The Brussels Post, 1970-08-20, Page 1its
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$2.50 A Yeae In Advance — $3.50 T.O U.S.A. B13ugssra5 VOSN', i.aturts'iyky,. AUGUST' 20th, 1970 POST PUBLIMING HOUSE
CRAP/BROOK JOHN MENAmy. • ns_n: ALEC COLEMAN. Brussels Agricultura Society
Alec Coleman, a long-time Field Crop Competitions
view on Friday, August 14th in resideiit of this village Missed Results In Barley
his 94th Year,
away in Elmira on' Saturday; Clifford Bray
tewart Procter S
Forty-four W.I. memben and.
August 15th, in his 72nd year': 98 visitors enjoyed a picnic on ths,
He was predeceased by his wife, A. native of England, he' w'as Donald McDonald 52 spaciong lawn of Mrs. Leona Arm-
born at Market flarborough, Wm. eciultes 91' strong. A short business period the -former Kathleen Lamont.
He is survived by two sons, LeicesierShire, Ife carne to Cain Graelne Craig
90 was conducted by the presidents
Alfred of Oregon City, Oregon ads, and Brussels in 1919. He Wall jack iNffideler 89 Mrs. Alberta Smith and the sec.
Baker, Brnspels, enjoyed a week
Ai Point Clark. , '- ' .4 deceased him on Dee. 1.5th, 1967,
and Wesley of . Sweetholm, Ore-
gon; One son, Clarence pre-
and operated. that business for
for some time an interior decor=
Lttor, latok he opened a restaurant
Leslie Knight
Jack Knight 87
Gerald Smith
—, OO
, 86
gressing well and members were
retary, Mrs. Marie McCutcheon.
The Cook Book Project is pro-
Some years. He was Clerk of the Harvey' Craig asked to he prepared to sell same, Mr, and Mrs, john, Bona, Stays- Also surviving is one sister, 11-It•s,
Division Court, from which office Robt. !G'rasbY
85 ranbrook W. I. have invitee( Or, were, ,Week,:end visitors with W, C. (Minnie) IlIcEaChern inci
he retired earlier this Year. He Jim Knight
84 M
ajestic Institute to attend Mr, and Mrs. Douglas, ;FUMY iiicl two grandchildren. Three hi others
Snsan. and two Sisters. was a member of St. John's Norman Hoover 83 their Tuesday, September • 10t,.
. . Anglican Church. Martin Baal'
82 meeting at 8:30 p.m. Mrs, George Former residents milling in the . 81
Funeral service Wati held .from His liife, the fornier .Annie Reiss, F.W.I.O, board member Doug Fra S er area on Monday included Lorne the M. L. Watts Funeral Heine, 80 Will be the guest speaker. The
Payne, and one son, Kenneth, pre- Jack Cardiff Cameron, London, who is visiting bother Maurice and Mrs. Brussels on Monday, August 17th deceased hini.. Murray Cardiff
79 Pratt Fair exhibit, open. to any or-
his at 2 p.111 . conducts.; by the Rev. ganization is a "Thanksgiving He is survived by three sons, Cameron and Miss Ross Higgins Jean Cameron C. A. illcCisrroll, William A. of Wawa, Out., Donald 78.5 table setting" consisting of not R. N. Kitchener and hrOther Jack. Clayton Fraser
Pallbearers 78 more than seven articles or *less.
were - -GXaeine C. Of Elmira and Jack A. of Kill- Glenn Coulter Elmira. 77 '17lie leaders for the courseIlIncDonsild, Kenneth MacDonad, aloe; Bob Manias` 76 • Mr, and MrS. Winston MC- ROSS Engel, Maurice Cameron, Funeral service was held at 2 Clarence McCiitclieon "Focus on Fitness'' are Mrs.
Eachern, Galt, spent the week-74 Clarence Bishop and mrs, Elinor Alvin McLellan and Glenn P.m., Tuesday from the M. L. Jacob Muilwyk end With Mr, and"Mrs.-Wes Mc r,
and attended the ,funeral Huether. *Burial was in Brussels Ceme. conducted by the Rev. T. K.:
Watts Funeral Home, Brussels, 3-Way Mixed Grain Ressilts , , 6:5 Hemingway,
Members are asked to- sell tide Charles Bray of their uncle, the late John tory. Hawthorne. Burial 'was in Brus. its on the quilt which will be on Norman. Hoover sets Cernetery. Clayton. Fraser 91 display at the Brussels Fall Fair. Menarey, at Brussels on Monday.
08 Mr. and Mrs. 'Glordon Engel Pallbearers wore George David— Clifford Bray Games and contests and races 92 and family visited Mr, and IVirs. - DONALD' M. MARTIN son, Gerald Gibson, Win. Stephen- were conducted by Mrs. RubyGerald Smith Fro.nic Smith of Baden at their son, Cordon Stephenson, Ray Donsla McDonald
91 Steiss, Mrs. Marie Davis, Mrs,
Doug Fraser :87 88 Alberta Smith, Mrs, Leona Arra. cottage in Orangeville on Sunday.
Donald M. Martin on Brussels, Bronson arid Ned Rutledge,
formerly of Kitchener, died Sun-, Fred Snialldon spent Saturday
Murray Hoover 86 strong and Mrs, Eleanor Riming-
da.y, August 16th, at Victoria withssMr. and Mrs. Bill Arnistrong, Clarence 1),Icenteheon way, Their was lots of fun :and COUPLE HONORED 84 Hospital, London. He was 44 hitless and the winners were Fergus, and took in the Highland Tom Williamson • 81 Games. years of age. ON 40th ANNIVERSARY giVen small gifts. Race for those
sans and Clarence Yuill
Roy Williamson 80 over six years was won by Brenda
Old. Friendships Renewed Born in moosejaw, Sask., he is. Mrs. Thomas Prescott 75
27-Way Mixed Grain Results McCatcheon and under 3 by the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pluto Rev, Edwin G. Nelson occupied of R R 3, :Brussels, were ha ppily
Martin of Kitchener. Rae Houston Christine Neltnag.
the pulpit in Knox Church on surprised when about 40 friends 89
Mr. Martin operated :Martin's Wilisun Tiirnbull A bountiful ''not luck" lunch
and nelntives gathered on. the 86 &Imlay, AuguSt 16th. Mrs. Nelson,
Salvage in Brussels and formerly John van Vliet 88 was served and everyone did
Dwight, Mark'' and. Cindy were occasion of. their 40th:wedding
Jan van :Vliet ample justice to this. operated a, transport for Dow anniversary,: 82 present and old friendships wers„
Wm. liewitt s. Armstrong Was thanked „Brewery Co. Ltd., in Kitchener.Si81 renewed. The 'NelSon family cic- A delicious buttett dinner was hospitality. by Mts.
Stanley Hopper 79
80 Cudmore,
for her
cupied the Manse here while mr. He was a Member of St. peter 's served, Wallaee Black
Nelson ministered to Cranbrook , Lit th er a ii :Church. John. BoneSObansker 78 and Ethel for four yeara, and now
ar e in Orangeville. The junior Surviving in addition to: his PEOPLE WE KNOW Ross Higgins 77 : GET YOUR FALL FAIR
choir under the leadershipsof Mrs, wife, the , former Edna. Schmidt MISS Martha Anderson of Tavi.
Laurie Black
Joe Black
75 PRIZE LIST NOW Stewart Steiss contributed a whom he married on April 29th,
stock is spending a Week with: Roy Williamson 74 number. 1950, axe one son, Stephen, and her aunt, Mrs. Bertlin Jermyn.r. Torn WilliaMson 73 , Now is the time to get you
one daughter, Linda, at home. Oslo
W. I, Family Night son, Randy, predeceased bun. ,Two John Cassidy, Montreal, is a Jack Higgins 72
1970 complete Brussels Agricul-
T he W: I. held a family night sisters, Mrs. Howard (Pauleen) visitor with ,his parents Mr. and, Judge: Wilfred Grant; PaisleY, tura' Fall Fair PriZe List and
at the Community Centre on Bost, Kitchener; and Mrs. Riley Mrs. P. Cassidy. look it over carefully and see the
Tuesday' evening August 11th. . (M a rjori el Ben ringer of St, Mrs. Mabel McMichael and :Mr. Ois
Edwin Martin, many classes, with good prizes,
under the eonvenershin of Mrs
and .A.Irs. Walter Crossinan of Brussels Agnicultural Society for both outdoor and indoor ex.
Catherines. '
jaines Hart, Mrs. Clem Sterner Detroit visited over the , weekend hibits, being Coffered this year,
and Mit, Wm. Bremner. Games, The body rested at the Rats-
contests a marshMallOW roast Bechtel Funeral Home after noon
for the yOunger folks and ' sing- Tuesday, rt'lle funeral service Was
song ' Protind an open: fire on the condiicted by Dr. A.1V. LOtS at
grofindS Made for an enjoyable 2 pnti. On Wednesday. Burial was
evening, All pantoOk of SMOrgas- . in St. Peter's cemetery, Kitchener.
beard style refreshments later
in the baseMent.
Mrs. Mae McIntosh, a charter AT HOME
member of re Cranbrook W. I., Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bann will who has moved to Listowel, was.. be at home to their friends, preSented with a W. I. cup and
Saucer by tilts. Leslie Knight On relatives and neighbours on
behalf of the members. Friday, August 28th, from 3
Mr. and M's, Dick Bradahaw
and family have returned front ail
enjoyable *three week motor trip
to the coast going through the
northern route and home by the
southern part.
Mrs. Lylle Gordon, Mrs. Emina
,§t, Tliortiain ,M,
iihiter; LiStoltiiel Miss Peai:1
John Mowry died in Huron.
to 5 p.m. end 7:30 to 10 p.m.
,N6 Service Until Sept. 6th 'This being the occasion of their
There will het no - .service 40th wedding anniversary. No
Knox Presbyterian Church wait gifts please.
Sunday, Septeniber 6th, when
Rev. C. A, Winn Wilt again occupy
the pulpit. at the initial Sluntilet Los Angeles has both the
time of 9:45 ami.: ]ledgers and the Angles. Con-
sidering the traffic out there, you
are, in fact, either one or the
Read the elasSified adO. Other,
with her brother, George and Sirs,
Belie and 'Mrs, DerOthy AlcCauley.
Visitor's at the home Of Mr. and
Mrs, D. A. 'Minn : were Barbara
and George Clarkson dnd family
of Montreal and Mrs. H. 13, .Allen
of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yolleek Mid
sons Stephen and Jeffrey with
Vlsrtdrs Elaine Michaels an-d
Julian Orson of London, England,
were week-end visitors in Brus-
SeAls rs. J, NV. Fischer and Mrs.
George Chidlow attended the
Golden Anniversary celebration
of their brother :Harold a rid Mrs.
Chapman held in Kitchener on
Spncln y, Also attending the
family gathering oti this Occasion
from this area were Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Fischer of Cranbrook, Mr,
and Mrs, Bernard Thomas of
Morris Township sod Mr, nnd
Mrs. It W. Kennedy.
Our thanks to the many who
haste so promptly renewed; their
subscription to the BrinSseils Post.
We appreciate your ce-operation
in keeping our mailing list up to (te
We regret that We can no
longer wait for payMent of sub-
scriptions that are three months
or more overdue.
If you have received notice of
same. your name will have to be
retrieved from the mailing list, to
coinply with postal regulations,
scrintions by eosin' authorities
unless paid without further delay.
We do not like having to do
this but the additional postage
required on these overdue sub•
are prohibitive, and lithke it
Make your plans now to enter
as Many classes as possible and
prove that the residents of this
community; both inen and Wonlpri,
are capable of showing prize7
winning exhibits equal, Or better,
than those of anyone. anywhere.
One special attraction to be pre-
Sented will be the appearance of
the Maitland Valley Saddle Club
in their version of a, musical ride.
A different midway than usual,
the Albion 11-Tidwcry, will be pre-
sent to provide fun and frolic.
A special donation will be a
trophy for Best. Showmanship in
4-IT Calf Club by Brime McCall of
Brussels Stockyards Ltd.
You can get ymir prize list from
the secretary-treasurer, Edwin
Martin or at the office of The
Brussels Post
Before long a. "dollar to a
donut" may be an even bet.