The Brussels Post, 1970-07-02, Page 1ff POST PUBLISHING iticalSE 111,15Seig ;2.d(). A Year lit. Adiefrine — $3,50 TO U.S.A., THE BRUSSELS. POST THURSiJAY., JULY 2nd, 1970 Brussels Public School Promotion Grade 8 to Grade 0 „Adams, Andy; Barbour, Cathy; r,z1.01! France!D Hanna, Julie; 3aines; , Calvin,; Lichty, MdrVitt: ifull'‘'iyyk, Barbara; MeOtitcheq,n, gitline; Medutcheoil, Lori; ile- Lellan, Alvin; Mitchler, Brian; Mutter, Paul; Pearson, ;Joyce; Raymond, Keith; Smith, Doug; Valiance, Lloyd Watts, Steph- anie; Brown, Geoffrey; Draper, George; Gordon, Dianne; Le Drew, Judy; Workman, 1)011, Grade 7 to Oracle 8 Cardiff, Janet; 'Finial, ilarhai'a Hinton, .1-ten; Ireland „Joyce ; 3ermyn, Bruce; Mair, Linda; Mc, Clory, George; Altller, Lentils; Mitchler, Wayne; Nichol, Hugh; Nicholson, Donna; Verbeek, Harry; Wesenberg, 'Dianne; Sul- livan, 'Maureen; Bernard, Car- man; Budnark Stisan; Cloakey. Patti; Ti JOhnstoh. .1tac:ty; Ken*, Debilie; Logan Dave; Machan, Lawrence; Martin, Stephen; McCall, Don; Thacker, Ricky; Willis, Wayne; Exe.l, Fred; Mason, Laverne, Grade 6 to Grade 7 Barbour, Laureen; Bridge, Rob- ert; Campbell, Laurie; Draper, Janice; Dyk, :Gina; Elliott, Fern: James, Murray; Kingsbury, Bren- da; LeDrew, Sharon; Lichty, Marie; McLean, Cirlen.n; MeWhirt- er, Jaekie; Nichol, Murray:' Pear- son, Janet; Pitllinan, Glenn; Ray- Toono, .Coleen; Smith, Norma; Vallance, Beth: , Watts, Wesselink, Margaret; Wheeler, Murray; White, Coleen; White, Randy, Grade 5 t, Grade 6 AdaMs, joim; Bone, Murray; Bridge, Scott; Bryans, Robert; bloakey, Sharon; Dorsch, Ann, ette; Maier, 'Randy; Giousher, Beverley; :Goulet, Eric; 0oWing, Paul; Johnston, Laurie; Jnizi, Jamie; Keifer, Rhonda; King, )3111; Kufske, Roger; Machan, June; Al,acben, Linda: Me.Catch. eon, Brenda; :McLellan, k'arl; fr.rotti;i.ri Mitchler, Valerie: Richmond, Bonnie; Scott, Larry; Sellers, Judy; Stnith,„ Jitanita; Smith, Mary; Stephenson, David; Weseriberg, Dawn; Wesselink, Darlene; White, Danny. Grade 4 to Grade 5 Bernard. Gwen; Bridge, Lyle; Bridge, Lynne; Campbell, Suite; Draper, Bradley; Gibson, Peggy; Gordon, Joyce; 'Maher, Joan; ;fames, Gwen; Kennedy, Norman; Kingsbury, Suzanne; Rumm, Brenda; Langlois, Susan: M al r. Jeap; McArter, Joan; tall, .Julie: Mallory, Lori; MeCtit- -cheon, Michelle; McLean, Keith; McLellan, Max; Pullman, Ruth: Raymond, Carol; 'Watts, David; White, Gail; Wesselink, Grace; 'Willis, Donna; Meinerna, Patti; Dendo i to 6rIlt9t, 4 (INGO, Mr0i ;. • jit'!fi'llif ,('lit'ili[l's .G1L,ES WILBEE A lovely summer wedding took plaCe at Chalmers United Cliereik. Guelph, 'whot June Olizah.eth, (laughter of Mil. and Mrs, 'Kenneth (1. \Vilbee, becalue the bride of Howard .Frederich, sort of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Giles, Prince Albert, Sask. ROY.: Douglas T. Sloane offici- ated at. the. double ring ceremony. Air. Philip Patti 1.lin.v0d appropriate music prior to the eereniolf during the signing of the register, The bride was radiant in a gown of white :Beau de Charm with rounded neckline end tiny puffed sleeves. The gracefully ronfided chapel train tell from the empire waist. Hof Matching white rose hobtleires4 Was eithaheed with. Pearls and she Wore a Dead droll necklace, gift or the carried ti .nosegay Wend of gardenias, pink roses, and lily of the valley with ••White ribbon streamers. Ruth Wilbee, thelell, was her sisters Maid .of honor Gild Miss Carol \\ranee, Walton, .conSin of the bride; WaS • bridesinaid. The attendants isVerE.. goWned alike OA ; daisy Paildraed Batiste in empire waisted Their gowns w ere trimm ed. '1,1.fth shocking pink ribbon matching the centre of the white daisies ent-wined in their. hair. 'Each car- ried a white basket of pink and white carnations.. Mr. Dale 'Giles, :Prince Albert, was his brother's hest man -and the guests .were ushered by 'Mr.. Bruce 'Wilbee, brother of the bride. Poilowing the cereino.ny • a wedding dinner Was served at the Park view Motel,: Guelph., 'The dining room Was decorated with daisies, • pink • carnations • and candles.. A • thre'e tiered wedding rake centred the bride's table. Amid a shOwer .of good the. happy, Connie left .on art ex:7 tended trip across .Canada and the United. States.• . • • The bride is a graduate of the Toronto •General Hospital School of NurSilig• .and the grOcini •is rr graduate from the 1lniverSity of Elf.) ska tchOwail. DEATHS ALCOC.K -- Richard Beacham Alcock on Tuesday, June 30th, 1170. Funeral Service from. the M. L, Watts Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 2nd. Burial in Brassels Cemetery. BELL — Laura May W b eel7, beloved wife or Wm, IL Bell, at HurOnView, Clinton, on Monday, June 29th.,Fulneral service train M. r, Watts Funeral Home, Wednesday at 2 p.m, Burial in Brussels Cemetery, (Catharine:` Cousins, Doug; Dte- charine, Kim; Ducharme, Murray; Dyk„Iohn; Elliott, Ted; EXel, Elizabeth; Fischer, Shelley; Gionsher, Jerry; 114.,,giris. Don- old; Ireland, Mary; Kursice, Arlene; Lichty, Miriam; 'Mot:Loan, Rota; McArter. Joanne; McLellan, David; Miller. Doris: Niehol, Kevin; Oldridge, 13rian; Prior, Tim: Richmond, John; Scott, Brian; Sholdice, Doug; Stephen- son, Dianne', •VanCtimp, :Kevin; Wheeler, CaPol; Wheelo, Scott; Cnorjp.1 1-i11StInt Pit MRS. LESLIE BEIRNES Nrs. LesiiC Beirnes of ham, passed away at the Wing-. ham and District Hospital, Of: BaturdnY, June 13th, following a brief illness, She was TS years of age. The former Susan :Pearl A1d. worth, she and her husband farm. ad on the 7th -concession of Mor- TOwnship, near Brussels, be- fore retmilp to Wingham in 1958. She was a niellifie'r, 0/! S.L. An- drew's Church there. Surviving besides her hUS1):1 ari are one sister, Mrs,•RubY DellnieY of Clinton _ and several neices and nephews. The body rested at. the .5. J, Walker Funeral Horns 1.1111..11. frUeSdaY, 1601, at 2 p.m, when Rev, R. H.Arinstrong con- ducted the funeral service. Inter- ment was in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Gerald Mc- Arter, Mel McArter, Roy Fischer, inner Eastman, Harald i1ldworth, Old Lewis Denpison,. Flowers W•14re carried by Guss Ettio$: Nritc tofi EaStionn, and Lewis 111(1^:vorth. CRANBROOK Mr, and Mrs. Bill Armstrong, PereinS, spent the weekend With loved SmaildOn. '.:\leBride, Stratford, was a Sunday c;,-,:for with N'Ivs. Calvin Cameron, and Mr, end Mrs. Alex Cameron, :k visitedlrs Stevenson, Evening W.M.S. Group The ;June Meeting of the Even- ing Grotto 01 the 1 r. 1i. was held trt the home of 'Airs: Jack ii<night, who presided. poem "Love." was read iiy Mrs., Stewart Steiss and the "eriptxtrr, reading from "f ood N'ews for 1\lodern Man" was given by Mrs. 13ordes engel. One of the Writings of "Ethel Chapman" was read by Sirs. Leslie Knight. The minutes and treasurer's report were given and the roll call was all item from the Juile Conference held 'at Shakespeare, The topic 'June, and Love" was given by Mrs Stuart Stevenson. The next meeting will be in September. Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Gordon Engel_ and the hostess. Bride-Elect Honored On Friday evening a miseella n- eons shower for Sharon Pisenc‘r was held in the Communily Centre. Contests were conducted by Mrs, Leslie Knight and Mriz. Joe Smith. Mrs, Alanrice Cameron read an address of good wishes to the bride-to-he. The many beou- Win and useful gifts were present- ed by a group of young girls. Sharon expressed her thanks te everyone and extended an in- vitation to visit her in her new Kiteliener following h iiitirrItqfe in July. Lhneli 1.,ittso .14'tP1*".14 ri fle d 1,101104, 04: HAROLD Cis,,RpIFF Mrs. ElizatIlObi 1320s:3 Cardiff of Brussels died Tuesday, June 2314, in Victoria Hospital, 1,outtou, after a. lengthy illness, She her (1.6 venr. Widow Ci .r ihe lute^ Harold Cardiff, who pf.t'll/kleaSed her a number of year$ ago, Vie vms 0 life-long resident of this :co-fh'itgiun- ity, born in Grey Township. , She is survived by two dangters, Mi-s. E, A, (Mafg'aret) Elston of Arva gad. Mrs, Cyril, (Jean) PreScott and one son, Murrill of. OW Township; four brothers, Hugh Sni4t1l, Molesworth, Charles. Smith of 'f-Ofgtale, Wm, Smith, Brussels and fei2NO Smith or Walton; three siste'M Mrs. Melvin (Jean) Taylor, :BrafrOs,, Mrs, Sam (Margaret) Sweeney, Ethel and Mrs, Cliff (Margery) Ritchie, Walton, She eras Predeceased, by (MO sister Mrs, 'GeVfga (Marion) W i gh tin an, Funeral services were held' Friday, June 26th, from the M. L. Watts Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. B, LeDrew. :Pallbearers were six nephews, koiks Taylor, Ivan Wightnian. Jas. Strfith, 00kcliaiii Smith, Gerald tc7ddiaff, 1.04 toil Burial was iti)BrinSSeig cemetery, • PEUft'Lha WE WOW' Mrs, Annie IsenOP a patient in 'Victoria Hospital, L'Ondon, Mr. and Mrs. SaM YoIleck gnizi family, Toronto, were visitors I Brussels on Saturday. and, ,,Sirs.. Donald tr r P. of .WilloWdale spent the weekend at their home lit 'Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. RosS isenor of Truro, Nova Scotia and Mr. John 'senor of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Goulet. Ronnie Hinton, soft of Sir, and Mrs. Victor Hinton, was succes- situ' in completing his six Grade 10 subjects from the Winghom and District High School under the Home instruction Plan. Weekend visitors with Mr. and 51,-s. Writ, were - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller acid family, Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Miller and family. Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and Joanne of clirey 't'own'ship. Mr. and Mrs. Magwood and Ann and. Mr, and. Mrs. BO Center and Jackie. London, Delton Rtirkehart, Wingham and Miss Sylvia Hoover Reg, iN,, Wingharn, wei-e Sunday visitors With Mr, and Mrs. Nor- man .hoover', Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wnt. Kellington were fit';. Framk Hathara, Mitchell, Mervyn Riley, Red Lake, Ont., Mr. and Mrs, Larry 'Kellillgton, Spring- field and Mr. arid Mrs. Don Jack- Ith of Orangeville, Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Brothers and Mrs, Florence Pletcher of Scar.- ViNitild. with MINA Mae ariti fittimued tii t9ttl htiti Ktiii..0101 fry F±19116f tit tfi'd GREY CENTRAL HONORS ATHLETES Wednesday`, Tune 24, a gen- eral awerrfhly was held in the school auditeriunt Special awards Mui trophies were presented for acki.eVements during the past year: Individual champions declared to, the Annual Track & Field Day held June S were as follows: fienior Girls: Darlene Duchartne - pts„ Susan Hanna - 19 pts,„ Kay 'Keller - 10 pts. Intermediate Girls: Dorothy Bonesehansker - .24 pts., Gwen McLean - 1110., Mary Ellen! - 9 pts, Juni0v Girls : Linda Lake - 15. pls., Gloria Elliott - 13 pts,, Heath- er McIntosh 12 pta, Primary Overall Champ: Riau. Cardiff, ienior Boy: Bruce Fischer - 26 pis., Dave McClory - 16, pts... InterOediate Boy: Doug Guy Brian Ward a 12 pts. - 22 pts., Bill Pearson - 16 Brian Kerr: - 1.5 $a. Junior Boy: David Brown - 16 Pts,, Kirk Speiran - pts., Terry Bateman and Brian Cog - 10 pts. (fted4 'ran)' champions for the 1970i 6easol; Wh'oi received armbands'. were: Girlg" Softball "The Rand- ers", Linda Morrow, 'Bonnie Mc— Intosh, Anna Lee, Stephenson, Bonnie Clark, Cheryl Bateman,. Marion Blok, Phyllis Keffer,. Linda Smith, Debbie Deoatay, Boys' Softball: "The Tigers"-. Bruce Wilbee,, Jim Cox, Steven, "Pearson, Monty Engel, Roger' Dilworth, Tommy Bowes, BradIe Smith, Robert Armstrong, Murray Cardiff, Keith Adair, Verne GuY. Girl' Newcomb Ball: Barbara 1Butbarme, Anna Lee Stephenson, Joatrlie McLean, Brenda Speiran, joannne Weber, Karen Dilworth, Fay Vetter; 'Debra Bateman, Mar. ilyn Armstrong, Boys' NeWcOmb Ball; Wad: Clark, Terry Bateman, John Web- er, Doug Guy. Paul Smith, Earl Pennington, Dave McCiory, Steve Pearson. Keith Ada ir, Brtiee Fiseb or'. Boys' Basketball; Dave Mc- Glory, Paul Beirnes, Bill Bones, chansker, Roger Dillworth, Barry Breather,' Ken Clarke, Murray Armstrong; Scott Pettaaiece, Ron Stewart. Squad Champs, Gr. 3 & 4. Team 2: Sharon Smith, Barbara Cam- eron, Barbara Bradshaw, Joy Albrecht, Betha,ny Kleffer, Steten Guest, Brian Dietner, Grade 4, Team: Brian COk. Sheila Willoughby, Heather Mc- Intosh, Wendy Smith, Ruth Ann Molt, Tommy Mattson, Ricky Schnock, _ Gr, & 6, Team: Brian Kerr, Doug Guy. Jim Cox, Ross Sleight, holit, Kirk Speiran, Truce Mc- Intosh, Peter van Veen, Rudy Streither, Steven Plach, David Brown. 'Cr, 7 & S. Team 'Doug Conley, Dave McChary, Mike Pettopiece. Earl Pennington Steven Payne, Paul Beirnes, ,Joseph. '<neater, .[loll McLean, Larry Cox, Ken Clarke, Kbn Three pupils were also Stle.eeS- SE111 at the Wingbam Invitational Field Meet. June 1.9. Those reach-, ing trophies were: Senior Boy's Champion: Bruce Ft-Scher. Run- ner-up, Dave McClory, and Dar- lene Ducharme was Senior Girl Riutner.-41). Several Stildeitii Were honored for herfkii: att@itthiede hi the Eit4vol 100 ogio