The Huron Signal, 1881-08-19, Page 1II
i " mase a steatt4W--.
it Mamma
New Mvsa'alsrasesW.
liyard Writes- A.
Must, Miss Skimmings.
New ;o. ds -C. A. Nairu.
Photographing it. Stallows.
Garden Party Mrs. Brown.
Camp letoola G. C. Piubcrtsoa.
Streyid Animate-Titslitur.t[.
Hoy Wanted lt. ('. Robertson.
School Opening It. T. Fletcher.
Chap Paper World Printing Co
Travelling aside.
KA $T.
Itis. Kips. Mild. }!lid.
Goderich.Lt' 7.pTtm 12.06pm 3.1Spm 9.aui
Saaforth.... 7.w" .. 1.19 •• W ..4.45 • 10.50..
Stratfurd.Ar e.LSrni.. 2.L5pm .0.30pni 1.5) "
Pas. Exp'.. Stlx'd. M1x'd.
Strattord.Lv 1.10am..7.511pn... 7.00.: t .3.4&po
neaforth.. .. 117 " ..8.Y, " 8.15 " 5.00 '
Goderich. Ar El11ps..9.50pm 11.00am 7.15pm
Exp s. Mail. Ellis.
Clinton ening north ...9.39am...4.23pre 5.9Spm
" •oing suth...154pin .8.02an, 7.34 "
Lucknow Stage airily, arr. 10.13ana dep 4pm
Kincardine '• 1.00•m •• Tarn
Beautifier " IWednesday and
Saturdavl arrlv.e 8.00am " 9.15 „
'A chtel's among ye. taktre notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.`
It you want a tires:law cooking stove. call
cad sec O. N. lovai varlet Also American
and Canadian oil fur family use. Something
new - the magic fluting machine.
Read "The People's Column."
Dr Hamilton, of Cornwall, is reviaitng
old friends.
Miss Smaall has gone to visit friends
at St. Mays.
Mass Rothwell is about to spend her
holidays at Grimsby.
Mn. R. H. Cozzens of this town, is
spending a few weeks in Onllis, visiting
Mrs. Reid, of Cincinnati, addressed
Goderich Cadets of Temperance the
other night.
Mrs. Craig, of Stratford, and her
daughter Mrs. Holman, are visiting
Mn. 11 NIcKeon.
Messrs. Wm. Proudfoot and Archie
McKay camped out at the Falls during
. the past week.
Mr. Greenway, M. P. P., is about to
build a handsome residence at Crystal
City, Manitoba.
The proposed visit of Dr. Roseburgh
the oculist, to Goderich has been post-
poned for a month or six weeks.
LevALID.--Mr. Donnely Bain, we re-
gret to learn, had a bad attack of bleed -
1T*. WM. OMmieneresiesnes, West Street,
three door' below Ari of Montreal. Gude-
She People's Column.
with board. for small family.
Address A. J. M. Uoderlcb P. O. 1800 4t.
mg at the lungs on Monday evening.
A JcuoE.--Mr. A. McD. Allan has
been appointed judge of heavy draught
horses at the Provincial Exhibition.
cabinet making business. Apply to G.
C. Rllstrstio%. East street 1800.
Stephen's Personage Fund. will 11). V.1 be
held on the grounds of miens/ House Mrs.
Brown's. Huron Road. on Friday after noon and
evening 19th Inst. from 4 to 8 o'clock. Ad-
mlas4oa (including teal 15c. children half price.
lee cream. mesh tc. 1.00
1 resume her tuition in music. on Wed-
nesday, 1st September 1881. Terms 108 per
qr. 1n advance. Use of piano given if re-
quired. :hanky St. Ooderich.
Sept. lath 1801. 1800-t1.
concrete house at the corner of Newgate
ard Albert streets, oocupied for over 10 years
by Mrs. J. Y. Ellwood. It 1s in good repair,
with hard and soft water and other conveni-
ences. Apply to JOHN BRECKENRIDOE,
builder. 1790.
J made by ilaniel McDoagald in favor of
undersigned. The public are hereby cau-
tioned against negotlatltg. or dlepoeing of it
In any way, a.. I have received• no valve for
the saute. CHARLsa CHI. &CH. 17* -3t.
to THE SIGN .aLtoadvertise animals stray-
ing cm your premises. and avoid prosecution
for tllelralTy dealntnr animals. Address THE
SIO NAL. Goderich. sees
1.3 cos will be rectiIver1 by the undersigned
up to the 31st inst_ for supplying the 33rd
Battalion. 344 strong. with Areal and moat of i
the best qualities, while in camp form Pith to
24th Sept. next. Bread to be in 216 loaves.
Meat cut up to suit messes. To be delivered
to camp at such times and in such qusntlties
las may be ordered. H. l'ooKE. Ad't 33rd Bit.
V. 11.
Ooderi h. Aug. 1Rf+1. 1739'
Real Estate.
rj OR SALE, CHEAP. -LOT 34,1
Lake Range. Ashfield. Huron Coun .
181 acres. 13D cleared and highly Improved,
oalance sanding timber. Good orchard, new
frame house, barn 40x60 and all necessary
stabling, two wells. For particulars address
CnAa. McLxax, Amberly. 17903m.
T'p. of Colborne. containing 111 acres 30
acres cleared, balance excellent timber. Soil
a good slay loam. As this property adjoins
the Point Farm it 1. 1n consequence moot
e situated. For particulars apply to J.
J. Wr ht.
Marc let 1981. 177641.
Dungannon, 12 miles from Goderich.
consisting of of an acre of land. well tended;
n frame house, a good well and pump are also
on the premises. The lot has been well im-
proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can
be had from Mr. J. M. Itoseere. Merchant.
Dungannon. or It. E. Intone. Nile 1'. U.
T6, corner of rlctorlejm4 East strets• in
the town of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will be
exchanged for farm property. ForpattIculars
IVW J Stluiu. Architect. office Crabb'e
Hloe , ar c -saaR a*ctloaesr.
1 sale 110 acres. 50 acres cleared and well
fenced. Brick Cottage 25x30. stone cellar full
size of house. A large creek rune thro*gb
the lot, no waste land en the croak. A very
flne orchard surrounds the house. Good barn i
and otherbuildinga. Terms very easy Apply
to R. T. H A V N V! lot 18 Lake Shore Road, Col-
borne Township, or to UARM,w 8t PaorD-
✓ oOT. 17(N
con. 13. rollover. shoat 'even miles from
t)MAerieh, aow,prlsing 50 acres. 50 cletrd. A
'lime house, and a new frame he80x.1 and
• stable sad other outbuildings are on the
prendsew A reining oPsh►rd. goat pump. etc.
on the farm. The farm has a road on two
sides of It. Four scree of tall wheat arenows.
Distant only 1 mile from a pan office For
p.rt tear. apply to Wm. NRtsiroe. Sheppard
Ion P. O. 1`T1.
Poet Odds for sale or to rent, with t sere
land. *oak safrssii and good. will ..II on veil
gamy terms. Verlag other bnMnar le attend
to. For fertl"r particulars •ypt to R. T.
R A Vwp. Alan at •eras of land• West half of
LM y, on the 11rd one.. IL D. Ashfield. Onnd Or. I
chard Frame Hoots, sod • 'table . Ftfty arrest
cleared and weU fenced. Apply to (i*Rwow
It Pacaveragt. VOL
Rev. .J. B. Watters, of St Peter's
Church, leas returned from the seaside,
looking and feeling all the better for his
Mrs. O. A. Deadman, of Brussels, re-
turned home on Saturday from a plea-
sant visit to her sister, Mrs. T. McGilli-
Mr. William H. Skimmings, who has
been in Cnnninghame & Son's coach
factory, Rochester, for two years, has re-
Mr. Geo. B. Robson, late with Hunter
& Co., photographers, Toronto, has as-
sussed the management of Mr. E. L
Johnston's gallery in town.
Miss Salts returned last week from
a visit to Cleveland. Her brother,
Mr. G. H. Salts, is residing in that
city. is doing well, and likes the place.
Mr. R. W. Barker, post office inspect-
or, was in town on Tuesday, and visited
Auburn and Smith's Hill, to determine
the post office route in that direction.
Miss Annie Downing, is at present
enjoying herself in Toronto. She will
also, visit Bowmanville and Niagara
Falls. returning in about a couple of
Messrs. J. C. Defier; F. Jordan and
.Tames McKay returned on Sunday last
from their visit to Manitoba. Mr Geo.
Acheson, the remaining member of the
party. continued his visit to Dakota.
A BAD FALL. -A young man named
,lames Andrews, employed in Polley's
lively stables, fell from the upper floor
of the stable and alighted upon an up-
right broom handle, sustaining painful
but not serious injuries.
Mr. William Elwood, atm of the Ven.
Archdeacon of St. George's church. left
by the Manitoba for the great Northwest
to permanently settle. Although we
regret losing a good citizen, our best
wishes go with him to his new home.
The Rleebe of Thursday, Aug. 11, says:
A gentleman who know} Levecque, the
French Canadian who ?harried a widow
at Goderich, and left her a few days
ter, says he is an Ottawa river rafts -
man, and that he has two wives in this
'Ottawa) locality.
Mr. Robt. Johnstone, at one time in
business with Mr. J. C. Currie, in this
place, died recently in Dakota. He
came to Goderich from the Nile, and
was well known in the North. His
wife and family reached him a few days
before he died.
Hon. Sydney Smith, Inspector of
restistry offices, was in town on Wednes-
day. in the eternise of his duties. He
made a thorough examination of instru-
mento in the Huron registry office, and
eipreashd himself as well pleased with
the manner in which the office and its
work had been conducted.
At the meeting of the High School
Board on Tuesday, Miss Isabella Oliver
of St. Marv's, was appointed third oasis -
tent in our High School, in piece of Miss
Kay. Miss Oliver holds a lst cissa cer-
tificate obtained last year, and is very
highly spoken of by these who know her
best, as an acoompluhed and successful
The funeral of the Mie James Watson
took place on Saturday afternne.n. The
Masonic fraternity of Goderich, of which
deceased was an honored member,
marched in procession to the grave, and
performed the nasal funeral rites. A
arge number of private residents also
followed the remains of their late felltow
townsman to the "silent city."
Mr George Swallow, late of Cooke's
grocery, has been offered and has accepted
•gond situation with Mr lrwin,thglin-
ton grain buyer. Mr Merano* is a
Moody and reliable person. anti his em•
player meld hardly get a Vetter man for
the prr'tion. He will he en ecqiiiiition
to Sudsy school Melee in Clinton, hav-
TV PR and Hwlydnasior. ea tr,tarn ing for some time very efficiently filled
than to the public for ps/t p• and the position of secretary in Knox church
nolle is • nets ti ee d 0Menk " ma S. S. We wish him every success is his
always he found st his Shaving Parlor, neer
the 14,st Waco Goderh i 1751 new home
• . . .,.
Whooping cough is prevalent in town.
There are only 3 prisoners in the
County gaol.
Mr Win. Bell, of the Huron Road,
complains of potato thieves.
Mr. James Smith, East St., has re-
turned for a day or two retreat
Mrs Lynn of Formosa, is the guest of
Mrs. John McIntosh, Hamilton St.
The Goderich Band had a dance, etc.,
in Bingham'. Grote on Tuesday even-
Miss F. Noble, has left Goderich to
reside in Brantford. We wish her suo-
EXCURSION. -A large excursion from
Bright and Platteville is expected to-
AM/A-Ur. -James Taylor had to pay
$5.75 for the privilege of smelting W.
Ostrander last week. The Mayor pre-
sided at the trial.
Mr. Chas. Caw, of St. Catharines,
formerly of Goderich, spent a few days
in town last week, seeing the old famil-
iar faces of years ago.
GARDEN PARTT.-A garden party will
be held at Stirling House (Mrs. Brown's)
in aid of St. Stephen's Church this
(Friday) evening. For particulars :ee
ad vt.
The Advertiser, of Orangeville, comes
to hand enlarged and otherwise improv-
ed The name has been change to The
Bufferin Advertiser, and under the su-
pervision of Reatall Brownell it bids
fair to take and hold first place in Duffe-
rin county. More power to it.
The West Lynn Man., Times says:
Me. Ogilvie, of the great Montreal mill-
ing firm of Ogilvie Brea, was in town
to -day. Froin an interview held with a
Timesreporter, Mr. Ogilvie stated that
it was not yet decided where they in -
tented to build their large mill. West
Lynn was to be considered in the loca-
tion, but at present the choice of locali-
ty appeared to be in favor of either
Winnipeg or St. Boniface. The Winni-
peg town oouncil have, we understand,
agreed to exempt the mill if built there,
from taxation for twenty years.
TowN BAND. -On account ot some
important alterations in the organiza-
tion of the Band, the Saturday night
concerta will have to be withdrawn for
two or three weeks. A number of new
instruments have been added. The new
organization stands at present 4 clario-
nets, 2 cornets, E fiat and B flat basses,
G. flat bass trombone, tenor trombone,
2nd tenor, solo, first and second altos.
2 baritones, bass and snare drums.
Mr. Armstrong is forming a cornet class
in order to have more lead, which is ne-
cessary; the class stet for the first time
last week.
Sesseep. - Advertise your strayed
animals in Tea S1ONAL.
The ••`,,. ,.yo,t•please" encampment
st the Falls he• d g:modecl•
Mrs. Cawriun, of n ratford, took pas-
sage per steamer Manitoba for a visit to
friends in Dakota
Mr. Gibbons, of Kin tn, was in
town on Monday last with Mr. Harry
Meyer, of M•ingham.
Miss Lottie Morris, t4 Mon uid•le
Farm, has been the guest of Mer.. Wm.
Acheson, during the past week.
We are glad to notice the pleasant face
of Mr. Georve Hudson among our plea-
anre seeker&. He has been abroad for
some time.
Mr. Duncan Morro, painter, left for
Crookston°, Min„ by the noon train un
Wednesday, to reside permanently. Suc-
cess attend him.
HONE SOLD. -J. J. Fisher sold, on
Monday his famous imported Clyesdale
stallion to J. S. Buaey, of Champagne,
Ills., for the sum of $3,100.
A 810ttAt reporter saw three steam
thrashing machines at work while driving
on a leading county road last week.
They are getting to be very popular.
Mr. G. H. Old has arranged to do a
heavy trade in apples this fall. He says
he will require fully 5000 barrels of
sound fall and wiater apples for all pur-
51 r. A. McD. Allan, who has a Domin-
ion reputation as s good judge of fruit,
leaves next week for Owen Sound, to
attend • meeting of the Ontario Fruit
Grower's Association.
Pitta. -The curculio and rut ve
made sad havoc among the plums, which
early in the season gave promise of a
large crop. The fruit is ripening fast,
and will bring a good price.
DEAD. -Alexander C. Simmons, at
one time owner of thti Goderich ftor,
died in town on Wednesday, at the early
age ot 36 years. His funeral will take
place this afternoon, at two o'clock.
The govergment bank statement
shows that on July 31st there were
$26,047,733 worth of notes in circula-
tion, exclusive of Dominion notes.
Total liabilities of banks, $124,963,577;
assets $198,828,315.
SERVED HIM RIGHT. -We clipthe Ol-
lowing from the Detroit News: -"John
Kelly, unsophisticated, from Blyth,
Ont., was enticed into a gambling den
yesterday, and after he had placed $20
on a card, some one rained tha cry of
'police." John skedaddled with the
rest of the crowd, leaving his money,
and last evening departed for Canada
with $20 worth of experience."
EA'v TO UNDERSTAND. -A number of
our town subscribers have failed to pay
or Tax SIGNAL during 1881. If you are
undecided as to how much you owe us.;
ook'at the little label on your paper.
Fart hem paid up to that dot.. It that
be put, you owe us. for our terms are in
advance. Any back subscriptions paid(
during August will not be charged at
credit rates.
AsKr1G TOO MUCH. -The chairman of
he Hospital Committee of the City of
London, has written Mayor Horton, re-
questing him to give an order to admit
one Miss E. Budd into the London City
Hospital; said order to entail a weekly I
payment, of about $3 per week for the
uaintenanee of Miu Budd during her
confinement in the hospital. She claiins
o belong to Goderich, but lived here
only a short time, and has no claim upon
he town. The Mayor, we understand,
will decline acceding to the request.
Dasomtota Peac-ri a. -We have
seen requested to draw the attention of
farmers to the danger of the practice of
allowing animals to go into pasture with
a rope around their necks. The. other ;
day, while driving near Port Albert, I
Mr. J. Mountney, stage driver, observed i
a horse struggling upon the ground in a
pasture field, having caught its foot in
• hoose nose about its neck. He went
to the rescue of the animal, and suc-
ceeded in cutting it loose in time to
save its life. The poor brute was badly
cut about the head. and was bleeding
DEATH or AN l)LI) SErVi.ER.--Tho Clin-
ton \e, Eoo last week said:--4htThurs-
day evening last, Mr. John Churchill, doe
of the early- pioneers of this section,
peacefully passed away. About 45 years
ago he came to this country from Tippe-
rary, Ireland, residing in the vicinity of
Toronto and Hamilton for about 5 years,
when he and his wife moved up to what
was then known a. "the Huron tract."
settling on the 11th con. of Onderich
township, being among the first to locate
in that neighborhood. He was a man
of good mental powers, and his abilities
wars •reedilY recognized by the neigh -
bas that had gstheted annnd. For
two year he filt.d the rxssither-ot--town.
ship councillor and for nine years satis-
factorily discharged the dutiesoddeputy-
reeve. He was ales for many years, n
justice of the peace; about 7 years ago he
proved M a fares on the gravel road,
about leo miles north of Clinton, where
he has since resided. grime time ago he
wan prostrated by a severe sold. which
turned into an affection of the kidneys,
and which was the immediate cruse 4.1
death. Rinse last April it has leen ne-
cessary for some one to sit up with him
every night. He was married over 49
years, and his wife and children -7 boys
anti 2 girls, all nursed survive him.
in politick he was ('oneerrative. hot he
wee nevertheless a pennenl supporter eef
Mr. M. C. t'amenon. His remains were
buried in Clinton cemetery-, on Mater -
day, a large reenter of sorrowing erten Is
following then, thither
Through an oversight we neglected to f
notice at the tine the fact that among
those who passed the recent rnatricula-
tion examination of the L"niyenity of
Toronto were two students from our
High School, viz., Wm. H. Aborn, who
matriculated in Arts. and Wm. Donald, '
who matriculated in Medicine. Mr.
Donald obtained 1st class honors in
German, and '2nd class honors in Eng- •
dish and History, a result which consid-
ering the short time he had been pre-
paring, reelects the greatest credit on our j,
young friend's ability and energy.
special meeting of the Presbytery on
Tuesday last a call was sustained from
Knox Church, Ooderich, Leeburn and t
Union Church, in favor of Rev. John A.
Turnbull, B. A., to be colleague and t
successor to Dr. Lyre, salary $800. Mr.
Turnbull accepted the call, and his ordi- I
nation and induction were arranged for 1
September 13th, at 2 p. m., in Knox '
Church, Goderich, Dr. Ure to preside, I
Mr. McDonald to preach, Mr. Lochead
to addrus the minister. and Mr. Mus-
grave the people. Mr. Turnbull is at
present rusticating at Farquhar.
DELINQUENT SliescEISElta.-The Wel-
lington Telegraph recently spruced up
some of its delinquent eubacriiers by
bringing them before the judge of
the Division Court, and we copy its re-
marks anent the case. "In one of the
defended suits brought by the proprietor
of this paper against one in arrears for
subscription, the defendant claimed that
he had not subscribed to him for the
Telegraph. He had paid Mr. Nowhere/
one doijlar to January; 1874, after which
time he did not subscribe. The paper
came along, however, and he took some
nut of the post-ofhcr. He afterwards
moved his residence, and for over two
years had not received it. The judge
ruled that he was liable for the amount
of $1.50 per year, it not being paid in
advance, and gars judgment according-
ly. His Honor said the law was very
plain on the point."
Sr PETEtt'e R. C. Cac*(•w.-The
mosibarri at it Petit's Church nn
Sunday last, beth morning and evening,
were of • particularly interesting nature,
a number of visitors to the town taking
part, notably Mr. John Drumgole, of
London, and the Missws Tellier. in the 1
morning St Clair's Mau in 0 was sung ;
by the choir: fnllnwed by the Are Maria
in D fleet, at the nfemery, hy Mr. Drum -
gale. Th. heeut,fnl hymn, "There is a
Green Hill Far Away," by Gnanmi, was
also rendered most pleasingly. In the '
evening the "Ave Maria" and "Ave
Varum ' were mart fittingly sung by Mr. in the Iorrice of song tier-
ing the day Mr. J Rnhineen espetaent-
ed the has.; the Mimes Tellier took the
alts parts; the soprano wee maintained
hy Mums Liaxie Doyle, Robinson, Ricl•
dulph and Fns; with Mr. M. Ferguson
as tenor Mies Annie Doyle, the nrran-
ist, alert rnntrihnted to the harmony
"This plea for sale" is the way as Au-
burn ntan puts it.
R ve.Culin Fletcher will preach in
Knox Church un Sunday.
Rev. J. J. Shea, of Seafurth, was in
towu on Thursday, and called upon us.
Mr. James Sharpe, has purchased the
market fees until the let of April for
$205. The lowest offer was $75 -or,
rather, $10 a month.
Mrs. H. M. Tyler, child and nurse,
and sister,Miss Mary Howell, of Buffalo,
N. Y. grand -daughters of our genial
friend, John Morris, Esqr. of Morrtsdale
barn, are the guests of Mrs. Wm.
Mr. James Sharpe, the successful ap-
plicant fo: the position of market clerk,
has decided not to accept the position.
The attempt of the market committee to
bind him to enforce the market by-law
caused the trouble.
A blind man, owning a push cart, sell-
ing salve, and preaching Anglo-leraelism,
was in town during the week. Ills vis-
ion could not have been so bad, either,
fur he professed to see all the way clear
back to Abraham, and none of his listen-
ers were so acute of vision. His speech
made "dry cuts ;" possibly his salve
might stake cuts dry.
We have received a press badge and an
invitation to attend an international
band tournament to be held at Ingersoll,
,n Wednesday, 31st of August and
Thursday, 1st of September. $1,200
are offered in prizes, and the affair is
likely to be a treat success. The judges
are C. G. Conn, Elkhart, Ind., and W.
Carey, Kingston.
POET FRANK. -Our esteemed towns-
man, Mr. Joseph Williams, is Sone of the
gentlemen referred to in the following
sketch of the village of Port Frank,
written by a correspondent of the
Strathroy Age -Port Frank is a little
village situated on the Aux Stable river,
which flows within 500 yards of lake
Huron at this point and empties into the
lake a mile below this village. The vil-
lage is surrounded by immense hills of
drifting sand, and is somewhat difficult
to approach, but the tourist and excur-
sionist is amply repaid for his trouble by
the scene ,,resented to his view from the
river bank and from the unfinished ob-
servatory niore than 400 feet above the
lake. The village consists of a sawmill
owned by Messrs. Williams& Murray, a
store and a poet office, a hotel of which
Mr. J. B. Hazlewood is the affable and
obliging landlord, and the workshops,
fishing houses and residences of the boat
builders, tiahermen and mill hands, of
which the population consists and un-
der the intelligent and far-seeing admin-
istration of the worthy Mayor, Mr. John
Bell, they form au industrious and
peaceful community. A salt well is
about to be put down by Messrs. Wil-
liams S Murray, the Canada Com-
pany having given a bonus of $2,000
towards the enterprise. The prospects
are very favorable to a profitable re-
sult, and drilling will be commenced
this month.
Preparing to Revolve 1M ■Ia/Mer of rub-
ble Worts.
Aug. 12, 1891.
A special meeting of the Town Council
was held this evening. Present -His
Worship the Mayor in the chair, the
Reeve and 1st and 2nd Deputy, and
councillors Camen,n, Campion, Dancey,
Dunalord, Humber, Lee, Swanson and
The Mayor stated the object for which
he had called the meeting, -viz, to ar-
range for meeting the Hou. Minister of
Public Woltz'.
Moved Dancey, seconded by Hut-
chison, that the Mayor name a commit-
tee to prepare a suitable address, to be
presented to the Minister of Puolie
Works on his arrival at Ooderich. Car-
The Mayor named Johnston, Camp-
bell, Campion, Dutlaford and Will-
Moved by Johnston, seconded by
Humberethat Cameron, Dancey, Lee,
and Swanson be a committee to secure
carriages and boat. Carried
It was znoved by Williams, seconded
by Dunsford. that there be added to the
first named committee the names of
Hutchison, Dancey, Humber and Lee,
for the purpose of laying before the
Minister of Public Works information
respecting the improvements to the
harbor, which are considered necessary.
It was moved by Campbell, seconded
by Johnston, that the clerk notify the G.
T. R. authorities of the proposed visit of
the Minister of Public Works, and sug-
gesting the advisability 'of thea :sending
some one to co-operate with the council
in its efforts to secure the necessary
dredging of the harbor. Carried.
The council then adjourned.
Manse news.
Friday.-Schr. Admiral, Sarnia, light
-str. Manitoba, Duluth; prop. Joseph-
ine Kidd, Southampton; light.
Saturday.-Str. Manitoba, Barn,
ppssuueengers and freight; seltr. Jennie
Rumball; Providence Bay, lumber for
Secord and Cozzens; Huron, Byng Inlet
lumber for Secord & Cozzens; James
Scott, Port Burwell, light.
Sunday. - Prop. Saginaw Valley,
ppaasss.enngers and freight, Duluth; Behr.
Todman, Spanigh River, lumber for
Williams tt Murray.
Monday. -Schr. Jane MacLeod; Mich-
aels Bay, lumber, for Second & Cozzens;
achr. Ontario, Byng Inlet, lumber for
Williams &-Murray: steam barge Van-
derbilt, Chatham, oil; ochre Tecumsetb,
Sarni., light; Gold Hunter, Bruce
Mines, ties.
Wednesday. -Prop. Ontario, Sarnia,
passengers and freight-schr. Everleigh,
Cleveland, 300 tohs of coal for Ogilvie &
Hutchison -J. 0. Kolfage, Sarnia, light.
Thersday.-Prop. Saginaw Valley,
Cleveland, passengers and freight.
Rut■I Candidate% Friday.-Str. Manitoba, Sarnia, pas-
-- sengers and freight.
Saturday. -Str. Manitoba, Duluth,
passengers & freight
Sunday. - Prop. Saginaw Valley,
Cleveland, passengers and freight; Prop.
Ontario, Sarnia, passengers and freight;
schr. Admiral,' Sarnia, salt.
Monday. -Schr. Todnan, Georgian
Bay, light: Jenny Runiball, Michael's
Bay, light, James Scott, Port Burwell,
Tuesday. -Steam barge Vanderbilt,
Owen Bound, salt; schr. Huron, Georgi-
an Ba.y, light; Ontario, Byng Inlet,
Wednee ray. -Prop. Ontario, Duluth;
schr. Gold Hunter, Bruce Mines, light.
Thursday. -.Jane McLeod, Port Al-
bert, light, to load tan bark for Detroit;
Prop. Saginaw Valley, Bay City, passen-
gers and freight.
4)1 the candidates who wrote at Gode-
rich at the recent Second Class and In-
termediate examination, the following
have been successful:
William L -ng. James McDonald, Ed -
ward J. B. Duncan.
Robert Hagen, Noble Kee, Marshal Mil-
ler, William McIntosh, Abraham Cow-
herd, William H. Johnston, William
Knight, Addie Jenkins, Janet Hislop.
Arthur Crauweller, Agnes Henderson,
Henrietta Reinhart.
The above names do not appear in
order of merit. •
i With the exception of W. H. John-
ston. and W. Knight, all of the fore-
going were pupils of the Goderich High
School, and the former of these was a
former pupil and received his special
training in the school.
We are requested by the Head Master
to state that the certificates and marks
hare come t•o hand and will he furnished
on application to those who have not
already reoeived them.
If any candidates wish tp appeal they
must do so before to 15th of September,
sending 82, and stating the grounds of
Fall anew..
IProvincial. Exhibition. Lond- n, Sep-
te:neer 21.
South Hur o:: Agricultural flociety,
Exeter, (,teen 3. o
Ess: Wawanosh, Bslgrave, October
' 11.
Morris Br inch Agricultural Socieiy,
iln;()Tonto industrial Exhibition. Tom
onto. frntn 6th to 17th September.
Tuckora:nith Agricultural 5 ooiety,
Seeforth. Septemlar 15.
Hallett Branch .kgricultural Society,
Clinton. September 20.
Kinloo. Branch Agricultural Fall
Show at Lucknow on 2Lt and 22nd
A tramp with his arm in a ding cal-
led on Gtllsnooley for a quarter. alleging
that kis arm had hien injured in the
recent railroad accident near Prescott.
"But yesterday yen had the ether arm
it a aline repheti Gilh'.nley "Well,
sapp'rin' i had D n•t von thin, a fel.
let's arm get. tired of being tied up all
day) Resides, 1 re got e'nenssiepn of tan
besin and can't remember half the time
which arm was broken.
The death of the Hon. Harcourt Bur -
land Bull, of Hamilton, which occurred
at four o'clock en Friday afternoon at
his residence in that city, was entirely
unexpected. The deceased Senstnr had
hien in rather poor health for several
years, and of late suffered much from
the heat of the weather, but there wsa
nothing in his condition to cause an
fear of so sudden a demise. Mr. Bull
was a native of Ireland, and coming to
Canada in early life his eoetgy brought
him into such prominence that he was
elected for Wentworth to the Legislative
Couneil of Old Canada in 1864. On the
arrangement of Senatorial appointments
at the tease of Confederation, he was one
of the few Legislative Councillors left
out of the Upper Chamber hut in March,
187!), on the oleath sof Hon. Donald Mo-
♦he was at. winated W She filgaaba
as the member for Burlington. Tn prat-
oTtics he was a Conservative. Besides
filling a mention in the Council of tie
nation, Mr Bull book an active and pro-
minent part in public affairs 1.1 miner
importance. He hell a seat for some
time in the Hamilton Cityy ('rencil was
Major of cavalry in the Hamiltns Vol-
unteer Force, ant an oofbcs r high In
position in the Maeoonic fraternity He
leaves a widow anti tw,t sons to mount
his cnmpsratively early death. for he
was only 57 years of ate.
The village of Florence was throws
into great excitement a few days aeeo ley
the report. that Dr. McDerniud and
family had been is i.-.nel Dr. Davuna
was Omni fOil mly enmmnnal, and under
his care the sufferers are reenvetia•.
Canned ai.lmnn Is supposed M hare boss
the cause of the trouble.