HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-09-24, Page 111.50 A Year In Advance - 0.50 TO U.S.A. 55c POST PUBLISHING HOUSE THURSDAY SEPT. 24th, 1970 THA BRUSSELS POST,
line ‘!1
4. •
Mrs. Margaret Humphries hes
returned home after spending
several weeks with relatives in
in Rochester N, Y.
Mrs. John Rowley - and son,
Scott, of. London, spent a few
days last week with her sister,
Mrs. Gerald Watson and Mr.
Watson, •
Miss Glenna Houston of Wind-
sor spent the weekend at the
home of her parents, Mr and
Mrs. Rae Houston.
Sympathy from the community
is extended to the faMilies of the
late Roy 'Bennett .of the village
who passed away suddenly last
Saturday in the Clinton Public
Mr. and* Mrs. Edwin C. Miller
of .Lethbridge, Alta., have return-
ed to their home after visiting
With Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis.
We are glad to report Mrs.
Joe Ryan is progressing favour-
ably after returning home front
the Stratford hospital having
uedergone surgery.
Mrs. Ida Davis of Brussels
Spent last Friday afternoon and
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Allan
McCall and' BeirerlY.
Mr and. Mrs. David Dunk,
Darlene and David of Corunna
visited over the weekend with the
formet's :parents, Mr. and Mrsi
Fred Dunk,
Shower Held -.FOr Recent Bride
Mrs. Roy and
Shirley entertained about 35
guests at their home earlier this
Month at a miscellaneous shower
in honor of Miss Mary Ann Kunz
whose marriage to William Me
'Grath, both of Sea forth, took
.place on ;Saturday, Sept. 12. The
evening was spent with several
contests, and a sing song. An
address was read by Mrs. Roy
Williainson and many beautiful
gifts were presented to the bride-
elect from her friends and rela-
tives. Mary' Ann made a. fitting
reply to everyone for their kind.
riess. A delicious lunch was serve.
ed by Mrs. Roy Williamson and
Shirley, assisted by Mrs. Herb
Williamson, Eileen and -Lois and
Mrs, Neil Williamson.
4-H Meeting
The third and fourth meetings
of the Walton 41. "Safety
was held on Saturday afternoon
September 1.9 at 1:30 p.m. at the
home of Beverly McCall. The
Meeting was opened with the
4-H pledge. Minutes of the last
Meeting and roll call were given
by the secretary, Patty Mc-
Donald. Notes were given by the
leaders. "Exploring Nature" and
keeping "Physically Fit" were
discussed. Exercises were done
to strengthen the muscles. Quali-
fications for First Aid were
given and the First Aid Kit
Was explained to the girls, Each
one learned how to gait on n.
sling. The meeting closed with
the 4-H motto. The next. meeting
is to be held this Saturday after-
neon et Marie Nolan's home.
(eentitiiied on inside page)
• • k
Mrs. Alfred Raddatz
are the new owners of the Kozy
Tiorncr Restaurant, which they
recently purchased from Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Le Blanc.
Mt. and Mrs. Raddatz come
!here from Kitchener, where their
sou Rodger remains, as he is ens
ployed in that city.
They are members of the
united Church,
Mrs. Calvin Cameron arrived
home Monday, frOm an extended
trip through the states to the
West Coast, by air to 'Unpin
Mr. Lynn Evans was taken to
Liatowel ,Hospitail on Sunday.
Miss Virginia Smalldon, Sag-
inaw, and Mrs. Norma Curry, of
Sandusky, Mich., spent several
days visiting Mrs. Mac Engel
and other relatives in the area.
Service in Knox Church was
cancelled for Sunday, Sept. 20,
owing to the illness of the
Minister, Rev. C. A. Winn,
Anniversary Service
Anniversary service will be
held next Sunday, Sept. 27th at
11 A.M. with Rev, J. E. Taylor
-Milstein; gu'est preacher.
mi.. and Mrs. Keith PUrdy.
CookStoVen„, spent the weekend
With Mr, end Mrs, Douglas Purdy.
W.M.S. Evening Group
The September meeting of the
Evening Group of the W,M.S. Was
held at the heine of .Mrs. Stuart
Stevenson. Mrs. r Sack , Knight
opened the. meeting with a poem
".Book Of Books". Mrs. Leslie
Knight was in charge of devotions
using the theMe "aspirations'.
Scripture reading was . in unison
and roll call was "Something
pertaining to school". Plans were
made for the church cleaning bee
and Sunday salmi was discussed.
Mrs. Leslie" Knight had for her
topic "Ts the Church through?'
and used four headings "Charity'',
"Healing", "Changing the char-
acter or converting the soul" and
Education" whiclawere functions
-of the Original church. Mrs.
Norman Pfeifer and Mrs. Leslie
Knight assisted with refresh.
ments. Mrs. Leslie Knight will be
hostess for October,
Fourth Meeting
The fourth meeting of the Gran-
brook I Healthy Helpers was held
at the home of. Cathy and Linda
Morrow on Senember 10th a 4:30.
The meeting was opened with the
44-1 pledge and the roll call,
"Have you a first aid kit and
where is it kept?" was answered
The minutes were read. A discus.
sion was held about first aid and
a first aid kit for the hoine. Each
member then practised putting a
sling on another member. The.
meeting Was closed With the
1-B Motto,
See you at the Fair..
dr00513.0 ROY BENNETT
George Roe; 13eeficit6 of Walton
fiaased away suddenly in Clinton
Pnblic Hospital on Saturday, Sept-
ember 19th, He was ie his '77th
Re was a nienilier of Dare
United Church, Walton,
He'le survived by his Wife, the
former Gertrude Rutledge of
Walton; one daughter, Mrs. !'Viii,
(Marie) Coutts, Walton; a son,
Ross Of IGIbey Township; four
grandchildren; tWo sisters, Mrs.
Lloyd (Mitme) Porter of Walton
and Mrs. Thorhas (Florence)
Wetson of London.
His first wife, Viola Long. pre-
deceased. him in 1952; also one
brother, Clarence, and one sister,
Mrs. Joe Davidson of London.
Funeral services were held on
Tuesday, at 2 p.m. from the M.
L Watts Funeral Home, Brussels.
The Rev. D. Docker' officiated.
Burial was in Brussels ceme-
Pallbearers were James Clark,
Ralph' Travis, Gordon Murray,
Harvey Craig, Ernie Stevens,
Ronald Bennett.
Flowers were carried by Connie
and Karen Coutta, • Larry .and • s :Tim Rutledge.
Esue Caidthore "is a patient
1.Vinghao Hospital.
Mrs. G. Hazelwood. Hamilton,
has been a visitor with Mr, aid
Mrs. L. Meehan.
Alex Mann Of. Simcoe, has been
visiting in Brussels with Mr end
D,Trs. Jim Valiance.
Mrs. R B. Cousins, who was a
-patient in Vietoria HoePital,
London, has returned home.
Mrs. J. 'Pylce of Hamiltoe and
Mrs. S. 'Gordon of Little Rapids;
Algoma. were guests at the home
of W. C. and Mrs. King this 'week,
Mrs.' Barbara Watts, Mrs. Ella
Aicock and Mrs. Gertrude Kilning-
ton attended a camp Meeting of
the Guides and Brownies at
Clinton on September 17th.
Mrs. George Chidlow and her
weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Habermel of Hespler were
visitors in Kincardine.
Mrs, Pauline Marlatt has been
visiting her sons, Wayne and
Larry, in Manitoba.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wasmann
of Windsor visited with Mr. and
Mrs, W. J. Perri° last week.
Swine, owned by Jan van Vliet
won top prjzes at recent fairs;
He had the 'grand champion
Lacombe Sow at Toronto, London
and Stratford and grand champ-
ion Yorkshire sow at London.
An organizational meeting of
the Brussels Minor Hockey
Association Winne held on Tees-
day, September 29, in the Brussels
teseen Hall at 8:00 p.m.
Anyone interested in coaching,
managing, refereeing or in help-
ing in any fashion, is asked to be
81.11'Q to attend,
This week Mrs. Walker will not
be teaching Grade 6. Instead Mrs.
.1 oh II s .011, of London, who now
lives in •Seafortle , will teach. Her -
husband is a high school teacher
• in Seaforth, and plays football for
• the London Lords.-
Brussels Fair. is Friday, Sept.
25th, There will be g parade with
Bru.ssels, Grey Central, Walton
Scheele. We will march from the
Ball Park deem main street to. the
Fair Grounds. Exhibits will be
shown in the Palace: Vegetables,
flowers, etc. may be brought in
the preceding day. We hope every-
one 'will enjoy it thoroughly.
The first assembly for this
pier will be grade 7's assembly
in October. The exact date has not
yet been sets
• The girls of 'Cr.. •7 and S have
decided there will be a cheer-
leading squad this year. We
already have 'eight cheerleading
outfits in good condition:
This year we are thinking of
having a girls' soccer team: We
have been practising a bit in Phy-
sical Education classes but. have
not decided whether or not to
have a team.
The boys have the- • captains.
decided but not their teams,
Janet\ Cardiff, Nancy Elliott
(Remainder • published ...next week)
Grey Central' Horne And
School- Association Meeting
GreY Central Home and School
Association held the, first meeting
of the 1970 - 71 season on
Thursday', Sept. 17th. Minutes of
the May meeting were adopted as
A 'committee was formed to
arrange for the production of a
play as a fund raising project.
Mr. Jim Altmann, the principal,
gave his report and introduced.
the teachers to the parents.
The treasurer's report was
given by Mr. John Blok, ;also; a
reminder that fees are now dee,
-Membership is 1,50 per family
Mrs. Lothar Weber, the preal.
dent, then introduced the guest
speaker, Mrs. Helen Rieman of
Exeter, a public school French
teacher, and \ five of her students.
Mrs. Biemen gave a very interest-
ing and informative talk • on
French in the Public School and
the students gave some very
lively demonstrations of their
conversational French.
Mrs, Donna Knight. thanked
Mrs. Diemen and the students,
presenting them with gifts on
behalf or the Association.
Mrs. Weber announced that
the next meeting will be held on
October Sth.
Coffee and a social half heat
were then enjoyed by all these
Ethel 4-H Club
The first meeting of the Ethel
-1-T-T Clulefloces on Fitness was
held Monday, Sept 14 et Oirejt
Township Central Scheel,
The officers eletted are„
PreSident Secettie Gay
Vice President .... Brenda Speiten
See you at the Fair,
The regular meeting of the
Village of Brussels Council was
held on. Septeriaber 14th, all
members being present.
The following motions
Moved by H, J. TenPas, second-
ed by I. G. Campbell that the
Mineites of the meeting of August
10, 1970 he adopted as read.
The accounts and correspond-
ence were presented.
'Moved by J. L. McCutcheon
seconded by R. W. Kennedy that
the accounts as approved be paid.
Hartle Exel,- labour 88.80
Douglas Callender, August
Nursing Acct. 1221.86
Hank EXel, labour 73.61
Bauer Farm and Garden
Service, cutting
McCutcheon Motors, gas
and repairs 5.80-
P.U.C., street lights
library, office, hall 141.68
Frank Kling, chips 16..95
Provincial Treasurer,
MacLean's Fine, Service,
gas 38.40
Bridge Motors, gas
supplies 5.49
Glenn McKercher, hauling
chips and cold mix 42.25
111acbasilid*e., supplies ' 6.59
Durham Stone and
and Paving, cold mix 97:56
Brussels Recreational
Committee, 1970 grant 500.00
Mrs. Joan Exel,
cleaning 7.80
0.1VI.E.R.S. pension
fund 65.64
Receiver General, ILLS. ., 11,60
Receiver General, C.P. and
tax deductions 125.06
Gordon Stiles, August
Maitland Teleserviees,
rates and tills 12s.be
Moved by H. .1. 'renPas, sec-
onded by R. W. Kenendythat the
rate for garbage collection for
the year 1070 be raised to $12.00
per annum.
Moved by 1. G. Campbell. sec-
onded by 1 L. McCutcheon that
George Cousins be granted a
budding permit as per applicat-
Ali:Wed by 11. W. Kennedy, sec-
onded by H. J. TenPas that the
Recreational Committee receive
a. grant of $500.06 for 1970:
Moved by I. G. Campbell sec-
onded by .T. L. McCeitcheen that
the meeting adjourn, to meet
again October 5, 1970 or at the
call of the Reeve.
R. B. Cousins Wm, H. King
Reeve Clerk
With rotating setetarY and press
The girls discuSsed the mental-
ly fit person and each chose one
of the following 'crafts: knitting,
Mobile, Huck Weaving or stuffed
Mr and Mrs. Stewart Watson of
Diiiidae and Mr% ;aid Mrs; Bert
Dunn of Hayfield were Sunday
guests with air. and Mre. "W. J;
Leeming and Pais:illy
Miss Corrie De Ruyter of Wet.
ford spent the weekend with Mrs.
J. van Vliet Sr. and attended the
Anniversary Services at Duff's
United Church, ;