The Brussels Post, 1970-07-16, Page 4ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVEN QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY SING ALONG WITH DOREEN Al ME PIANO SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY REG. and MIKE THE MIDDLESEXEMS Menu: Barbacueci Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chia-;en and .Ghlp4..• EXTRA SPECIAL SUMMER SAVINGS ONLY McCLARY DELUXE, 30" RANGE IN AVACADO ONLY $295.00 I. ONLY McCLARY 14 CU. FT. 'NO FROST REFRIGERATOR IN AVACADO ONLY $399.00 MATCHING PAIR -- $650.00 ALSO 15% DISCOUNT OFF CATALOGUE PRICE, ON ALL LAWN 'MOWERS IN STOCK MACHAN HOME ii4RD4tiARE BRUSSELS, ONT'. Comedy-master Rod Concybeare conjures up an image of . ROd Coneybeare?! Skits and comedy Spots (with guests) com- bine in Coneyheare and Company Sundays at 10:30 0,111. EDT pn the CEO radio network. T.•••••••tr,"‘",,,re •••••••,.-...,, Bilt/80,4L43 POOTt D1 USSE1,4S, 0*.e41140 CUR SALE TRURSDAY, JULY 1002, viumwommaiiimixim. 11111hisrolliallto FOR SALE — Girl's Vic: • 1" Jack Kennedy Phone S87-6238 ACE TREE SERVICE — '17H:inning, C'ustom wood cutting. REASONABLE rate. Free estim- ate. Cali Rob 335,3785 FOR SALE pull-typo Combine w it I: motor, both grain :uid bean cyl- inder and equipment for swathed and standing crops. Melville Lamont Phone zi87-6379 WANTED — Large Dining 1.1.00m Table, in good condition: also 16 or 1 single plate horse-drawR disc. Lloyd Simmons Phone Carrie 335-6212 FOR SALE 3-piece Living Room Suite: CoffeeTable; 3 EndTables; 'End. Table Lamps: 30" Electric. Range. All in excellent condition. Phone 887-9301 NOTICE — For all your electrical wiring. needs Cantact: Don McLean Phone 887-9264 Brussels. FARMING EXPERIENCE We need Men with fanning ex- perienee — a good farmer Who wants to earn extra money. if you have farming experience, we have a: position for you. As a rapiclIy-expanding company in the agricultural, indtilitrY offer you an excellent part-time position. As a Crop Service RePresontative you will earn extra money, learn the newefa farming Methods, and have the opportunity to increase your cam- ings and position, If you're an extlerienced framer you're the right man! For a personal interview, Write me; E. V. Palmer, Canadian Sales Box 847, London, Ontario FOR SALE 1970 Model Avacaddi ',1tove propane, ztca 1'l, Phone 887-9279 FOR SALE — Living room Chesterfield Iled; couch; coffee table: 2 end tables; it'Illg-Playing records, sonic sal rco, and record. cabinet: (ivant- ity small revords; chrome ,,•lion set; child's org:ti in good c•indition; pair of fibre glass curt:tins; hedlroom suite includ- lug bed and sprIngs, large clros;:, --:er with mirror and chest of •Ii'd:wers; six small cushions. Shirley Sylvester, RR 2, Blyth; Phone 887-92:5 AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of MRS. MARGARET HOY, Market Street, Brussels on FRIDAY EVENING; JULY 17th at 6:30 p.m. is following: piece velour velvet sectional :11.•_•Ater!ield suit: velmir velvet p;bitforin rocker: ottoman; up- holstered swivel arm chair; up- islei'cd foot stool; modern 2 corner Maple table; Motor- inch_ tolcvision; Axminster 9' x 12': lamb skin rug; t, r orm 17 phalstered Chair; ‘.;;•;',unt iffee table: magazine end piece walnut bedroom suite; cedar blanket chest; iron an mattress; rock- Antral walnut round hie; other small tables; dining r e, to table; 6 pressed back kitchen table; AlcClary erat.Olt* Westinghouse elect- ;•: • range - Simplicity washing niachine; it,lectroinx vacuum dez;ner; electric iron, kettle and toster .• electric portable heater; taldr, lump; , mantel '4;;. Singer „;Owing Machine; 2 wall mirrors: ironing boord; sten ladder; ta -.tures; dish ,c, ting utensils. Terms Casn hlargaret 1-loy—Proprietress rdwArd W. Fifiatt — Auctioneer New and used rabbit cages, Sid White Phone W. FOR SALE -,-- Cobb Corn Bill .Colemait, • Kippen Call: 262-5031. • FOR SALE — Forage Harvester Bad Wagon, Grain Boxes mounted on rubber tired wagons, 111111.11'l: Oil rubber, 3 furrow International Plow, Lynn Evans, Lot 10, Gunn, Grey. Twp, Phone, 587-6836 TENDERS FOR ROOF AND MASONARY REPAIR Plainly marked scaled 'tend”rF will he l'OCCiVed by the undersigned up to 12; uo o'clock noou p, S. Thursday, July 30th,, 1970. for masonary and roof 'repairs. of certain schools in Ithron County. t•; t and Lender forms •-!';:tined from the offices of The Huron County Board 01 Education, 97 Shipley St., Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Mr. Roy B. Dunlop, Suliprintendent of 1.7nsiness Affairs The Huron County Board of Education TENDERS FOR REPLACEMENT OF WINDOW Plainly )narked sealed tenders will be raccived the undersigned up to 12:00 o'clock noon 0. S. T. Thursday, duly ;0th, 1970 for the removal of .1 Gym Window 12 x 36' and closing the same at Sea forth District High School. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the offices - of - The Huron County- Beard of Education, 97 Shipley St., Ontario. Lowe-,t c.,• any tender not neces- • sexily acCepted:. • Mr. Roy B. Minton, find vnt of LiusinPi,, A ffairs. The Huron • County l: card of Education TENDERS FOR ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS flail • in :*irk Od sealed tenders will ho re •eived by the Undersigned Up to 12:00 o'clock noon 0. S. T. Thursday, .ittly 30th, 1970 to supply- mind install aluminum storm windows at Colborne Public School. Specifications and tender forms may he obtained from the officeS of The Ifttron ('aunty Board of Education, 97 Shipley St.. Clinton Ontario, LOWP!-It Or any 'lender not. neces- sarily ; ceopted. Mr. Roy a Dunlop, Superintendent of Business Affairs The Thiron County Board of Education ,...nanyee.vonor......merrm/mmeiligaMiereilL,evapariiatiar,akitiiiaiimmi4etbeinork etaukiym , WANTED DEAD OR. ALivg Dead or disabled cows over 1,030 Ibn., $-0 to $15 Dead cr disabled! l-o.r.ec . $.20.1:;'3 Small animals 5C0 to 11,03 lbs.. lc per All other animals such as calves and pigs picked free. We pay you for your aniimal at your farm. 24 hour ;0; CALL COLLECT — BRUSSELS f';7 5''.'11 . If no a•‘'.'we• rrt7 0 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Prop, GORDON JOHNSTON Formerly Marfatt Brot, PEOPLE .W.E KNOW Mr. and Mrs. jack Pennington are on a trip out i and Mrs. Cr-..orge Backer „re on a vacation. trip to Western Canada. Mrs. :Herb Miller of 1:iespler were weekend 'visitors with Mrs. Geo. Chidlow. -fir. and 3lrs. Jack .".11c11'hirter and family have returned from a trip to the western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. 'Bruce Will Cs (),.' Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Watts over the weekend. The many friends of liarold Thomas arc pleased to see 111111 around again after a. long stay in hospital. Mr. and .Mrs. George Li. John- ston of Boston, Mass., are holiday- with :Mrs. James S. Armstrong and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pearson, son Robert and Mtu•ray Bone, are holidaying in Northern Ontario at Moosonee. Miss Trena Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Watts, is a patient in St. .Joseph Hospital. Brantford, following eye surgery. Neil Hemingway and David Haan are representing Huron County this Week, Oil the exchange trip to Eastern: Ontario. They will be visiting farm hoMes near Dalkeith, Glengarry County Miss Marni Bronson, student nurse at the St. Mary's Sabool of Nursing, Kitchener, received, her black band on WedneSday, July 8th, at a ceremony at the Martyr's Shrine in Midland. :111.5. Barry Watson and family of San Manuel, Arizona, are vacationing with. Mr.' and Mrs. Reginald Watson. Mr. Watson will arrive later by air to join his fa mily here. Charley Exel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Exel, returned. home Saturday from an enjoyable two- week holiday. Charley was one of a group of twenty-five young people from the Christian Re- formed Church in Listowel that motored to the l'oadlena MissiOn Fields, New Mexico, tb visit ' among the Navaho. Indians. He also toured Kansas City, the ('a rayon and SAIL Lake City.