HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-07-30, Page 1• •• .$2,50 A Year In Advance — $3.50 TO U.S.A.' 'EI BRUSSELS POST, '.PTIU1ISDAY, JULY 30th ,1.370
. .
There will be no postal service
On Civic Holiday. The wickets
Will ho closed. Np men received
or dispatched. Also no mai mail
Mrs. Garry Cotyer, son Vince,
and daughter Leslie of Winnipeg
have beep holidaying with her
parents, ?Yin, and Mrs. Hugh
Johnston. Mr. Colyer arrived last
Friday and they all attended the
Fischer-Johnston wedding .Satur-
day in Duff's Church, Walton.
Girls attending Camp Menese-
tung, near Goderich, were, Debbie
and Janis van Vliet, Ruthie
Thamer, Joyce McCallum and
Nancy Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cooper of
Ottawa were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smalldon.
Ricki Taylor of Varna and
Danny Achilles of Walton spent
a few days last week holidaying
at the home of their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles
James Bosman, RR, 1, Walton,
has been successful in, obtaining
his inter , provincial .mechanics
Weekend visitors with Mrs,
Walter Broadfoot were Mrs. Ida
Ridell of Toronto, Earl McLeod
of Westminister, B.C., Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall of EXeter
and Mrs. Ivy Henderson of
Bill Shortreed spent a few days
over the weekend with. Mr. and
Mrs. 'Gordon Shortreed at Bay-
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Tiaekwell of
Dieter were Sunday visitors with
Aire. W. C. Hackwell,
Mrs. Wm. Simpson of Mitchell
is spending a few days this week
with her sister, Mrs. Edna. Leeni.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Liviegstori
and family of Preston are holiday-
ing With Mike Fraser.
Rev. and WS, D. Docken have
been spending the month of July
At their cottage near Meaford,
Church service will begin at
Duff's United Church, Walton on
Sunday, August 2.
Bruce Clark, London, spent the
weekend at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Clark.
Maitland Valley Saddle Club
To Perform At Kincardine
The Maitland Valley Saddle
Club. Gymkana and Horse, Show
presented. in Listowel was a eue-
cessful event on Sunday. A numb,
er of spectators from Brussels
attended. They will perform at
Kincardine Agricultural park at
2 p.m. this Sunday, They will also
appear at the. Brussels 'Fall Fair.
Win. Sinclair, Southfield, Mich.,
visited Lynn Evans and called on
former accinaintances in the cern-
Mr. and. Mrs, Tilroo Redden,
Cape Coral, Florida, visited the
Engel families,
A large crowd attended the
benefit dance in the Community
Centre Friday evening for Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Smith, Music was
supplied by the Ian Wilbee
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McIntosh and
family have Moved to their new
heine in Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Purdy
spent the Weekend with their
son Keith and Mrs, Purdy; Cooks-
town, Susan, who has been enjoy-
ing a two weeks vacation return-
ed borne with them, accompanied
by MiSs Donna Irwin, Woodville.
Cranbrook W. i. Enjoy Tour
The July Meeting of the Cran-
brook W. r. took the form of a
tour of Goderich. About 20 toured
the Heron County Museuni in the
morning followed by a picnic,
lunch' in - the park. Later the
members had a conducted tour of
the Ontario Hospital and then
were guests of a former member.
Mrs. Allan McTaggart, where a
brief meeting was held. Plans for
the August family outing Were
discussed and conveners, Mrs.
Wm. Bremner, M.O. James : Hiatt
and Mrs, Clem Stealer, are to
finalize plans for this event, MrS,
George Roist is to be the Son-
tember guest spetiket with guests
from 'Walton, Brussels,. Ethel and
Moncrieff. The conveners of Agri-
culture and Canadian Industries,
Mrs. Cliff Bray and Mrs. Urban
Ducharme arranged this worth-
while meeting at Goderich.
Knox Church Services
Rev. C. A, Winn wilt be. having
his holiday's for the month of
August. There will he no service
in Knox Church next Sunday,
August 2nd, Oii Sunday August
9th Mr. A. Vandevries, a student
of Waterloo College will eonduct
the service. Mr. Vandevries is no
sler,Inger here, having occupied
the pulpit as supply a number of
Don't be a litterbug in Brussels
She 'was born in Brussels, a
daughter of the late George,
Thou pson and Ejlinbeth Coutts,
and spent her life here. Her
husband, S. Cleve Bucker, died in
She was a devoted member of
Melville Presbyterian Church, and
of its. Ladies' Aid and. .Missionary
SoCiety. She was also a charter
member of Morning Star Rebekah
ledge. Many happy hours Were
spent visiting elderly 4114 shut,
in people of the village and she,
will be greatly missed.
She is survived by one daughter
Mrs. C. L. (Elizabeth') Beaver of
London, one son, Jaa of Wheat,
ley and four grandchildren.
Rev, C. A. McCarroll of `il'Ielville
Church conducted her funeral
Service Saturday afternoon from
the M. L. Watts Funeral Home.
Pall bearers . were Jelin Yuill,
Walter Williamson, V. C,
George Galbraith, Gerald Gibson
and Clarke MatheSon.
BurlaI Was in Brussels cemetery.
Al merles of 4' years ago were
exchanged by almost 50 former
members of a Brussels Agricul
tural and Home Economics Short
Course, when they met on S ttr0
afternoon a,t the Seaforth Lioes
Park. The course was held in
BrUssels in 1924-25 and and laste4
three Months and was in charge
of leachers sent out by the Ont-
ari0 Department of Agricalture.
Many acquaintances Were re-
newed and happy visiting pr
ceded a smorgasbord supper sere-
ed in the pavilion, Honored
ggliests weed Mr, and Mrs. S. B.
guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. P.
was Agricultural Representative
for ;Huron County at the time of
the course. Also present were
,Tack and Edna (McCall) Nelson of
Guelph. Jack was assisf ant. Ag.
Rep. and was active in the pro-
gram of the course. Both Mr.
and Mr. Stott-1(31.s and Mr. Nelson
spoke briefly expressing their
pleasure at being present, Small
favours were presented to .raci-
lruill (lucky chair). Stephen Stall-
ers (largest. faintly) Mr. and Mrs.
John Bowman (couple with the
most grandchild mil 1.
Murray I Ricky 1.101TIP drum=) and
Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Nelson (couple
coming the loiigest distance).
The president for the OCaSibl.
was Ilarvey Johnston, Clinton.
assisted by Mr. and 'AD'S. Jack
Nancy Elliott is spending two
weeks with her aunt iii St. Marys,
George HisloP who was
patient in •Wingliam and District
Hospital, retuned home: last week
Mr. and Mrs. O. AlcFaddea were
visitors with their son Ross and
Mrs. McFadden of Mississauga.
Stuart Nichol of Scarborough
was a visitor with, his mother Mrs,
Frank ,Nichol.
Miss Marni Bronson:, nurse-in,
training, Kitchener, is, vacation-
ing with" her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs, R, Bronson,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richmond
returned last week for a trip to
Western Canada.
Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Kreuter
returned last week from EdMon-
ton where they attencled the wed-
ding of their sou Lieut, David
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cober of
Hespler, and Mr, and Mrs. E.
Markham, and daughter of Lond-
on, were visitors last week with
Mrs. G. Chidlow. Mrs, Helen
Dorsch of New Hamburg and Mrs:
Stanley Kropf and son of Kitch-
ener were Sunday visitors with
their aunt.
Members of Morning Star
Rebekah Lodge enjoyed a, bus trip
Co Goderich where they had a
picnic at the trailer of Mrs.
Barbara McCatcheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Rank Kelly of
Baltimore, Maryland, were visit-
ors with their eousin, Mrs. Jessie
Engel. '
Mr. and Mr. C. P. Roberts and
family of Ottawa are 'holidaying
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Carl Gowing.
Lieut. and Mrs, David Kreuter
have been guests of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Kratiter.
,Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Penner of
Chatsworth and Cameron Abra of
Owen Sound were visitors with
Mrs, Chas. Davis. They also called
on Miss'BesSie Moses.
Mrs, Margaret Ballantyne. who
lia sbeen a patient Wingham
and District Hospital has returned
Richard Elliott, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Elliott, is Wingham,
hospital suffering from an Ile-
thmatic attack.
Visitors last Week at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Perrie
were ROT. Ferric of Strath.
ro:it and Mr.' and Mrs, Larry.
Schnell of Sautla :beach(,
Yeill and Mr. and "Mrs. Gordon
McGavin mid Mr. and Mrs. John
Bowinan as his committee.
The president. for the occasion
reunion from Blyth„ Watt:elm),
Clinton, Hamilton. Guelph, Sea-
forth, Bluevale, London, La cknow,
'Brussels, who were welcomed and
registered by Mrs, War, Somers,
Blyth and Alfred L. Knight, &as-
The July meeting of the Brus-
sels Horticultural Society was
,held Monday July 20th at eight
o'clock in the Public Library.
Mrs. Win. Miller presided and
after welcoming members and
guests, opened the meeting with
O Canada, Mrs. Walter Kerr at
the piano. Minutes, roll call and
treasurer's report followed. Miss
Pali Boyd and Blair Smith of
biatewel favoured with two piano
ileeordian duets. Mrs. Millee spoke
of a bus trip. If there were enough,
interested to go in Nvitb, the
Women's Institute. Anyone inter-
ested to sign their names, (there
were only 12 signatures, and some
of these were Institute members,
so bus trip nes been cancelled),.
The AugnSt flower show was
discussed and a committee naiW
ed: Mrs. E'. Ondinore, Mrs. L.
Mahitcheon, Mrs, L. Frain, Mrs.
C'eo. Wheeler. The date i s August
28th a turkey supper will be in,
The piano tuning was discussed
and a motion from Mrs. if; Cun-
ningham, seconded by Mrs. Geo.
Wheeler, that We join in helping
pay for it to be tuned was earried.
The meeting was again favour-
ed with two numbers from, the
guest musicians."Mrs. L. McCuteh-
eon thanked the children and pre-
serted each with a gift.
The News:Letter was read by
Mr. A: Knaght. Correspondence
read, Door prize was won by Mrs.
M. Humphries,
The Workshop by the members
proved informative as well as
decorative. Comments oh each
stressed the good and bad points.
There were 29 members and six
guests present, The Queen closed,
the meeting and a delicious lunch
was served by Mrs. M. McLarty,
Mrs. Jas, Armstrong; Mrs. Al,
Humphries, Mrs. Walter Kerr,
setwStit Baker. was recently
pleasantly surprised, when a car-
load of six OdOfellows from
Golden Rule Lodge No. 420, Monk-
ton, Ontario, visited his home. and
preSented him with his 50 year
Jewel for being a. mem tier of
'Golden Rule Lodge since 1920
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Hunther
St. Catharines are happy to
announce the arrival of a daughter
Tracy Elizabeth — ai sister for
Sandra. on the 15th of ,Tuly.
Miss Tillie Dundas and Miss
Rose SaCknitin of New York City
ade visiting this week with Mr.
and Mrs: Torrance Dundas and
Other relativeS. A renhien of
brothers and WiVeS from Toronto.
London and Seltforib visited the
Dimdas 'Mine on Sunday.
(contittd on inside page)
Friends and relatives werA
deeply shocked and saddened by
the news of the sudden death of
Mrs. j. C. Backer at :her home on
Thursay night, July 23. She had
been in her usual health in the
a t'ternoon a nd ha s entertained
several ladies to tea,
Psychologists say that no per-
son Should keep too much to
himself. The tax collectors are of
the s ame opinion.