HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-07-23, Page 1$2.50 A Year In Adveece — $3.50 TO .U.S,A. TILE; 'BRUSSELS "POST, Title RSDAY, J SLY 23rd, 1070 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE JOHN RICHARD WILLIAMSON !BARN LEVELLED BY 30n. .Richard •Williamsno, 92, died in Ifoimstra Nursing- Heine, FIRE IN MILLET TWP. CRANBROOK Mies Marie Veitch was one of six 441 girls from the area who attended the 4-li Conference at Guelph University recently. Marie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Veitch, R.H. 2, 13russels. Mrs. Ed Gieseler and daughter .Betty, Fraser, Mich., spent a • few days at the Jeschke home here. The Louis. Steiss family held a re-union in the Cranbrook COM- Mueity Centre on July 18th in honour of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart, Lois and Al, visiting from. Surrey .1.3. C. Rela- tives attended from Hamilton, London, Conestoga, Atwood, List- owel, Elmira and Brussels, Mrs. Calvin Cameron returned home with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart and family to Surrey. 13.0. via the east coast, Mexico and Galifornia, Fred emnall(1on and Charles Davidson spent several days last week at Iron Bridge and the Manitoulin Island. W ALTON Mrs. Ray Nelson and sons, Robert and Michael of 'Vancouver, B. C. arrived last Thursday to to spend the next. two weeks holi- daying with Mr. aiid Mrs. Earl 'Watson and Me. amid Mrs. Gerald Watson and fatnily, Over fifty relatives" attended the Huiriphries reunion held in Seaforth on Sunday at the Liomis Park. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bride of Fordwich were Sunday guests with Mr... and Mrs. Torrence Dundas. Misses Debbie and Dena WeY and Beverly McCall are attend- ing "Camp Menesetung" at Goder- ich as counsellors for this week. Mr. and Mrs. :Douglas :Lawless and Dianne of Ottawa spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fischer were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fischer and Miss Allana Hatch of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Wilf red Baker of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. David Allison of London visi ted. Sunday with Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Humphries and family of London and Miss Wendy 1Turnehries of Listowel spent the weekend at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Stewart: Humphries. Allan Coxon of .T)esboro visited with Pall! Humphries for a couple of days at. the first of the week, Shower Honors Bride-Elect Miss Linda Johnston was guest Of honor at a bridal shower last Thursday evening in the base Ment Deff's United Cheteet, The chairman of the petigtain Wee MIN, Roy 'Williamson, open. jog with. vtono HO() fly TAN 'NOW TO, ViiA10 BRUSSELS RIDERS, TO PERFORM A number of Brussels rtdere, who belong to the Maitland. Valley Saddle Club, will participate in. the Gymkana and Horse Show to be presented at Listowel :fair grounds this. Sunday, Among th9se ill the .Mnsical Ride, .whieh will be a feature of the 'show are Jacciuie Workman, 'Ivan Campbell, Lawrie. Campbell; 13rian Workman, Scott Wilson and Jim Garniese : • This is the first time they . will imve attempted. a Musical Ride Iii their show. We wish them.eue- ease, It is hoped•thie elub. will appear before long in Brussels, CONSERVATORY EXAM MUSIC RESULTS The following • pupils of Mrs: NoraMoffatt, \Vroxeter, have passed Western Conservatory .of Music examinations. Grade 5: '1st Class Honors. Judy Sellers Grade 8: Honors Janet De ',Seer Pass: Mary Edith Garniss fllenis Gibson Grade 9: 1st Class Honors • Nancy Adams In Toronto Conservatory exam- inations Lori. Moir passed Grade (3 with honors. PEOPLE WE. KNOW Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Hoover left this Thursday, by train, on a trip to the Canadian West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. john Topham of Fordwich, and Miss Mary Eliza- beth Topham, student nurse,. Guelph, were. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Geo. Chidlow. Mr, and Mrs. Prank Scott and family of La Cresenta, Calif., were visitors last week With his father, W. S. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. john Tooth of Toronto spent the ,weekend with tee latter's parents, *elle and Mrs. A. Edwin Martie. Connie MeWhitter passed With First Class Honones (88%) the Grade II Rudiments of the Royal Conservatory of Music. She is e pupil of Mrs. Edwin Martin of Betissels. Mr. and Mrs. Tee Matheson and family of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Matheson and family of Stratford were weekend guests With Mr, and Mrs. D. C. Matheson. Miss Gail MeTeggait of Mitchell, daughter of Mr. • and Mrs. Ross McTaggart, coiled on friends in Port Elgin on Wedges' day, mct 1) ill HONORED BY FAMILY ON aliRTULDAY (In Sunday afternoon,. July 19th, the relatives anil friends of Annie Thyntte met et the home of Glen Smith for a surprise birthday party. :During the afternoon a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Thyone was presented with a floor fan and. other gifts. A beautifully decorated. cake with the traditional candles was brought in and "Happy eirthdety" :N1q18 sung :flier which a delicious lunch was served. COMPREHENSIVE HOME CARE NEEDED IN THIS AREA As in many other parts of Ontario, at times' there is a serious shortage of hospital beds in. Huron County and action must he taken in tee !near future to Prevent what Could beeome a difficult situation for those re- (miring hospitalization. in co-operation with the (Metric? Provincial Dee:eel-fleet of Health, Huron County 1.loord of Health and :Huron County Medical Soc- iety are carrying or t an intensive investigation" into the practibiliry of a Comprehensive Borne Care Programme in Heron County. The objective of the Programme will be to release hospital beds: tai by earla, discharge of select- .wlea can cut,tinue and Ideto ire,Iment program- me alt P. tune. (b) by' admitting -.ecrcd cents to the Homc Care pteeeram- ine for treatment in lieu of achnie- Leon to hospital, This will result in decreased hospital care costs, will lessen the need for additional provision ('1' hospital beds and will bring into the home, in suitable case:‘,:, meat, services and treatment that would normally be available only la hospital. The entire cost of an approved Home Care Program Me will be cevered by Provincial ;rants. The first step in setting up this Programme will be to d o,e-mine how mane- nurses. physiother- apists, oecupational therepiats, speech therapists a nd twine- makers Will be available on a fule time or art-time basis, Needless to' say, those employed w 111 be paid for their work. Although. a Comprehensive Honie Care Programme is not yet hi being in 'Huron County, those who think 'thee would be inter- ested in Working in etmeh e Pro- glettimine should eenteet the Mediefti Officer Of Heelth. Heron y Health 1-bit, cioderien, Ontario, as 800U as possible. mit!rtm t itneeteititl, Lislowel, Tuesday, July 14th. Ile had farmed ill eicKilfop Townshp all his life. His wife, the former Agnes Clark 'predeceased him. He is survived by a son, teeOrge, of NeKillop Township. The funeral service was held at the M. B. Watts funeral home, Ihrussels, at 2 p. iii. on Thtirsday, The Rev. E. LeDrew officiated. Purial was in Brussels cemetery. Pallbarers were Herbert, Roy, Norman and James WillieMson, James Clark and Melvin Hamilton, l!`lower bearers were Roil. 'Williamson, Harold MdCalluin, Clifford Ritchie:, Bert Clark, Clifford Hoegy, Chas, Williamson, A large L-shaped barn on the farm of ihn McCall. formerly the Harry Bryant farm on highway one mile east of Blyth Township was completely destroyed by fire last Thursday night. A neighbour. Ken. Brigham, noticed the fire and called the Blyth Fire Dept. just before mid, night. Where they arrived the been was all ablaze. Their main effort concentrated on saving the house and garage as they were Only a short distance from the barn, Mr; McCall was able to remove their car from the garage before the heat became too intense. The firmen stayer on, ditty most Of the night. Lost in the blaze was a threshing mechine tent stored for one oh the neighbours, also around 20-(.1 pigs, many, of them ready for tnarket on day, They were owned by Ed: Szusze or the 13th of MaKillop 'who had the barn rented from Mr, McCall. The building was partially cov- ered by insurance. The cause of the fire is still unknown. Mr. and Mrs. McCall and daughter Susan had just returned Tuesday afternoon from a holiday in New Brunswick. HEMINGWAY-FIDLIN The 50th anniversary of the Hemingway-M(11in faintly re-men was held at the Kinsmen Park, Listowel. k%or's., iryrest...s.,,sros.m.rs sr.s1r.r.4.4istrs sr,. rfAVA. were George .Agar, George .Brewer, Wolter' Cornish., Phillip 'Weitz. Charles Brewer, Leslie Lee and BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mr.s. David Wheeler, R,R. 5, Brussels, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Steven f,awrenee, at the Wingham and District Hospital, on. Satur- dey. July 4th, 1970. ENGAGEMENT Vstelttee joniteye, A beautiful niniversary cake centred the buffet table. This cake was artistically decorated and donated for the occasion by Mrs. Lavern Godkin, the former Marion Hemingway. A letter was read from a cousin, Miss Mary Hemingway of York- shire, England, expressing her good wishes to her Canadian re- latives. She also sent a pin. the White rose, emblem of Yorkshire to be worn by the president each year. Douglas Hemingway, on be- half- of Mary, made the. presen- tation to his son Dr, Peter Hemingway, this year's president. Carl Hemingway reviewed the history of past family reunions and followed this with a his torica contest. The sties is reminieced over the Mr. and Mrs. George Tischer, many old photos mid serap-booke Whighain, 'aitenteence the forth- that were on display. Gaines and contests were played' coming marrie,ge of their daughter. Sandra Jean, to Mr. Carman, Ross under the conveuorship of La-, Maehen, of Kitchener, son of Mrs, \tattle GOdkie, Jim Whytock, and Laurence Meehan, Brussels and David. Bridle. Tile couple travelling the most the' late Mr, Machon, The mar- riage will take Place on Friday, mites to attend the picnic (175 August 7th. 1910, in, St. Andrew-s miles) Were Mr, and Mrs. Oswald Presbyterion Cherch, Winghem, Hemingway, Michigan. at 7;0 0 p.m. Next y g enr' re.nilion is to he' held at Burlington where the illeMborfl Of OW ItOlnillgAvay I; dref.0 }{l" Cl till 01.110! ktilll ihtidok. 36411001 HARRY ALVIN ROBS Harry Alvin Robb passed away at his hemp, 81 St George St., liiteheeer, Ont. on Friday, July 17th, in, his 60th yeer. Born on the first concession of Morris, he was, the youngeet son of the late Joseph Robb and Elieabeth Moffatt. 111r. Robb attended. Ramsay ie School and became a baker by trade. He had a bakeshop Brussels at one time. He is survived by his wife the former Martha Hahn, three sons, Terry of Clitelph, Lyle and, Neil of . Kitchener, six grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Armand (Hazel) Lawson of Stratford. He was pre- FAMILY RE-U,N ION deceased by one daughter, one brother, Neil Robb, two sisters, Mrs. George (Bell) Apr and Mrs, William (Tereesa) Brewer. -Funerte services were held on :Monday, July 211th from the Gruhe Funeral Home with. Rev, Schaeffer, officiating. Internment Was in the Woodland Cemetery eiitcheeer, Pallbearers 56,