HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-07-02, Page 611040E4 s ausSils, THURSDAY, JL'LS 2nd, 197.0
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(continued faun page one):
l r ade 2 io Grade 3
'Bauer, Cheryl; Bridge, Andrea;
Dacharme, Gregory; KlliCitt, Kath-
eleen;liott, Lori; alousher..
Joey; Barris, Michael; Johnston,
Barbara; Jutzi, Neil; KelWigton,
'Brian; Kennedy, Terry; Kings-
bury, Stephen; Kunim, Ann; Mc-
Call, Victoria; MeGlory, Reginuld;
McCuteheon, Darwin; e Cu tele
eon, Gary; McWhirtee. Garry;
Pullman, Irene; Robertson,
Sherry; Stiles, Donelda;
Heather; Workman, eittequeline.•
Grade 1 to Grade 2
Alexander, Karen; Brown,
Belay Ann; Campbell, Lyle;
Draper, Juanita; Dorsch, John,;
DM Peter; Ex.el, Peter; Cousins,
:ue.reqs 'amAweeee !LeveuueN
Tery; Ball, David;
Hanna, Michael; Harris, Steven;
Hayman, Patricia; Higgins,
Kenneth; Ives, Hugh; Johnston,
Karen; Johnston. Paul; Nunlike
Evvoia; Meehan, Kathy; Mac-
Lean, Donald; Mason. Mary f on;
McArter, Gary; McCutcheon. Jill;
McCutcheon, 'Karen; McLean,
Karen; McLellan, Pauline; Nicol,
Paul; Prior, Debra; Scott. Jim-
my; Sholdice, Catherine; Tenpas,
Brien; Watson, Michael.
Kindergarten to Grade 1
Adams, David; Bernard. Man.
ne;„131ack, 'Leslie; Brown, Caro-
lyn; Cardiff. Stewart; Elliott,
Velma; Glanville, Teresa; 'Gordon,
Brenda; Goblet. . Lillianne;
gins, WaYne; McArter, Douglae;
McCutcheon, Terry; Pearson,
Robert; • Robertson, Jacqueline;
Somers, Janice; Turvey Sandra:
'Van Den. Assem, Dylan; ]]'alts.
Trine.; Wheeler, Todd; Wright,
Bradley; Cloakey, Sandra; Darecle
The Legislature, this week gave
approval in principle to ammend-
nients to the E,mployment Stand-
ards Act which will require em-
ployers in Ontario to give warn-
ings of mass lay-offs.
The bill will require an empley-
er to give eight weeks notice
'before laying , off 50 or More per-
eons in any four week period:
WeekS notice before laying off 100
to 300 employees and 10 weeks
notice before laying off more than
300 employees in a fear week
Conflietilng evidence about
George Duke's relation.thip with.
Underworld figures emerged f s
the Legislative Committee study-
ing the Attorney-Genernl's eeti-
mates continued it's examination
of the . Oakville businessman's con-
tacts with senior officers of the,
The Attorney-General earlier
had indicated that ]hike had con-
tact with a known Mafia member,
John Pa.palia. However, the Attor-
ney-General corrected this by
baying that Duke's contact. Wag
with Daniel GasbarrIni and Don-
ald Le Barre and not with Pap'
Alfa, Duke, however, has since ad.
roltte4 colitttet with Papalie,
Pal3alla le Suppondly thr, Mafkl,
00,61vor eanafla, Cif104arrini
the Mario "kingpin" and Le Barre
is Papalia's bodyguard.
The OUVerninent has rejeeteci
the request for a public inquiry
into the Duke case on the grounds
nit the contacts between *Duke
and senior orlicers of the 0.1)..P.
were, of a purely social nature, or
else related to his lawn equip-
ment. Dasiness. In the Past five
years, the 0.1%P. has bought
lawn, machines worth $11,072 from
the Duke Company.
The. N.DP, leader for the past
17 years, Donald McDonald iudi-
cated this week he will not con-
tend the leadership of .his party
at its leadership convention in. the
Legislature .recessed • this .
week foe the :Ammer. It will. -re,
ennYeue in the full,
Eating a hamburger envel-
oped in somebody else's cloud
of cigarette smoke Iis no fun
for anyone.
A little consideration for the
nonsmoker is a trend starting
to take shape. Smokers are
getting the message that their
smoke pollutes the atmos-
phere of those around them.
Especially in crowded places.
The social pressure on smok-
ers ?is building fast. Some air-
lines are sensing the trend anti
flying with it. Action on Smok-
ing and Health (ASH) has fil-
ed petitions with appropriate
government agencies to re-
quire airlines to establish no-
smoking areas in planes. John
Banzhaf, the prime mover at
ASH, also plans to push for
curbs on smoking in restaur-
ants, meeting rooms and ele-
vators, plus enforcement of
violated, no-smoking rules in
sections of trains.
One tactic Banzhaf may en-
courage is lawsuits on behalf
of persons asliming their pri-
vacy of or health is affected by
National legislation to res-
trict smoking aboard public
transportation has already
been Introduced. Similar pro-
pose's are pending in some
state legislatures. And three
professional hockey teams
have even banned smoking
during games at their home
rinks The District of Colum-
bia Medical Society has asked
sits 3,000 members to ban
smoking in their offices.
This month Christmas Seal
associations across the eountry
are making united effort to
urge smokers to kick the habit.
Kicking the habit is the ultirn
ate expression of considera-
tion for the eonsmokers And
for the smoker's own lungs
and health.
If you still smoke, ask your
local Christmas Seal essocia•
tion for two leaflets, ME QUIT
in touch with
Huron - Perth Teee:eulosis
Respiratory Disease
121 Wellington Street
Stratford, Ont.
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