The Brussels Post, 1970-08-27, Page 7ThvasD4y, 4.111q1Aa 270, 1970 i3RUSS3dAS POST, BitUSSELISA ONTARIO AUTO a HOME .BuATS • LIFE CIAG INSURANCE Agent UP CE 141 MAIN ST. W, bus. 291.2651 COY EN LISTOWEL rt ES. .?.0 4.-1726 11.1r kli••14 Co-operators Insurance Association Guelph 4ow much home are you missing through outdated wiring? • 1P• When this house was built it was hard to imagine all the wonderful ways in which electricity would be• serving us today. That's why the wiring in so many older homes just isn't adequate for today's needs. There are many signs. Fuses blowing. Lights dimming. Appli- ances performing sluggishly. Cluttered extension cords. Not enough outlets. So, if you're planning to mod- ernize your home, think fiat ef the wiring. Have a qualified elec- tr ical contractor check it. You'll be surprised at how easily and inexpensively it can be updated. Or just ask your Hydro. The Name of the Came hp Electrical Living. EDITORIAL WRITTEN BY W,D.H.S. STUDENT DOOMSDAY 2000 A.D By: Doug Huether .•Who needs the Atom bomb? We're already well on the way to obliterating, all lire 'front the face of the earth simply through the misuse of our natural resources. Man is slowly but, surely coming to the conclusion that these re- sources are not endless, Pellution is rapidly becoming the most dreaded word in • the 'English language. One of the major causes or pol- lution is industry which releases annually about two hundred million cane: of unburned hydro corhons, milphUr oent'!otrnels, nitrengen oxides. and other dangerous gases into the e:;rth':, atmosphere The tiny particles are not only harmful to human health but also have been known to rot bUilding stone and eat- in metal rooting. Besides air pollution they are the major contributor t; to wuter pollution as all industries use water for their production, 'Lately there have been a few cases or oil spillings from tankers resulting in 15.2 million fish being killed which is an increase of :31% from the previous year. But all the blame cannot be placed on in- dustry whose only interest, many think, is in nfaking a profit. Eiath individual accounts for 5.8 Pounds of garbage each day, If isn't that. man isn't aware of pollution: rather he just doesn't seem to realize the seriousness of the situation and the fact that speed is essential. Tn -1008 the United Stot(s authorized four billion dollars to- wards putting a. man on the moon while only eight hundred Million dollars was spent on pollution control and the ironical part is that eleven to twenty million dol- lars were paid out for damages CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION BUS TRIP AUGUST 29th, 1970 Leave at 8:00 a.m. Return after Grandstarid Fare: $4.50 Sponsored by: Brussels IOOF Lodge Tickets available at: Bridge Motors McCutcheon Motors McCutcheon Grocery Stephenson Grocery caused by pollution. What, ever happened to the old proverb. "Au Ounce or prevention . ? • But :don't completely give up hope-. Actually there are numer- ous solutions to the problem: none .of \vhich ore scientific achievements. For example: dis- tillation, aeration. filtration, and ehemical treat Mont of - water are technical treatments not. exactly unheard of. Many industries could use impure abater' for their nur- poses, leaving' the pok,l-de water for human consumption. Also they could use the same water many, times over. New combustion' equipment, ctrrrently in product- ion, could be used. to burn fuels more rficiently.. Automobiles, the major cause: of c.-trbon monoxide Poieioning .could be. fitted - with eniminsitn control .deviees. Final- ly, the public must not he allowed to. burn .garbagein'.open tires. could, be, collected and. taken to a large incinerator where it could be :clioposed of with far fewer Particles 'being released• to eon- taminate . the , atmosphere,. Also .many types of :gargage could be nl;ed ;or fill. So, in the final analysis the question is not how or with what Means but when. That answer can only be immediately; so it is up to the itini-vidual to keep the pressure on the government and to realize that unless each and every one does his share to curb this threat to human enviroment we may not see the year 2000. PLANT HARDINESS MAP An easy way to use free map of plant hardiness Zones in Can, ada has been developed by thp Canada Departmnet of Agrieul- hire. The, brightly eolOred mao ShOWS where different types of plants can: normally survive the Winter, Ypu can obtain one by writing to the Information Division, Canada Department, of AgticUl- titre, Ottawa. Doorman to man with just. ran up to street corner, "'Excuse me. sir, but if you are the paleraced man who looks like a lop-eared rabbit, I was to tell you your Wife got tired of waiting 'and took a took a. taxi." Rend the classified ads in the Brussels Post. THE THREE LEVELS OF LISTENING To get the most out of listen- ing', you must actually listen at three different levels, with three different ears,: The receptive ear: Give the speaker a chance. Listen to the whole story before you tiraitr con- clusions about it. FOctis on what is actually being said, not .on. who is saying it. or how it is being said. Let. him finish his idea be- fore ,yoti express your own. The anayltical ear: While you listen, ask yourself, "In ho to give me information? 1:11.rtain me? Persuade me? StimulaLe iii"? 'flow old is the evidence he use.;? Are sources of fact and opinion reliable? Whit preiudieeS and what biases does he haVe? Whitt is he leaving out? Thd "hetween•th641114 ear;. What does his tone of Voice tell you? MS facial expression? is he court:kilt and melaxna or rosiless and :zimious to terminate conver- sation? What do his attitudes tell you when you relate them to what he is saying? 2 GORE RICH STORES. DAMAGED BY FIRE Garland's Children Wear and Shooter's Interior Decorator's Lail., Court. liouse Street:, Coder- lob, suffered an estimated $100,- 0. it damage in an early Sunday morning fire. About $20.100 damage was done to the building, adjust. ors stated, but smoke and water caused extensive domago to nlereliondise in both stores. The fire broke out at the rear Of the hufhlifig alt about 1:30 a.m, ••••••••••••1 A passing motorist alerted the fire department, Fortunately there were no in- Two families who live above the stores were forced: to leave their apartinentS. They were given an.ccomoci atio tl 'by neigh • boars. It was said that representatives of the fire marshall's department Wend be brought in to determine the cause or the fire. The city couple had some dtnlits about returning to the rural where they had spent their vacation the pretious year. The ProximitT of a nig pen to the hruso hdd annoyed The husband wrote about the problem and recived the . following reply: "You are welcome to come back. We haven't had any hogs on the plaice 81tee yell were here."