HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-12, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY AUGUST, 12, 1881. MAUL Tae StaaAi, is the most eagerly read bat paper in this township. It is nut a fact that Father Boubas officiated at Aah6eld un Bund.,y, July slat , as was stated in last week's Stoma. �saatdllss. 'Threshing has commenced in earnest Mosquitos and potato bugs have not been so plentiful this year u formerly. Professor Salter's singing class which formerly met on Friday evening, 'tow meets on Monday evens at 8 p. m. Tho erre Woos sae radar gives os Tuaiday. �wJ1L PERSONAL.—Mr. Thos. Champion, of Donnybrookis !pending a few weeks bora He likes Millburn, and says the girls are W prettiest in the county. DANusnocs. —The bridge over the barn 'tante a new railing, and we would like to see our representative from this paw in the ouss.d, briny She matter up at the next mtestiag of that august body. Booms.—Tb, village smithy m- ounted an animated appsrance on Sat- urday morning, and jolly Tom the jour- neyman was kept on the "keen jump..' Our villa`. barber also wu kept on the rush, shaving and cropping the teddies. The rain causedcausedthe gathet sag, LBB1L�0'w. LAcaoss&—The human club purpose holding • picnic and gasses on the civic holiday. Peewee]. —Mr. Rod rick Mackenzie, from Rat Portage, who had been visiting friends in this vicinity during the last few weeks, left on Friday last. Ruuovulxo.—We are pleased to hear that Mr. McQueen, who wee badly in- jured by a reaper a few weeks ago, is so getting better d that hopes are miter- tallied nter tamed of his recovery. PAs°.—The Caledonian Society has purchased five acres from Mr. Robert Ellis, on the west side of the village fur a park, and are fairing and fixing it up so as to be reedy for their games. DoxAnox.—Hon. R. M. Wella, M. P. P. fur South Huron, has written to the Caledonian Society of this village stating that be purposes giving a silver cup and twenty dollars to be competed for at the tug of war between the coon- , s of Huron and Bruce at the annual ggaammeea this year. This is a handsome dosiakion, and will, no doubt, call out the neuale-Of both counties. Labra. HAavrsrtxo.—Harvesting is nearly finished, and said to be one of the best seasons in the memory of sur oldest set- tlers. Ir Moriox.—Two ,gads of thrashers, commanded respectively by Meesrs. Brown and Burrows, are thrashing in the neighborhood. They report the yield about Sheppardton at 25 to 30 bushels to the acre. Since their advent each farmer has one lees sheep in his flock. SACIArsoos A.xntAL —We are informed that a two year old calf comes to the pump at regular intervals during the day • on use of our farina ainoe the dry spell, and seizing the handle of the pump tries to help itself to a drink. It insists upon remaining until water is given it. Fru FIEND. —the farmers on the Commercial road had a trying time on the evening of the 6th int., and a num- ber of them had their fences burned. The boundary fence between Millburn caught fire and for about an hour the farmers on the Millburn side had a lively time, having to cut several swathes along a crop of oats, and plow the ground to stop the. progress of the Hames SrLAxoE BUT TnrL—A bachelor friend has a rooster (4 the Brahma variety that has taken charge of a brood of 12 chickens, about three weeks old. Having doubts upon the matter, your correspondent investigated the matter, and one evening went over and mw the male bird with the brood nestling under his wings. r Upon our making an attempo- to take up oiys of the fledglings, the rooster made a dash for us with Ill the fury of a setting hen. Mr. Edward Caswell, of the Lucknow Sentinel staff, is at present in the ell - kV. Mrs. J. Whyard and Mrs. A. Black have lately been visiting friends in Lucknow, where they had a very pleas- ant time generally. Mrs. Robt. Pentland returned home last Thursday, after a very agreeable visit among her friends in Quincey, Mich. Mr. Thos. Stotler. thrashed on Fri- day with his steamer 100 bushels of wheat in 40 minutes for Mr. John Me - Lean. It o -Lean - It is rumored that Jack Pierce, the Ashfield pugilist, lost $2b one night last week while on a spree. If those two jour gents who were seen "hooking' apples a few nights ago in a certain orchard don't put a stop to such depravity they will hear from me .Kalil. Mr. James Whyard has been making things handsome in the shape shop. a new verandah in front of his tin shop. Then is no half way business about "Jimmy." Whet he does a thing he doss it well. Hy brother correspondent or Ibe Nils appears to have been asleep last weak .o fon fear he ksn't aeakeeed yet, 1 might venture to offer a little news in behalf of the Nib people to the effect that Quarterly Ser.ios wes held in "the C. H. Church last Sunday. Then was a large attendance frogs hem. If the maxim "that birds of a father bock together' be true then it follows that we havet is a few wows avowed the carnets. is Ore is of which I would like to my a few woords for he is I think a half brother to 'Edgar A. Poe'a raven, and is, if possible, more impertinent, more ineiJ.nt std decided- ly More bold. That he hes just each an inulting expression in his weak. it is no uesotanon occurrence to see him perched epoum a httehing prat croak- ing at every non that goes past if that croak was ttatslated kite , i an IeosMdent it would mesa something like "demo that hat," "pull doe u,yuttrvest," "wipe of your ohiin, Now aII that kind of thing wakes a fellow feel mean. With young ladies he takes a wore de- cided way ot drawing their atteetitu. He no ,outlet sees a young lady *nue around the owner than he glees s spring into the air and glides past her w clow to her bow that she unvolumtarily raises her hand to feel if a piece of her nose bas not been carried away. Now I om have watched that, ow at that kith Lf business maty times, and have come to the conclusion that he has designs upon our girls, nasal organs; so as they love that member, beware. This crow is nut afraid of anyperson, man, woman, or child, and struts about the streets w ith re much dignity as if be owned the whole place. If In the sourse of his rambles; he happens to get in any per- sons's way it never occur,' to him to step aside aud let you pate Oh,' no; not he. N0 matter how greet your burry is, you must go round, G r step over him you dare not, and you would no more think of kickiuy that chow than you would of kicking the ''Mayor" of this village. CoxrAn. "Keep awake, brethren, keep awake; I know it is hard work this weather, but do the best you an, I want you all to hear me," wu the way in which a Clin- ton clergyuian aroused the sleepy mem- bers of his congregation un Sunday morning. It wu an effective remark. For all Liver and Kidney complaints and affections of the Stomach and, Bowels use the great Dyspepsia remedy, Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bit- ters In large 8 oL bottles containing 77 teaspoonful doses at 60 cents a bottle. Geo. Rhyne, special agent for Goderich. R. P R O U D F OOT Has just received a New and Well Assorted Stock OF FRESH GROCERIES AND 'FRO -VISIONS which he will sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Pine Fam ALSIEI1 y Flour FELD, AND CURED MEATS 1 Always in Stock. Goods Lelictred to Any Part of the To1en, Ooderfee, June nth, 1181. 1711141 W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE Coderich rills (LATE PIPER'S.) the mel patronage received theto return their thanks to public thhelepast year. mea is state they are prepared to do CIRISTINa- m the shortest notice, or for the convenience of parties living at a distance will exchange grist° at their town store (Late W. M. Hiliiard'e,) Masonic Nock. Est @t. Godurieb. fia-Highest price paid for wheat.. - a GOQERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & .Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- tured on ,horte.t notice. All kinds of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietors who Ales Practical Workmen. P. 0. Box 103. 1787 TOICE TO INTENDING BUILD - TILLER & I c QUARRIE has on hand a choice lot of A I. PANNELL DOORS, FRAMES and 8A8R of all rises which they will sell cheaper than the cheapest; they are also prepared to tfurnish o aedet building material of all descriptions or will take building contracts at paces which defy competition. No option in the County recognised. Do notf�oall on us' we always tee Car. rect plana Aatto■s and estimates ter- n on ap tlRR MB & MeQUARRIE Planing MLILLNeewwplte SL, Ooderloh Ont. ALLAN LIN E ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, G0 W. SHORTEST AIG ROUTE. GMs, Iaterwedfate and Steerage Tickets al LOWEST SATS. CleMEL A��ee Passengers are booked to Queenstown, Derry, Galway and O w, at same tmiw ss to SAILINGS PROM QUEBEC: Pe m ettAx ............ ,....... Ess Massy' SANNAT Aw IOW... . IOW • W�tbi " Ctet'AsssAw 1AntaAn Pd.TwesIAN S A00 . ANDRA* .. • .... • ifs\ .. SANDI/et Ale Egli " leort.vt.w fttk .. BAmw1n All EM1I r. Ci 'a at Alt . PnLawmmtR w• 1 GLA" 11:1eIAw .. ...... .....,..... INh " eMAN MO■AveAn .. R#I SANNATIAN C lwcym• r. Ax .. .. ......ION train ...g the Allots Mall Srwmer will *we every Friday at TM a m. P.weaga. "sit Asa`�,eave T..sase 1/ r bp,m_ Rah ase a arms earn 1QwhewoRhoolE 'g Per "stow ami/ .vary t hrin ettea wets es D. Ill DN ?demo 1711-110 Case 0~111 S1ED3 FOR 1881. �1sra\aa. 1a the public list h/t fs ea ease bet r stock thea Astatleg uer tea Of ohaasnn Cls Barley. a/ Timothy: also P Yin* Gtloo,111111Ok and While VMS. ., Make. Leveret mad Lawn Oram, A Brut class ateeetineat of FIELD, GARDEN and FLOWEII UZDe, salsetsd withpeat are hem tie bora std Yarm In ie °water. (l1 end see. We keep the beta and inwM,assure maid we me p. COlirriii SUNPNISE CMN, The best neMs mow fat oU caked kept ea.eta. y ee JAMES McNAIR. 1778 Amiantus 8t. JOHN PASMORE, Manshctnrer of Waggons, Carriages Ete., Etc., VICTORIA -Bt, Corner of Trafalgar. .Agent for the Celebrated SEEGNILLER CHILLED PLOUGH AId Agricultural Implements. Also, agent for the Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. This is one of the beat Companies 1n exist- encebeing prompt and reliable. Information furnished cheerfully on application. 17814m JOSS rASNSsa. S eh rt. The Point Farm t30D�RICS- TBREEZES HE 000L OFF LAKE HURON render tkb spot a DoIigbllW Augusi lleiftal rl.rie =each Lan Pk8ll? rounds AND Splondia Verandas. ACCOMMODATION FOR 2oo G u ests MONTREAL TELEGRAPH OF- FICE ON THE PREMISES. TERM8 18,00 TO 110,00 PER WEEK. Children and Nunes, halt price. Write or Telegraph for Rooms and Send for Circular Address : J. J. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Pant Farm. Godertcb, July 35th, 1881. 1 1717-tf HAIR DRESSING. Mrs. T. Robertson TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY OF Informing the ladies of Goderich, and the country generally, that she Has Removed to East Street, Near Knox Church. Goderich, where she car- ries on Hair Dressing in all Its branches. S.witches, Curls, Puffs, Frizettes Braiding, etc., done up in the Latest Styles. A Call is Respectfully Solicited Goderlch, June 30. 1181. 17833m CARD OF THANKS. To the Canada Fire and Marine Insurance Co'y. oe—Aceem the thalami of the Cm tasa wnallvery poan loss as satisfactory through your adjuster, Mr. Alex. McD. Allan of G.dsrleb. A. Rear., Tniesmne .. Colbert*. July MIL 1717. LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881 - Two Years fur the Prise of One THE REPRINTS OF lm>< ReTi=M atiwnsn ,t (Dseatg.He l , alma SIASTQiT (Co...,wN.1 1'I Cu (W ilo• W15T* Td (AL hertell REVIEWS, AND > retest benfi � s- veiniest rem slarld/swt er Term of s.lswtpU_E IaEoleYag f esasga.e Blaokirood Blackwoodnnr me Review.., nue i s' . ��nt,sek�wood sal iar twoeR�tetleweReview. 7 M Blackwood lid thele ltevlewe. Any two Review, suss suss The hear Review, iews " heir are e�hem hey Me fourw prism +t.. 1 by *5.u Circulars P4 Mte\see swe Perk*kale lerthe ymr WE a addsow sour « e . ptha Mom may be had an apOUtheioa, �Pit]0MILTEI[S- ew ax do 11111Mrh.prlee.ereedliem may hart wsy.ret T ea �e rbsonoeryisbaerr.�w�or a �ew'r M aeaen''lM tutee h6lbpeatleta.�m Te leer° prw iwl� a wow,* TM Lenart Nett ItsaiishbF 48 RAlllE.AT 4?.. Iltr► Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - . • pt000,e,o, SURPLUS, . . • N,15.aeo. Goderich Branch. 0 &DUNSPPOoRt�D, - - - Manager eird poolta. Drafts. In alt,.nvir mal eleea1r abl.. a cif the would 7 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid ta Capital, 16,000,0014 Rtse, - 11,400,000. President. - XON, Wit Alrlfd9Tj5.R Haurwl Maaaper, - W. A'. ANDSR$ON, Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - MAxloss. Interest allowed on dewns posit*. Drafts on al Great Britain amend the United States, bough` and sold. Advancers* Farmers on Notes. with one or more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753 SHEPPARD'S BOOKSTORE. Hymn Books NEW PRESBYTERIAN, NEW METHODIST, NEW ENGLISH CHURCH. Revised edition of NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS, PERIODICALS, LATEST NEWSPAPERS. Seeds ! Seeds! The .mbeenbsr begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock of FART a GIRDER SEEDS, consisting of CLOVER, TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN ANO VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rata that cannot be beaten. 8. SLOANE. General Seed Dealer, Hamilton Street. THE UNIVERSAL VERDICT is that our OOct Photographs w.usarpasdbd in the Dominion for TRUTHFULNESS ru LIFE USD BEAUTY OF FINISH. No LiIy in Ton or Colilltr1y should make a purchase of hosiery without first seeing MISS STEWART'S very large stook, consisting of 2300=1WY at 25cts, of the best make, and which is meeting with a very rapid sale NEW PLUMES, VARIOUS SHADES FANS, EMBROIDERIES, A LARGE STOCK LINEN ULSTERS, FLOWERS, PARASOLS, FRINGES, CANVASSES slid a very lnrge variety of other articles, neat, new and poptdar. Dressmaking and Millinery in the Best Style. MISS STEWART- L r lava wan tits Cermet T ISIS ►nrw IM Fka1W areaGad •••17mp err hu111p I.,.. . 1 rep eatacl Over than,' la benken v.rr 1-.,,. ,. mut prase. A LOT OF PRINTS AT COST T • Colborne Brothers. GO TO THE OLD STAND ! G-_ H_ OLD'S FOR Yul It Groceries, Crockery and Glassware Gai Reduclioii iii Price Monlh (or Cash, OR BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. I Have the Celebrated American Fruit Preserving Powder for Can- ning Goods Without Using Sugar, and also a well - selected Stock of Groceries. weal dad ,BOUND NOT TO B7 UND81RBOLD't3Is —COME AND— See my Prices for Glassware before Purchasing Elsewhere. CLEARING SALE CARPETS We offer the balance of our stock of CARPETS RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. OUR BIG SALE —OF - dress Goods will continue for thirty days. Just opened another case of CHOICE NEW TWEEDS. JOHN C. BETLOR & CO. R. SALLOW S, Photographer. Montreal St. Goderich Ont. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES • PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY. &c.. (0) Ti IF YOU WANT IWA line selection of Stereoscopic and Card Views of Godericb and vicinity always on band. 1�s1 KEW FRUITS.1881 NEW VALENCIA'S, Nay LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, S. & ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSNU TB. IS LAKE SUPERIOR ma TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. E! BALT WATER -Mei HERRING AND CODFISH. AMIN A LBOs MISO1 TEIIaT OP Teas, Sugars, Awd Genal Groceries ; CBOCKIET, GLASSWARE, A ND CHINA. Dr. Pewee Oisas P.hing Powder. Dr. Plucw'e Lopatin Tang Oent.. Chas. A. Nairn, !Hl IiQUARE. HSI /72 • inauhrsts !At tree= It THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. IF YOU WANT GOOD CIGARS, TOIlACC(IS, Yi1ES. .CC.. (0) TO THE PEOPLE'S DRUG SRE. .1 splendid assortment of FISHING TACKLE. just received, and be sold CHEAP. GEO. RHYfbI h S SUCcelaa'.t t,) GEORGE CATTLE. Hlake'» Block, Heal the Market, Goderich. Prescriptions a Speciality - - - Night Bell on the Front Door. Spring and Ser Goods. NOVELTIFB, NO r E11111 .. A choice relation of FANCY S'nuws, in Hare and Boswsitt. STYLISH, NEAT Arm SURE TO PLEASE. FRENCH and AMERICAN goods In the latest serails& A splendid assortment ot RIBBONS, FLOWERS and LACES. Rata and Bonnets trimmed in the peweet styles. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. We take pleasure in .i,,.triw ( oar yw,ds. MISS WILSON, • Market Square, Goderich. 1_F_3=1-i'61:It DOMINION BAKERY. Wass $Toast, - Ness rsa Porn Orrice. A LARGE APPORTMSNTOF ma. Bleery iel d ewe :retell wawa.. craw IMMON to aea'. All kinds of Flt101111,K E3X180t7iTell Of trod quakily. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINGS 1 Which l guarenta a wUl glue &WOW riao. Mg praise is no rocommendatiots. ht Ry my PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD, are 'edge ter vreet daily ball parte of the tenni TO BUILDERS.— KINTAIL BRICK YARD. A `'aattty of ped white brick ea band and far.►k at reasanabes rete.. Tbr sekwrrlbsv is now arrying len the ■lattlttst endue= at the Elate" knew sad/ give a orders which may be seat *in await preempt attwefon. The *irk le of alt . elms vealtty, mud the teems are reassu.Ws. A ddreas JOHN IL 111tlitS IOR, Elute" P 0 L E. KNIGHT. 1$5 os to , e20 wr.�ay �a{t hens June Me4atamlw Je !. 1111. INNIS se the Pose Mee mimeos t ., Perused. 1 *5*•daiaw