HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-09-17, Page 3TIM PiWOPISIOLS POST, Ritps$410S,. OM, CRAWFORD and MILL J. H. CRAWFOriD, Q.C. A. fl, M. MILL, B.A., LLB, BRUSSELS and WINGHAM PHONE 887-9491 PHONE 357-3030 WM. ADAMSON Pigs Every Mon., Tues., Thurs. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Dial 887-6357 PCV CLASS FS and F J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOWIOTRIST -- SEAFORTH, GOVENLOCH ST, 527-1240 Tuesday, t nursday, Friday, Thursday Evening CLINTON OFFICE, 10 ISSAC STREET Monday, and Wednesday 482-7010 Cali Either Office For AppoIntmeni McK1LLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE' COMPANY Otfice --- Main Street SEAFORTH Instires 1 Town OweltIn05' All Classes Of Farm FrOpery1 It Sun:Mier. CottageS' * .ChUlthdi Schools, liana objeSta, tit also 'available, smoke, water datritige, falling Extended StiVeratte (Wind McGavin s Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE. IN A COMPLETE, LINE OF ..s& FARM EQ,PIPMENT" "9114, SALES ANP 'SERVICE WALTON,. ONTAR/0 BRUSSELS. SEAFORTI-0 g67-.6 9.45 527-0245 seisS*Q4 0.ftior `ss.s11°14sse ss•to$0"; (&,40a, GAS: OncF eigii.14 . is silo filling time, 1 4 CORTItY- 1 urge YO4 • Wateh .out for y-ellaw brow fumes ]n or near the sfkb • 1. De alert to bleach-like coders' at the. silo. Clear out of the area •. if your throat gets irritated, or coughing begins, or if you feel sick. Any of these could mean there is deadly silo gas present, The gas conic from fermentation of crops high in nitrogen. Crops 'may have a, high nitrogen content because of stunting due to drought, hail or other causes as well as excess nitrogen fertilizer being used. Silo gas. , consists of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide and is dangerous to all kinds of animals. Not only can it kill quickly and unexpectedly, but also It can cause permanent damage to lungs, Relapses may occur in. ocople who have apparently recovered from exposure to the gas, IN every case of exposure to the gas, check with, your doctor II11111ediatel The greatest danger period froth silo gas is during silo filling arid for a. considerable period afterWard -- like 10 days. The gas is heavier than air and will stag close. to the silage surface in the silo or flow down antes into the silage room or into the stable. Watch out for it when you go back to refill the silo. Don't Take Any Chances With Silo. Gas If You. must go into the silo or work •in the chute, feed Toom or stable, make sore there is plenty Of ventilation before yOu enter the ,us W0. your get new ..horne. NOW! Right now, with. Winter coming on, is the time to move to the spaciousness of your new home. Pay for it while you enjoy it! An easy payment mortgage at Victoria and Grey Trust may cost less than you think. Get it today at Victoria and Grey. COMPMSY 'Met VIM LISTOWEL BRANCH 291.1450 area. It may mean more work to stint up the silo blower and °non at..0 it h r a few minutes before you enter the silo, but the. alto native 01' H ealth problems is even more unpleasant, C. W. Clapp, Associate.. .A.griculturs1 Representative for Huron County; Good taste needn't be tueueelre. Our beoulffUt Invitation line proves this wIIh lhe 'most exquisite papers. ;Yria races and worlunanship yeti could wish for! t featurps Thermo-Engraving—t mind lettering---elegant MI the Imes! CrOveareiiii, cog** to Rule! Como :Ito o x unouoi selectiok. 44. to two . (t1IPTIT: IIAMO4 K eye, RR 1, j, RR 01 10014171411; 0011t0Of N= 'I% TAM; NoOti fegotl i totfion P141:11000 J'f* tio)kgmfo: tlotolo 44:06 firmild3)0 t, .5N91.11i1 ti AT f Ill,).111: • ,0111,101,' r 7-4,411 . . • . Mf3,04.11$ M, So Ito' opening Irlsitning tit` W. for .014 u tum 4.rit/ was' held at the txrirlrat" Oar' Friday afteroSion, September Stis With the president, Airs, AlcCar. roll presiding, -role !nesting was opened by tt Sall to ' warship followed by a l'ymp and the De, votional part was eonducted Mrs, 'Malitristit. secretary's report was read IV MrSt, Spell's, The roll call was respadded by a Bible verse oontalnin'g the word “Pempas$1011". A letter re'eni: a returned missionary, Miss Sylvia 'Kinsman, was read, telling of her work as a missionary in a, hospital in Kenya, ;Oast Africa, Miss 1iinstilart had addressed Missionary "rally in Relgrave june and 11lelvi,lle W.M,S. were Rilefit$ at that meeting. An interesting paper on India WAS read by Mrs. Amy Speir, The Offering was received and dedicated and meeting closed With the NIizpa)t Benediction. Followed by a t,locfai hour and oup of tea, MOMS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Mani% Morris Council met on Sept. ember 8. 1970 with all inetniff6is present and Reeve William 'Easton prosSding. MinuteS of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Robat-S6 Grakisy hair Thomas Miller. The following snotions Were carried: Moved by Ross. Smith seconded by James Malts that Thomas Mires look after repairs to the Govicr Drain, Moved by Thos, Miller second- ed by Robert Grasby that road accepted in amount of $1,222.00 be accepted as presented by road superintendent, Moved by jas. Moir seconded by Itolit. Grasby that Ely-Law No. 13 1971 be given first and second readitig, Moved by Ross smith seconded by Thos, Miller that By-LaW No. 13, 1570 be gives third reading and finally passed, (This by-law Sets time arid place for NoMin- ation and electiOn, if necessary for Reeve and Four COancillat'S for 1971 and 19711.) Moved by Thos. Miller Seconded by Robt. Grasby that We adver- tise for trucks to plough shOW during winter of 1970 71. It was decided to advertise for a supervisor for the Waste Disposal. Site, slovetl. by Robt. Grasby' S'e0004' ed by Jas, Mai' that general accounts be paid as presented. Moved by Thos. Miller that, Meeting adjoin:Si to meet again: October 6, 1070 at pith, Rpad Acconnt8 $ 1,122,06 General. AeContit8 g6,066,87 t k it it SELS POST Hoy W. KENNEDY, Publieiler Pclx 50, Brussels, Ontario. Published at. Brussets. Ontario, every ThUr60ay Seconu Class Mail Registratabh, Number 0562 Member of Canadian Weekly. Newspapers Assoolatios Ontario Weekly Newspapers Associatior Jim Cardiff REAL ESTATE BRDKER GENERAL INSIJRANQE. AGENT FOR HQWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INS. FIRE • AUTO LIASILITV PHONE; OFFICE 887-6100 RES. 887-6164 WINGHAm MEMORIAL SHOP QUAloitY altViof2 CRA F TSMAN $ HIP Open Every Weekday Tour Guarantee For Over 35 Years CI METEFIY LETTERING igok it& liYiNdHAM JOHN MALLICK — • • '140USE ttRNISHINGS — INTERIORS M; L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME PHONE; 887.6336 or S87-6665 BRUSSEll—S, oNIT,