HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-08-27, Page 2CALL AY MATHESON ATWOOD Fhoue n HOMELITE XL 902AM So light you can balancd it on one handl TOM GIONISS FiR1JSSEL.51, orr, TICE .ViiititS OF... DO Ail i) CATS iEN.f1ON OF RABIES The Health of Animals. Branch of the Canada Department of Agriculture in co-operation with the Huron County Health Unit will hold a FREE • ..-RAWS 'CLINIC Vaccination against rabies will be provided for dogs and cats three months of age and over. Owners who require certi- ficates of vaccination for export or other purposes sheuld consult their prliVate veterinary. No certificate will be is- sued at this clinic. Help prevent .human exposure to rabies, take ad- vantage of this opportunity to have your pets immunized. A foster shot each year 'is recommended. 1,t)13T, ,131(Utig10.4'. (All:ALLIS) it140.01)4Y,AUtitl 'l`.27th. 11170 IMIIMMPATIM.MMI.M.mMIMEIMATIM,m,MmorMMMI • .1.1M.r.melM4Mmtemr.mm eliemem wavoillieNammosielftweasoisie ll iarr • HELPFUL HINTS; Coronary artery diseasd ape over many years of Mile says Ontario Heart Foundation, The earlier in lite a heart-saving diet is adopted, the 'mot your risk of heext, attack. To help reduce the risk of heart attack.. the Ontario :Heart Foundation recommends a diet that uses le$s animal fats and fewer cholesterol -- rich tooth:. such as eggs and organ meats, For heart-so.ving diets, ask your Ontario Heart Foundation for "The Way 'to a Man.'s Heart" and a companion recipe booklet •• 'The majority of -patients stir- vise -their first heart attack and return to productive activity, says your Ontario Heart Found- ation. • Heart attack • patient in your family? Ask your Ontario Heart foundation. for the booklet titled ".After a Coronary". Nearly two million Canadians new...fast...powerful Here's a lightweight saw with new design, more power, faster cutting ... fells trees up to 5' in diameter. Includes all the famous Homelite professional features. And the cost is so low. Try it today -- then cut your way to better profits. have high blood pressure, Nest of them are getting along well on drugs and diet changes tecom.- Mended by s1. physician. The (-mono Heart Foundation has free educational materials. on high blood pressure. But,. re- member, it takes two to treat it you and your doctor, GOLDEN WORDS CHILD PSYCHOLOGY A brat is younster, As is generally known Who belongs to your neighbour But behaves like your own. Thinking well is ',vise; Planning well, wiser; Doing well, wisest and best of all. One of to-day's most puzzling questions, Where do people get the money for the income they live beyond? Children today have discove0 that a penny saved is hardily worth the effOrt. Cirls who dress to kill, it's tine, Often cook the same way too: Happiness is only a by-product of successful living. The .higher'' interest We pay is for borrowed trouble t'hildren need models mete than they need. critics. we iothed a perfect church, it wnild be perfect no longer, o things are bad for the beard, running upstairs /Miming doWn people. Thank God for dirty dishes, They have a tale to tell, 'hile Other felkS go hungry, We're eating very well, With home and health and happitieSS, We Shouldn't have to, fusS, For by this stack of eVidence. Oird's been very good to us, CHRYSANTHEMUM QUARANTINE A. quarantine 011 ehrysonthe- mum pInn ts and crittitigs v.hite rust, a fast- sor(.ading fungus infoctiOit Of 'di (.10 l'la m'a, out of Canada. inipotted chrysanthemums must be quara.ntined for 60 days by the Plant Protection Division of the Canada. Department of Agricul• titre before they can be released far commeroic 06(11103pp, UP 19 POI PROCESSING BLACK AND WHITE 8 exposures, 55 cents 12 - 85 cents, 20 - 1.35 KODACOLOR 8 exposures 2.12 12 - 2.88, 20 4.5) By-pass "middleman store- keeper", send DIR ECT to processing plant and save up to 50%! Send film, cash, cheque or. money order along. With this ad to: Clinton Photo Servic? CLINTON, ONTARIO Brussels Post, August 27th, 1970 STORE},,G.RA.I.N .1NSBCTS CAUSE HEAVY LOSSES Surveys show that stored graib in Southwestern Ontario has the heaviest insect infestation of any region in Canada. Ontario grain growers sustain considerable lo,s-ses annually. The only way to ,;top these loses is through good farm manage- ment, says Mr. Karl Bereza, Ex- tension rilntimnologist. Ontario Department tit Agriculure and Food. ,viro offets the following suggestions for reduction of soot damage. 1. Store grain in clean bins. Ha- fore putting grain in storage, clean the bin thoroughly. Never add new grain :on top Of old grain. Remove accum- ulations from corners, cracks and crevices, behind nartit- tio ns,between double walls, ions between double walls, These sweepings should he burned or bitiled, and not put Where insects can return to infest newly binned grain. Separate grain bins from feed storage, Peed bins and feed rooms, especially those with grinding equipm ea, are dit- tetra to keep clean, Insects will readily,„ migrate to mar- ket grain binned cloSe by, Avoid storing grain in hay or livestock hotising, Heat given Off by animals and the instri 7 ation provided by hay next to or over gtain bills will Pre' vent the seasonal cooling'' of 'the grain, This will allow in- sets to remain Pe UV throughout the winter. Dr ad. Craton, mangers, feed boxes, 'u troughs are frequently populated thus providing continued source of infest- ation. Maintain storncl, ?ncilities coaditiou. Orton- ood shift, of re- cut' the number ri harboring sites where insect populot:on Those structures should also exclude rOdeats, birds, and Pott4rY, no Well as tutu, Friday August 28 Frtiday August 28 snow and Soil aroisturo. Residual Sprays Aft:u. .cr:tnariea and bins hive been prepared for the reception of new grain. an added precaution is recommended, Spray the floor, walls and ceiling with aninsecti,, tide that will kill insects remain- in, or migrated to, the empty bin. To obtain the maximum effect aPply the insecticide at least. two weeks prior to storage. Use.; (2) malothion powder 21/rz poundS water (3) Ready - prepared "Mill" sprays that contain piper- oily] butoxide; :pyrethrum, thiocyariate, or various other insecticides. Follow .the Manufacturer's directions. Apply with a compressed air garden type sprayer to the point of runoff.: One gallon of finished Spray will cover about 1,000 square feet, Storage of Grain: Unlit stored dry and kept cool is seldom infested, :Reproduction of ;rain-infesting insects begins when the moisture content of grain is tic?, and the temperature (15c.:, to 70've . Accordingly, it is ficsirable to harvest grain aS close to moisture. as ”es. sible. Irt un.lieltoted bins ode- onote ventilation will provide sufficient air drainage to lower the temper:ante for Snra storage, Crai n Protedtanta Wlic:rr, insect infestations ore likely to develop or when tough groin lies been harvested ; it protective power or liquid tha3 be noplied us the grain is plOtred in storage, Its function is to pre, vent art infestation developing and not to eradicate one that is already established. Mahal-rola (s ,10,qui deodorized grain tormulatiOns 0111Y) may be applied directly to the grain. either as a 3/4 (7. dust at the rote of 1 potind per 10 bushels, ar as a spray containing 14 pint of 83.6% emulsifiable ernicentrate in 2 to 5 gallons:of water to treat 1.000 bushels. Read the classified ails in the Brnssels'Post, ...11.401•1•101.11111•111111. USED EQUIPMENT Nines No. 500 AR Windrower $ 595.00 Maurer Bean Puller Bean Cylinder and Concave 2 Row $ 200.00 1.1-1.C. 40" Combine Like New $ 200.00 Case 6A Combine $ 325.00 Case 600 Combine and Pickup $3,200.00 I.H.C. No. 80 Combine Cutting Equipment and Pickup $1,595,00 I 91 Combine, Cutting Equipment, Pickup $2,100.00 I.H.C. 303 Combine, Bean Equipped with cab $4,900.00 Corn Head for 608 Case Combine New Maurer Bean Pullers In Stock VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. (formerly Joh n Bach) Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0120 .!trfnr"."TrOF11, fTP.s.wroMilirsgmleliVellit.rmilrygeresim. mot CUSTOM TRENCHING AND BACKHOEING With Modern Equipueut If Tc Blyth Old Fire Hail 9100 12:00 noon Beigrave Arena 1:30 -- 4:30 p,m. CAUTION: DO NOT MED OR SELL C;RAINi- FOR 00 DAYS (1) 50% malathion emulsion A FTEft II AT3IF..NT, - 1 quart in 4 gallons of water Pyrethrins-piperonyl butoxide wettable formulation can also be used. Fol- low directions on the container in 4 gallons of label.