HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-07-23, Page 6• • • w w RESCUE BREATHING MOUTH-TO-MOUTH) THE CANADIAN RED CROss SOCIETY • • • 0 • • • • • • 41 • • C -f 0 • • ',rim BRUSSELS 'POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY. 23rd, 1970 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS~ ONT: • EARL aild MARTHA HAYWOOD FRIDAY and. SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Turkey, Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut, Fish and Chip. O.P.P. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS QUESTION: How come the police are not tharging the children who have the high handlebars (the kids call them monkey bars or ape hang- ers) on their bicycles, I thought I 'read last year that it was against the law to have handle- bars that are higher than 15 inches above the seat. ANSWER: You could nave read that last year, but it was referring to motorcycles, not bicycles. The Highway Act, states, "No person shall operate upon a:highway a motorcycle equipped with handle- bars that are more than 15 inches in hight above the uppermost portion of the seat, provided for the operator when the seat is de- pressed by the weight of the operator, QUESTION: For the benefit of my children and even some adults will you please inform them of the fact that there is a fine for littering the highway. When I told my children that it was against the law to throw facial tissues out of the car, they though it was a big joke. ANSWER: Okay, I will tell them. A you reading children age 0 - 100? The Highway Traffic Act states, "Every person who throws or de- posits or causes to be deposited any glass, nails, tacks or scraps of metal or any rubbish, waste or litter upon, along or adjacent to a highway, except in receptacles provided for the purpose, is guilty of the offence of littering the high- way and is liable for the first offence to a fine of not less than $10 and not more than $50. The same section provides for any subsequent offence fines up to 200 and in addition, a person's licence or permit -may be suspend- ed for a period of not more than sixty days. QUESTION: Do or do I riot have to stop for the big buses that are painted other colours than the usual yellow and black school bus colours? These buses have School Bus (if yoti look hard enough) marked on them. Signed Almost hit one. ANSWER; The answer is "yes", under the following conditions (meted, from the Departthent of Transport Driver's Handbook 1969-70, "Where a school bps is stepped On a highway or part of a high* way on which the maximuni speed limit is greater than 85. Miles tier lhour for the purpose of receiving or dischargihg scb.Ool the dryVet of a,,VeViiel'e, ,(a) When oVertaking A School, hits on which Ugh Words, "Do not pass when signals flashing" are marked and two red signal lights. are illnin- inated by intermittent flashes; and (b) when meeting on such a highway, other than a highway With a median strip, a school bus on the front of which two red red signal-lightS are illuminated with intermittent flaShee, Shall stop the vehicle before reaching the bus and shall not proceed until the school bus resumes motion or the signal-lights are no longer operating. Median strip means the portion of the highway so constructed to separate traf- fic travelling in one direction from traffic travelling in the op- posite direction by a strip of pave- ment of more than ten feet. in width, a physical barrier Or an unpaved strip of ground." BRIGHTER OUTLOOK FOR HEART ATTACK SURVIVORS You've had a beart attck, your doctor enures you about recov- ery, yet uncertainties may still plague you. that's only natural, says your Ontario Heart Found- ation. but the record shows there is room Or optimism. Thousands of Canadians who have suffered a heart attack are enjoying normal, productive lives. To help answer questions fre- quently asked by heart patients wrestling with doubtS, your Heart Foundation will supply free of charge an 8-page booklet titled. "After a Coronary". It is reassuring to know that the majority of patients survive their first heart attack and enjoy years of productive activity, says the booklet. Chances of leading a normal life with some modification — are excellent, There is, a good like- hood that the patient can resume his old job, or some other work that places leSs burden on the heart. Although reasonable rest and sleep are essential for re- covery, sonic recreation, exercise in moderation, and. social life are goOd. The majority of patients are able to play OK take walks, fish, swin or engage in similar activ- ities without difficulties. Doctors believe that moderate exercise is beneficial for most patients -- .providing it is superviSed and does not cause path, shortness of breath or other disthrbing sym- toms. It is essential to eat less sat- urated fats, replacing these with polyunsaturated fats so as to reduce the amount of cholestral in the blood. A, lower cholestral level tends to sloW the process of hardening of the arteries which is behind heart attackS. Eating less, to keep weight at or below normal is recommended. It is also advisable to eat several light meals each day rather than three large ones. Cigarette smoking is a hazard for anyone and a special risk for persons with coronary disease, It should be avoided completely, Moderate amounts of nlohol, tea and coffee are permissahle. As for medico Lion, the physician will prescribe for individual needs and his advise must be followed strictly. Por more information, ask your Ontario Heart Foundation. for the booklet "After A Coronary". HURON, PERTH DISCUSS JOINT HEALTH UNIT Huron County council sent representatives to meet Perth. County health unit members to continue Informal discussions on plans for a union. Huron County has never tutted doWn proposals to link the two counties in One district health unit, Auron County Warden rtoY 'Westeott said recently. "Rut you hiust reateniber Our county health unit haS been, operating for 20 yearS and the Perth unit: only about three or four years" he said. Perth County Warden floss McPhail said the question had been discussed between the two counties on numerous occasions. The meeting was called to continue in fOrni al discussion which started: about two years ago, It was not intended that official, plans be. made. For A Better USED CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE 19,6,9 METEOR 4 DR. SEDAN V8 Auto., PS, PB, Radio. 1969 DODGE 6 Cyl. Auto. Trans. 1969 FAIRLANE 500 2 DR. HT. V8 Auto. Trans. Radio 1968 CHEV. IMPALA 4 DR. HT. V8 Auto. Trans., Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio SEVERAL 66 & 67 MODELS TO CHOOSE. FROM 1965 FORD ECONOLINE VAN 6 Cyl. BRIDGE MOTORS YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 887.6249 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3460 C,m ,a fosse needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet in.,,•,,Inot line proves this with the roost" exquisite papert i-?pe and workmanship you could wish for! f.J..)ture41 Thermo-Engraving—rich raised lettering--eleganl us tt1O ilnElst craftsmanship — rat coaling so Onto! Cotta our unusual selection. 04,14 4 d'W IS-046 "dive MU( Rif, AT ilkIMELS POST ••••••••••• CUTOUT HERE •••••••••••••••••• • 1 i,......, 2 .....,... .., ... ... _ , .....- 4 . T ..." , ' mi. .1 TURN VICTIM FACE UP. OPEN victim's mouth, PLACE mouth tightly REMOVE your mouth. RAISE neck with one hand PULL lower jaw to jut . around victim's mouth anti RELEASE victim's nostrils. and TILT head fully back position. PINCH nostrils BLOW IN. The victims LISTEN for air to come out with the other hand. shut to prevent air leakage, MAINTAIN downward pressure on forehead. chest should rise, of victim's lungs. LOOK for the fall of the victim's chest. PINCH NOSTRILS AND BLOW IN AGAIN, • REPEAT steps 3 and 4 continuously. IF AIR PASSAGES ARE NOT OPEN: CHECK neck, and • head positions, CLEAR mouth and throat of foreign substances. • Start immediately. Don't give up. Send someone for a doctor. • For infants and children, cover entire mouth and nose with your mouth. Use small puffs of • • air about 20 times per minute, • Apply rescue breathing in case Of DROWNING, CHOKING, ELECTRIC SHOCK, HEART ATTACK, SUFFOCATION orld GAS POISONING, itiiiiiii********01**** Mil@EJT kiln • • 6 ***11.0.1016#4i0ii The Bouquet Invitation Line • •