HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-12, Page 24 THE HURON SIGNAL 'THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1881. uK1uAufs d.�LE u A uIBLt COMM I Bla- - - CONDITION I " th hat result t" Upua being tudd- M .. r ruULII OLLPESiitTl', to the Tows Is published every Friday Morning by Mc- Uiwc'VUmr 1lww�y.. at their Oahe. North 8t. Stith' liquors) GODERICH, ONTARIO. And is despatched to all parts of the surround - lug country by the r.rlteet mad mud trains. By geaer•al admission it has a ler•ger decals. coin than any other •e pee la this part d the country. sed is moot the reclest, oewderI and most reliable joaruals la Oatmrb. Puseessing, as it does, the foregoing essentials. and being In addlUun to the above. • flnt-olass tawily and fireside paper- -it 1. therefore • most detonable adesrtutagp stadium. Tsars.-gl.311 is advance, postage pro -paid lig publisher.; •1.73, If paid beton six months: WY.00 if not so pall. This rule will be strictly enforced. KATIE Or ADVERTISING. -Eight sesta p0 one for tint faeertlun : three cents Ilse for each subsequent insertion. Y early. ha11-yearly and quarterlycontracts at educed rates. JON Pear aEs:,.-- Ne have also • first-class jobbing department in connection,and possess - Ing the mem complete owt-st sod beet for turning out wort In Guderich,are prepared to do business in that line at pricer that cannot be beaten. and of a quality that caanot be surpassed.- Tenses ('ask FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1881. TO SUBSCRIBERS. Hew le order • Change (sr Address. In ordering the address of your paper changed, give the old as well as the new address, and sign your name as plainly as possible. Due observance of these sug- gestions will save us much trouble and expense, and insure prompt compliance with the request to make the change. BLAKE AT THE COAL MINES. L aft Bir. L Tilley use of the most Tulletweett of Wren 1 Haanuee, the Nihilist, is said to be in Canada, having left the United States after a very short stay, through fear of arrest. Da. CREDIT(' will again eorttsst Ar- genteuil against Hon. J. J. C. Abbott. It it quite possible that' Sir •Hugh's legal adviser in the first I'acific railway "bar- gain" may be left at home. Stratford has as much right to dub her councillors aldermen as Belleville, Guelph, St. Cntharine., St. Thomas, or Brantford.--{He.ald. Is it on the ground that Stratford has Ono lost in population during the last year or two 1 Tea London polios station was visited on Tuesday by the Board of Health, and pronounced to be in a filthy condition. We can now account for the repeated statements which have appeared in the London papers about Wings being lively iu rolice quarters. 'fug Hon. A. W. McLellan, Presi- dent of the Privy Council, has been ap- pointed, by an Order-in-Count:il dated the 2nd instant, acting Minister of Ma- rine and Fisheries during the absence of Hon. J. C. Pope, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, who is at present India. posed and unable to attend to the duties of his office. A little while ago we read in the Lib. Con. pints that Hon. Edward Blake dare not hold a meeting in the coal min- ing district of the Maritime Provinces during the present tour. He had been asked to do so, but the pressing demands upon his time were such that he was un- able to prevent himself at the time asked for. The consequence was a loud huzza from the Ministerial papers, and they proceeded to score one against the Lib- eral leader. Bot as has happened before , and will, we opine, *occur again, they reckone3 without their host. On Mon- day Mr. Blake, accompanied by Hon. Messrs Huntington and Laurier, held a meeting near New Glasgow, Pictou County, New Brunswick, which was at- tended by from 4,000 to 5,000 persons. Mr. Blake especially addressed himself to the question of the coal tax, and among other things stated that the only evidences of .prosperity he had seen in the coal region were. the palatial resi- dences of the owners of the mines -the condition of the working man was not materially improved by the impotition of the duty. The leader of the Opposi- tion also contended that even if the owners and miners were proportionately benefitted by the coal tariff, it did not follow that it was just, for the great majority of the people of Canada had to bear the burden of the taxation, that the comparatively .few engaged in *mining operations *night gain. The duty was a violation of the tint principles of tax- ation, and as such he would feel impelled • to oppose it as it at present existed. Mr. Blake's speech throughout gave no un- certain sound; he did not' enunciate a principle in New Brunswick at variance with, his utterances in Ontario. He spoke as an honest man to honest men, and although it might be that there were some amongst his audience to whom the wholesome truths he uttered were unpalatable, yet he received from one and all of his hearers that hearty ap- proval which should be the portion at all times ofsnhonest, upright, conscienti- ous speaker, whose sense of duty im- pele him to utter the truth at all times and under all circumstances. Ir is said that Mr. Bradlaugh received what may prove fatal injuries while en- deavoring to make his. way into the British House (4 Commons last week. The member for Nortlhanipton has been very unfairly dealt with since his re-elec- tion, and is not likely to become a con- vert to Christianity by the treatment he has received at the hands of his fellow members who bast about upholding our religion while they cruelly persecute him. Whether Bradlaugh lives or dies, the principle he is now contending for will etaon be approved of by the British Parliament. COMMUNICATIONS. ti1J>.RFI eel w stop , of Colborne, in the coital/ of Huron, rich the most aatidttetury result, 1 • Under, and by vine," of • power of sale con rained to • certain Indents". of Mortgage. which will be produced at the uu*r ote•le. made by one TRUMAS WATOON, late of the Township of Colborne, to tine( 0Lnt)�of Hurun, yreuluau deceased, there ell! be s id byl'l1b- L1C AI)C"TION, by JOHN C. C'URtltIE. Auc- tioneer, at his Ateekiou Rooth*, In the Town of tkoderk•b, uo SATURDAi' the Inch DAY OF Al'OUtI'1', A.D. 18x1, at 1Atl0u'etuek. noun. the following valuable farm property, namely : Lot number six, in the eighth cuuctesiuq western division, ut the said Township of Coll south -weer comer. thiisave and rty • t ororodw s to length, from north to south and tau rods In width, oo- oupitd by the farm buildings of the adjoialag Rut Abuut sixty scree of the said lauds are cleared and in • gold state of c uit,t •tion, and the remainder. about 40 acres, is well wooded 'soh beech, maple, and hemlock. 'I' he suit is a clay luau*. A creek runs thruinirli the lot. The buildings cousin ut a frame house w Rh kitchen attached, and small frame stable. There L also a good well and amen orchard. The said Rut la un the Orsvcl hued (ceding troth Goderich to Lucknow, about five :ties from the Town of Guderich. and one and oae- b.alt cies from the village of Smith's 11IU, and is altogether a vcry desirable farm. TERMS: -Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale to the Vendor's !Soli- cit ors, and the balance to be paid within one month thereafter. and upon such payment the purchaser shall be entitled to the conveyance, and to be let into possession, the purchaser at I he Efate of s•Ir, to sign au mgr •emeut for tbe, completion of 1Le purchase. The property will Wed not hold ourelvee regwnettie foe the , iee s�arwsata of Use W.s.ded ►rv.td.otl smiled and relltarksd:- 1 ase glad it is ton to that leprrt quest meet urJtae them- _ ' and (said he felt much better. The sick- epinloas ut ar 'arra tic outs. Oontrlbu- Sri woe* late sad nears. over.'• He was cheerful iu demeanor, salvos to y u gueatlw*r and be brlef. ' Wsahingtun, Aug. 8, -Dr. Ellis Blies, name at the stoana.ch, which nearly al- •bees Laos Neees, who was present at the op entwu to -day, ways follows etherization, did not come states that the patient bore it with his oat fur needy half • hour. When it did To the Editor of The Signal. customary fortitude. He says, '.The it weakened him somewhat, but the Dzaa Sit -A ouuple of weeks ago an item appeared iu 'lett SIuxAL giving the Pwideut has the must will power of any thought titer the wont was over more man 1 ever knew. I have .sen u►en then trade Sp for it. number of unmarried tuarrugeable brought in tram the battle held and un- f' n- 1x ♦ BAD STATE.young ladies un East at. We all laugh- dery amputations without the •dwinu- Washington, August 9. -Mrs. Edson ed heartily when we saw it, fur then is tering of anesth ice, and they have says the President is a great constant no dagusutg the fact, that we. num- borne the ppun without tlinohingg, but sufferer, and at present eiceedityply tee- erow: but, sit, It isn't our fault, and as times wen were twill u atrwigth end ble. He talks very little. Shu �s living in single blessedness is not $crime, blood. The President, however, has his condition as serious. It is salt the we enjoyed the juke, hugely. However boss 1/i1 the sick had �►t,re than live President has become tired of all the there is a fussy old gentleman of that weeks, and how he can stand a painful doctors. He is very much debilitated clamof Scutchulen whuw Sidney Smith operation of this sort with such nerve and now looks worse than ever. After mentioned in the same breath with sur- asteaushes all the doctors.1 believe he they had gone yesterday, and when his gi(al 'Per"'" I'd jokes, who looks eland OASA elamore UW an Istat of the wife and nurse sat at the bedside, he upon the item in question ass slur at do:k,n 1n attendance said:- -"I am glad to be among friends the young ladies of East street, and pro- WaeHiNorox, Aug. 8, 11 a, in. -The coeds to champion our cause in -----List necessity for another operation upon the week's SGtr. Why he dues so, we girl pent this morning became tppparent can't tell. He has no warnagable laugh- esterds when the surgeonsfound ter, never had, and is not likely to have that • drainage tube of thhitherto one except by adoption, or by aid of a used could no longer be passed along miracle. Perhaps it is that he has fixed the track of the ball between the ribs his eye in a covetous manner upon one The process of granulation at that time of us. Whatever his motive may be, we do had gone on so far as to partially slue not require hint for a champion in this the orifice, and the ribs prevented the matter. His ravings about politics pushing aside of the flesh beating be - show him to be devoid of sense, and his tween them enough so that the tube vulgar abuse, and absurd innuendo could be introduced. The result of this throughout his entire communication, prove him to be no gentleman. Such , in the deeper parts of the wound rather THE waterworks question is assuming shape. Preliminary action has been taken by the Council, and it is to be hoped that Goderich will ere long be blessed with the privilege of a first-class water supply for domestic purposes and forfire protection. A representative of the firm of 11lgles d Hunter, of Guelph, will visit the town next week, and take observations and make estimates, which will be in due course submitted for the consideration of the Council. Me. Justii•t GROVE at a public dinner in England, revived the saying of Lord Bacon, to the effect that a "talkingjudge was an ill -tuned cymbal." The English Lau/ Journal quoted the passage in full, u follows:- "Patience and gravity of bearing is an essential part of justice, and an over -speaking judge is no well -tuned cymbal. It is no grace to bea judgefirst to that which henlighthaveheard induetind time from the bar, or to show quickness of conceit in cutting off evidence or state of things was that the pus formed an one need not constitute himself care- taker of the girls of East street We are able to take care of ourselves, and need nu venerable L,thario of the "daft gowk" style. A joke ie a joke, and in- telligent people can understand it, but a rheumatic old fellow of limited percep- tion, endeavoring to manufacture a grievance so as to do the gallant, is not a joke, but smacks of Don Quixote's fa- mous tilt. With thanks for your court- esy in publishing this little piece, to show we can take care of ourselves, I re - faster than it could escape through the half -obstructed opening between the ribs, and its gradual accumulation began 10 cause a disturbance. It was there- fore decided to make a new opening in- to the track of the last rib, so that the ribs should no longer prevent the keep- ing open of the wound by the solid bank- ing which they afford to the granulating flesh between them. The operation was performed at the request of the other surgeons by Dr. Agnew. As soon as the main an EAST STREET GIRL patient had been put under the influence of ether, a long, alightly curved instru- saasn to Ireland went was introduced into the wound and passed between the ribs, and carried It is understood that Dillon's release downward along the track of the bullet will be followed by the release of all the until its end could be felt below the last other persons imprisoned under the Co- rib from the outside. Holding this in- ercion Act, save those to whom actual strument in the wound as a guide, Dr. crime is imputed. Agnew made a counterincision below the twelfth rib, cutting directly through the A correspondent says: "The time of the manufacturing and industrial classes integument until the knife met the end is coining, and when the land question u 0 the first mentioned instrument at the settled other questions, already begin- point where he wished to intersect the ing to hni before the eyes of political track of the ball. The operation was o observers, will come to agitate the coup- not • difficult or dangerous one, and the try as touch as ever. The agitators will patient bore both it and the etherization du their utmost to keep the people in a tiztremely welt state of ferment, The release of Dillon rRILADLLPHIA, Aug. 8. -Dr. Agnew was quite unexpected. stated that the examination with the It is understood that the Government Probe showed the President's wound to be will give way to the Duke ot Argyle's far less serous than for a long time sup - amendment to the Lend Bill, giving the Posed. It has been definitely ascertain - landlord the right of compensation, in that the cavities of the chest and ab case of sale, of the holding of which he domen were *tut entered,and the periton- eal bought up the tenant right. membrane was not pierced, nor the On the amendment to omit that part of liver torn. The billet in striking the clause 22 which deities "three-fourths" eleventh rib lost considerable force, and as a competent number of tenants for being deflected, passed through the muscles which forst the soft wall of the abdominal region, and stopped just at the chest of the itium. The precise lo- cation is in either the quadrus or psoas muscle. Dr. Agnew did not succeed in touching the ball, although he introduc- ed the probeseven inches into the wound. The bullet cannot be far from the surface of the body. In obtaining the above knowledge of the nature 0 the wound Dr. Agnew said the electric balance was not of the slightest service. The infor- mation was obtained by the ordinarys method of probing. Dr. Agnew think the liver was slightly bruised by the ball in its passage. He is quite sure it was not lacerated in the least, and its ing the Bill. It is known that on the capsule is now intact. The bruise was Conservative benches a strong pressure of no importance. He entirely approves will be brought to bear upon Salisbury of the action of the surgeons in refrain - counsel too short, or to prevent informs- purchase of estate, the Government will tion by question, though pertinent. probably consent to make two-thirds of The parts of a judge in hearing are four tenants a competent number. In this -to direct the evidence; to moderate respect the amendment in the House of Lords will go further in the direction of length, repetition, or impertinency of Pasant preprietarythan the original speech: to recapitulate, select, and col- Bill. late the material points of that which The London Daily News says: "We hath been said; and to give the rule or have reason to believe that the Govern - sentence. Whatsoever is above these is stent iwill wi the House of Commons to dsagreeewith athe important too much, and proceedeth either of glory amendments to the Land Bill in the House of Lords, accepting only a few which do not affect the principle of the measure. It is not believed the House of Lords will stand out against the action of the House of Commons in rehabilitat- 'and willingness to speak, or of impa- tience to hear, or of shortness of me- mory, or of went of s stayed and equal attention:" As Arithmetical Genies. Brother-in-law Toiler Inas discovered that the amount of one and two -dollar I !uuteri in circulation is *4,234,973.25, and the amount of *5, $10 and $20 notes in circulation toot up *78,180.45. The odd cents may bo quoted as a gratifying proof of the effects of the National Policy. We certainly never before had twenty-five cents circulating in one and two dollar notes, or forty-five cents cir- culating in the shape of a five, ten or twenty -dollar note. -[Advertiser. DYNAMITE Cluowr., of Peoria,heads the List of plotters against Britain for ras- cality. He boasts of plans for making widows and orphans, blasting towns and cities, and sinking ships, after a fashion that leads one to question his sanity. A man who conceives such villainous ideas is not short of a lunatic, and should be decorated with a straight jack- et. Of such stuff are Guiteaus made. A short shrift aril a long rope is a tit portion for sucli rascals, if they are not insane B1>< iincpoa LAIIULux`(. Mini/dos of Public Works, proposes going on a tour of inspection. We understand arrange- mentsare On foot in Goderich a. present him with a *enema addresses, and show the objecta of interest in and *nand our beautiful Gown on the 2tith inst. Sir Hector will receive the attention due to his exalted preiti os. from the people of Goderich - both Reform and C•nser- vative--for we all respect the p•'wen that be. T11s Stratford H.rnfd has a sensible article upon the Canadian Press Aeinem- tion, about whiels gra would lay to re- mark that "them's our sentiments, too." A Level Mended Irlsassaa. But we would like to know, supposing a few men -of war and a nutnber of mer- chant vessels were blown up, what good to Ireland would result from their de- struction 1 Or suppose a number of puhlic buildings were riven from their foundations with the hoes of life atten- dant, who would benefit by the calami- ty. Is there a man who subscribed to the skirmishing fund who would not be sorry to hear of a wife made a widow, or a child an orphan for the sake of scar- ing the British ruling classes 1 We think not. If the hard hearts of the British Oligarchy could be rerun, it would be seen that they rather rejoice at these spas- modic and fruitless attempts, as they give them a finer excuse for withhold- ing justice front Ireland, and showing to the civilized world with what kind of people they have to deal. -{Montreal True Witness. Illredbe l's lase. The Court of Common Pleas on Jlon- day, granted Bradlaugh a rule 'pili for a new trial in the case 0 Clark against Bradlaugh. The action was to recover from the defendant the penalty of £500 for hating voted in the House of Com- mons without taking the parliamentary cath, the jury having rendered a verdict for the plaintiff. Bradlaugh is confined to his room on account of an injury to his arm. At the time .if his expul- sion from the Commons, it is stated, his `ane was Mettle 1niGint4 , and the-swe� ing has now extended to his head. and become dangerous. Later a c punts concerning Bradlaugh's condition strengthen the fears that the injuries received while Toeing expelled from the ('ommons on Wednesday may prove fatal. The police smell that thew did not hurt hint Their statements are gwe'erally believed, but others united i!1 the struggle, and Bradlaugh received severe blows upon the heed and arms. He is of full habit, and nat •:rally string cnnrtttuhon, but hu life has been a wsanng one. tin his first visit to the 1 -ratted States years se.o, h• was taken dangerously 111 and remained in the hoe pital a long time His strength since , then has been apparent rather than real, and principally nervous strength again. They hurt and cut ine to suit themselves.'' Dr. Boynton says the President was not excessively weakened by yesterday's operation. Mr. Lightfoot, Government Engineer, has inspected the harbor at Port Elgin, where important improvements are es- pected to be made. The water was found in most pieces to be sufficiently deep to admit lake vessels with safety, while the bottom is of such a character as to render tilling up unlikely, while at the saute time it affords good anchor- age. SARI/ACED FRAUD.-lt is charged that the Star Route contractors in New Mexico, Arizona and other remote re- gions have been in the habit of periodi- cally sending out a lot of worn-out horses and broken-down stages which were destroyed by Indians, hired fur the business by the proprietors of the route. The next move was to present a big bill to the Government for the property, ac- companied by affidavits to show that the horses were very valuable and the stages new and high-prioed. with the object of preventing opposition , ing from any endeavor to find the ball from being carried too far. It is desired to make the hest possible bargain for the landlords, but it is conceded even from , their point of view that nothing could be worse than the rejection of the Bill." Reek Setters. ( Tine WEeTYINSTER HEVIEw- Republished by the Leonard Scott Publishing Co.. tl ' Barclay street, New York. The number for July iaa capital one the canter s embracing: Chanctetistics of Aristotle; Island Life; Mr. Fitzgerald's Life of George IV.; The Sugar Boun- ties Question; The Development of Re- ligion; George Elliot, Her Life and Writings; India and our Colonial Em- pire; Cotemporary Literature. THE EDINBURGH- REVILw, Leonard Scott Pub- lishing Company 41 Barclay street, New York. This standard review for July has reached us and is as fall of interest as ever. The con'enta are : Methodism; Ceesar's Campaigns in B1�Itain; Sweden under Gustavus III. The Society of Anti/ uaries; The Revised Version of the New Testament; General IShadwe11's Life of Lord Clyde; Philippeen's Henri IV. Philipp III,: The Storage of Electricity; Landlords and Tenants in Ireland. THE CANADIAN METHoeIST MAGAZINE for August. Wnt. Briggs. Toronto. Publisher. Price 12 a year; 11 for six months. Single numbers 90 cents. The August number of this Magazine is very pleasant midsummer reading. It opens with an illustrated article en - tiled, "Footprints of Luther,' tracing the editors travels on the track of the great Reformer. "The Yellow Tiber," by Grace Green, is charmingly written and illustrated. Mr. Sutherland records the adventures of a Canadian at Baalbec and among the islands of .£gean Ses The editor tells the stirring story of the Heroes and Martyrs of the Scottish Cov- enant, and continues his tale of Early Christian Life at Rome. Two other notable articles are. "The Salvation Army.' and "Malbouses es They Were and as They Are. • Dr Nelle• pays a beautiful tribute to the memory of the late Dean Stanley The next number will contain the last pent and last penes article of Dr Pnnshon, the latter toeing an essay on John Weal ey s Place in late- netere. A doing rohhery was perpetrated OR Saturday evening at an early hour, the rim tim being (:e•rge Anderson, of Messrs. Phtlltp. A Anderson s dry goads store. Toronto. Mr Anders.n was returning home alorg the Esplanade and two rough looking customer' asked hire the time. He drew out his watch, when one of the scoundrels struck him in the face and the other grabbed ha watch, break- ing the chain. The watch is a silver hunting race wortb about just after the shooting. Even now there is little or no expectation of ex- tracting the ball. Though there is no doubt of the President's ultimate` recov- ery, Dr. Agnew is dissatisfied with his appearance, and his weak digestive pow - en cause fear that convalescence will be prolonged. The position of the bullet, however, is such that no permanent in- convenience is anticipated from its stay- ing where it is. Dr. Agnew says there is no malaria about the White House at the present time. 1\ ashington, Aug. 9.- It is stated that the slit in the President's baek is now about three inches long, extending either side of the injured rib. The new drain- age pipe taps the wound from below, permitting the discharge to fall naturally downward. A bion of Dr. Bliu is re- potted saying that in the first operation a short spray of ether was applied to the vicinity of the wound in ,cutting. Yes- terday it was inhaled by the patient be- 4sues the operation would be long, and tire the President unnecessarily, as he was conscious of the act. The flow of blood yesterday was small. About an hour was consumed in the operation. When the President regained conscious- ness, he asked for a full explanation of what had been done. Dr. Bliss gave him a complete description and the President was an interested listener. He stated that once or twice during the o�,rteeration he experienced a slight pain. Mrs. Edson says the President was told yesterday- that it was thought best to make another effort to straighten the track from which the pus flowed. The President asked if it was necessary and he was told it was. His next question was: -"Will the operation by an exten- sive one 1" 1». Agnew assured the President that no extensive operation was intended. He then explained what was to be done. The President listened attentively and consented, first asking whether it woald he painful. Hs was told it would not. He was told it would not He then said: "I am glad it will not he, for i can't stand much." This was the first tune he has ever shown signs of fear. The Doctors, atter think- ing over the matter, thought it best to administer an esthetic. The President consented bo take either. He gave the closest attention to the preparation. When the napkin mrnucopea, in which was held • spier. saturated with either, was applied to his nose, he took a long breath. and after looking around, said • "1f von are rely, 1 am." and nerved himself for the operahnb. He soon sec cumlwd to the ether and the surgitai task was performed 1 poo recovering serial - Nobility on.Tnf th48rst gnestiom he ask- ed was whether or not the incision had hoes wade. Ha nett question was, There is no better family medieine than Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitten. They are taken alikefby both old and young. They invigorate the system. They should invariably be used instead of those little well-known nauseous pur- gatives called pills. In large 8 oz. bot- tles at li0 cents. Geo. Rhynas, special agent for Goderieh. „ Miscellaneous tams. JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, /sc. Moe, Crabb's Meek, Kingston st.. Gode- rioh. Plans and 'pectination' drawn correct - 1y. Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's work measured and valued. be put tip sabiert to ■ reserved bid. The oth- er X:-(.1w141:0741 unditlona . iU ler tuade known ou the ddasyy of sale. Fv,ther particular. way 1s. obtalntd tram the-tttctloncer, and from the vendor's Solicitors. Dated at Goderich, this !ah July, A.U. 188 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, 179e-1800 Vendor's Solicitors. STRATF )RD BINDERY -ESTAB- LISHED 1MS. This establishment is ch lefty devoted to job and library work, especially to them unique and economical half calf and mar recon styles. In all cases the best of stock and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery overJohnDutton's drug store. GEORGE STONE. CANADA'S GREAT FAIR. 1661-AND--I6al INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION AT TIIIk City of Toronto FROM SEPTEMBER 5tH TO 17TH. two weeks.) MORTGAGE S 1LE OF Valuable FaviPropey, 1N THE TWN SHIPof ASHFIELO IN THE County of Huron., $25,000 in Prizes ARE OFFERED FOR Live Stock, Poultry. Agricultural. Horticul- tural. and Dairy Products. impplements. Man- ufactures and Ladies Work, kc. kc., ENTRIES CLOSE AS FOLLOWS: Live Stock kc., Manufactures of all kinds, Saturday August 90th. Poultry and Lady Riders Re.. September 1st. EVERYTHING NEW INSTRUCTIVE AND INTERESTING. THE GREA TEST ATTRACTIONS and best accommodation for exhibitors and visitors ever adored.' any exhibition held in the Dominion ot Canada! . ;CHEAP EXCURSIONS will be run from all points. PRIZE LiSTS AND ENTRY FORMS will be sent anywhere on receipt of Post card. I Send for them to J. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, 1 President. secretary, Toronto. 4799 -it. FLOWERS AND PLANTS. ALEX. WATSON pFleooipse ofSGuatlhcrihund wichinyt, o thnaftuhne tees on hand a splendid awnrtment of Under the power of rale contained In • cer- tain mortgage to the vendors which will bo produced at the time of sale,and In payment of which default has been made,there will be told by Pl'ULIC AUCTION, at the Huron Auction \tart, in the TOWN OF OODERiCH, on BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING PUNTS of almost every variety. and aim a choice collection of BEDDING PLANTS, AND SHRUBS, and all kinds of "TIC CJFET &EI PLANTS In their season. The public are cwrdlally in- vited to examine the stock. Remember that the earliest purchaser" have the beat choice. ALEX. WATSON, South St. P. 8.- Alen for sale. a heating apparatus, suit- able for amateurs, consisting of boiler. four - Inch pipes, and expansion tank. 1784. MRS. WARNOCK tiers to remind her numerous eurtomers, in and around Goderieh that she has opened out her new stock on HAMILTON STREET OPPOSITE THE COLBORNE HOTEL and snilcis • rentlnnaner of their patronage. as she can with confidence recommend her Wieldas being first class t* every particular. of MINS CAMERON. an access- es milliner. has been secured as or sistant. A ('ALL Ir REarecrrtlLY INVITED. Wanted Immediately, a number of appren- tice(' to learn mllllsery. d11Hamllton Street, *est door to W. Mlle chair Geta.•//• 1788. Nott e. ► ftHs STATUTES OF CANADA, 44 ■ V I('TORIA, 11n1, ere now ready ter dlstri- bet/nn at the Ale). of the (leek of the Peace. (3n.t.rtrh, fn JnatNw of the Pace end oil" ere 'swim to same iRA LEWIS, (leek of the Peace. Huron. Clerk of the )'o -.-e (lilies, Gedsrleh. July Ix 11111. i )78140 TAnrsibp, the 21;th day of August, 1881, At 1 :30 p.m.. by p31rr .1 C. Currie. the fullowieg valuable ThDe Fast half of the south half of lot num- • ber three in the seventh contxasion of the laid Township. containing fifty acre more or lean. This property is situated ll miles from Kings- bridge P. 0., in a well settled and prosperous neighborhood. There are said to be 35 acres under cultivation. the balance being timbered with hardwood and some hemlock. when cleared capable of easy cultivation. boll dark clay loam. Property said to be well watered, drained anti fenced. There is said to be an orchard on the premises of 80 trees all bearing fruit. The buildings consist of a log house 98118 sided outside, and log barn 56x% said to be in good condition. Terms and conditions of sale: The property will be sold in one par- cel subject to a reserved led to be in the hands of the auctioneer at the time of sale. The purchaser shall et the time of sale pay to the vendors, their sclicitore or agents, ten per cent of the purchase money and of the Matinee $1,000 shall remain upon mortgage for a terns of 5 years with Interest ) e*r y at 7 per cent and interest on arrears. The said mortgage to contain all the usual covenants, provisos and conditions in the form of mortgage taken by the vendor to secure loans and • covenant for Insurance in the North British and Mer- eantlle insurance Company to the full insur- able nsutable value of the buildings. The balance of the purchase money over and above the said ten per cent. thereof, and the said 1800o shall be paid to the eendorathelr solicit- ors or agents within thirty days from the day of sale with interest at 7 percent. from said date. Upon making the above payments end executing the said mortgage, the purebaser shall be entitled to his conveyance. The ven- dors shall not be bound to account for. pro- duce, rodace, or spew or prove the contents of any deeds. documents or evidences of title not in their .posseselon, or furnish copies of the same. and shall not be bound to furnish an abstract containing any further particulars than are contained in a Registrars •bstrac•t of Title. The other conditions of sale will be made known at the time of tale or on application to the undersigned. For further particular' I apply to the undersigned at Toronto or to Rice SM. l(AD('LIFEE. at the townu1 Goderich. Howt.AND, ARuOLDI k RYERSON. Vendor's Solicitors, Toronto. Dated Mai Jwly. 1881. ITM. ',-CHANCERY NOTICE TO CR$DI- � TORS. - Pnrsuant to an order of the Court d Chan- cery AY. JAMES McKAn tbe Y, d JOHN BARBARA Infants. under the ate of twenty-one years, the Crediton of ADAM McKAY, late of the Township of Heron. in the Countyof Bruce Presbyterian Minister. who died or abou the month of May. 1876, are, on or before th 30th DAY OF AUGUST, next, to seed by post, prepaid, to W. CLIFTON LOSCOMBE, E. quire, of the Town of Kincardine, in the Coun- ty of Bruce. Solicitor for the said Infants,their Christian and sur -names, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claim*. • statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities Rif any) held by them: or in default thereof they will be peremptorily ex- cluded from the benefit of the said order. Ev- ery Creditor holding any security is toce th same before me, at my chambers, e HMI, in the Cit of Toronto, on the SEL OND DAY OF SEPTEMBER. next, at the hoar of two o'clock in the afternoon, being the time appointed for the adjudieation of such claims. Dated, this 13th day of July. A.D. 1881. 1797.1800 Igncdt R. P. STEPH Referee, Bl-LAW NO. 15 OF 1881. -TOWN - SHIP OF COLBORN E. vt-Rime AR. it is considered expedient by the Municipal Council of Colborne to sell part of the original road allowance opposite Lot 13, 7 con. E. D.. Township of Colborne. said part of road allowance not being used as a public road for a number of years. He It therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Colborne and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the part of the original road allowance oppo site Lot 13, 7 con. E. D. of the said To p, as originally surveyed by the Canada Com- pany, containing by admeasarement, three- quarten of an acre, more or less. be sold to Stephen Yates for the sum of thirty dollars. and that a deed of conveyance he executed h this corporation to the said Stephen Yates. and the Reeve of the Township of Colborne is hereby empowered to execute such deed and *therAixeto. the corporate seal of the corporation Passed May 31st. 1401. Yt'r. Youao. Reeve. J. A. McDoNAoH. Clerk. 1711.41. HERIFF'S SALE 1 tF LANDS corers or HURON, i Ry virtue of • writ of To WIT : ;fin -florins, iaeu..t out of Hee Mslesty's County ('Dart of the ('nnnty of Huron. and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of WILLiAM RITCHIE and JOHN RITCHIE. et the suit of JAMES GAM- BLE, 1 hare soled and taken in Execution W the Right, Title, and Impend. and Kielty d Redrm Mn. of the above named Defend In. a to, the earth portion of Mt number three. cnneeaston eighteen. In the Township M Grey. 1n tb.('onnty of Huron. running parallel to coneNMone 17 and 1s. Is said Tnw*ehlp of Grey, eta ning twenty two acre* of land : *Melt (stationing Dads and Tenements 1 shall olibe for Bateat my office In the Coart Ili la the Town of ltod..rieh. no NATURDA V. *It. Fir TEENTH day of (IITORLR, next. at the hour of It of M. clock noon. ROBERT GIBBONR eriff's Ogee. Oodetieb. I Rhert, of Huron. nron. July lath. USE 1 1781.14 $66 $week 1• year esus taws. Terms end (70., V rt owttk gree. AAANes H. H au.STT b c(cc7�ieeea Poetlaad.lfatae