The Brussels Post, 1970-07-02, Page 2TIIURSPAY, JULY 2ud, 1970 1,41788111413 CW.rAPAO 'of St: tlit' Starting July 1st, the widespread coverage and •health benefits provided 1oy the Ontario Health Services Insurance Plan will be further extended. Subscribers will be covered for the services of three more health-care groups of practilioners—Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Chiropodists (Podiatrists). Benefit rates For Chiropractic treatment: Initial Treatment, in the practitioner's office or in an institution OHSIP will pay $ 7.00 Subsequent Treatment, in office or institution OHSIP will pay 5.00 Treatment in the patient's home OH.SIP will pay 7.00 Radiographic Examination-- maximum for each service OHSIP will pay 10.00 total allowed per person in a twelve-month period OHSIP will pay 25.00 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person in a twelvemonth period (excluding radiographic examinations) 100.00 Benefit rates for Osteopathic treatment: , Initial Tr'eatment, in the practitioner's office or in an institution OHSIP will pay $ 7,00 Subsequent Treatment, in office or institution.. — . ,OHSIP will pay 5.00 Treatment in the patient's home OHSIP will pay 7.00 Radiographic Examination— maximum for each service....OHSIP will pay 10.00 total allowed per person in a twelve-month period ...OHSIP will pay 25.00 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person in a twelve-month period (excluding radiographic examinations) - 100,00 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Hon. Thomas 1. Wells, Minister Benefit rates for Chiropody (Podiatry): Treatment, in the practitioner's office or in an institution or in the patient's home OHSIP will pay $ 5.00 Radiographic Examination— maximum for each service OHSIP will pay 10.00 total allowed per person in a twelve-month period OHSIP will pay 25.00 Independent Minor. Procedure, which may be extra to the visit and will include follow-up care.OHSIP will pay 9.00 Bilateral or multiple procedures pe—rfofronriesdecaotnodnpe procedure.. ..,OHSIP will pay 4.50 --for third procedure OHSIP will pay 2.25 MAXIMUM OHSIP PAYMENT per person in a twelvemonth period (excluding radiographic .. loom •i•-•••••-• BRIBES AND 1HREATS APE BAD POLICY Gating a ehild to do aoptething by rrienng re,—trd or 1)1.0)(4 7.11.rely gots lasting results, snya the ferh health rinpar rtpli publiotlon "'Disci Wine", Nvon 11. yon opt., immediately successful, phi unwittingly taught the child a lesson you"11 probably regret, namely that doing things means pa:limn!, Your child e.,:1) heOehle 11 Shrewd bargai 0 or t. 'Phis; ot bl-ibrn4 Sh011idrit he Coulon ea of course with payinent Cor certain work Iftsks, tt m•actiee which cats be vets! helpful. in IcTebittg your child the value of your word is not reliable. Or. the punishment, if carried. out. may not "lit the crime'' and have poor results. IS YOUR POST IN ARREARS:? It is gratifying to have had so many prompt replies to notice of arrears. We would appreciate im- Mediate attention to all such notices. CPugult the Post ,tor Bargains, Threats of in Ont. Oro erplallY illerreCiiWe. it's ,dust a Courtship is what makes a man (1.11 call P01[0!.111 t13) ) &Aid Spoon, bat marriage is what, ti alceS he ealls your WWI', he's learned him fork oVOtt