HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-07-23, Page 4' Maitland Valley Saddle Club GYrV1KANA and HORSE. SHOW SUNDAY, JULY 26th, 12:30 SHARP LISTOWEL FAIR GROUNDS Musical Ride -- Feature Booth on. Grounds. Admission: $1.00 Children Under 12 Free Re-scheduled Owing o Inclement Weather FOR SALE — Threshing separator :.43,4.6. on rubber; Dining room table and 1 :affett, also folding day bed. ,phone 837-9044 NOTICE Tile Municipal Office will be closed from J01y 27th to August 4th fo holidays, Win. a King, Clerk, Village of 13russels Offlaftronzaterm*....c4-12111 6;sseggrffg.V.c.siCitalgv401.6. 1rA:14 .intussw,s POST, lilt USSILi'LS, ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY 23rd, 1970 .g.NTERTAINMENT SMILEY'S HAVEN QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY SING ALONG WITH DOREEN AI THE PIANO SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY HEAR BILL IRVING and HIS WONDER VIOLIN menu: Earbacued Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chicken and Chips ACE TREE SERVICE — NOTICE — Trimming. Cus_tom wood cutting. For all your electrical wiring REAsONABLEI rate. Free estim.- needs Contact: Don McLean ate, Call Rob 235-3735 Phone 887-9294 Brussels ANNUAL SLAB SALE Green Elm and Soft Maple Slabs (when available) .. . ... $2.50 Cord Dry Elm and Soft Maple Slabs ....... ..... ...... ........... ,..,„„.,, $3.50 Cord' Green Hard Maple and Beech Slabs . $3.50 Cord All wood above in truckload lots of 7 cords, delivered within 22 miles Hardwood Bedding Sawdust available for pick-up or delivery On Vacation August 1st, to August 18th J. H. KEESO & SONS 495 Albert Ave., N. Listowel, Ontario, Phone 291-4890 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Dead or disabled cows over 1,000 lbs., $10 to $15 Dead or disabled horses, $20.00 each Small animals 500 to 1,000 lbs.,1c per lb. All other animals such as calves and pigs picked up free. We pay you for your animal at your farm. — 24 hour service. CALL COLLECT — BRUSSELS 887-9334 If no answer call 887-9335 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Prop. GORDON JOHNSTON — Formerly Marlatt Bros. DON. BOB, GEORGE CLIFTON You can't hit far with that old club! Don Chevrier (left), and Bob Wilson (middle), are comparing a modern golf club with th e 100 year old Scottish club held by golf pro George Clifton. Don and Bob are host-commentators on CBC radio's Sound Of Sports programs heard Sundays at 5:03 and 10:10 p.m. EDT on the CBC radio network. FOR SALE tuna of Cub Corn. Roil ,Lee, Walton, Phone 887-9378 FOR SALE New and used rabbit: cage's. Sid White Phone 3$7-6420 FOR SALE — Eleutrohohne cabinets'in Mrs. Leonard Meehan, 887.6525 Mts. Leonadr Machan, 887-6525 NOTICE `floc Blame's office of Crawford and NW will be closed for holi- days the week of July 20th. and the 'week of August 17th, WANTED Old China and glassware, coins, stamps. buttons, Old fruit jars, guns, etc. What have you? 'Write Box 222, Mitchell FOR SALE —' 1,H,0, pull-type Combine with motor, both, grain and bean' cyl- inder and equipment for swathed and standing crops. ,Lamont Pnone SS7.63';11 Phone 887-92G l Brusset,:. TENDERS FOR INTERIOR MAINTENANCE, Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received by the lunacy- signed up to 12 o'clock noon Thursday. July. 30, 1970 to supply interior maintenance to various schools in Huron County. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the offices of The Huron. County Board of Education, 97 Shipley St., Clinton; Ontario. Lowest or any tender not neces• sully accepted. Mr. Roy B, Dunlop, - Superintendent of Business Affairs - The Huron County Poard aC EdneatiOn. TENDERS FOR EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION Plf.;inly marked sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed Op to 12:110 o'clock noon D.S,T. Thursday, July 30, 1970 to supply exterior maintenance and construction at Grey Control Public School, Specifications and tender torru7-; May he obtained from the offices of The Huron County Board of klducation, 97 Shipley St, Clinton, Ontario. I,cw(st or any tender not necog- sarily accepted, Roy B. Dunlop, Su peril] ten d en t Business Affairs The I.Titron County Itoard of Education UNLOADERS and Fr.P..13.F.1:I.S BADGER SILO F f:P.L1 LOT and ti7~t.i3t is PLANNINO Gales and Servide KENNETH MARKS & SON RR 4, Atwood, One. Piiuno 300-Z127 FiRFRIpgRATTION SERVICE Guaranteed service to alltyPes,. Complete appliance repairs at 1' Ultlali ELECTRIC Wingham 357-2450 Electrical Contractors - ApplianCer - Motor Rewind, 24 hour emergen- cy service. FOR SALE — Living room Chesterfield Bed: f,nuall couch; coffee table; 2 end adios; long-playing records, some stereo, and record cabinet; quant- ity of small records; chrome kitchen set: child's organ in good condition: pair of fibre glass curtains; bedroom suite includ- ing bed and springs, large dies- ser with mirror and chest of drawers: six small cushions. Miss Shirley Sylvester, RR 2, -Myth. Phone 887-9215 HOWICK LIONS BINGO WINNERS Regula t Com es : Mrs. Bill Formosa and Mrs. Ferg Riley, Wingham; Mrs. Mc- Laughlin, Georgetown and Mrs, Gerald Gal, Walkerton; Terry Anger, Central i ; Mrs. 'Gerry Coll, Walkerton; Mrs. Bob Reim- ka, Listowel and Mrs. A. Ste Marie, 'Whightum; Mrs. Hugh lIatriston; Mrs. Bates and Mrs, Cliff Henry, both of Harriston; Mrs. Dewar, Atwood; Mrs, Cliff Henry, Harriston; Mrs. X, Xidgar, WrOxeter; Mts, Dewar, Atwood: Mrs. F. Ohm, Wiggling": Mr8,, ROTI Higgins, Stratford and Terry Anger, Centralia; Miss Doreen Penstedt, Dorking and •MrS. Mt; rga t Adams, WrOxeter : Brian Struthers, Atwood; Mts. Elmer Coll, Milditay atal Mrs. Mrs, Ray Meyer's,' Listowel; Brian Struthers, Atwood; Mrs. Dolly Politer, Listowel. 1. Share the Wealth: INIrs. Flyby Paylor, Palmerston and Mrs. F. Ohm, \\Ingham. 2 ; Terry Anger, Centralia, $25 Special 11rs. Hugh Bell, Harriston and MibIS Doreen Don. stedt, Dorking, Jackpot of $95: 'Mrs, GeOtte Straus,, 'Mil dniay. Door Prizes; AirA, lf, Aiteuesom Wingham; Miss Nt Riley, \\Ing- ham ; Airs, C. Denstedt, Dorking and Mrs. S. Holloway, \\Ingham . Draws: Mrs. A, Ste. Witighain; Mrs, N. Bdgor, Wroxet; ilarvey A Rill nson, \\Ingham and Mrs, Pol. llieutin!, Stratford, PROGRAMS, ON FARM AND HOME SAFETY Box 159, Clinton, .Out, July 7th, 1970 Dear Sir or Madam; Safety — on the surface it almost seems as if apathy towards Safety is nowhere more evident than in rural areas of Canada. Based on a Canadian farm and rural resident population of two million people, 1969 accident deaths are estimated at approxim- ately 1400, which included all types of accidents in the home, on the highway and recreation. Injuries are estimated at apprOx- ihately 26,000 and permanent disabilities at 1526. In Hutton County= alone, there were 16 acci- dents of which one was fatal; medical bills totalling $1,500.00 and property damage of .32,075.00. These are Of reported accident. Another stastistie is submitted by I he 'Workmen's Compensatitin Board and it reports that in 19118 $12,177.00 was paid Out to 23 accident victims in Huron County. "Shocking!" you say — but whoin do these statistics shriek? Accidents are no longer big news unless there is a catastrophe causing more deaths, To bring 'Farm and Home Safety to the forefront, the Ffuroit County Junior Parmer8 are spon- soring two Safety Nights in the County. 'Elie program will com mence with an safety film, a talk by the County Coroner, Dr. R. W, Flowers of ,Coderich. There will also be a demonstration put on by the Ontario Farm Safety Counc11"from the University of Quelph. These meetings will he attend- ed by the 4-it and Junior Farmer groups of the County. T hope that You and other Meilibers of your organizatio n Will also be able to attend one, Of these even, ing programs. Date;' July 27, 8:30, Brucefield Public' School. pate: 20, 8;30, T3elgrave Public School, We hope to See You there, Garry Howes, Hilton COUnty 4-H Co-ordinator. Walter Mcllwain, Chairinati of Huron County Safety COlinelf. Thomas N\r, Clapp, Asaociate Agricultural ReptcsentatiVe Sec. Treas. of Ifuron ContitY Safety Cotrn eel. i'e you renewed your Brussels Iroat Since you got yout notice,