HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-08-20, Page 6raii4pliU444).14. POST, Vat113.$)0143., is ARIO
4,11'(N$`1 1101,111
I vr key, Spare Ribs and (fade' Kraut, t is!! anti Calpa
(Intended .for laat week)
Singer Anne Murray and singer-composer Gene McLellan,
aegulars on C3C-TV's SINGALONG JUBILEE, are also heard
regularly en DSC. Battle, Anne avid be seen this fall tin, a
CBC-TY special with gene as her Special dOett.
11. Will. soon Ite raliatime and, f
trust our Fair Officials ;Lae fully
rested ante, tweney-five year-, of
real, and sleep 000 can get le
work and pat Brusaels l" air where
it. belongs. The day is over when
people go to aeo a Bull and a Boar..
We have a farming commtipity
second to none in Ontario and
the poorest. fair in coraparisan.
More people should come to an
old maid's jubilee or a quilting
bee, and the public has a good
reason to ask why. Here are a few
suggestions Which.. will never be
followed. Pirat,I would send Jim-
my Garniss • and his horse. to a
couple of towns each Friday and
Saturday. Have a sign with your
fair date. He should have been La
Eineardine Old Boys. Ivan Camp-
bell with his buggy • and ponies.
would be okay, brut by the time
l3etty feeds the .atoek„ cleans out
the stables and gets slid big lout
up for breakfast the poor Girl ine;
enough to do. A typical exlmple
of beauty and the 'beast, Get :a..
streamer 'at the entrance of our
village or ,.at Jamestown .or.
Walton or both, The 'billing needs .
some cliangea. iGive a. dollar
bill to the high school. student
Who Come up With the best idea.
Pitt Campbel and. Fran.kie Thomp-
son • mt the road putting • up a
noticeable bill. They must have
their pin money all spent by now
from the Old Boys reunion. Put
Garaiss and. horse. to Listowel
Pair, and. all previous 'celebra-
tions. Tf not Garniss, there must
be other nice outfits available.
Get a flat truck" hi centre fiela,
back of the • machinery.. and • .p.ut
on step dancing. contest, fiddling
contests. give prizes for' the kids
with. the 'mast freckles, the best
marble shots. pie . eating, nail
driving, for the ladies husband
etc. Total cost R50.00 I
myself will st-iva. ten dollars to the
tallest tale told by •the biggest
liar. This will be a close .contest
between Bid Bell and. Lenny
Lamella both. professionals. I
aheard Bell with my own. ears tell.
oboe./ kneekina a baseball into
the Wrm.eter dam from Brussels.
he' had. sold into the river at
Jamestown, far the sake or a life-
time friendship 'I would have
tried to bellave it. 'but when it
amps to ,'lea miles • I doubt, the
a-era:day of -back statement, Then
would have a. prize tor clowns.,
have raiite. a number. ',,Taala
Arealie Wiff \Vat-
wif;!-•:, IL Ratletiae and the entire
Town taaancil. How about a
waakather.. They are spotsoaedi
:ate but r uereonally
Of ('nurse the
attaakly obeyed, The
itteattl have to in-
,.,an, 'Preach 'Fra.ckwell a
,a. Ned Rutledge,
aaataaer. Glenn Somers, Bill
Fred Stephenson, Ted .
Frank Thompson, and
va too itemerous to mention. ri
muat walk a mile before
any eollection paid. They would
be dropped ten miles din: west of.
oderieh, by Helicopter. Around
each man's neck would be sectia-
ely fastened an old fashioned cook
stove and oats • yard of tailrond
laon't forget to. pottonite
fait acid every Sunday take Di the
cosr ENCHIIYG. •
With Modern Equipment
Phone 356-2721
Paradise. Park \Val ton, SUMMER RECREATION
$ Always stay with young child-
ren playing near the water and be
sure pools and ponds they are
using are guarded.
'frailer tires generally need
different, air presaare than car
tires. Improperly inflated trailer
tires can cause high-speed trailer,
sway, fishtailing anti even jack-
* Children should not only Wear
life:idea:as in bouts 'but should he
taught hew to float in them be
fore they go boating:
Keep. 'insecticides and, disin-
fectants out of the reach of child•
rep. at the cottage, preferably
under lock and key but at least
out of range of 'small grasping
* Beare diving, always check
the water depth and make sure
there are no druigeroua under
water obstructions.
Prevent over-the-side boating
accidents by reanaining seated
when the boat is in motion or
when starting up an outboard
whose tiller should always be in
the fore and aft position when
starting up.
Cottages with electricity sel-
dom have the load capacity of
houses. VacatiOnera should avoid
overloading circuits and Should
check connections to prevent
Safety Canada,
Ln tattered old slippers that are toasted with heat,
And a rugged old jacket makes my uniform complete
Away from the woald and its toils and its cares
I've a snug little cabin without any Stairs.
You may think „I'm lonesome but lan not, to be sure
For the neighboura are friendly and the air fresh and
I enjoy very much the children at play
Por the ball park is only a Stone throw away.,
1 do nothing all dna but just while away the hours
With the. birds, boos, flies and sweet fragrant flOWere.
There is nothing in life to make me worry or fret,
For nature is my teacher and I live nature you bet,
Now we all have pictures that hang On memory's wall
So pictures of youth and the aged we often recall
And also 01: pictures no artist. can paint
Pictures of wisdom and folly and folks who are quaint.
Now we are on this earth to work and to play
But we are sure to depart is what all the folks awe
Now let us all be happy leaving nothing behind
But loving Hubby and Wife and all of mankind I l I
The above poem waa eotaposed by b'2 yea.). old Mr,
Ben Pollard of 1'n ha City, California, He is a farmer
resident or Ethel. Ontario, ',tad a brother Of Fed, Pollard of lltuesele This iS his way of living,
* * *
alias Valerie Moyer, Tillbury,
was a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence BitalOar for a
week. "
Ilcv. ana Mits. A. Maiatthern.
and family, Guelph were SUnaay
visitors with Mt. and Mrs. James
agt. E. of Quebec has-
lea n a visitor with his mother, •
Mrs. Layton SMith.
Miss Sharon Carey, Edmonton,
Alta., was a recent visitor with
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stephenson.
Recent guests with Mr. and
Mrs, D. WardlaW were MiSs Mar-
lene Inglis of Behaore and Mr.
Grant Gray, Dunville, also Mr.
and Mrs. S. Henry and Bruce of
air. and Mrs. Edward Marrow
were Saturday visitors at Thames-
ford and Mitchell,
Jeffrey Hiemstra, young son of
Mr. and airs. Frank Fliemstate,
Who was in. the Madam's
Memorial Hospital, London, for
several daya has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bremner and
Doris were Sunday visitors with
Rev.' Stanley McDonald of. Bonaes-
Ethel members of the Pearson
faintly attended the Pearson
reunion a.t the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Pearson, Brussels.
Scienee has been taking great
strides forward. Now it's only 50
years behind the comic books.
Truthfully Yours
T. Ki. Te.
•P:S.: My hat is off to two
young teen age girls who deserve
honorable mention, Here is the
story. Last week one morning an
°::i Man arrived in our village. No
One knows, no one cares where he
came from. latingra, tired, he went
to sleep for two nights on, one of
our church lawns. Not one organ.
not one cbriatian, not one'
society went near him, Pauline
alcOateheOn awl Carol Saavis saw
him. They brought him something
to oat and a blanket. Real good,
samaratins, and girls, you min be
happy in the thought the good
Lord will bless :You.
Don't wear snuglasses when:
driving; after dusk, warns ON1.13.
Tinted 'glasses which cut down.
glare itt daylight, reduee wisibil tar
after sundown. Whether :or..not
you 'see traffic .signals and road
signs .cle•arly may mean the dif-
ference between life and. death.
"Pardon me sir." said the wait-
er ati he picked up. the check and
money, "ant this doesn't anelu.de
anything for the waiter."
"I didn't eat one did I?" said
the professor, glancing up aront
his book.