HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-09-17, Page 511;00 AM. Divine Worship "In Rethembrance of me" "Seven days without prayer lyllakes ,One Weak" ANGLICAN CHURCH St. JOHN'S. BRUSSELS The Rev. Keith Stokes B.A., S.T.B. Box 47, Blyth, Ontario Phone 523-9334 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer COMING EVENTS: KNOLLCREST AUCTION SALE, Saturday, October 3rd, starting at 10 a.m. in the Milverton Arena, MilVertoe. Plan to attend. ETHEL W.I. FALL BAZAAR Reserve November 18th for the Ethel Women's Institute Fall Baeaer. Watch for further infor- mation. HORTICULTURAL MEETING The September meeting of the Brnssels :Horticultutal Society will be held Monday, September 21st at S o'cleck in the Public Library. Mr. Lyle Brothers of Toronto will show pictetes. Every- one welcome, RECEPTION. FOR NEWLYWEDS A. receptiOn for Mr. and Aire. Howard Giles (nee June Wilbee) will be held Wednesday, Sept. '23rd in Ethel Community Hall. Mesic by the Ian and 'Ken Wilbee Orchestras. Dancing firoele. 10 to 1. Ladies bring ihneh. GREY CENTRAL HOME & SCHOOL MEETING Grey .pentral Home Sehool will hold its first meeting of the season on Thursday, September '17th at 8;30 p.m. at Grey Central School. Mrs. Brieluan, Public School French teacher, will he. guest speaker. She will be bring- Ing some of her French students with her for a deniensttation, Parents are invited to come and meet the teacher's. Coffee ,to be served. Everyone welcome, TEESWATER FAIR Milli barnstormers, an airehow in minoture will be a feature event of the 1970 TEESWATER VALI., FAIR on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th. An. Ed Salle Van T.V. entertainer Dieter Tosso will also be on hand with thrilling nets. Entertainment for the whole family at TERSWATER PALL FAIR opening FRIDAY evening SEPTEMBER 25th by C.F.P.L, barns cominentator itoy Jewel] and rill day SATURDAY SEPT- 26th, Billy Meek of Pig Se Whistle Show eincees big Variety Show SATURDAY night follOwed with dancing to The DebonnaireS. Something doing every minute at TEESWATER FALL FAIR SVPT, 1}BI )R2ljai420, OWE SA PHONE 887-9339 WE DELIVER BEST BUYS AND WINDOW POSTERS Red & White Inst. Coffee Save 14c 5 oz. o. -- 79c Allan's Reconstituted Apple Juice Save 28c 48 oz. ..... .... .. 3 for 89c LOBSINGER NIICHOLSON Tall, lighted, white tapers and. baskets of pink and yellow shaste mums a.nd white gladoli provided a pretty setting in Bluevale United Church on Sat- urday, Sept. 5 at 4 p.m. for the double ring wedding of Vera Marlene Nicholson, Bluevale, and Morris Frank Lobsingero Kitchener The beide is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.,' jack Nicholson, Rio 2, 13luevale, and. the groom's parents are. 1111' and Mr. Wilfred Lobsinger, Kitchener,. • . Rev. Berry.. Pa.ssmore, Wing- ham, .officiated, assisted by Mr. Karl de Koeijer, Bluevale and 'Father Mooney, Wingham, Mrs. Carl Johnston, Ieluevale was or- ganist and accompanied Mrs. Marie Douglas, Belmore, as she sang This is Our Day", "The -Lord's Prayer" and "Da.y of Golden. Promise", The bride, given in marriage • by.. her. father, wore a floor length Own of white crystal crimplene, with empire Waist, rolled: collar and .three -quarter length sleeves, It .was trimmed' with white Mee insertion with pink crimpleite 'woven through, A detachable train; trimmed with the same lace cascaded from. her shoulders to the floor. A jewelled lace crown held her three-tier elbpw length veil and. she carried -a cascade bclpet. of .White carnations and pink sweet heart roses. Maid of 'honor' was Mtg. Clarence IBishOn, Ethel, sister of the bride and •beidemeids were Otte. Dale Beeckettridge„ Blue- vale, and Miss Marion Jackson, Kitchener. The attendants gowns Vete feshioried of mint- green, crystal crimpleee with empire waists, rolled collars, and three quarter length sleeves, • They were acc ented with. white, bridal rose lace trim and carried cascade:, of rose mums inter- twined with ivy. Two junior' bridesmaids. Misses Sherry and, Rosy Lobsinger, sisters of the' groom, and flower girl, DarleriU Bishop, Ethel, niece of the bride,. wore gowns of pink crystal Delsey Bathroom Tissue Save 17c o•••• ...... • . 6 for $1,00 Buy-of-the-Week Danish Kitchen Luncheon Meat FEATURES — Carnation Milk, Tall Tins. Red & White Coffee Fresh Ground l's Silver Ribbon Ch. Peas 19 oz. 12 oz. .. .. . ........... 35c 2 for 35c 88c 5 for 99c VOLUME 4 COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA orimolene, styled the same as the bridesmaids and carried cascades of white and pink mums, All wore white gloves with flowers in their hair, Lowell Lobsinger, Kitchener, was his brother's best man while Joe . Nicholson, Harriston, broth- er of the bride, and Dennis Lobsinger, Kitchener• brother of the groom, ushered the guests. Ring bearer was Michael Bishop, Ethel, nephew of. the bride, They wore 'white dinner ,jackets and black trousers- Baekets of gladoli, lighted candles and a four tier wedding cake decorated the chntch parlor where the wedding dinner Was served. Receiving the gueste the bride's mother wore a sleeveless pink fortre] crepe dress with matching petalled lace three quarter length jacket, pith ac. cessories and a corsage of White And pink mums. The grooM's mother wore a green crepe dreSs with matching sleeveless coat and ,a corsage of rose Mums. A reception wos held in the Wingham Legion at 8:30 p.m, FM' a wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride chose a yelloW plaid pant suit with black patent Shoes and bag and a corsage of bronze mains. On their return they will reside at 211 Erb St., Waterloo. The bride is a, grad- uate of K. W. School of Hair- dre3sitig, Kitchener. ETHEL Dennis Earl has returned to Lindsay for his second year at. Sir Sandford Fleming College. Don Pearson is attending Waterloo University for hiS first year,. Doug Pearson is attending TeaoheiSs . College, London, and Scott Pearson Will attend 1+ an- show College, London. Read (Inc classified ads in the Bleissels Post. NOTIC E BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB WISH TO ANNOUNCE A 'CHANGE OF DATES IN ROLLER SKATING WEDNESDAY. 'NIGHTS WILL BE CHANGED TO FRIDAY EVENINGS STARTING SEPTEMBER 25th SUNDAYS WILL CONTINUE AS USUAL • Bit UO111111.4, ONTAIZIO $1014 T, 101Q sritiE UNITE") CHURCH 11111111""elailmill"w"g111111'111.11"'"IMIr -41 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH, WALTON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th SERVICE 11:00 A.M1 and 8:00 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER: REV. ARTHUR HIGGINBOTHAM, Former Minister ALL WELCOME College, St. Thomas, es A dele, Hymn 577 was sung and Mrs. L. Coldkin closed the meeting Walton Unit Of the U.C.W, held with prayer; 1,:eede was served their meeting• in the htisement of by the i hoetesses'n charge and a the church on .W ednesday, araer social half 'holtr followed. noon, Sept, 9, at 1:30 o,in, Airs, Walter Bewley opened the Walton W.I. September 23 deVetIone, 'with the theme on The Walton Womee's institute Stewardship. Mrs. Ray Huether will hold their Sept. meeting on was pianist for the hymns., A Wednesday evening; Sept. 23 at skit dwelling on the Stewardship the hall, with the convenors of theme with 'Airs, Howard Hack' "Resolutions", Mrs. Ceo. McCall well„ Mrs, (Cutts, Mrs. Mae and Mrs, .los. Nolan in charge. Sholdice and Mrs. Ray Huether The guest speaker will be Mr. taking part, followed by a di- Mill, a lawyer, who will speak on cession The scripture lesson was Estate taxes, this to be an open lead by Mrs Nelson Reid, Med- meeting to all interested., Each tetion followed explaining' we member is reminded to bring are somtime or other like Moses their envelopes , for the "Bake when God asked him to do some- less ,Flake ' Sale' The secretary thing, he didn't. think he could treasurer would like to ii the Without even trying. One can names in. for the Birthday ask ourselves many questions on Colanders no later than this being truly an active Steward weekend to the committee in such us: Can we give hand and charge, body without heart? leach one Of , Walton, II 4-H Club us have 00 seconds in every Me, why can't we give more Iii The second meeting of the to serve Gtol. Can one be accepted 'Walton 41e, (dub was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. by iodC without giving of our time'? Can you be excuned, for Allan Sept.. 'Tuesday even- not giving,? God gave us life, mg—,Sept, . 8, The president, surely we can pay Him back Marie Nolan, called the meeting with time serving him to the to order with all repeat:leg the best of our ability. Mrs. Alec pledge. Eight girls answered Sholdice closed this part or the the Roll Call, "A book I would meeting with prayer. Mrs, like own", It -was dedided to ea,11 th Gerald Watson was in charge of ---e chili: W.rlton Il. Safety .,.Illy s" Discussion was led by the business, Minutes of the last :r everly McCall, the assistant meeting were re:ol by Mrs. W. leader on Making Leisure e C. :Hadkweli. '['he roll call was Pleasure, which included Reading, was answered by 17 members. , lug, Travelling and Music. Next The offering was received by the meeting to be held on Saturday, treasurer. Mrs. M. Sholdice and Sept. 19, in....the form of a. hike, dedicated by Mrs. `Watson. It exploring .nature. The meeting was announced that the anniyer- was olOsed with the 4-H motto. sary services will he held Sun- "Learn to do by doing", day, Sept. 20, at 11 a.m, and S pie. with Rev. Arthur Higgin- Student Minister botham of Greenlet°, a former Rev. D. Doeken was in charge minister, the guest speaker. The of the merningg serviee Sunday Regional meeting is to be held at at Duff's United Mitch • when the ,bondeSboro United Church, the congregation were privileged Friday, Oct. 2, regiStration at to have as their Vest epeaker, 9:15 tont Mrs. Jean :Duckett well Paul 'Mess of London; the stir- speak at the morning session oil dent minister the units kept in ".Drugs and Your Teenager", touch With through the sunnier Mrs. Doug Ennis and Mrs, '.ror- months, while he was on the renee Dundee. Were chosen to be miseion flew at Adanack, Sask. the two delegates to bring hook He hid thtee pastoral charges in a report to the Walton Unit. Sask. a.iid told of his many ex- World Wide eotemunion will be periencee with the people of the held at `Duff's Church On. Sunday, communities. :Fie was very grate Oct, 4, at, the morning service tut to the Walton ladies who The annual Fowl Supper plans Wrote to him, or had any part in are being made for 'Wednesday, his seeport throughout his stay. Nov. 4. Advertisements to be ill A solo "When I kneel down to all local papers. Mrs, CI', Watson pray" was contributed by Don eloeed the Meeting with prayer, McDonald accompanied by Mrs. Grace was sung and Mes. Gordon Tan Wilbee, at the Organ, The Merray, etre. Alex. Oulutzen Jr., church picnic followed the. and Mrs HOWard Hackwell serVice when a delicious lunch served lunch, was prepared by the OicKillop MeKillop U.C.W. ladies, :Rev. Doeken conducted few contests with prizes going to The M e le ill op Brit of the Win. Bennett for being the U.C.W. met at the Manse for then Sept. Meeting last Wednes- oldest person present, Mr. a nd r',Ai day evening. Mrs. Laverne God, . Clarence \I11'1111 for doming kin was in charge of the Devot- the farthest, the youngest child tvas Dwayne Achilles, the big, lens and opened the Meeting gest family present, Mr. and with "A Woman's Prayer". • Mrs. Don McDonald, the nicest Hymn 578, *as sung with Mrs. , bold bead, Jos. McDonald. Races Merton H ek Well' ,o,;18 ,„1,-i7,-H tish'o:' were conducted by several ladies 1")(?"1"-- '```.' outside for the children. Due to Mrs. Murray 23rd psalm, ,Mrs. Imo. ,Godkin gaVe the inclement weather the ball Medite tion on the • scripture, game could not be played ,: as ` aid's Care of His Own" follow, planned. ed with prayer by Mrs. M. Dennis. Hymn 637 was sung, Anniversary Services Mrs. Mervin, .Stitith contributed a Next Sunday • Anniversary .Set- •reading entitled "Not the Ladles' vices Will be held with a former r11d", Airs, Godkin conducted a minister, Rev, A. Higginbotham "Bible Time Quiz" of Jumbled of creonore as geeSt Sliertket, letters. Mrs, Chest MeCtiteheen Following the evening' SOO:tee half Our (40 OA spent Moot, 400 W111 and 41 woo; gave a worthwhile report. of her lunch will heserved WALTON Walton U.0 . W. Meeting Minister; Rev.,. E. L. LeOrew Organist: Mrs: ,John Bryans No Service this Sunday 4.1 a.m. Anniversary • Service at Ethel United Church MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mltnhter Rino C. A. McCarron °wallet: Mrs. Nora Moffatt gate train the U.C.W. in August. 10 as iii. Church School