HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-19, Page 44 THE 0 NASI F tW4Y AUGUST, Ya �� THE HURON SIGNAL Is publiabed every Yrlday W yc- GtheicL'uur Bums., at their , ort► tat tuff the lily wheel (k I)EIUC H, ONTARIO. Aad is despot"' .std to ail pea of the surround - bag country by the eadlseteralLead trains. By general •dmi.elos It has s bargee clrvsil•- olo than any other uowsp•per in Nip part of the Limitary, sad oast of Use raciest, aswaiwt and must reliable journals in °start°. Poossssiag u wrt it de, e 1prl.got mod beteg iso addittun to the abjve. flrMelsas .OsnNJ sad @s.ids !aper- k la therefues • most detwruble adssetvny osedsom. Tawas -.1.30 la sdvaa.oe, patd� yttlease's; 111.75, tf paid before z months; *LOU not ad para Tho rule w W be strla•Uy HArsa or Aevautru iso. -Sight cent yr one for log ; three cents per tine for mamba each subsequent In.srtlon. Yokel. half-yesrty B as4 uerteei) contract' at reduced rates. JI P IIR't11G.-.'.'rhave also • first -clams . jobbing dep•rttseat in oonnecUon and {tror ng the must complete out -lit and iteet cafacilities for turning out work In Goderich. are prepared to do business la tat line at that °•nowt le 'testae sad sof • gttaIIty that cosset be ...rased. -Farms Usse. FRIDAY, AUGUST 19. 1881. TO SUBSCRIBERS. I OM in Orders Change se Address. In ordering the addrets of your '.aper changed, give the Old as well as the new address, and sign your name as plainly as 1 pusailIe. Due observanoe of these sag- gestiests will save us touch trouble and • expense, and insure prompt compliance with the request to make the change. Tan Belleville Intelligertar, owned by the Minister of Custom, thus snubs the new editor of the Toronto Mail: -"The Conservative party is not stupid enough to believe even a tenth part of what the Nail says about Mr. Blake and either prominent members of the Reform par- ty. The Mui/ is injuring its reputation, even among its own friends." (TREAT care should he taken by the Commissioners who have the soperin-, tendence of the building Litt the slew iron bridge over the Maitland, so that as lit- tle inconvenience as possible mu -y be caused those of the public who have to use the temporary crossing. We do not anticipate any overflow of the river or similar calamity; nevertheless we believe the crossing should be constructed per- fectly safe, and the approaches to the river be made as easy as possible, and sufficiently wide and safe that the incon- venience experienced by the public during the erection of the iron bridge would be reduced to a minimum. THE Wetherell clutrirari. which culmi- nated in the murder of the bridegroom near Ottawa last week, will probably have a salutary effect in abolishing the absurd custom. A man of three) score and ten marries a woman of two score and ten, and, the young men of the sec- tion must, forsooth, have their "fun." They have it, and it ends in murder. None of the participants in the charivari anticipated a fatal termination to their frolic when it began; nevertheless at the termination of the affair the bride is a widow and the bridegroom a corpse. The law will have to be vindicated; the guilty parties will be brought to account; and the lesson wilt once again be taught evil -doers that pleasure may }•e bought too dearly. ON Traseav last, a race occurred down one of the St. Lawrence rapids between the steamers Spartan and Rothesay. The excitement rine so high that the steamers collided in their efforts to pass. Happily no casuality resulted, but as greater calamities hare occurred from lesser causes, it is to be hoped the dan- gerous pastime will not be indulged in again. The days of steamboat racing are in the dead past, and the travelling public are not anxious for their resurrec- tion. Resin and pitch in the fire hole, and a"nigger un the safety -valve," were appurtenances to steamboat travel in the days of Jim Bluduo, but Jim is dead, and a recurrence of the event in which he is so graphically described as sacrific- ing his life, and stating 111 bold her nosule mein the bank T"I the last guloot's ashen% might poossibly not he successful in veloping a later Midst.. de -I THry have a Ministerial Association in London where the brethren meet to- gether and discuss matters and things pertaining to the "cloth." The associ- ation formerly held open tneeGugs, and the reporters of the city press attended and gave reports of the meetings. But in an evil hour a spirit of rancour and disquiet was made manifest at one of the meetings and, regardless .4 the advice given by Dr. Watts, "let doge delight to bark and bite," and allow the remainder if the quarrelling to be done by .other of the lesser animals, the brethren exceeded the bounds of propriety, and had a really interesting time. Because the press men gave truthful accoutres of the, meeting, and did net threw a pretty thick mantle .of chanty over the scene .4 disquiet, the brethren waxed wrathy.. and now they have determined to hold their kttk gatherings on the sly, and reel neweperer men are to }.e allowed to view the per .nnanoe. We have not been m- , formed that the reporter will henceforth don asekeieth and ashes, but banishment from the aesiety .1 truly good men who , only cleaned each time they rneet for ; tactual impeevement and interchange of ' Tun postal authorities ..f Canada sad the United States see the futility of kicking against each other in the hatter of mad bags, and have resolved to have all snail 'touches aortal over at w.me point in the Dumittitws, and returned to A t'aasteelea. Is not Sir L Talleyy one of the most Toller-aunt 110n 1- [Goderieb St�ttat. Well, yolk see, be looks at everything relatively.- [Ad yer titter. t'asada's Gutman. their proper place, after which interns - The Toronto Mod believes that the tiotl$l pouches are to h�a Ilaed. i system of Government in Canada is bet- • ter than ui the United States because IT is )test as wall to remind the real- "we ham not yet produced a Guiteau." ing public: that the Mail ribstabber who The boast would be more effective if we now so bitterly attacks Mr. Blake is the had not produced a WheJen. However, same mut who, three or four years ago, we hanged Aim. -[Advertiser. found it desirable to suddenly have Ottawa while Parliament was in Minion, lest be should be summoned to appear before the err of the House ter most shamefully ridiculing, in some newspa- per corresppto�ndence, the deformity if one of tic Prince Edward Islaud mew - ben who happens to be a hunchback.[- Teleaoeip e. The fellow could not again take his plate among the press men of the House until be had begged Mr. Yeo's parecu, in a most abject manner. Hq is • model rib -slabber. THERE were twenty-one applications mail' the vacancy caused by the retire- ment of Miss Kay from the position of third teacher in the Goderich High School. Certain anomalies occurred in one or two applications. In one, a lady of thirty-three summers submitted certi- ficates highly satisfactory, but some of which dated back twenty-seven years - an indication certainly of either an early development of educational ability, or an arit.11metical mistakulation regarding birthday celebrations. Another appli- cant for 1he position, with B certificate, was barred by thegentlemanly secretary, owing to the fact that she had made an unwarrantable attack upon him by mal- treating his given name to the extent of putting two "ts" in "Pet(t)er.' Her orthography was equally astray in other respects, as was evidenced in "until'," "Orrillia," "Simco," d c. The appli- cant in question stated that she was com- petent to teach German as well as Eng- lisk. linear drawing, painting and other ornamental branches, if required. Or course there is sorrow and discom- fiture amongst the 2,500 unsuccessful candidates at the July Intermediate Ex- aminations ; and it may be that some of the beat metal is among the rejected. Tb. ••Plseked" Drain Clerks. The students who yearned to be drug. gists dfd not all succeed in passing their examinations. (.'otuplaiuts are boing made against the examiner's, and the pa- pers are declared not to have been fair. But thia is always the way.When • student fails to get through heinvariably Chicago, Aug. 15-11:30 a. tar. --The blames it on the examination papers. I wild excitement on Change at the open - No doubt it is disheartening to a lot of illtg this morning continues unabated un - young fellows, after stedying hard and I til this hour. It was believed that the feelin sure sof going through all right, to tin themselves plucked and their work all to be gone over again. But the lives and health of the people are of greater importance than the feelings of the stud- ents. An army of drug clerks, who had been allowed to squeeze their way into drug shops, where all sorts of poi- sons are dealt out to the peorle in the most innocent shapes, would do incalcul- able harm. The lives of the people would not be safe. There is no other profession, not even the medical profes- sion, where the opportunities of mischief, are greater than iD that of pharmacy, so that it is well than mane but these who are fully ep to tke mark diould be per- mitted to engage in it. -{Ex. COM�ivllOATIOS. We dg cut Y*Id motels res Bible for the compel, of ourCoair. Cuetribu- MbI,S■ b. this dapart�a p14rt confine thein- whast 4 public quest aad be brief. 4o eke ''guar of the MOW. . Sir,- We are likely to luau a nice peaty on the Market fees, and all on account of the greed of one of the Councillors, who an axe to grind. Mr. Sharp decline,to take the posi- tion of clerk, and 'at will now go a -beg - gum Lir become a sinecure G some pet. It's a mercy all the cuuncilturs }avn't relatives to be pitchforked into soft aorta Yours, Nero GRAIN MARKET EXCITED. A Raped Advaaee Dog.srted atganagr. frees t'aleage Intermediate Exaatalaulan. At the recent Intermediate and Se- cond -Class Teachers' Examination, the total number of condidates who wrote was about 3,600, and the total num�er passed, about 1,050, or a little over 29 per cent. Of these 68 took se,ond-class Grade A. 529 Grade B, and 455 Inter- mediate standing. The result shows that either the ex- amination was a difficult one, or that the candidates were poorly prepared. \Ve have been informed that a number of High Schools in the Province have failed to pass a single candidate, so that those who passed from any of the public schools are entitled to great praise, and those from the public schools who have failed, need not be surprised or dis- couraged when High Schools, with all the appliances, and a staff of teachers devoting their whole time and attention to intermediate work, have been unsuc- Examinations, on papers prepared by cessful. The result will no doubt be gratifying hobbyists, are not always the best way of to Public School teachers" in some re - getting at the fitness of a candidate. @pacts at least, ae the ''over -supply of The craze for mathematics, for instance, teachers" appears to have been a "burn - has terrorized the average candidate; ing question' at the meeting of the "Ontario Association for the Advance - although, perhaps, this hobby was not Dent of Education," recently held in spurred no fearfully this year as in some Ton.nto.-[Watford Advertiser. former years. What is needed is a great- er evenness of the subjects. It is hard- klt•edortanred by the Tear. ly fair to charge teachers with sending The suggestion thrown out by Dr. u) candidates when they knew the un- Conniff, that people should, engage their fortunates had not a ghost of achance to physicians by the year is not a bad one. pass. We can hardly conceive of such a They do it in China The Chinese dce- tor is paid by the year and when a per - thing being done by any thoughtful or son vets sick the doctor s pay ceases un - prudent man. The wise master thinks til the patient gets better. The effect is to urge medical men to keep their patrons in good health the whole year round. It is easier to prevent people from getting sick than to cure them after they get sick. A doctor who was paid by the year, and knew that his pay would cease as soon as his patron became ill -although Dr. Canniff does not go this far -would give his attention to matters of hygiene, and see that proper care was taken to guard off fevers and disease. It is hardly likely that any- body would net sick and take to bed merely for the pleasure of getting the start of the doctor and cutting down his pay; but even if he did, the doctor could afford to have a few such cases if all his patients paid by the year. Why should not the new plan be tried ? It is surely more sensible to pay a doctor to keep you from sick than to pay him for help- ing to make you well, with the chances against you that be may be called in too late. -[Telegram. more of the percentage of scholars who pass from his school than he does of the number who make the attempt, and Would rather send one candidate and have him succeed, than forward ono hundred, .f whom ninety -and -nine would fail. "PADDY DuLANET'a mule is deacL" That's what the London _4dtertiArr says, and it ought to know. The mule in question was supposed to be over 100 years old. Michael Clancey slashed and logged on what is now the seventh ward of the city of London, with the mule Lull fifty years ago. The animal preserved his faculties, such as they were, to the last, although none of the London papers tell us that he never het a tooth, or that he ate his fodder the day before he died without the aid of green goggles, or Blin- der absurd stories, which are related of other centenarians when they die. De- laney's mule, we understand, was well known to the residents of London, and h Ofs thess is "oldest inhabitant. 'Itred as The follow - sympathetic Imes are dedicated: He's left them all to mourn his Ines' His playful heels did never fall The eager. an one to toe,t- A fly ext-acto' ease his tail. For, mindful that each mortal feels Quite anxious with great power to rise. Delaney's mule oft lifted heels, And sent him soarl.tg to the skies. The Londoners are filled with pain {From those who beg to those who rule) They'll never ace his like again-- Delaney's hundred -year-old mule. Scheel Selleays. We have heard malty opinions ex- pressed by teachers as to the interpre- tation of the Ontario School law, regard- ing the midsummer holidays, the pre- vailing idea being that where contracts with teachers did not distinct1q state the number of weeks, six eoeld be taken. In S. S. No 9, Brooke, popularly known as the tea -kettle section, where the somewhat notorious Stonehouse investi- gation took place last fall, the contract, drawn up after the usual form, made no definite stipulation as to duration of holidays Miss Hastings, the teacher, was notified by the trustees to commence her school at the expiration of four weeks from the commencement of the holidays, but having the impression that six could be taken, she dismissed her scholars with the statement that school would not re -open until the lath of August. The trustee at once determin- ed to makes test case of the affair if necessary, and sending theagreement e Minister Education, theyask- edfor his opinion. a reply, which n laid before us, distinctly states reports of rain in the Western States would have sent the market down, but they had no effect Prices started with an advance which progreeed almost without a break. Everything shared in the rise. September and October wheat opened at *1.20}; October oorn at 591c.; September oats, 35}0 ; September pork, $17.78c.; September lard, $11.67}. Prices still bumping rapidly up, and wheat selling at *1.20* cash for August, *1.201} October. New York, Aug. 16. -There war much encitemeot an the Produce Lschange to- day in consequence of the boom in the markek Wheat advanced 90c.; corn, Sic.; oats la, and lard 25c. The foreign market sympathized, and there was a stampede of shorts to cover contracts. A free selling movement followed with a partial reaction in prices. Chicago, Aug. '•15. -The unusual ex- citement on Change which characterized the early part of the day became gradu- ally less in the afternoon. Although activity continued, prices as a rule were much weaker toward the close. No fail- ures were reported, but several firms were strained. The saleahave been very heavy for two days, to -day's trading be- ing estimated at thirty malaise bushels of grain. Provisions have beep active and anaettled throughout the day, but with- out wide fluctuations. GARFIELD'S CONDITION. The Latest Reports Coweerrltg Rb case. WAaHLNOTON, Ave. 16. -While the indications are that the president's wound is doing very well, and is appar- ently not the cause of the present trou- ble, the feta cannot be concealed that the patient is extremely weak, and that bis disability is such as to cause anxiety. It has been determined not to disturb his stomach by permitting him to eat for the present, and nouriahment is be- ing administered by means of injection. The surgeons explain the difficulty by the assertion that the president's stomach has failed to respond as it should, hence the determination to inject nourishment. There is a decided feeling of anxiety among members of the cabinet that the. surgeons. Bliss this morning said that the Presi- dent's face looks better, and expressed hopefulness of the President's recovery. His whole manner indicated sincerity and confidence. Afterthe Cabinet meeting yesterday a telegram was sent to Arthur, informing him of the conclusion arrived at by the Conference, and bidding him keep him- self in readiness for a trip to Washing- ton at an hour's notice. - WenataaTox, Aug. 17.- An enor- mous number of despatches were receiv- ed by the President's Secretary this morning. One from New 'York describ- ed the sender as a strong and healthy man and offered to furnish his beet blood to save the President by transfus- ion. WaRHINuTON, Aug. 17, 9 p. m. -(Un- official -The President has been asleep nearly two hours. No recurrence of nausea in any decree. No morphia has been administered to -day. Pulse now about 110. Enemata continue to he re- tained. WAsilixeroN, Aug. 17-11 p. day has been much more favorable than yesterday . A general feeling of reas- surance has been gradually gnawing. Mrs. Garfield, in response to Marshall Jewell's question, "Do you think the President is better 1" exclaimed, "In- deed I do. I know it." Goitres Getting Dangerous. Wasmoterni Aug. 17.--A report at the jail early this morning that the Pre- sident was dying, and information was conveyed to Gitteau. When the pris- oners emptied their tubs soon after, the sentry reported too McGill that Guit- eau was acting strangely, and en going to the cell McGill saw the prisoner ly- ing on the bed. Suspecting that he had attempted suicide, the officer entered the cell, and observed a knife clinched in the aasasain's hand. Drawing a re- s Mal to lbe west, volver, McGill levelled it at Guiteau, Sir Hector has reason to feel proud, and demanded the knife. The revolver He got the bulge on his colleagues to the was not rocked, and was drawn merely extent of d1.32,000, was given a tin -pot G) intimidate. When the knife was first title obtained by hawking around Twit- detnended, the prisoner replied, "By tion at the church doors, and now he to the m -, I haven't got a knife," and upon has been presented with a forged{ address Th reiteration of his command, the guard ca welcome. If somebody would only been 1 .d approached nearer, and to the right tot rat him with •pewter Dog while on that unless the agreement with teachers the prisoner. There was a are d is tour through Ontario his cup of hap- contain. a spacial clause maeaing tj1e about two feet between them. Gniteso [Oneat would he full fo oyerfl.ewing. number of holida s the trustees have 'prang to his feet, and leaping forward, ttawa Free Press y ' made a downward sweep with the knife, [dower to .opseu, the school on Aug. 3rd. cutting the outer clothes of the guard Mr irlesv^■ toed Potties.hiss Hastings, very wisely, complied He made a rapid Fetn.graie movement, Sir Hecte•r Iangerin by no means de- I with the request O( the trustees, and and secured the guard's arm& A fur - serves the ndieul. which some of the ;her school a now (Tett We refer e•- {our struggle ensued, and lasted fully newapap)en are flbnging at him. Those I')erully to this cane, because it seems to five minutes before the pistol was die - acquainted with the personnel of the settle a deputed point between many charged. and assistance came. ({uncal. teaches and tnserea iS: then released his hold and dropped on Ottawa cabinet know, as the N orld mom* time ago asserted. that Sir Hector u, • the bed drying, "they are trying to kill wttbnnt ezcephon, the hest adminiNts- tAtererr masse.@. me, Ov. ms my pistol, it belongs to for among the mtniden. No depart• me '" He was secured, locked up, and meet Of the Government is to -day in a t Txs Rwtn.,, Vi ARTURLV REvKw Alberfran the knife taken from the Dell, which was edllinn. Rep ublietltrA Lb I.ronard Mu-ait Q mote efficient state than hs, and in the ; re.. 41 Bowel', street. 'New York. thoroughly searched for other weapons. home he is rarely tripped up, as meat of ' The number for lulu of the Baba# I The knife used was made from the steel his fe'low-ministers are Recently he shank of a shoe, the edges of which he has been doing whet he ahonld he ere- V"^rlerly has reme t.. hand The con- had sharpened upon the brick A.w,r nt toted for rather than depreciated, vv-, tents are Angtiatdunnm; Carlyle and hie cell. (initeru has not haven allowed culttng vireo's 'arta ..f the conlntry in Mra Carlyle; New Policy of the Vatican: to weer shoes, nor use a knife and fork, mice t.. sapient himself with the needs Th. land Difficulty in India: The Re- and either must have obteined the in - of the pubic service. No party gains wised Vernon of the New Testrtrnestt; "'num"1"4°n her pwisonetn, nr found aaythiag from the excessive tea! a soros it in the rsettrsse, where it may have of its advocates to make a point against I The French Repubbe; end l'ontempoal - been onno.ad by a previous (feculent an opponent. -1World. my Literature eat the MII good tb bought*. must be rather hard upon the newsmen, who are proverbial for .7varnallutg at all Limes eii t.ww* ---.e..saa .-.ac.•.vrw -rete- i,,v v .. co -..e..- c. MURDER AT OTTAWA. £a Old Wail neaten 1e Death ea R/. Nee. dial %$ 1. One of the most horrible Murders known in the suruds of Ottawa's history committed un Thursday morning in 11 tont Sherwood, • southern suburb of the city. The tragedy was enacted about two o'clock in the looming, but nothing was known of the bloody work until about seven, when THn DlierloUSJD MGDY was discovered ou the roadside, just out- side the city limits, by a fanner on his way to market The particulars are as follows: Fur some time past Janata Wetherell, aged 70 years, a widower, and Margaret Dougherty. a widow, aged 50, had born keeping company with each other, the outcome of the intimacy be- im a matrimonial maim, which was le- cliwd on Wednesday night at the trai- nee of a Mrs. Cooper, where rite widow had been visiting, by the Fay. Mr. White, Presbyterian minister at Rocheeten'illt.. When it was ascertain- ed that the nuptial knot had been tied the small boys of the place gathered to - her, and, armed with puts, pans, horns, etc., catculated to pr.elucedtscor- dant sounds, began to demonstrate. They kept up a perfect pandemonium for mineral hours, after which the leader confronted the aged bridegroom and de- manded • dollar. He complied, and the crowd, after being treated, dispersed at 9.45. Everything remained quiet for a while, and the happy couple congratu- lated themselves on being let off so. easi- ly. About 10.30, however,a number of grown up roughs, hearing of the success of the boys trade a demand for p2. This was refused, and THE CHARIVARI BEGAN Lt REAL LaNEag again, lasting until 2 o'clock in the morning, during which time stones were freely thrown. At 2.10 two men suc- ceeded in getting into the house and followed the married couple upstairs in- to their bedroom. A demand was then trade for some money, which Wetherell refused. The men then left, hot as stone -throwing was continued, he ap- pears to have decided to leave the house, thinking his presence there was the means of endangering Mn Cooper's property. He put on his hat, and tak- ing up a walking stick, left the house. That was the last Mrs. Wetherell saw alive of her husband. His dead body was discovered about 5 in the morning by a cow -boy, on the side ref Emily street just a few yards outside of the city when the two men forced their way into the house and to the bedroom, one of them, named Hugh McMillan, asked for TWu DOLLARS ON .EHALF OF THE �'ROWI•, living they would go if they got it. Retherall refuse.', but his wife told McMillan to pay the men and she would see him paid in the morning. This he refused to do unless authorized by Wetherell. The two men then left and stone -throwing was recommenced. e stones came crashing through the kite - en window. Seeing this, Wetherall remarked it would be better for him to leave, or they would smash all Mn. Cooper's property. He then put on his coat and went out of the back -door. By this time the crowd had withdrawn, with the exception of five or six. who were throwing stones. The next house to Mrs. Cooper's is occupied by a man nafhed Peter Potvin. When Retherell passed he said something t.. Potvin's family, who wore standing in the door, to the effect that they should be asham- ed to encourage the roughs. Potvin then ran out, and Ars. Wttherv11 states that he heard him say : "I'll give him a beating that he won't get over to a hurry for insulting my family." or words to that effect. She went up to Potvin and said, 700 GOD'S RAKE le NT KILL HIM. If you have anything avainst him wait till the morning. The five or six men who had been throwing stones retreated when Wetherell came out, and he went down Emily street. Mrs. Wetherall then felt very anxious, and kept going out of the house every few minutes to see if she could see anything ..f her0hus- mita Mrs. Weaherall states that band. She says Potvin walked down e quire of the Town of Kincardine, in the Coun- t! of Bruce, :Solicitor for the said Infenta,thelr Christian and our -names, addreees and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims. • statement of their accounts. and the nature of the securities lit any, held by them ; or in t he road in the same direction that h had taken, cursing at him, and vowing vengeance. Towards 3 o'clock she saw a man standing in a vacant lot on the city side of Emily street, and thinking it a neighbor named Garland, apppr ach ed him to endeavor to ascertain if he had any tiding of her husband. On catching up to him she discovered it was not Garland, but Potvin. She returned to the house, and front time to time watched him from the kitchen window. About 3 o'clock she hear{ Potv-in's dour shut, and looking out saw he had gone into the house. She had by this time come to the conclusion that her husband had gone to his oa n house and would not return that night.. So she went to bed, and on getting up early this morn- ing after an anxious and sleepless night found her husband lying deal on the roadside. Mrs. Cooper corroborat- ed in every detail the story told by MIR. Wetherell. Seventeen supposet1 participatits in the rhonneri have been arrested by the Dominion Police, and all admitted Go bail. The police believe that they have se- cured the guilty parties in the Wether- ell murder case at Ottawa. Their names are respectively Kelly, t )Brien, McLar- en, and Berry, all young men from six- teen to twenty-one years of age. The confessions they severally make render it almost certain that they were present at the murder, hut the two first named ac- cuse the others et having actually done the deed, and roe error. Mo ln,.GE i.kLE OF YALIfABLE `w Ike W Jet) W U ron.the � w ° soya!'' Voles. sad by virtue of a Power of sale tou- tslaed to * within holt ratter of ''.stoma. which will tit produced a• the Cow of rak, mods by ow THOMAS W ATYUN.1st., •f the Towash Potcolho t.istlreCount) of H�ytw� yeoman, deceseed. there will be safe! by Pt`If- L1C AUCTION, by JOILL C. C'ULl:t1L Aue- tloseer, at his Aihellua Rudi ti to the Turn of tioderteh. oe SATURDAY. the >Ath DAV or At7UUST. A.L. . at LI**ucicn.k. uuos, the following valuaD a farm prvl � namely Lot number stn. 1n the violin' eus.walon, western division. of the said uw n.hlp .1 Cul - borne. eve sod except a narrow *trip at the south-wt•st corner. thirty two rods in length, cuptedd by the faro building■of the vadjohOlt ileg lot. About slaty acres of the said hinds Lie cleared and lar a bu.Nl °tate of cultivation, and the remainder. about 40 sere*. la well wooded with bench, maple, and hcudvcb. T he sop's a clay loam. A creek runs through the kit. The buildings consist of a frame house with kitchen attaviewt, and small frame stable. There is also a guild aell and suutll or hard, The said lot is on the Gravel Road leading fruit Goderich W Lockouts. about five miler from the Toe n of (:.Merit+. and one and one- half mike from the %tibiae Lit Smith's ltW.utd is altogether a ver) tkaraide fat m. TF.dt]1S: Ten per cent. of the purehese roomy un the day of rale to the %rsdoek Boll-- itors, end the balance to be paid it Phis enc month thereafter. and mein such payment the pur•laser snail I.e ent11101 to the cuareyance, and tube Int into ;.twee . the pertltaser. at the time of salt. to sign an agreementTheMl� the. completion of the tear Lase. The 1.r put up ■uto... 1 to a reser-veil Lid. The oth- er conditions %c11 be mode known on the day aside. Further partl.vlars may be nbtaineet trout the Auctioneer. and froze, the Vendor's Solicitors. Hated at Goderlen, 1his 71ub .duly. A.n. 168 GARRUW d PROUDFOOT, 1798-11100 Teodoro loHcitore. �i OHMAGE S t LE OF' \'1hi1hh1 Felin{ PrItlity, IN TIIE T WNSH IP ofASHFIELD IN THE County of Huron. Under the power of sale contained In • cer- tain mortgage to the vendors which will be produced at the tlme..f ■ale.and In {payment of which default has bees nade,there will be sold b7y PUBLIC AUUCTION,at the Huron Auction 1Eart is the TOWN OF OODKRIC'H, on Thursday, the :;.:tJ day (i-4'qud, 1881, At 1:311 p.m.. by Mr. J. C. Currie. the following valuable property The F.iat half of the south half of lot num- ber three in the seventh concession of the said Township, containing fib acres more or leas. This property is situated 11 miles from Kings- beb P. 0., Ina wen settled and prosperoum mei borbood. There ore said to be 36 acres Dun under cultivation, the balance being timbered with hardwood and acme' hemlock, when cleared capableof easy cultivation. Soil dark clay loam. t'r.te•rty said to 1w well watered, drained and fenced. There la said to be an orchard on the [remises of 80 trees all bearing fruit. The buildings consist of • log house 26z18 sided outside, and log barn 96:33 said to be in god condition. Terns and conditions of sale: The property will be sold in one par - rel subject lei a reserved bid to be in the hands of the auctioneer a the time of sale. The nurchaaer alai' at the time of sok pay to the vendors. their sclicltorw or agents, ten per cent of the purchase money and of the balance 31,000 shall remain upon ruortgage for a term of 3 rears with Interest yearly at 7 per cent and interest ow arrears. The said mortgage to contain all the usual euvenens, provisos and conditions in the form M mortgage taken by the vendor to secure loans and a covenant for Insurance in the North British and Mer- cantile Insurance Company to the full Maur - able velse of the buildings. The balance of the purchase money over and above the sold tan per rent. thereof. and the said 31,000 shall be paid to the vendors.thelr soncit- ors or agents within thirty days horn the day of sale with interest at 7 percent from said date. (*twin making the abnv e payments and executing the sold mortgage. the purchaser shall he entitled to his c on%eyanee. The ven- dors shall not be bound t aocotmt for. pro duce. or spew or prove the contents of any deeds. dee utnents or evidences of title not in :retire heir pouseasion, or farnlah c-oplesof the same, and shall not hoe bound to farnl.A an abstract containing any further particulars than are contained in a Registrar's abetrac•t of Title. The other conditions of sale w1U be made known at the Line of sale or on application to the undersigned. For further particulars apply to the undersigned at Toronto or to Itl('ilARD ItAIPLIF FL at the town of Goderlch. HOWLAND. ARN0LDI & RTHRBO$, Vendor's Solicitors, Toronto. Dated 26th July, Ucel. 1718. CHANCERY NOTICE TO CREDI- I v TORE. -- Pursuant to an order of the Court of Chan- cery male In the matter of BARBARA llo- KAV. JAMES Mai AY, and JOHN McKAY, Infants. under the age of twenty-one years. the Creditors of ADAM McKAT, late of the Township of Heron. in the Count? of Bruce Presbyterian Minister, who died In or abou the month of May. 11476 err. on or before N 30th DAV OF A L'0U next, to °end b poet, prepaid, to V. ('LIPTON LOScOMB� Es The lighthouse keeper at Bird Rockst near the Magdalen Islands, his soon, and an namatant were killed on Saturday by the fog gun exploding a barrel of gun- powder. The excitement over the carbonate dnaa,renes nine miles from Deadwood eontmues. A new town has sprung up called West Virginia, which is well re- presented in all branches of trade, and supporta a daily newspaper. on Friday evening soome persons danc- ed in an tipper tenement of Dalhoume- Street, Montreal. An infant of 11 Johneon was in a cradle is the lower tsruement when plaster from the ceiling fell with a crash. The child is new dy Ing from its injuries default thereof they will jos lieremptnrlly ex- cluded from the benefit of the said order. Ev- ery (''editor holding any security is to reduce the same before me, at my Chambers. le Hall in the City of Toronto, on the SS SID DAN OF SEPTEMBER, nes at the hour of afternoon.two o'clock in the afternoon. being the time appointed for the adjudication of such claims. Dated, this Ptth del of July, A.D. Ifni. 17T1-11100 tgntrfi R. P. STEPHENS, Referee. BY-LAW NO. 15 OF 1881. -TOWN- SHIP OF COLBORNE. WHERE., 11 is considered expedient by the Municipal (council of Colborne to sell part of the original reed allowance of Colborne,opposite Lot 13. 7 pmt o7 road allowance not bring used so a public road .for •num berof years. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Colborne and It 1s hereby enacted by authority of the same. that the part of the original road allowance °pyo site loot I3. 7 con. E. D. of the said Township. as originally surveyed by the Canada COT- surement. three - pony. containing n rat anlada e,he more 01 bus, 10 sold to and that • deed f of eonv.yuyance be executedd bI Niscorp corporation e of the 1Teemiidtttwnship ore( dM ase e is hereby empowered to execute such deed and aillx the corporate seal of the corporation thereto. Passed May 31st. 1181. e. J. A. MetotAOR. C'lerktl. 'roux*, xa, 17111641. e. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Cot sry oy Ht ROM, 1 By virtue of • writ rat To WIT : , etre{ forme, soed auto? Her Msieety's count)' ('curt of the Cetnty of IInron, and to me directed against the lards and Tenements of WILLIAM RiTC'1411 and JOHN RIT('HIR. ■t the rnit of JAIME OAM- HLK 1 Aare seized and taken in Kzeoution all the 1&lght. Title, and Interest, and 1<golty of Redemption, of the above named fle/eedaats. in. and to, the north portion of Jot number three, concession eighteen. In the Township of Grey. In theCounty of Huron. running parallel to coneerrlons 17 and la In sad township of whey, containing twenty.twe aereo of land ; h lands ant Tenements 1 shall n1?.? Mr Sale. at my niece In the Point Hesse Ia oke• Town of Goderich. ea *AiTCRDAT the F7F- TRICNTH day of O(TOBKR, asst at the hoar of It of tae clock sow ROBERT GIBBONS Sheriff"' Odic*. Oederie►, , aeMly sf >�ttttw. sly 1llk, istl, i :7014d 66 • ween ens In year ewe t. Tufa sad M malt tree. A dd,M H Natalie, lk r•nrtlanet Maine. ( 1