChUdrea and Norma half price. Write er Telegraph for Rooms and Send for Circular Address: J. J. WRIGHT, Proprietor. PUN".} JOHN' PASMORE, Manefacterer of Da.. Dr.. VICTORIA -8C, Censer of Teelehpir. Agent for the Cellehre•ed SEEGIIILLBI CNILLED FUNGI A54 comeellewal Millfhtrors08- Abs. meet for the Queen's Fire & Life Ins. Co. This li 055 .1 18. %Man OMNI TIOMODIMI. Mrs. Robertson MAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY OF Two Years for the Price of One ! _IL Informing the ladies of Goderich, and the KINTAIL BRICK YARD. A quantity of good white brick on hand and for sale at reasonable rates. The stitmeriber is now carrying on the brick making businese at the Kintall kilna, and will give all orders which may be sent hint the most prompt attention. The brick 11 of first - clam qualitytand the terms are reasonable. A da rcss JOHN K. MeGREGOR, Hinton. P. 0 $5 to $20 per day worth 55 tree. address at home. Samples STINSON & Co.. Portland. Maine. LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881.. country generally. that she H8,8 Removed to East Street, where„„.chhe,;.-- witches, Curls, Puffs, Frizettes! Braiding, etc., done up in the Latest Styles. A. Oell is Respectfully Solicited Cledarieb. Jane 15. MM. 17113.3rn BIDS FOR HU Thsakisc the snout for pant favors. I take Is staMo that I have on hand a stork *Ma eves before of choice Wheat Parley. Pase011ack and White Oa(s. Tea. Clever. and Timothy: also Pea Vine Clever. ANN.. Lecerse and. Lawn Grass, THE REPRINTS OF IMO ROITitile elIARTORLY 1.grangeMosi), NOON et ARTIOLT (Cattservative). ROINIER4.11 ( Whip), WEATMINIPTIM REVIEWS, A Ant e emortment of GARDEN and TLOWIII SKIMS, =Web great care from the best seed be the ematry. Call sad see. We keep the beet and mom 'muffle need we ten perelume CIMIPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, 18. leM fleld cern yet introdocea Oreund eake kept onestantly on band. JAMES McNAIR• Ramiltos Pt. AND llsokIreoct's Z4ibrgh Mstalias, Present the beet lorries periodiral• in a esse. venient tom and viefhete abridgment or alteration, Terms at aebseelp(iens filnelediag Peesage.) Blackwood or any one Review .. 5480 perm. Blackwood any Plit Review. 7.0 Blackwood and two Reviews . MOO ” Blackwood and three Reviews 1105 **, Any two Reviews 7.110 The four Reviews ----55.05 .0 . , Blackwood and the four Reviews 14.0 These are about half the prteee charged by the English Publishers Circulars giving the Contents 01 1)55 Period- icals for the year DOI sad esseiy ether pore.. slurs, may be had nn applicatioa. 1014.MIN1X172‘13- New subscribers may have the essibess tee Imo and IMO at the rice of one year's stab seription only. To any subscriber, new or old. we will tar- nish the periodicals for 1879 at half mon. All orders to he vent to the publication *Mos Tfl secure erernieme apply promptly. 7ke Lessard Scott PatsUakiag Os., 65 111111KIL6T ST.. NOW TORR. $72 11'171&•41 :eV teebset. nos Augiota. Mafte. 4 I ../11.1•4.. voorsokomfbalf.4110111111111.111118a1malanstiagoosimarabflifters.mmaime