HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-12, Page 68 THE !HMO SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, i881. DOORS SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Interior FituA. STAIRS, HANDRAIL', NEWELS and BALUSTERS .. Specialty. Send for Price W Lats. SHINGLES, LATH & LUMBER. Estimates on alphas- FRANCIS AR's Address FR ANCISI SMEETH, 1 Godorich OUR TOWN FATHERS. tlhe Town's Repewswwtves is Selena Friday. August 5th. The regular meeting of the Town Council was held this evening. There were present - the ?bayou in the chair, the [{leve, and 1st and 'Ind De- puty, and eouncillors Cameron, Cam- pion. Dancey, Dunsford, Edwani, Hum- ber, McKenzie, Swanson and Williams. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. TREAsrnE;¢'. srATEMIiNT. The treasurer ;erector(' a statement of cash receipts and thithe •selnente show- ing Cash receive{... . $5.632.57 " paid out. 3,662.5e BaL in bank 861.53 Referred to Finance committee. ing a nalaucu ut $7,170, which is really Ail ;hat can be appropriated by the t', uueil to the various departments, works and murposes under its °wand. of this aup,uut under the dirpsal of the Coun- cil the Finance committee eetituates that there will be required for solarium $2,300; for public works, $1,000; for fire department, $1,000; for relief, $1,000; for sundries, which irrludes low in col- lection of taxes, 8,50; for watering streets, $32$; for interest, $200; for *itlu►d cemetery, $150; for Hortieul- suoiety, $100. Commit Chaanbernd office expenses, $100; band, $100; print- ing and advertising, 8100; and for mar- ket, $50. It is, perhaps needless to add that the strictest economy will be neces- sary in order that the expenditures of this year under the above heads will not exceed the estimates, That your committee would reooeu- nuw,d thet the oollectoi s roll be placed In the hands of the collector as soon as possible and that the collector be in- structed to proceed with the collection of the taxes forthwith. Respectfully submitted. CANAVIAN NUM. I TIM 11fL+D OVID. kG.bcrt Sunt, • laborer, was (eland It is rumored flat the Prince of Walt dead in Brampton, struck by 1,ghtutn6, i, has been advised not tergive dinners 00 likely, early on Saturday morning. His I board his yacht at Osborne, fur fear of time was perfectly bhe1., Aad his bout' j Feuian plots. burnt and L. t e off . A large ``,urtiuu of the Mysore ( India) Rev. el. 1:, .torte, D D., of Hamilton, , earls will be hast twines ram falls within and Rev. J. Ganliuer, D. C. L., of In- a week. \Pith -the exception of une gersoll, start a Thursday next for Low other prowiace the reports tram other don, England, as delegates from the M. parts of Iudia are good. E Ch soh in Canada to the Methodist Tbe Montreal Board of Trade asks for Ecaininiwl Conference. thee sesuuatderattvu of the ebuuxions John cunie was run over by sons Cedionis oath, on the ground that it lab • train on the G. T. R. track about a mile structs honest and conscientious men in east of Forest on Saturday utght, about theirusa utes twelve o'clock. His head and both legs ThilChimes. Jail is full et murderers were cut of and his body bruised and h parts scattered along for about • wile. A coroner's inquest was held to -day. Verdict accidental death by being run over by a train, while under the influ- ence of liquor. James Treinaine was arrested in Galt un Saturday and brought to Toronto for deserting his wife and five children. He pleaded not guilty and was remand - Wm. CAytrsaLL, chairman. ed until the 16th inst., bail being refuse Moved by Campbell, seconded by Ed- ed. The particulars of this esae are ward, that the Finance comwnttee s re- said to be very hard. it being mentioned pot be adopted. Carried by the prosecution in e'urt that Tr,. 'mine was living with another woman in Galt. The man is a freeholder, earning $2 a day, and his wife and children are living on the charity of neighbors, four of the children being sick at the present time. The Street Ius;,ecter presented a re - F[ rt which was referred to the Public ' `Yorke committee. .'u1tMt'N1. ATIONF. A couununiestiou was received from the market clerk, finally resigning his P(•BIJ(' WORK* COMMITTga a rt6PORT. The Public Work's committee presen- ted the following: That they would re- commend that the fence around the square be painted three coats light drab and sanded, the chains painted black. That the contract fur same be let by tender, and the work performed under direction of the Public Works commit- tee. CHAS A. Humane, chairman. The report was adopted. By law No 7, of 1881, entitled, "A office.By Lw to assess and levy the rum of \ communication was read froJ. D. $211,107.07, for munici and other pur- Brousseau, Mayor of the city of Quebec, pis,„ was then int uced, read a first in reference to the late fire in that city, and soliciting relief. It was moved. by Johnston, seconded by Campbell, that the communication of the Mayor of Quebec be received and filed -Carried. grunted to parties moving into town, un - A communication from P. Adantson-t lees by consent of the majority of the Esq., County clerk, informing the Couto' Relief committee -Carried. cil of the atneunr of the county rate, Tag COW QUESTION. VIZ., $1,863.22, was read and referred to Jloved by Dancey, seconded by Hum - the Finance committee. ler, that the amendment pawed the let AWAY or A Boo17s ARMY CaItA[tt.- Cteile Cook, who has been passing him- viewed by dozens of the curious." self as a captain in the army, has been just now, an t e Tribune su eats that they be marched out every to the suburbs, and made to pull Can this- tles for ten hours. A new meteor story eumes from 8pg' ld Obi call nn c o, were an wiw y brilliant meteorite fell on Tuesday morn - is at 4.30. A special telegraw thus tells the tale,- "The sound wade by the unlocked for visitant was really startling, and the light was so great that it was seen miles away by persons who were up at that early hour, among them S. 11. Jones, J. M. King. James Hamel - One hendrsd and fusty -eight deaths occurred in New York on Satunlayafter noon and Sunday morning. 10 silty onus death wy caused or hastened by the heat. An uld soldier named Cook was tined and compelled to pay costs at Bros us- villo, Ohio, for slapping a man who ex- pressed s wish that Garfield would die. A Cincinnati newspaper opened one -cent subscriptions to pay the tine and costa, which mounted to $32. In a few hours 8,000 pen.ns subscribed. This' leaves • balance of $48, which can be ' well used in paying for a slap and a -half wore at the issue rate. PINE STATIONERY! MOORHOUSE Has just opened out a Su,7d-la tidorieb, on Wednesday. Aug. 10, William Cleland Sneyd. aged t mouths and 17 days. Heads -1a Oederieit, on 'Wednesday, Aug. 10. Mn.. Emily Hands, aged IE years and umutba Marrs 1n Ooderich, on Friday, August Sth, Ann Harris, aged 56 years. )tacara - In Ooderich, on Thursday. August 411, ,.owrn, enee M. Macara. aged 12 )caand 4 m.nitha. Henry -la Ooderich, on Thursday, August Nh, Charier Henry, sun of ltubt. Henry. Esq.. St. Loy a. agrd 9 years. 'Watson- In Gderich, on Thursday. August 11. James \l'atson, aged seventy years. gesser and wife, end Squire Blow. The housemen Markets. meteor struck ui a pile of dry bruah, - which (vas instantly in flames, burning GoonM10D. August 11th,1IS1. w ashes. At 11 a. m., S. H. Jones dug I Wb st i i Wail) el ............ 11 is st $1 10 in the spot and 10 inches below the sur- Flour, p barrel....:,..,,.,... . 50 lar 6 W' face came upon the stony substance Gats, v bush.................... 0 43 If 0 50 which was still too but to be touched. cern N nine. .'._... .....» 006:6 3► p u It is now in Mr. Jones's office, and is Barley. ti bust., ....., ....�l. .et 0 s0 Psxateee i bush tsewl....11..... u 5e vt 0 eu arrested in Quebec, for obtaining money Of the gentleman cricket player, who and other valuables under false preten- visited Canada and the United States w sea. He arrived here a short time ago 1872, Mr. R.A. Fitstrerald, It.A., the in company with a woman who passed captain, and Mr. Reims, the famous slow for his wife. He 'reneged te et in the bowler, are dead; Mr. Pickering died of confidence of some of the leading citi- apoplexy, and Mr. C. J. Ottaway, who rens, one of whom invited him to dine married a Hamilton, (nt., heist**, died suddenly from bunting • blood vessel Mr. G. F. Grace died suddenly last year' H. H. Stephenson, Carpenter, Hayward, Tinley, George Parr, Julius Cesar, T. Humphrey, Mortlock and many other were "bowled out" in their prime, and now the elder Home, who belonged to the Irish Gentleman team which visited the United States, in 1879, is gone, dying somewhat snddenly at Limerick on Tuesday. and second time, when Rule 31, was sus- and remain at his house. Cook purchas- pendd and the by-law read a third time ed various articles in town, which he had and passed. sent to him at his friends residence. It was moved by the Reeve, seconded Clothing from Morgan & Co., amount - by Dancer, that in future no relief be ing to $106; gun and ammunition from Shaw & Co., over $80. It being after bank hours, he requested Mr. Shaw to oblige him with $20 in cash, which he included in a cheque on the bank of Montreal. In the evening Shaw & Co., discovered that the cheque was value- less, and caused the arrest of Cook. Several Montreal pawn tickets were found upon him fur articles pledged in that city. High Constable Bissonette, of Montreal, and Lomas, of Sherbrooke, are in town with warrants for his arrest. The woman who accompanied him has disappeared. Arrasirmu SOICrna-About 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, as the steam ferry, boat Beckwith was creasing from Port made to the Horticultural Society -Car- to renewal by Public Works ceuunittee, Huruu to Sarnia, and when about two A communication from P. -Adamson, Esq., secretary of the High School Board of ,Trustees, requesting a grant of 11,750, was read and referred toffinance committee. of Noe., 1880, to By-law o. 5, of 1872, be rescinded, and that a by-law be now introduced to that effect. Yea -Camp- bell, Dancey, Edward, Humber, Mc- Kenzie and Swanson --0. Nay -the PETITIOsaa. Mayor, Johnston, Hutchison, Cameron, A petition was presentedfrom the Campion, Dunnsford and Williams -7. Horticultural Society, asking for a grant The motion was declared lost. of $100. Moved by McKenzie, seconded by Moved by Hunieer, seeonde b John- Campbell, that the watering the streets ston, that the usual grant of $100 be be discontinued fur the present, subject ried. when they see tit' -Carried. ,hundred yards from the Canadian aids A petition was presented from Mrs Moved by Dancey, seconded by Mc -of the river, a woman, who was sitting Bums, asking that the Council purchase I Kenzie, that permission be granted to in the cabin, rose up and walked to the her house and lot. Moved by Humber, seconded by Johnston, that the petition of Mrs. Bums be referred to the Relief 000mit- tee-Carried. A petition was, presented from Joseph writs to parties in that line of business- Kidd, usinessKidd, asking for the opethutof South in reference to the construction of water street to the south boundary. Referred works -Carried. to Public Works cummittee. Petitions were presented from the Johnston, that a two weeks' leave be, put a pump 10 the tank opposite the I gangway, stepped ever the guard chain Guderich foundry during the pleasure of land juniped into the river. Captain the Council -Carried. Smith, who was in charge Of the boat, Moved by Catueron, seconded by chanced to be standing by the gangway Campion, that the clerk be instructed to and made an effort to catch the woman as she went overboard, but failed. A loud cry was at once raised on board the ferry boat, which put about to rescue her, but some men of the crew of the schooner Nan Vackenburg, lying at anchor just below, lowered a yawl, &c., and seized her as she was drifting past, and placed her again aboard the ferry. As soon as the Beckwith reached the dock here Captains Smith. notified the Chief Constable; who took her in charge. She proved to be a Mrs. Cope, now re- eron, that the several applications for -Campbell, Hutchison, Dancey, Hum- siding at Port Huron, but lately a real - appointment of caretaker of Maitland ber, McKenzie. Swanson and Williams dent of Sarnia, having Lived during last cemetery be referred to the Cemetery -7. .Lust. winter as help with Mrs. Meyers, on committee, with instructions to make Dancey gave notice that he would .Christina street. She was removed to again move to rescind a part .;f by-law i Mr. Meyer's house for the purpose of re - No. 5, 1872, as amended by by-law No. I ceiving proper attention, and was after - 7, of 1880. wards placed by the Chief Constable in Moved by Campbell, seconded by charge of Governor Allen. Mrs. Cope, Hutchison, that the clerk be instructed it appear, has been for some tine an in- to communicate with the Minister of mate.of the Lunatic Asylum, from which Public Works at Ottawa in reference to the bar at the entrance to the harbor - be granted, provided, that the use of Carried. ,rounds and shed as risked fur does not Meve.l by Humber, seconded by Ed - interfere with the use of the sante by ward, that the clerk be instructed to the Horticultural Society --Carried. write to parties proposing to establish A number of accounts were presented manufactures of any kind. with the pur- :tnd referred t(• Finance committee. pose in view of interesting them. in this Moved by Campion, seconded by following persons, soliciting the appoint- ment of caretaker of Maitland Ceme- tery :-H. D. Thomas, Robt. Gordon, Andrew Stiven, \\-in.. Elliott, Thomas Huckstep Gabriel Elliott,- Jonathan Wilson, Wm. Murray. Moved by Campion,seconded by Cam - granted constable Sturdy -Carried. Moved by Campion, secnnded by Cameron, that for a month a second night watchman be appointed, whose heat shall be ori West street, from the Square to the dock. Yea -Johnston; Campion, Edward. Dunnsford-4. Nay enquiry and report -Carried. A petition was presented on behalf of Prof. Fetzer's band, asking for the use of' Horticultural Grounds. and, if the weather is unfavorable. of the Drill. shed, for a band tournament. Moved by Johnst,n. seconded by Swanson, that the prayer of the petition MARKET t0MMSrTEE•s'REPORT. - torfn. The Market committee presented the Moved by Camppion, seconded by followi re rt: -The Market commit- Humber, that the Relief committee be tee begs to report :1.) That the late las- � i�niuc ad to consider the cane of Mrs. see Mr. D. Patton finally decided not to On motion the council adjourned. retain the market any longer, adher- I I ing to the resignation he in put at last meeting of Council. 2. )That consider- Oolteras. ing it about time to resell,the committee -- appointed Mr. Magnus Swanson clerk temporarily, he to haves the fees for hisservices. FRED.JO . W. R\YTON, Chair- man. Moved by Campbell seconded by Humber, that the fees of the Market be let by tender, under the direction of the Market committee, as soon as possible, and until the first of April next. Car- ried. FINAN,'E t'oMMI'1''ZE'S REPORT. The Finance committee presented the following: - 1. That the following accounts be aid: --.John Hillier, relief, $1,25; J. A. paid:--John $1,25 E. Graham, $2,50; i►. Ferguson, $14,48; E. Hooker, $2. 2. That they would respectfully sub - suit to the Council the financial esti- mutates for the present year: They have had a by-law prepared fixing the rate for all purpose. at 11 cents en the dollar. The committee desired to make it If cents, but found that the expenditure of last year exceeded the revenue nearly $1,000, ami that the clerk had to be paid for this year, and that there is one mere municipal debenture to he provid- ed for than there was last year, the committee has concluded that 1,1 cents is as low as it is safe to make the rate for the present year. it will be observ- ed that the Council can control he than one-third of its revenue. The schools take $6,450, to which nay be added the amount of the High School debentures, Bunking fund and interest, $8f10, thus mak:rng a total sum which must he pro- v,ded for schnc,l purposes for the current year of $7,340, aid then to this amount the county rate. $1.463 72. the mnnici- pal loan fund .o-}rntnree..nompal and interest, payable this year, *nI,-at2 The Park debentures, sinking fend and in- terest, $t40, the town clock, purchased by the Council of lad year, $1,150, the deficiency of last rear, sav P1.000, and the coot of the municipal elections, $00, .old we tare a total ef 1(10.436.12. lea* Rev. Geo. Crow, Presbyterian mini- ster at Hillsdale, County of Simcoe, accompanied by his wife, is on a visit to his ceuain, Dfn. Geo. Morris. The Municipal Council oi Colborne met on the 25th July 1881. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and amended by appointing Michael Halley as pound keeper. The minutes were then signed by th_ Reeve. The Council then examined the snow fence acs and ordered the clerk is notify the following parise to alter or remove their fence border..ti on the public highway so as to pprevent ati accumulation of snow during the winter season viz: -H. Y. Attrill, Joseph Morris. A. Smith, A. Touchborne, Robert Quaid. David Law- son, Jas Tulin, Wm. Clutton, Edwin Auburn, J. J. Linklater, .1. 1. Horton, J. .1. Wright, Matthew Foley, David Henderson, J. tNafthal , Samuel (,.infield Jas Kirpstrick, A. Bogie, Thos. Nort'ow, John Strong. F. Graham, J. T ling, J, A. Meiknnagb, J. Precious, O. Jones, Wm. Clark, 0. Young. R. KirkpatriClt-; las. McDonagh, Thos. Mitchell, Wm. Long, Samuel Hart, Jas. Jenkins. Chas, Church D. Fisher, John Fisher, and Isaac cher. The Council then ad• journed to meet again on Fndey the 26th August, 1 o clock p.m.. The trustees of the different 8. Sections are requested to immediately notify the clerk of the amount they require for sch..d par. poses All the works at Providence R. 1, he- longing to the Sprague estate have been closed indefinitely by order of tremor Chaffee This thin 'ws nun of eutpiiytaest 0,000 men, besides women send children. The csuse of the olnaitl{g is the result of the antwipsto.d removal of Chaffee as Treasurer ofhhe trnidniok Onmpany by the Sprague family and an injunction of the ('cart restraining him from using the funds of the C mpany for running ex- pellees Danger thickens around the Czar, and his life is not worth one year's purchase unless he makes substantial concessions to the deutanda of the populance. No such stupendous and silent working con- spiracy has been known in the world's history before. Never before did high- born ladies dig mines for the purpose of killing him whom they could not stake listen to the voice of his people. Plot succeeds plot, warning succeeds warn ing, arrest succeeds arrest, yet the breach in the ranks is always tilled by new volunteers Thousands cruse the steeppe to the mines, yet there is never lacking a volunteer to earn promotion to SiberiaIthe Walhalla of Russian patrio- tism. t is quite evident that the Ni- hilists are awaiting the Czar's coronation speech before attempting hiadestruction. In the meantime they are impressing him with a sense of his danger. Hatter, u a.. .................... 0 17 N 0 18 t. dos. tsapsehedl........ 0 19 ,4 0 11 0 11 • 0 121 Shorts. M ulet................ 0 75 w 0 75 Bran. V cwt .... . ... .. 060 060 A correspondent of thh Public Ledger; Philadelphia, attributes the first issue of postage stamps toJohn LorimerGraham, Postmaster in New York in1842. These stamps were, he says, about the size of the stamp now in use, bore the head of Washington, and were of the value of three cents. The Postmasters of St. Louis, Baltimore, Alexandria, Va., New Haven; Providence , R, 1., and Brattle- boro, Vt., followed, about in the order named, in 1845-1846. According, how- ever, to the recollection of an old em- ployee of the New York Post Office, stamp» were b.nught into use first by Postmaster Morris, in 1847 or 1848. He issued stamps of his own at five and ten cents apiece, thine being then the current rates of postage: but postmasters throughout the country refusing to re she was only recentlydischarged, and it cognize them in 1851.an Act of Congress is supposed that she was in a state of was passed which led to the introduction mental aberration at the time of snaking of the rates and stamps now in use. the rash attempt. A sad Predicament. • The Prince of Wales is not the only ratan by a good deal, who cannot pay his ebto, but he is among the few who ask Parliament to pay his debts for them. When Lord Dufferin left Canada he was dreadfully behind, and the Government had to square up his te- ams with a number of creditors. If Wool SUPERIOR GRADE - ov- NOTE PAPERS tea ITH Ellvelopes to Matob In W the Shapes. These are the Nowsl, ios1- Goy; That can be heeaht saywbere. ••° 7D Prices Moderate 1 Wood... ......................». f 60 Y 75 Salt per karrel t W bulssaW ..... 0 IS M as . tuctioneering. JC. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S ADO - . TIONKER. Ouu erk;b, Ost Int. Mr. Mundella, M. P., lectured in on Ldon, the other day, on thrift. He was deeply impressed, from the exper- ience of a lifetime. with the value of thrift, both to personal and national d character.. If Englishmen were thrifty cv Lord Beaconsfield were alive and in pow- er, there would be very little trouble in the Prince of Wales getting all the mon- ey he needed from Parliament. But the Radical element is so strong in the present Administration, and so stoutly opposed to empyting money into the Prince of Wales' hat every time he pre- sents himself, that the chances are there will he no little difficulty in the first gentleman of England getting the wherewithal from Parliament to liqui- date his little bills He gets $200,000 a year from Parliament, and his wife gets $50,000, in addition to which his estates bring him in $255,000, and he has other hereditary revenues. Besides all this he has a special household provided for him, se indeed has each member of the royal faa,ily. It takes a score of officials with high-souuding titles to at- tend to him as the heir -apparent should be attended to, and a chamberlain, four ladies of the bed chamber, four bed chamber women, two extras and private secretary tor the Princess. The Prince of Wales is a sufferer largely by the meanness of his mother. as she will with none of her savings to relieve hie distresses. If Parliament will not oome his relief there will be nothing left for the people of England to do but pass round the slat and take up a subscrip- tion. - (Telegram. Dyspepsia cart readily be cured by tak- ing aca,rdmnt o drreetinns Dr. Cannon's Stomach and Comstipation Bitten. They greatlyaid the digestivepowers and poweand tone the wole system 1111 lop $ ea bottles at 60 cents For ode by Geo. Rhyne. special agent for Grelef sh. 4 rolhsion, by whie'1i Are people were killed. and much property dwtrayed, occurred yeeterday •m th. midway be- tween ie 4n•1nn and Manchester New Zealand s revenue 15 estimated their home trade would be prodigious, compared to what it is; the regularity of employment would be greatly increased, and the whole nation strengthened in its character and its ability to sustain st11 reverses. There was enormous national waste caused by intemperance. M. Gambetta had told a friend that his be- lief was that the strength of France was in a great measure due to the thrifty and industrious character of Finch women. No doubt, in many cases in France, thrift was carried to the extent of selfishness and miserly conduct, and often led to crime; and it was often found that grasping took the form of denying to parents and sick people the help they were entitled to. Every vir- tue could be carried to excess; but there was not much danger of Englishmen car- rying thrift too far -it was the weakest side in their character. ' Legal z. (`I ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - MISTERS, Attorney!, ,Solicitors. etc., Goderich. J. T. Grrow, R S. 'roudfoot. 1731. MeteenNgteal Report. State of the weather for the week red• ing August 9th. 1881. Aug. 3rd -Wind at 10 p, ns. South- east, light. hazy Thunder. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hour 232. Hottest day of the season, 92° in the shade at 1 p. m. Aug 4th -Wind at 10 p m. South, fresh, hazy. Nmswber ut guiles wind travelled in 24 hours 303. Aug 5th -Wind at 10 p. m. North• east sight, hazy. Number of miles wind teat -oiled in 24 hours 191. Aug. f'*Is -Wind at 10 p. m. North, fresh, cloudy Number of miles wind travelled in U hours 325. Began to rain ' at 7 a, m. vend at 11 s m. amount ' of rainfall A 0 feeble inches thunder and lightning. Velocity of wind from 7 a m to A a m 1111milee an honr Aug. 7th --Wind at 10 p m. North, light, clear Nnmhet 4 miles wind travelled in 24 hours 500. Aug 8th - W,nd at lO .. to. Bootht I fresh, cloudy Number of donee wind travelled in 24 hours 251. A ng. 9th- Wind at 10 p en (feud light, air dear Nnmber ni milE w(sti travelled in '24 hones 370. !Hee*wf at £3,297,051. and ex penditure 1:1.271:. i from 7 a. m until 9 a, m. amount of 191t The Legislature haspass.d a Bill rainfall 0 8 ruble inches impoeeing a poll tat of £10 ns Chinese 0 N Macte vena, obeseviir. in,mugrente t..dench. Aug. 10th. 1861 B. L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. t0., Goderioh, Oat. 1751. SEAGER & MORTON, BARRIS- TERS. &c.. &c., Ooderich and %Ingham. C. Seeger, Jr.. Guderich. J. A. Morton. R ham. 1761. SMALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND . Solicitor. Office-Cornerof Rest Street and Market Square, over Gorge Acheson's Ooderich. 1751. 10 CAMPION, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, TTORNEY - A T- �. LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- ancer. &c. Omoe over Skeppard's bootlaces. ooderich, Ont. Any &most of mono to loan at lowest rates of intarsst. 1731-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors la Chaasery, ac.. Ooderich and % ham. M. C. Cameron, Q. C.: P. Holt, M. G.Cameron, Q. Ooderich: W. E. Macara. W ingbam. 175L tebical. _ GIL McDONAGH, KD., PHYSIC - . IAN, SURGEON, &c.. Orsdtate of Tor- onto University, Licentiate of the Royal cot. lime of Physicians. London. England. Be.. to.. M. C. P. S., Ontario. Ounce and residence: tippestte sailers Hotel, Hamilton streeetu - e 30,000 ROLLS (iF WALL PIPII FROM 4c PER ROLL. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT • -OP.- . Flats Porta all Sails IN TRIP1.a ♦Nn QUADRI PLR PLAT& QUALITY GUARANTEED, TAR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- 'GIDON, Coroner, &c. Office and residence on Brum Street, second door west of Victoria -AT- Moorhouse's. MOOREOUSE Street. 1751. Would respectfully intimate to Lis numerous HG. ACKID, JL D., PHYSI- customers and Inc public generally that he M. clan, Surgeon and Accoucher• Graduate has just opened out a of Toronto University. O1Soeopposite Comer run & Cameron's Bank. Lucknuw. If not in once, enquire at the Bank. 1752-y. DRS. Physicians, Surgeons, Accouchers. &c. Oma at Jail. Godes TON. Fresh Stock SHANNON & HAMILTIIN, Dr. Shannon's residence, near the Of Paper Hangings comprising every ieh. O. C. `.lHA.YYOM. J. C. HAMIL- 1731 , Novelty in AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR to Dr. Duncani Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary College.. Office, subleased ragtime*. on Newgate Street. four doors east otColborne Hotel. N. B. -Hones examined *5 to sound- ness. 1731. Loans anb insurance. @500,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO Vt, CAMERON, HOLT & CAMIKRONN. Oode- rich. 1750. 275,000 TO LEND ON ell EALES- DOYLE, Ooderich T ATE. Terms favorable. Apply to17B.i1L. 50,000 PRIVATE FINDS TO LEND ��1IYY on good Farm or tire -dam Town Propeet� at s per cent. Apply to et. RADCLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN • ANY .0.L amount to snit borrowers at 6 to 61 per cent. Private funds. Apply to Samna and Moni'ott, Ooderich. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on first -dais Mortgagee. Apply 10 OARROW & PROUDFOOT. OOLD & BR' 1NZE P.tPERS. SAT( PAPERS, MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS. Dodos ---Decorations-- 'Borders suitable for DRAWING ROOM, DINING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, BED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE KITCHEN • any costa or charges. SEAGER -ALs..- LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to lend at lowest rates, free of All tliis Season's patterns in opposite Colborne Hotel. Ooderich. 23rd March 1881. 1779. 13 PER CENT. -THE CANADA Window Shades, Landed Credit Company Is prepared to , - lend money on rood Farm security, at six per cent. Full particulars given upon application to HUGH HAMILTOI• . C. L. anent Goderlcb. 1786. 420,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND tke on Farm and Town Property at lowest Is. tercet. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. Borrowers money In one day It cite 1s satU ,- niA Vi$ON a JO STON, Barristers. &c.. Qederlch. 1731 lel RADCLIFFE, nal, MARINE, IL. Lite and Accident inum'ance etepreseuttng fl st cisswCompants. Also rroomy,�- the Ca *na LITZ STOCK inet•sASCS (n.. oomy to lend ee Mortgage. either in Titers er FORM erop�y In way to suit the ��w g hymns-4np�talrs) Kai s block. Ootlir, • ihnivRANCE CARD. RRI1'LMIIi AK& CO'T. Towowto-E taytshed 11101 mu":tX jjNa ('O'Y, of I.oivnott IEngtand►- FwtatelshM 1752. H A MT )1114 tea CO' T. of Raarroes. Cosa. Piot ed 1115. RIME" takes In the shove eat-daceO5o•ea. at Me Inwood rates by RORACI HoturnN The neeerslrwr.4 Is also Apyratrr Mr the $ANAi,A PFR LOAN Awe SA ViNOSnenteen Money to Loan nn nr,.t.. iale security. from 1 7 to s per Cent. Choices moderate. AOR ACT RORTON Ooderich. SePt 10 11189 1791 Which will he tonne much superior to thing yet shown in this county. Paces voy oest. SFr A call solicited. No trouble to show pastures whether you buy or not. GROUSE, 1, 000 ENGLISH, FRENCH. GERMAN Alin] AMERICAN CHROMOS. STEEL ENGRAV1:Pfi8 AND LfTHct. GRAPHS are now ready for your Inapert,on at M[OORH-HOUSES. 01.1111,111111111.1,1t ,411.1.111.0•111.411,11.00111.111•1r