HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-09-10, Page 1X2,50 A Year In Advance -- $3.50 TO U.S.A. THIjR,SDAY SEPT, 10th, 1970 arHg BRUSSELS POST, POST PUBLISHING HOUSE wY T1lgSQlg WALTON Air, and Mrs. Albert Jackson of Woodville visited last Thursday attonoon , with Mrs. Maude Looming, 13111 Shortrea Steve Sholdice and iDarid. Watgen spent a few days last week at ()mettle Mc- Donald's cottage near Amberly. Miss Pear Thainer or Tavis- stock spent the weekend at ber home in the Village, lgr, and Mrs. Don Maier of London spent the Labour Day holiday weekend at the home of. Mr, and. Mrs. Dave Watson, Sunday School begins on Sun- (MY, 13th, at' 10:30 ant. and ails- siop band, follows at 11:30 a.111.. a tell attendance is hoped for both, Mr.' and Mrs, Ray Lair (nee Betty- Young) and son Paul re- turned to their home in eranconv- er B.C. last week after spending' several weeks this past. summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Young, RR, 1, Myth, they also visited with other relatives in the Walton district and spent a couple of week's with Ray's father. Bruce Clark, of London spent the weekend at the home or his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dunk spent last week camping in Toronto at a. trailer camp. Kan and Mark Pritchard, of Loedon spent last week bon- dayi fig with their .g rand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave'Watson, Mr. W. J. Leemiug is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, hav- ing undergone surgery laet Thurs- day, we wish him ' a speedy roo eovery. Mrs. Neale Reid Of Toroete visited with nee mother Mrs. George Dumlae last week, and Mrs, temmermon alatela ell and boys, spent a recent. week end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers at their Ciottego at •Ci'ull Lake, also visited Santa's Village at Bracebridge on their return home. Miss Sandra Watson begins her two-year nursing course at 'St. Joseph's Hospital, • London, on Taesday, September S. Fifteen Walton Institute memb- ers attended the Cranbrook W. I. Meeting last aniesday evening, when Mrs. G. heist of Kitchener was the guest .spealcoie a. social evening followed. Ilccrent visitors with Mrs. W, C. Hackwell were Mr, tied Mrs. Reid Hockwell of Exeter, Mrs. Ray Huether end boys visited with Mrs Frank Burke and o•it theft' cottear near Alall'n a CRANBROOK Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chapmen, ;Kitchener, and Mrs. Jacob Fischer of Brussels visited Mr. ;zed Mrs. Stanley Fiseher and Mrs, Mac Engel. Mr, and: Mee. Clare Veitch, 'Marie and Janet spent a few days at Midland:. Mr, and Mrs. gerl Dune arid 4oalitie attended the Kitchener tail' on Motiday aiid visited Mr. aiid Mrs. Don jackjih .M14 haa lea returned from a nap to the 'West Coast and .visiied .Miss Shirley Sniith of ,Roden, •C ,roman FIechere or 'Kingston, spent the weekend at, hie home here, Crabrook W.I. Meeting The September'. meeting of the Cranbrook W.I, was held in the commenity Centre on Tuesday evening Sept.. 1, with guests from Brussels, Ethel; Mohcrieft and Walton. The meeting opened in the usual way with the preeldent, Mrs. James Hart in the chair, The roll call was to tell of your oldest book and several were :1884, -- 1886, schcool books and a copy of "Pilgrims' Progress". The Huron County Rally will be held in Cen- tralia, Monday; October 5th, and delegates named were Mrs. Wilfred Strickler and Mrs. Clare Veatch. Mrs. Wm. Humphries; Walton, spoke explaining a. sug- gested change for the Area Con- vention from Guelph to Kitchen- er. It was decided not to have a. booth at Brussels Fair this year. Conveners for the meeting, Mrs. Clare Veitch and Mrs. Gordon Engel, now took over for the pro- gram. A group of girls, accom- panier] hy Mrs. Stewart Steiss, sang numbers. The motto "Make use of today for tomorrow it's history", was given by Mrs. 'Wtn Bremner and Mrs. Gordon "Engel gave a reading "Other Fads". Interesting and entertaining Current events were read by Mrs. Wilfred Striekler. Mrs. Ross Knight led in community sing- ing with Mrs. Steiss at the piano. ' • Mee, Clare Veitch introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. George Heist, RR 2, Kitchener, who wile a per- soal friend for some time. Mrs. Reiet Was accompahied by airs. Groff who is president of the of the Helena Feasby Inst. The sneaker is a hardworking W,I. member and has been president Of the North Waterloo district and is now a FWIO member. District 10. Several years ago she com- piled a. Tweedsmnir History for Helena Feasby Institute 'which :received first prize, Mrs, Heist spoke on "Tweedsmuir History Books" and displayed a nutriber of theni. She said originality is the Mate thing and keep it interesting with lots of picthres. She mentioned several good books tei have including "The Other Fellow and Me" by Ethel Chap- Man and rellOwing her, most interesting and hiCormetive talk revue thaiIIM end preseetaid with a gift by Mrs,. Urban Duchene°, God Save the Queen was sung in closing. Two contests School Games" and. "Things to be thank. ful for"' were conducted by Mre. Gordon Engel. Lunch was served by the• committee in charge. ;BRUSSELS COUPLE MARK 55th ANNIVERSARY On Tuesday, September 8th, Mr. and arts, Waller 'Williamsen Of DrUSSOS quietly eelebeated their 55th wedding, a n'lliVrit'Sql•VY, They Were entertatitiet et a family dinner. Congratulations are extended to Mr, and Mrs. Williamson by their ninny friends and acquaintairJea, FIRE DESTROYS GREY TWP.. BARN, •CONTENTS 1:1'118;301s firemen ansereted call to a barn fire en tile farm of Lyle Pettapiece;, 14th concession of Grey Township, shortly' after 0 p.111. Monday, 'Grey Township firemeu were also on the scene but the fire had gained too Much headway and in spit, of their, combined efforts the barn and contents were eonenet key destroyed, also a driving shed. FINAL PLANS ARE WELL UNDERWAY Final aer angeme n ie a the a'a.ussels Fall Veir are well under- way. Tuesday September 22nd, is clean up day to 'get the Pa :tee and grounds spic and span and all available help will be required. it is anticipated that there' will be an amateur program presented in the Palace Thursday .evening, September 124th. The Ladies Division will have a 'moth on the grounds and the donation of pies los Friday, September 25th will great:y appreciated, latadipLE WE KNOW Nr. and airs. Norman 'Hoover ti rota: tree home last. week from a five week vacation in thesaa's tulle a West, John :Hoover, Loedon *pent ate lv'lidsy sveekep a With his parents, end Mrs, :airmen Hoover. Me and Mrs. :Roy Kerrey Of Thornhill spent Labour Day with Mrs. T. Keller of Brussels. Rev. James Perrie 'returned to Strathroy lust is oek follow-lug Iris monchu Va ti(M, Mr. met ell's. Herold Chapman of K itolvmor wero vi*ilors with relatives and friends in Brussels rind community last week. Mr, and Mrs. Gus Eder 'were holiday weekend visitors \vial' Jack Rutledge of St. Catharines, Visitors over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. W..1. 'Feriae were. Charles Cardiff of Kitchener Mr. and Mrs. Larry Seinen and. Mrs. Edger Holtinger of Fruit- laud. Me and Mrs. Ross Strickla.nd and fetidly of St. Clair 1.3each spent the At; COICOMI with Me et; Mrs. jack •Bowman. Sunday visitors at the stone home were v11(.1 airs. Maitland Edgar and femily of Petrolla, zinc! etre. Mar': hall and family, o leenaore and ale, end Mf14, Wm, MI:1,.::11 mid i!omily or svilightnn, GAL-Viia VINTON SMITH This commiefiffe was shrieked end saddened by the anddel.i death of Calvin Vinton Smith of laties eels, in his 63rd year, His detail pceurrred 011 Monday, August et, while holidaying at their Ottelletter home at French River, ()marl The ;lob' of the lateIVIr, and Mrs. 1 i.11 aln SID ail or East Niseouri o*nehila. Yee /lad been resident of firliesels• taw the past s even Yeats% Shied eoming to. Itruesels be had taken an active :part in community affarr and will be greatly missed. He was a past-president of 'the DrusseM Lions Club; a, chartered ineniber dr the Atwood Lions Club, a member of the Atwood I001a, past president of Wefetern Ontario Cheese Makers Assoc- iation and proprietor or` the Newry Cheese and Butter factory for 28 years aria sold to United Dairy and Poultry Co-Op in 1903. TTe was a Member of the Bens- sets United dafeetell and served as at steward. He i$ survived by his Wire, the former Anna Morrison, of 'Erma eels, one daughter, Mrs. Robritt (Sylvia) Whitfield of Listowel, a son, Gregory of Newry, four grandeailaren, and one sister, J irs. Walter Gleason of London. Funeral service were held from the M. L. Watts Funeral Home, Brussels at r2 p,m. on Thursday. The Rev. E. LeDrew officiated, Time Atwood 100F held a service at the funeral home on Wednesday evening; Berial was in E1hna Centre. cemetery. Pallbearera were Alvin Mathe- son,— Layton Muir; Harold Mc, Clusky, Jack McDonald, Max Oldfield, Harry Elgie. Flower Bearer$ were: Dick Steplictison, Larry Sever. Bradley Matheson. .1:he • Oldfield, John McDonald, Mac Smith, and Jim Duneen, SURPRISE PARTY HONORS BIRTHDAY Mr. and. Mrs, Glen Dray held a stirptiee birthday party and, family supper for his mother, Mrs.: Annie Bray of Brussels, on day, September Gth, on the Ocoee,. ion of her birthday., Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Dray; Ethel. Mr, end Mrs. CliffoIal Dray, Brussele, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bray, of Sea- forth. LOCAL LADS WERE NOT TO BLAME The motorcycles that Were creating an unnecessary amount of noise at 3:00 a,m. Friday morning. We are pleased to report., were riot operated by our local MOtereYcef enthusiasts, They were ridden. by oliigiti.ors dotuditnity, HAPPY OR .NOT, OFF TO SCHOOL THEY WENT It 'was baca to school for students and teachers on Tuesday Morning', after the long summer vedathen, Many of the youngsters„ bright e'„ead And flat of eagertresee were teepee to get back. with their schoolmate friends, and the ineny activities they enjoy together, For the twenty-six tiny tests enrolled in Brussels Kindergarten it was a new venture; They wore taking their firet steps on the lours: may ,have been some mothers glad exciting road of edueetion. There to have them ,under the super- Vision of someone else, for at least part of the clay, but we sar- i-plea there were- more wine watched them go and then went in and quietly shed a tear or two. Enrollment here is up slightly from 263 last' June to 272' on Tuesday. The staff remains the sa:cne with Mrs. Walker of Bei- grave substituting during the month of June for Mrs. Cousins.. Mrs. freafa,nd's Kindergarten class: Adams. Janice Bauer, Brett ••1 Bauer, Kim Campbell, Gregory Culbert, Timothy Dorsch, Shirley Draper, Kevin Elliott, Berfeara- Exel, D•avid Hall, Deborah Haveman, laiehavd. Johnston, Valerie Kellingten, Kevin Kernaghan, Anne 'A:Inchon, 'Vickie MacLean, Paul MeArter, rani MeLella,n, Peggy Pipe, Murray Seddon, Tammy Sholdice, Donald Stroop, Evelyn ."'enPas. Brenda TenPas, Paul Wheeler, Brian Wheeler, raevin MEMORIES RECALLED OF BELGRAVE SCHOOL FAIR Memories of the Delgrave School Fair are strong in the childhood memories of all natives of the area. Looking back as adults, we view it with pride and. as an indication of the progres- eive co-operative spirit of this community; and we are mud that the fair is still flourishing. As children, we looked forward to it as a day's break in the then- otonous routine of reading, writ- itig and 'rithmetic through which We suffered for most of the Menthe of the best (?) years of Out lives. Youth of the present ritay note with envy that in this writer's day, the fair was held cm Wednesdays, now it is planned for Saturdays, to avoid breaking into the aforementioned routine, No school holiday now, so kids may feol gyppod, oti iNiti( pogo) •