HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-07-02, Page 4Are you eligible for Manpower
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P.O. Box 802, Seaforth, Ontario.
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Information Centre
Did you know that 18% of our former occupations
are now automated, and that 51% of today's occu-
pations could be automated?
Did you know that a youth entering secondary school
today may need to be retrained to FIVE new vocations
in his lifetime?
Did you know that training is now taking place in
over 100 occupations in the 'area served by Cone-
Name . , ... 1,411.Aie:,1,644,1114, ....... '4 9.1 ....... .......
Address.„..„,,..„.„,.„ ...... ...... . ..
Would you like Academic upgrading
Would you attend in Huron County only,.„Anywhere....
What course or courses would you like ... • . ........
. .........
by man- with refer- Coleman Oil Stow;, in good
condition. W. J. D. Cardiff
Phone .S87-9110
Call 887-6116
200 gal Oil Tank; Delta Air
Joe Hayward Circulating fan for use with. 1.1
hp, motor.; 2 rolls Snow Fence,
Phone 887-6931
Buggy, play
'M 13)11,118filid8 POST, m tUSa11'l.8,. ONY.4,1110
jL1,1,4I ;nap 1070
i Will Be Away From.
JULY 4th TO JULY 25th
For Emergencies Please Call
Tom McFarlane Phone: 887-6398
Office will be open Tuesday and Friday as usual
Farm Nvork
Baby Equipment.
pen, crib etc, Mrs.
Phone 887-9413
Choice Holstein Heifer, dtte
soon; Also young Hereford Bull. •
Phone 887-6749, Brussels, Oat.
Part-time waiter for Beverage
Room, Friday and Saturday nights,
Queen's Hotel Call 8874771.
Strawberries, 30c a box if pick-
ed yourself, 40c per box picked.,
Mrs. Mac Shaw • • 887-6537
Key Harvester, auto., self
loader, 6 years old.
Jas. Sloan, Call Seaforth
Used Windmill in operating
condition; also fence rails fOr
firewood. Write Box 50, Brussels.
We need Men With farming ex-
perience — a goOd farmer Who
wants to earn. extra money.
you have farming experience, we
have a positiOn for you.
As a. rapidly-expanding company
in the agricultural industry we
Offer you an excellent part-time
position. As a Crop Service
Representative yOu will earn
extra money, learn the newest
brining methods, and have the
Opportunity to increase your earn-
ings and position.
if you're an experierieed farmer —
you're the right man!
Per a personal interview, Write-
E. V. Palmer,
Canadian Sales Mgr.,
Box 847,
London, Ontario
Dead or disabled cows over 1,000 lbs., $10 to $15
Dead or disabled horses, $2000 each
Small animals 500 to 1,000 lbs., 1d per lb.
All other animals such as calves and pigs picked
Up free.
We pay you for your animal at your farm, 24 hour
If no answer call 887.9335
Prop. GORDON JOHNSTON Formerly Marlatt Bros.
lsubel Adams opened her home
for the Julie meeting of the Guild.
Doreen Rutledge opened the
meeting with a poem, Reasons for
',Chanksgiving. Hymn 111 was
sung followed by the scripture
reading taken from. Mathew .13,
verses 3-9. Brenda mggin$ led in
prayer. Jean Stiles gave a very
appropriate topic "Adventure ine
the Garden". Roll Call was answ.
ered by favourite vegetable or
flower planted this year.
The meeting •closed with hymn
720 and. the Benediction. A .delle- •
ions lunch 'wes served by the com-
mittee in'elearge,
Family Gathering Held
Mr. and Mrs, Robert MeMichael
held a family gathering at, their
home on Sunday, June 21. Guests
present were: Mr. and Mrs, W. J.
Dale and Cheryl, of Constance,
Mrs. Bon Glousher. 'Karen and
Bill and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Snell and Shane of myth, Mr, and
Mrs. Murray Scott, Melanie and
Martheth of Belgrave. aheand Nye,
Wayne Hoegy of London, Miss
Evelyn McMichael of Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMichael,
Sharon and Jill of Preston and
Mrs. Blair Bender of Baytield.
Walton W. I. Meeting
The Walton Womenis Institute
was held in the Walton. Commun-
ity lieu], NA,Tednesdey evening,
June 24. The president, Mrs,
Alvin McDonald called the meet
ing to order with the Institute
Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect
and 0 Canada with Mrs. Herb
Traviss as -pianist, Then the meet
ing was turned over to the Con'
venom on "Education", Mrs,
Herb T,raviss introduced the guest
Ali• Stan Piquet of •Gioderich who
is a. farm management specialist
with the Agricultural Department
in Clinton. He spoke of the dif.
ferent ways of pollution, and ex-
plained certain distances for new
farm buildings from reSidential
property. Pollution deals with
man and his enviroment. Most
problems are in the heavy pop-
'Mated communities that are build-
#ig up at our town and city bord-
ers. A discussion took place, and
many were answered. Mr, Piquet
showed a very interesting and
educational film "The Chemicals
of Plenty" ft showed us what is
being (ionic' to produce better
fruits and vegetables with the use
of sprays and quicker machines
to ensure fresh fruits when they
arrive at. the market. Mrs. Don
McDonald thanked the speaker'
and presented him with a gift.
The business followed with Mrs.
Wm, Humphries reading the
minutes of the May meeting. The
Roll Call "Something. I can do to
proMote farm and home safety"
was well answered by 26 memb-
ers. 'flee secretary also gave the
trerisun ,21''a report and received
the e.illeetion, It. was reported
that the Institute lace table cloth
was still missing', anyone knowing
its whereabouts to bring it to the
next meeting. It was voted to par,
chase :Birthday Calendars for the
neW year. The instittite will go to
liuronview on the 3i'tl Wednes-
u...Ay fn. July awl pat the
.I-arty 1":;)r the patients. A
:we of Mrs. Geo. wake,
Mrs. Wm. :Humphries, Mrs. :Ralph
Traviss and Mrs. Doing 1,1nnia
was chosen to make ru•nangements
w 1Lfl. Mre. .1. yen ',Met looking
after the program, The next reg-
Ular meeting will be held Aug, 26,
with tho convenors, Mrs. Mc-
Gavin and Mrs. J. veel V.ict Jr,
In charge. The Institute Grace
• wr's S1111,2", and lunch was served by
the host ees, rs. ,lames Mc-
Donald, Mrs, Jas. Nolan Mrs,
Alvin McDonald and Mrs. Don
:NI a ioneia..
Teacher •Honored Ritirement
A selection or Pinnhers was
played by the Wilbee
Carel, Keith and Brien with their
saxophone With their mother
assisting at the piano. Bill Short-
reed contributed a solo with firs.
11. TraTiSS as his accompanist. A
visit from Red Skelton played by
Mrs, Jzl, Mitchell was an interest-
ing part; of the evening with her
jokes Had compliments, gave
many a. laugh for the large and-
'once. Mrs, Robertson Was asked
lo come forward wh en a fernier
Mien, Mrs. Ken Williamsen (Ann
:Blake) read the addreas and a
large wall picture and Jewellery
wore presented to UPS, Reboil-
son by Gordon Mitchell and. Brian
Bollard: Mrs. Robertson made it
fitting reply thanking all for such.
elerniunt, evening. She Said she
would: portainly ails:; the friend-
ship of the pupils and teacher's as
the past i3 years had been en-
.inyable ones, hut she would have
Many happy Memories of her stay in .Walton, "For' she is a jolly
Good Fellow" was Sung followed by a delieicius lunch,.
MARTIN --- Mr, and mrs. llowarcl
Martini .are happy to annottnee
the birth, on June 27th, in the
K-W 'Hospital, of their sou —
Gary Dean,
Swathing, hay and
Joe Raynard, Phone.
Roofing, Siding, Chimneys
Bailt, and Repaired. Harris•Bros.
Brussels, 887-9375..
• I am in a part time business
and, earning more than I ever
thought possible, If you would
like to do the same contact:
Charlie Lee, Winghani 357-1383
and collecting money
from. NI.,:lW"I'YPE high-quality
coin-operated dispensers in your
area. No selling. To qualify you
must have ear, references, $600
to $2900 cash.. Seven to 'twelve
hours weekly can net excellent
monthly income, More frill time.
For personal interview write
LTD., DEPT. A, 160 Bay St., Suite
205, Toronto 1, Ontario. Include
phone number.
Plainly marked sealed tenders
will be received by the under'-
signed, no to 12.00 noon D.see,
Friday, July 17, 1970, for exterior
painting of certain schools in
Huron County. •
Specifications and tender forms
may be -ohn.lined ei.t the offices of
The Heron County Board of Edu-
cation, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton,
Lowest of any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
Mr. Roy B. Dunlop,
Superintendent of Business Affair'e
The Huron County
Board of Education
Ei Very Day is "Sale" Day When
You Show People Avon's
WOnderfal Range of Cosmetics.
Profit From. Your Spare Hours
—Sell Avon, Call Now —
Mrs. M. Millson, Avon Manager,
17 Hawkesbery Ave., London,
32 — 451-0541
A very enjoyable social even-
ing. was held in the Walton Public.
School, thuredny, Juno 25 to
honor Mrs. Harvey -Robertson on
her retirement. She had spent the
petit 1.3 years teaehing in the
Walton. School. Many of her forin-
or pppils Wore present to share
this happy occasion. IlVoryon
was asked to sign a guest. hook,
'rim fired pine of the evening was
anent playing euchre with 18
tables in play. Prizes were wan be
Mrs. Stevens a nd Mrs. Win.
Thamer for ladies and Hervey
McClure and 'Ken William R011 for
the men, A short program fellow-
ed Emmerson Mitchell a ,
roaster of cerernouies. •
Traviss sang a solo accompanied
py hor mother at the piano,