HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-10-01, Page 1r.144,
12.50 A Year In Advance — $3.50 TO U.S.A. TH4 BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY OCTOBER 1st, 1970, POST PIAILIS11114G HOUSE
Mister; Saturday, swept
froini take Hilton; in the Bay,
field urea, 'leaving a trail of havoc
iii its path; -ripiiing off roofs,
tearing iniart bailie and uprooting
trees as it dipped -through Huron
ideality, The tornado, with heavy
rain, Wrecked 'buildings and doWn-
ed hydro and telephone lines.
It hit the Brussels community
about 3:30 'Lilt While the village
itself escaped serious cleanse,
there were uprooted trees, lifariCh-
es torn from others, TX: aerials
blown down and dhiMneys
aged. Hydro power was cut off in
a portion of the north east seCt-
ibo of the village for several
The. bard on the feria Of
Murray Cardiff, northeast of Brus-
sels, was torn aPart, killing one
cattle beast and injuriiig another
seriously enough that it had to
be destroyed. Thirty-five feet of
the eighty foot high concrete silo
crashed to the ground. Farm
machinery was overturned or
blown about.
Mr. Cardiff, Douglas Machat
and Allan Walker, were Working
in the garage when the steel gat,
age door appeared to explode out--
ward. Thirty three trees in
the immediate area were uprooted
while others only a short distance
.away,, were left intact. Debris, in-
cluding large chunks of heas;y
Steel roofing . and siding, was
strewn 'across field and roadside
for a quarter of a mile.
Mrs. Cardiff and their three
children were in the house which
fortunately, had only a window
Neighbours, friends and rela-
tives, in large numbers, were on
hand the following days to lend
a hand in cleaning away the
dehri left in the wake of the brief
but violent storm.
Cornfields were flattened. Other
damage reported was that a
new double garage of Wm.
Adams was torn from the rear of
the house and scattered over a
field. A tree fell on the garage at
Jack Pipe's and crushed it. The
roof was torn from Vhe driving
shed at Graham's Work's and a
tree fell smashing a white fence.
There was no loss of life or
serious injuries reported.
Family Moors Couple
On 40th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs., C. A. Morrow, of
$, Brussels and Mr. and Mrs,
Bill Young, R.R. 1, Blyth, enter-
tained at the former's home at a
family gathering or relatives and
friends on Sunday, September
20th, to honor their parents Mr.
aiid Mrs. Ed Morrow, Ethel, on
the occasion of their'40th wedding
The home was decorated with
autumn flowers and a three tier
Wedding cake centred. the dining
rdoin table.
Clifford Morrow read an
address and the couple were pre-
sented with many lovely gifts.
A airiorgaShoid supper *as ser-
Mrs. MorroW Was the former
Evelyn Reid of North Morning=
ton. They have one son Clifford,
and one daughter, Marion, Mrs.
Bill Young Of Biytb, and seven.
Guests were present from Lond-
on, Fergus, :Listowel,
,Brussels, Blyth and Ethel.
District ..Goveraor PayS
Official Viait. TO. The
Brussels Lions Club
' The . District Governor Lion
Frank -Barnes of Arthur paid .0,
official visit to the Brussels Lions
Club on 'Monday night.
...Lion president James Arm-
strong presided over the meeting.
• Lion.. Tamer Harold Wilson led
the singsong with Miss Connie
McWhirtea.at the piano. Lion Tail
Twister • Max Watts levied fines
with 4eefin --extiberanee.
A "new .member, Lion Jack
Knight, waaawelcorned into the
club. Lion 'Secretary Cecil Mc-
Fadden dealt with. the roll 'call
and correspondence. •
Lion George McCutcheon intro-
duced the District Governor who
said it was a Pleasure to attend
their supper meeting. He gave an
interesting and informative talk
on Lion Projects..
Lion Win. Turnbull thanked the
speaker and presented him with a
Lion Maurice Jenkins, Zone 3N
Chairman, who was also preSent,
spoke briefly.
Lion Hank TAxel reported on
the Friday Teen Dance. Lion Cal
Krauter spoke on Scouting,. Con-
siderable discusston took place on
this Project. ,It was left in the
hands of Ross McCall.
Members of the Club will con-
duct a Bingo at the Paycliiatric
Hospital, Goderich, for the resi-
dents there. Lions Max Watts and
Jas. Prior reported regarding
plans for the Lionel Thornton
Dance. Lions 1-14B, Cousins, Jack'
McDonald and Geo. McCiitcheou
spoke on the financing of an
icing machine for the arena.
Lion C. McFadden won the
dra \vs
Subscribers who have received
notice of evetdae subscriptions
have until Oct, 19th for payment
of same. After that date we Will
be ferried to remove their names
from the mailing Het.
Stileiter on a. l30101 oar!
ARCHIE McDONALD,- son of 'Mr.
and Mrs, Ian McDonald graduates
Friday from University of Guelph
with his honour S.A. in History.
1-le is currently ..studying towards
h is M,A.
Thursday evening a number of
people visited the palace to view
the exhibits and to .enjoy the pro-
gram presented.
Jack Thynne was the M.0,
and ihtersaersed the following
numbers with jokes, recitations,
songs accompanied by his violin.
Grades. • 5, 6, 7 and 8 BruSsels
students, led by Mr. K. Scott
with his guitar sang to open and
close the program, Step-danc-
ing, Stisan Langlois accompanied
by Jack Warwick on violin;
Debbie and janise Van. Vliet, in
costume songs accompanied, by
Mrs. S. Steiss; John Adams
and Scott Bridge, gaiter; Joan
Elliot and Julie Valance, played
and sang; Eddie Peters sang ac-
companied by Marie McGavin.
Mrs. Lucy Murphy held the
winning ticket on the Majestic
W. Vs quilt 'which was on display
at the Fair. Mr. Murray Gaunt
M.L.A, for T-Turon-Bruce riding
made the draw in the Palace on
Friday afternoon at four o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice of
Weston announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter, Judy
Ann, to Mr. Bruce Hahn, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hahn, Ritcha
crier. 'Wedding to take place ea
Saturday, October 10th, at four
o'clock, Brussels United Church,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Smith,
RR. 1, Monkton., wish to announce
the engagement of their daughter,-
Elizabeth Ann, to Mr. Gary
Arnold Earl; son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Earl. althea The marriage
to take , place on October 9th,
197a, at 7:30 p.m. in Momirief
strOct pantS and
MIS Ipng ll€i.it, it'y Il 6.11•16 to tits
either a boy a .3, gitii •
The -weather for the. day being'
favourable, tor the .first time in
scene years, the Brus.sele Fair
attracted good crowd OD 'Friday.
While entries were down some-
what particularly in the indoor
exhibits, there were many a ttrac-
tise displays and exhibits of exce]-
lent quality. The crowd was
estimated at approximately 2,81)0.
'The afternoon proceedings got
under way 'with large school
parade. 'Led by a car carrying
officials and guests, students,
and teachers, marched froin the
community park to the fair
grounds to the music of the Sea-
forth High School Trumpet Band
and the Brussels Royal Canadian
Legion Pipe Band. They were
joined in the parade by floats,
clowns, horses and riders and
.decorated bicycles.
Robert E. Cunningham was the
capable M.C. for the afternoon.
Fair President Jan van Vliet
spoke briefly welcoming visitors
to the fair. tie introduced D. S.
Pullen, Huron County Agricul-
tural. Representative, who offic-
ially opened the fair. Mr. Pullen
congratulated fair board officials,
workers and people of the coin-
inanity saying that with a. fair
that had coninued for more than
a hundred years thy had achieved
something that spoke well of their
efforts and he hoped for its con-
tinued existence.
R, MeTainley M.P. and
Hurray Galant M.P.P. . apoke
bringing .greetings and _entplias-
izing 'the importance of agricuai
trivet fairs - to the community..
At. the conclusion of the official
opening parade winners were
Prizes for marching were
awarded to 1. Grey Central,
Brussels, 3. Walton.
Floats: a 1. -Brussels School
Cheer Leaders, 2. Paul Mutter,
3. Lions Club.
Decorated Bicycles: Brian Ten
Pas, 'Kenneth Higgins, Murray
Nichol, Stephen Martin
Children's knees
Boys .
Under 8: Kevin l)eitner. Dar-
win McCutcheon, John Huether.
9-11: Brian Cox. Jerry Bremner,
Brian Tel ,
'1244 Leslie Smith, Doug Gay, -
David Stephenson.
8. Carol Wheeler, Cathy
Deltaer, .D.Ifizaheth Exel.
9-11: Gail White, Joan Huether.
Di a n n e, Stephenson.
• 12-14: Maxine Watts, Laureen
Barbour, Sandra Boomer.
The fair closed Friday evening
with a, monster dance at the Leg-
ion ball. The younger set enjoyed
roller skating and dancing at the
arena sponsored by the Brussels
Lions flan,
1.. .George.Galbraith. Norman
Wilriamson, Terry Rutledge, Dave
Kirkby. Brian Rutledge.
2. G, Galbraith, N,
T. Rutledge. Gordon Jacklin, D.
Kirkby, 13. Rutledge.
$10 for fastest race. donated by
W. A: McQuarrie,
$10' for beat looking outfit
donated by Hugh Pearson.
Fair Board donated '120 each.
Winners of Agricultural Draw
1. Wm. James, Kitchener. elec.-
talc saw. 2, Maisalce Cameron,
eliftase kinnSi), atuu.,.1.1
Grade Cattle
Pen of 8 feeder steers under Wt.'
lbs.: Clarence McCutcheon, Brian
Work, Graham. Work
Pen of 3 yearling heifers under
300 lbs.: C. MaCatcheen, G. Work.
al" Work.
Dairy Cattle
Heifer calf Jr.: Bradley Speir-
an, Doro thy .BOneschansker.
Heifer Calf Senior; David Bean,
Bill Boneschansker.
Trophy Winner
David than for Beat Showman-
ship in 4-H Celt Club donated by
Bruce McCall, Brussels Stock-
yards Limiter',.
J. T. van Egmond Clinton, took
all awards.
Beef Cattle
Frank Falconer, Clinton, and
Andrew Gaunt, Lucknow, took all
Geo. Kennedy, Lucknow, took
all prizes.
Aberdeen Angus
Carman Kaye, Palmerston, all
prizes but three. Robt. E. Scott,
Plattsville took first for Bull 1
yr. old, first for cow, 3 yrs. old,
first for heifer 1 yr. old
Dorset and Cheviots
All prizes went tO P. Deering,
Exeter, Ed Jackson, Harristoa
and Glen Paine, Kerwood,
OXford Downs and auffolks
All aWards to E. Jackson
G. Paine.
Shropshire Downs' and' Southdown
John Kelly, Elora, all awards,
Leicester &,'DotswOld
John Kelly and Jim Snell took
all awards.
Turnbull, all awards
Bert French, pulMOrston. alt
Wilbur Turnbull, all prizea
Boar under 1 yr: B„French.
Boar, 6 mons. & under: • Jan
van Vliet (1 and 2).
Champion Boar: Jan van Vliet.
Sow under 1 yr.: .Tan Van Vliet,
Neil Hemingway.
Sow, 6 mos. or under: B, Fren
cb (1 & 2), Jan Van; Vila.
Champion Sow: B. French,
Pen,: John van Vli et.
Children's Pets
Persian Cat: Matirice Beirnes.'
Cat; any breed: Clarence and
Arnold van Dekker, Bluevale,
Brenda. McCutcheon, .Tacquie
Workman, Dianne Adamson.
Rabbits: T3,liza.beth Jacklin, .
Lawrence Machan. Darwin Du-
charme, Gary MoCutheori.
Best Dog in show: Guy Stroup,
Chuck Lynn, John Stroup.
Dog least resembling any
breed: Wally Mason, Ricky *ern-
aray, Jacquie Workman, Evelyn
Homer Pigeons: Lawrence
Meehan, Maurice Beirnes.
Fantail . Pigeons: Lawrence
Machan, Harvey Beirnes.
Pair any other bteed. Ken
Pair Bantaansi Victor Daniel.
Ken Beirnes. Lawrence Machat,
Elizabeth Jacklin.
Fancy Fowl: Victor Daniel,
Maurice Beirnes, Harvey Beirnes,
Elizabeth Jacklin,
Most unusual Pet: Yvonne
Blake, Bradley Draper, Elizabeth
Judilin Ted Elliott,
icomplete lf8t on inaid6 pages)
Brussels Stockyards had a
record number of stockers On
offer, 1350 head.
First Prize lot of stockers was
won by Lloyd Wheeler and Son of
Brussels. Second Prize lot went
to George Woelfle of Paisley.
• Judges were Don Pullen, Huron
County Agricultural RePressenta-
tite and Harold MoCue Of Canada
raokerfi, "
lift ARM Mit 3 aft dergb,`'