HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-09-10, Page 4PHONE 523.9217 BLYTH, ONT. TRW BRUSSELS POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. '11IURSDAY, SEPT, 10th, 1.470 All licensed varieties to be considered. Final seeding ..Akte extedded ii Ontafi Find out how these changes affect you - talk to your local " Crop Insurance Agent he's listed below, - Conipensatton l- r tYftk wheat that giadeS,I)Glow C.E. No. ?.. DRIVERS NEEDED FOR RENT -- FOR SALE - WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Dead or disabled cows over 1,000 lbs., $10 to $15 Dead or disabled horses, $20.00 each Small animals 500 to 1,000 lbs., 1c per lb. AII other animals such as calves and pigs picked , up free. We pay you for your animal at your farm. - 24 hour service. CALL COLLECT - BRUSSELS 887-9334 If no answer call 887.9335 31:1i15SEL$ PET FOOD SUPPLIES Prop, 001100N JOHNSTON .,t• Formerly M4rIlitt Orr* 4-gttm--rxfien-4paitc,,,,fff.tp../NxhutotiguAgmanwpmaliu---,2-.4-zin.74,44v4-w.---AtrAie FOR SALE 23" Admiral. Console TV in AL shape; also 'I'V aerial. phone 887- Jusi, 'Ireland FOR PALE - Erussels Acre Apple Orchard now have good supply of Lobo • apples, so, bring along your con- tainers. FOR SALE - Dion self-unloading box, mount- fAl on a Dion 8 ton wagon with 8 ply tires. phone Gerald M.iller S87-6509 FOR SALE - Iron bed, springS and mattress; also dry hardwood slabs, split and re.udy for stove. I3eth :Hoover Phone 887-6550 FOR SALE - Approximately 10 ton of cob corn. Elmer Young Phone 887-6300 FOR SALE - Pressure System with softner. Ideal for farm. Contact, or call, S87-6751, George hn St., Brussels. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Purebred, seviceable age, York- shire and. Hampshire Boars. probe figures available; also purebred Duroc 13oars, 6 months, probes as low as .72, index 125 Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, Phone 345-2317. LIVESTOCK and MACHINERY GRAIN and FURNITURE Will. Be Held For CHARLES MATHERS Lot 16, Conession 2, Morris. Town- ship, 1 corner South of Bluevale MONDAY, SEPT. 14th At 12:30 p.m. FURNITURE Side board, kitchen table witk 9 chairs, 2 beds, wash stand, chest of drawers LIVESTOCK 11 dairy cows, 1 reg, hereford bull. 3yrs., 11 yearlings, 10 calves, 7 sows (rebred), 1 York hog MACHINERY M.F. 44 swather 12 ft, self ProPelled, Allis Chalmers V tractor, Allis Chalmers W.D. tractor with heathouSer and chains. M. F. No. 10 baler, M.F. ft. mower, Seed drill, Internat- ibnal, 15 run, 2 plows, 13 furrow). International 8 ft. disc, new, way disc, I.i7. caltivator, section diamond harrows, Inter- national manure spreader, wagon and rack, Steel stone boat, snow blower. Post hole digger, Snow fence, cutter, Page fence wire, Viking cream separator, 2 Unit Woods milker. -Vacuum, pump and Tine for 14 cows, 6 earl milk cooler, Numerous small articles GRAIN, 6 acres standing corn, 25 ton. of mixed grain Owner or auctioneer not reaport- sIble for accidents Lunch Booth On Grounds • Terms Cash ,.Bryn Rfritoull AuctiOneer W111 400001 PhOlif3 c15,11440 WANT TO RENT - House or apartment in Brus- sels area. Phone 88743804 or 887-6839 1970 NORTHERN FEEDER SALES WIARTON Thurs„ Sept. 17, 3500, sale time 10 a.m.; T.ilf - SALON - Wed. Sept, 23, 1000, sole time 10 a.m. MANITOULIN - Thurs. Sept. 24, 3000. sale Liam 9i:30 a.m.; LaSAJIJIE, P.Q. (Sale at Dupuy) -- Wed. Sept. 30, 1000, sale time 1:30 p.m.; NifW EARD - rPhurs. Oct. 1, 500, sale time 1:30 .m. SOUTH RIVER - Thurs. Oct. 8, 1000, sole time 10 a.m.; 'MARTON -- Thurs. Oct. 15, 2500, sale time 10 a.rn, MAN TOULIN - Mon. Oct, 19, no, sale time 1 p.m.; SOUTH Thurs. Oct. 22, 400, sale time 12 noon. For further particulars write .S. MacDonald, Advertising Manager, Box 130, Huntsville, Ontario. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to alltypes. Complete appliance repairs at BURKEI ELECTRIC -Witighatn • 357-2450 tilearical cottractoro Malit ROIVInd, 24 111111.It Ortioi,gen , Train now i to drive semi truck, local and over the road. Diesel or gas; experience helpful but not necessary, You can earn over $4.00 per hour after short train- ing. For interview and application, call 416.302-4002, or write Safety Dept. United Systems, Inc., In care of . Transport Training SYiatims of Canada, Ltd.,, 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario Canada. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEC COLEMAN, deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above deceased, late of the Village of BrUssels in the County of retired Division Court Clerk, ',v110 died on the 16th day of August, 1970,•are required to 'file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 25th day of September, 1970. after which date the execu- tors will proceed to distribute the estate haying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice, DATED at EruSS010 this 29th day of Augt1St, 1970, ORAWVORD R.& MILL lirM311010 Onlarla 00611,04 it)Il leleodtor About 45 acres sod land suitable for any crop, to be ploughed this fall, Torrance Dundas, Walton 887-9389 Brussels NOTICE - For all your electrical Wiring needs Contact: Don McLean Phone 887-9234 Brussels WANTED Girl woman to baby sit in my home. Live 'iii or out: Phone 527-1 03 7 collect after 7 p.m, Monday, Wednesday to Friday, after 5:30 p.m, Tuesday. Mrs, Walter Ryan, 011 4. Walton, flood the classified ads in the. Brussels Post. Ready to lay Pallets the end of October IL J. Andrews & Son RR 4, Seaforth Phone 5274100 FOR SALE - Lloyd n by Carriage, converts to stroller, good condition; Size 12 months olden pile pink snow- suit (2 piece); Size 24 month orlon pile pink snowsuit (2 piece): Size 2 pink orlon pile coat and hat with burgandy pants; Size 3 Red pile jacket with navy pants. All in good condition'. Sell reasonable, Mrs. Carry 0011 Phone 887-0382 He: "Would you marry a sap just for his money?" She: "Are you gathering ata, tistics or proposing?" CLEARING. AUCTION SALE of