HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-12, Page 1lomposolo
New Ad vest Wisest+.
Servant Wasted-Stoi•i...
Job Work -SIGNAL Orricit.
Market Fees -E. F. Moore.
Tenders Wanted -H. Cooke.
To Rent John Breckenridge.
Industrial Exhiltition-ii. J. kW'.
"A elders somas ye. Wits' notes, Fetzers band will play in the Park Look out for G. C. Robertson's saver- at the Maitland Falls on Friday, and re- THE DROWNED BOYS.
of Mr. N. Weston. A horse belonging to Mr. John btory
Town Council will uteet this (Friday) Miu Hodge, of Strrtford is the guest
evening. rolled against a broken limb of ri tree
As' faith hell prent it." this (Friday) evening. Dance as tisement next week. calved such injuries that it had to be The illedle:nrer.s:d" 6eir-azerial7 1.1.nliag
usual. Mrs. Barnes, of Detroit, is visiting killed on Tuesday.
If you waist a first -slam cooking stove, call guest of J. R. Miller the latter part of town. Dragging for the bodies of Laurie
709731 TO3'I05.
Dr. Roseburgh, the oculist will be the her brother, Mr. W. Knight, of the A telegram received just as we aro
_ sad ism 0. N. Davis' varlet/. 41+0 Americas next week. HravY BUsINESs. -Upwards of 400 second money at Rochester, pushing the Macara and Charlie Henry, the boys
going to press says that Lucy took
but Lucy will lower it yet. , continued that night. The flickering
drowned on Tuesday, August 4th, was
tractive sign. troit, Mich. Our popular townsman, Christopher PIC-Hie:A.-An exchange thus discoPasu; lightsf tiresupon the beach falling
. , sad Canadian oll for fatuity use. Something noted stallion Piedmont io 2.17f.
Travelling Guide. new the magic fluting 'machine. Mr. Wm. Proctor and family, of meals are now being daily served at the
Mrs. W. T. Whitely is visiting friends St. George's church S, S. pic-nic will
.es: -"The picnic season is in full blast. upon the anxious fates of the searchers,
GRAND Tftt't0K. Shannon's coat of antis makes an at- Holineaville,•are going to locate in De- Point Farm.
Pass. Exp's. Mix•d. Mind.The pic-uic is an institution made a scene weird andsaddening. Eight
tlestorth.... 7.50 " .. 1.10 " .. IA5 " .10.59 " next, the 18th inst. About 200 persons visited Maitland and nine times out of ten it is a signal
all by itself, o'clock on Friday morning a Swivel-
itAsT.Columbus Welsh, is now the proud
Stratford.Ar 8.L5arn 2.15put 6.30pm 1.00 " Mr. M. C. Camenet, M. P., is on a for pulling the string and bringing down reporter went down to the scene of
Goderich.Lv 7.00am ..12.06pm .3.15pm 9.00•In at Woodstock. be held in Bingham's grove on Thursday possessor of • bear.
witsT. tpit to Cleveland. Mr. Brandon will occupy the North Falls on the civic holiday. Some of the a thunder storm. Taken under even the accident. Col. Roes and Ed. Lewis
Stratford.Lv 1.10am ..7.50pm 7.00am 3.44pin Miss Nellie Williamson, of Toronto, street Methodist Church pulpit during bathing suits were remarkable. the most flattering circumstances it can- in one boat, and 13. H. Smith and W.
Goderich. A r 1.15pm ..9.50pm .. 11.00•m 7.15pm will be Thursday afternoon from Rev. Father the enjoyment of the people at the pic- teEhr.meMawna,tewearithwiintghrsee
nneithu.eiirm, hrwoo. ceka
re gdwieraggingsia tishalso
Pass. Exps. Mild. Mild.
Seaforth . . 1.17 - .. 8.M " . 9.15 " 5.0 • is the guest of Miss Carrie William& Rev. Dr. William's absence in Europe. We had the pleasure of a cell on not be said that a thunder storm adds to
Clinton going north...9.39am ...129pm 9.25pm next. Rev. W. N. Volliok will preach was looking hearty, we were pleased to markable, and as showing the strong on the scene. In hour or two after,
GREAT WESTERN. Miss Bates and Mn. McDonald, are Quarterly meeting services
held in the M. E. church on Sunday Beausang, parish priest of Ashfield. He nic. It is looked upon as somewhat re was
regret to learn that our towns- fascination pic-nica have fur the human young Henry had been found, and in a
news was received that the body of
ExPL Mali. ElP.'• the guests of their brother, Mr. Knox.
going mouth ..3.4k_M...8.02•413. 7.2t •• Mrs. J. Gentle* and children, of Kin- in the morning.
Kincardine ' " " 1.00am " ;am K atson, man, Mr. Neil Campbell, was stricken mind, that albeit every person who goes very short time the other body was also
cardine, are stopping with Mr. Wm. see.
Lueknow Stage (daily) arr. 10.15am deo trim At the recent meeting of the Grand
satureavi arrives meant -9.1S '' Mn. R. E. Coleman, of Chicago, is with an epileptic fit, at Brantford on to a pie -nig and gets wet invariably re. recovered. Mr. Thos. Finn, watchman
spending the hot season with her parents Wednesday last, while attending to his another pic-nic, he as invariably turns at the G. T. R. elevator, found the bed-
Beemilicr " (Wednesday and Encampment I. O. O. F. of Canada,
Mr. Neil Campbell, of Goderich, was ap- giaters a vow in heaven never to go to
pointed Grand Sentinel. is. some 100 or 150 feet from the shore
Mrs. Clegg, of Detroit, an old time in some shellow water. The bodies
in Goderich. duties as delegate to the Grand Lodge up at the next one. Life itaelf is a
recovery. to supply his own provisions. Some- of the bereaved parents.
were then tenderly carried to the houses
Dentistrv. Constable Sturdy has been granted resident of Goderich, fit the guest of of I.O.O. F. We hope for his speedy great pic-nic, in which everybody needs
leave of absence for a couple of weeks to Mn. Bleck, West Street. She is accom-
Miller have been heard from. They vinegar soaks into the sandwiches and place on Saturday afternoon. Among
The funeral of Laurie Macara took
Messrs. J. W. Weatherald and W. 11. times at the pia-nic the rasp.eerry
AA" NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- recuperate. ponied by her neice, Miss Alice Clegg.
held on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. those who accompanied the remains wets
three doors below Bank of Montreal. God..
.1.Y.I... TIST. Officeand residence, weststinet. The West Riding fall show will be Keep your lead pencils out of your have brought up at Brailie's Ranch, the mustard gets nn the pie; but there
rich 1752
14th and 15th. mouth. In the new automatic copying where they are hoping to enjoy them- are siinilar annoyances all through life, as.n,uwmhbeo rinaofreschedholai:spaoifriKninofxmcnhtuorcfhthae
pencils the purple lead is said to be ii. selves for a few weeks. Some three
and the foolish Irian is the fellow who
Kiss Maggie Shanklin, is about ..to re- deadly poison, and a pieoe half the size pound fish have already rewarded their
loses his temper and goes off in the
. wan. piscatorial efforts. sulks. wheahoisese.fatThhere hadfunerelbeenc4 teChaiegrarliepHhedenrzr.
. Shen
People's Colum. turn to Anrobust
Ann Arbor, after a three weeks' of a pea will cause the death of a bust
visit at /ter home here
Mn.R. B. Smith did not go to Win- to St. Louis when the accident was dis-
Mrs. Malcolm McQuarrie and six A pile of wood belonging to the From the London Free Press we learn G. T. nipeg, noon.
covered, took place on Sunday after-
NT - -a
.. at this aka 1710. children arrived safely by rail from Em- R. Co. tauowing to the overcrowded state of that on Tueedny afternoon the quoiting ght fire from • spark froin a the Quebec. She landed when the boat match for the championship of Canada .
arson, Mann., on Friday last. paining train on Wednesday last, just touched Kincardine, and immediately -and $100 a side, between Chas. Welkin- death of Leurie Macara was made in
On Sunday afternoon reference to the
TO RENT. -THAT HANDSOME Fetaer's band hs.s obtaiued the use of before noon. The timely arrival of the came home. Mrs. Smith states that the show, of Wingham (the present cham-
Knox Church S. S. by the Sulierinten-
concrete house at the corner of Newgate the Horticulural Grounds for the holding town fire engine saved a disostrous accommodation is nothing like sufficient pion), and Jas. Dobson, of Welkereille dent. Laurie had been one of the most
and Albert streets. occupied for over 10 years
by Mrs. J. Y. Ellwood. It is in good repair. of the band tournament shortly to take conflagration. for the passenger traffic. (ex-championjaook place on the Sulphur regular scholars attending the school,
with hard and soft water and other convent- p/ace. BRANTFORD Exersener.-The excur-
ences. Apply to Joni BREAACCSILIDUlt. A WHOPPING Bio Fee. --On Tuesday Spring Grounds, in presence of about
bulkier. Va. Firs Aso Dau Mi. -The cadets of cion to Brantford on Wedneeday, under one of the fishing boast, commanded by 150 epectators. At the start the cham- the class book showing that his place in
Mr. D. McDonald, brought in amongst his class had been filled every Sunday
Temperate* are shoed to organise a fife the auspices of the Goderich Mechanics' pion shot ahead, a position which he since the New Year. His courtesy,
A/EARKET FEES. -TENDERS WILL and drum band, under the leadership of Institute, was largely patronized. About othersfish a monster sturgeon, maintained until about the thirtieth end,
Clerk -where • copy of Market by-law may
-1-T./ be received at the office of the Town Mr. Rines. 200 persons purchased tickets here, and weighed fully fifty pounds, which when Dobson overtook him. The lat- gentleness and good belueriour were
also referred to.
Harry Smith left on Wednesday last a large number also got aboard at Clinton. steak" is what the boys call it when sew -
"Sturgeon ter, however, did not retain his ads -an-
the 15th inst., for the Goderich Market rem. for Brandon, Man., to take stock of that The M. I. will probably clear $50 by the ed up, owing to its redness, Mr. J. Macara had not yet landed
be seen -up to three o'clock p. In., on Monday
tags long, for a few well -delivered shots from the 'teenier when the accident co -
subject to provisions of by -Law. Et:milli) r.
Mower., Town Clerk.
int enterprising btoritati A profitable journey excursion.
Complaints having been made that the then until the sixty-first and last end had
gave Walkinshaw the lead again. From curred, and as he landed at the dock and
propeller Saginaw Valley did not wait by been played the champion held his own, Proceeded home little dreamed that his
to you, eso T,HANE.S. -Our thanks are due to Mr-
Xr. Duncan Campbell, of Stanley, F. F. Lawrence for copies of the reports the timetable at Goderich, on a recertt notwithatanding the fact that his oppo- youngest son was sleeping beneath the
QUPPLIES. -SEPARATE TEND- waves near the adjoining beach.
ers will be received by the undersigned who is teaching it S. S. No. 3, Hay, has of the Grand Master and Grand Secre- trip, the Saginaw Transportation Co. rent played a stubborn game. At the
tary of the R. W. Grand Ledge of On -
up to the 31st inst.. for supplying Use Sard gone to visit his friends in New Bruns-
Battalion. 310 strongwith broad and cleat ewick duruig the vacation. tario, 1.0.0.F., submitted at Brantford, write in effect that the trouble occurred close the score stood: -Walkinshaw, 61;
the best qualities, whlie in camp from 13th to
. r owing to their instructions to the local Dobson,5-4. The playing of both men THE WOODS ON FIRE.
Meat cut up to suit
Aug. 10, 1881. Interesting and instruc-
Mb Sept. next. Bread to be in lib ioaves. Tea Femmes. -A despatch to Mr. E. agent at this port being misconstrued; was really excellent, many of the "old
messes. To be delivered tive informa,ticoncerningtheworking
R Feltner states that Maud S. trottedand state that there is no likelihood of .a ' heada" present declaring it to be one of Temasands of Acres Illevastatedl lia Melil-
la camp at such times and in such quantities
as may be ordered. H. Goon& Ades 33rd HU. a mile in 2.10} at Rochester yesterday, of the Order is contained in each of the repetition of the hasty departure of the the best they had ever witnessed. Mr. 555.
reports. Dispensations for the eatab-
v. M. beating all previous records. boat to the detriment of passengers. Peter Kelly, of Detroit, acted as referee;
I Mr. Samuel Skeane, town councillor, TheIndustrial Exhibition, to be heldEast Saginaw, Aug. 8: --The following
Goderich, Aug. BEL IW
lishment of a number of new lodgeswere
nted during the year, one being at Mr. R. Sparrowhawk as umpire for Dob-TRAYED OR STOLEN. -ON WED- ' is doing Toronto, Ottawa and other (fireinsal, Co. Huron in Toronto in September, from the 5th son, and Mr. J. Evans, as umpire fur additional particulars regarding the great
nesday, July rth. two cows, oneall whew east. We need not wish him a ,,,,. ,, to the 17th, promises to be the Fair of Walkinshaw. forest fires have been learned. -In the
face striped with red, and the other spotted P. tinie, for Mr. Shane has the se- rldtAil.NO PIHISENTATION. -The guests the Belson. Toronto has a reputation of vicinity of Ogeniew 10,000 acres of dry
red and white, with crimpled born. Any in-
formation leading to thew recovery win be cret of sejoying himself anywhere. of the Point Farm, fully appreciating doing nothing by halves, and the semen; Marine news. timber land was burned over. The
thankfully received by the owner/ D. A. the services of the Rev. Mr. Taylor, ' of of the Industrial last year leads us to --- smoke rose in vast clouds, obscuring the
FiArsi, Goderich. Newbury, during his stay amongst them, think that the Queen city is bound to The Mail is discussing the merits of sun and pouring eastward to an enor-
Mr. F. A. Hibbard, of Chicago, with
his wife and eon. who have been visiting were kind enough to present him with a
I- ,OST. -A PROMISSORY NOTE Consul Hibbard, of this town, left for carry the palm this year fur fall exhi- side-wheelers vs. screw wheels as a mous height. From. the west branch of
purse of twenty-five dollars, accompanied means of power for towing purposes, the Rifle River to Keiley's Lake, the
ILS made Iv Daniel McDougilld in meat of home tin the noon train Tuesday last. bitions. Cheap excursions will. be run This - • fire swept over nearly all the land leav-
under-slimed. The public are herebg taw by their beat wishes for himselfand Mra. during the fortnight. is an old question on the Detroit
in any way, as 1 ha^ . received no : DIVINE SERVIcE was held in the large tided long ago. At the pr nt time, ing nothing on the ground but blackened
Honed against negfoliatisg. or dis af 11 ' EDucariosaf.--Our town pays this Taylor.. The presentation was made and St, Clair rivers, and has been de-
nse es. CHART._ , rift-WM
purposes $6,459, and $890 sinking fund parlors of the Point Farm, on Sundalogs. On the west .n1E•of the lake even
i - year as current expenditure for school after inorning prayer on Saturday last by
st. The Rev. W. J. Taylor green beech and maple trees. were horned
Messrs R. S. Brodie, of Toronto, and Y there are some 65 tugs towing on the
' .,r nearly nne third of our gross revenue terians) who asked the recipient to ac- of Newbury, reading the service of the Toronto re mak* a. great fuss over till they fell over into the water. For
: and interest. making $7,340 per annum, Wm. Laughton, of Bothwell, (Preeby- la (EPhieoPal) rivers and not one side-wheeler. The
Real Estate. Church of England, the sermon being the tugs Robb and Conqueror, but if days the constant roar r.f the falling
for alu
Mr. J. C. Currie was the auctioneer the visitors, expressing their hope that preached by the Rev. D. B. Davidson they were up here, they would only be tree. sounded like a perpetual roll of
cational purposes. cept it aa small token of the esteem of •si
rOR SALE, CHEAP. -LOT M, (Baptist), of Forest. The choir under considered third-class tugs heavy thunder. At Sherman, Isabella
S.' Lake Range. _Ashfleld, Huron CountF. ' the able direction of Mrs. Dr. Harris, of --(Amherstburg Echo. at hest. county, the country is being ruined by
who sold the affects of Wiseman, the ab- the rev. gentleman would soon be re -
Brantford, tended greatly to render the the vegetable mould. over thousands of
181 acres, 13U cleared and highly truprmved. scalding express agent at Clinton. The stored to health.
frame house. barn Wren and all necessary services exceedingly hearty and impres- Friday..-Schr. Jeany Rumbell, Mich- acres being burned up. From Luding-
ton to Freeland the• country was one
DIlislice standing tintbr. "'"d "rchar't• "I. " articles brought a good figure, fur J. C. Lcrrs OF WIND. -The Clinton Record ASILITALid.
stabling, two wells. For particulars address knows how to get the people to bid. has the following• on a recent bit of 3,
CHAS. MCLEAN. Amberiy. 1720-3ni. 'eel's Bay, lumber for Secord & Cozzens. dense sheet of smoke and flame advanc-
The Maas Maclfahon left Goderich "blowing'. in a contemporary: "The' ..,..e.on ert‘),• '
moAtta Al S. PIITER'S. -We are Saturday. -Prop. Ontario, sarnia, ing over everythin.; and threatening to
for Landon and Chathani, on Wednes- Stcr ot last week compliments itself on
1' re. et Colborne, containing 112 acres 30 day lait. We trust Miss Jane MacMa- i its report of the 0 owing: On Sunday last Itev'd Father 11
destroy tie railroad. At Custer the
VOR SALE. -LOT 2. LAKE SHORE indebted to a correspondent for the passengers and freight -eche Restless,
12th of July celebra- f u •
acres cleared, balance excellent timber. kill ' hon. who has been an invalid for two; tion, and informs its readers that the Boubat, of Ingersoll, celehrated High settlers fought the tire for their lives,
lichaers Bay, lumber-Octavia, Provi-
a good clay loam. As this property adjoins , ___
the Point Farm it is in ounsequence most , is-.ri, ma,' be benetitted by the change. Orange &tablet copied its report, (which Masa at
St. Peter's. The rev'd gentle- and at N•.rth Pkadlee buildintnii fences,
-Prop. Saginaw vseey, B a y fierce flames, and the wildest excitement
eligibly situated. For particulars apply to J. , A Coirreare-Goderich Council pays I no doubt was the only one that paper inzm preached a eery p.eas.ng and .
i 1 in- clit:!TbmIt and crops were swept away • before the
.1. Wright.
March 1st 1881. ie -et. ' about $1,000 annually for relief. It hast had a chance to copy,) and concludes
structive sermon on the gospel of. the City, passengers and freight -Jahr. John
to support • number of paupers sent day, taken from the nth chap. of St. Ereevailed in consequence ef the • town
with the clause "that it risks nothing in
saying that it was the best report in theing threatened. Midland was in sim-
Stevena,m, Sarnia. light -Wane Crest,
ITOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -Alf from Clinton, which is said to be one of Luke. His enunciation is very distinct, Bruce Mines ties
hisexhortation " o and sin no Monflay. -Schr. Jane MacLesi, Mich- ilar danger.
IL Dungannon. 12 rutty from Goderich. the meanest towns in Canada in ita treat- county. . It is always well to have lots and .•
a frame house, it good well and pump are alt. went of tb• Poor. more," was given with much feeling, urn Baylember for Secord & Cozr,eos- I Trains on the Flint and Pere Mar -
consisting of } of an acre of land. well fenced; of wind, brother, but we would advise - g
on the premises. The lot has been well tin- New Rvitossice.-Mr. Chas. Seeger tilling the hearts of hi a hearers with the prop. Josephine Kidd, Winr, hoops.throughvette road had to move cautioustly
you to be better informed, before writ -
reeved. Terms reseonable. Particulars cos . iinpressive truth, of the illimitable p•ws- Tuesday.--Schr. Evening Star, St. the pall of smoke that hung
6 -e -had from Mr. J. Nu Room". ed,,,robagt. is about to hate a new residence built -
ing out another such report."ovet the country, and en the Harrison
Dunfan0011, or R. E. BROWN. N Ile P. 0. next to Dr. Tres. Mr. JIM Blimill got By private letter we learn that our er of God's mercy. His voice is much Clair, light.Branch and the Jackson. Lansing, and
clad joining, and Mr. J. Detlor, F. Jordan and James McKay, Goderich 12 years ago, and his rendering passengers and freight--echr. Fairline
Pr°- ' (411.bec' Sarnia, make their way through. lines of fire,
. inaw roads the trains have had to
172741. up the plata, Mr. E. Moore will do the townsmen, Messrs. (leo. Acheson, J. C. strenger than when pariah priest 'of 1 Wednesday.- p
Breckenridge the masonry and plaster- are enjoying themselves immensely on of the solo nesse ocreeitisna" in Peter, Kincardine. 10,000 bricks for Albion blazing tr falling on all sides., flaming
purchased a horse and buekboard, tent Seymour, now of Detroit. preeided at Thursday. -Pro;. Saginaw Valley, fences, crackling crops, an sniou -
sieving fami houses. All the eitst part of
-graind 1
ing. the distant prairie. At ll'innipeg they Mass of D. was very fine. Mrs. Win.
A company has just been formed to Hotel.
and cooking utensils, and proceeded the omen in the absence of the organiat, Cleveland, passengers and freight. Oge w County is burned over, and the
Montreal and Duluth, to be known as
run a direct line of propellers between
west. When last heard froin they were and played with her old familiar touch. DEPARTURES.
1101,7SE AND LOT FOR SALE. -A Three at Crystal city, whence they intended Mrs. O'Brien, also of Detroit, who pose 1 Friday. - Prop. Joeephine Kidd, woods are full of fire, to within five or
six miles of Saginaw Bay. The
the Northwestern Express Co.
boats will he placed on the route imme- country was as dry as tinder. and corn
11 1 good substantial story and a half house, to proceed to Brandon. The trip was sesses a rich and beautiful voice,sang the I W'indsor. salt.
containing 6 rooms and kitchen. Garden ex -
likely to take up about five or aix weeks. alto parts. Miss Mamie Robinson sang ;
celient sou. we% i planted with choice trait trees, diately, and further additions made next Saturday. -Sohn Geld Hunter. Bruce and potatoes so parched by the drought
season. It is not known yet whetherthat they were burned in the field.
good stable, _corner lot. in one of the best lo- If prayers of the good avail, they have Cherubimre "Ave Maria" ed. te,prano,
cantos in Goderich. As the property must Mines light-echr. Farline. Kincardine, Cattle have person,/ on au sides.
disposed of it will be sold clasp,• only • part they will call at Ondench. our aspirations for a successful time in magnificent style, filling the church light -prop. Ontario, Duluth, passengers
in their trip through the great North with her. voice. Mr. Michael Ferguson and fnicht. ; (ln Friday night bite welcome ram fell
purchane money required downA ppiy n
of the .
050. eilierrieu, Huron School Hook depot. The Seaforth Ain" -- says: A
" we West. I sustained the tenor parts admirably. . siind:y._ Prep. Saginaw Valley, heavily, and again on 'Saturday morning.
172141. were about going to pram our citizens
. OBITUARY. -On Thursday morning, Had it not fallen the whole count
were startled by the wend a the tire Ile Town. -Mr. E. 11. Palmer. one of I Cleveland, pessengers and freigh
alarm. rpm investwasoun
igetion it found shortly after six o'clock, Mr. James Wet- the owners of the celebrated trotting ! Monday. -Bohr. Jeraie Rins:all, would neve been swept, and many tn. -
lions ef valuable timber. hundreds of
00 isle 00 scree, 50 acres cleared and well , and eon an 331d and esteemed resident of mare Lucy, is home, ill. He has been Fishing Islands, light -Tug Minnie Hall
fenced. Stick Cottage 25x33. stone cellar hill that the fire was at Ogilvie's Mill, . f
(focterich, departed this life, after an ill- farm's. and probably much lite de-
fuse of bones. A lame creek ruse through i was °tubed by an overheated journal. in poor health for a few weeks. and is Kincardine, light. stroyed. How hir the fires are extin•
tbe lot no waste land on the eriselk A very 3 nem of about two months, Mr. Watson home forthebracing airtind treatinentby Tueeday. -Schr. Jane McLeod, Mich- guialied it is yet impossilsle to say, and
line orchard surrounds the below Good bora ! She moonlit). were promptly on hen..
came to Goderich nearly forty years ago, physicians) in whose skill he has confi- eel's Bay, I ht -Ontario, Byeig Inlet,
and otber buildings. Term+ very eau. _Ap_ply but the tire wu put out before their ar-should dry weedier again set in the
in the late
from Roxboro'shire, Scotland, and 4
to R. T.., If Arias. lot 10 Lake Shore nese. um- . rind, ence. The following reference to Luey light--schr.John Stevenson, Georgian worst will have- yet ni come. In the
borne Townehip. or to ii•anow is risoce- , during that period occupied many leen-
- - - ---- -- Coas.zerver. -It seem* that all the
by the de- tions of trust and esteem at the hands in Tuesday'a ow., is werth reproducing; Bay. light. m
"The Canadian mare. Lucy, is also here. Wedneedey. --Prop. Quebec, Duluth eantime the breathing apses
tercible time is heartily welcomed by all
VARM FOR SALE. -.11EING IA)T 9, , story told a Stoma reporter of his fellow residents. He was ope of Th• unexpected speed she has shown iis , passengers and freight.
X eon. It Colborne, about seven miles from ratted wife II' the aheenteling rt 1+
-ige"P t e o est, not the oldest merchant in this her tenth year, has surprised every. ! Thursday. - Schr.. Restless, . Owen
Clothiedu coinprising 50 scree. 60 cleared. A was not true. We understand that Mn. the town, and at one time was consider- body. She is owned by Palmer & Wells i Sound, „salt --Octane, Michaels Bay, Mr Ventv.r now predictaa t change.
- - se ire is not to all the kind of persen ed the most enterprising businees man in Aurora, Ont. Her owners have very ' hght -Wave Creet. Bruce Mines. light-- is the weather slant the time the new
frame house and a new frame tarn 501m g d g,
a stable anti other outbuildings are on t ,
premises A y ling orohaili rod piarne. rte. described by Mrs. Bishop, but that she
t this section. His wife and one eon and little ides that she can beat Piedmont, I Fairlina, Kincardine. light -Evening i cur
comet is in its perihelion. Thim will no
&Moe of it. Four acres of hall wtiestiii.00011.
nn thr farrn. . • is a decent, herrlwririring. respectable three daughters mourn his loss, and have since hisphenonienal trotting at Chicago, . Star. light, Kintail to load bark for At. , on the 20th inaL During the week
DImlaut only 1 mu* frees s pest roe r ending on that day he thinks we shaft he
wissaan. Mr Globelski A snipe that his the sy-mpathy of the public in their bet- but they and many others put her down I Clair-Sas/maw Valley, flay City, pas- nearly froren try frwra and strong eniki
noose was protferreti as a place fru the
particulars apple se was. amuse. nuaterd-
ion P. 0. in" Marriage, or that he was instrurneetall LATRAT , retirement. Ifor secend place in the 2.21 clue, with . seagere and freight.
a any _ bringing about the di. ivr mew . at lewd a posaibility et getting clsnr to ,
AILIUTAIA AT THI1 POI Fnertherly winds
QUIPPARDT01‘. --WORE, wrre 7 w ' ' Dixie NS &term, Wingham; Mrs. Dr. I the front. Her peesent record made at I The many friends of Col. Cumlserlend, • Mr. triplant H. Ven.lerhilt 'aye that
1.3 poet Mak for tale or to rent, with t erre stared wedding. Harris, Mr. Read, Mira Read, Brant- I Nest Saginaw hut year. is only 2.20f ; manager of the Northern railway will be when Maud S. feels like herself, and has
land. Stnitit mil fetish sad mood. W ill soll O:tUa Pititttityricitra -- Tho following promos ford. Mr. and Mrs. Dewar 2 children I but this year site trotted within two grteve'l to learn of his death. He had 1 a god track and good weather, 1.110 will
May W,holing nth* buena* to
and nurse, Strathrey, Mr. tinti Mrs. L I lengths of Piedmont when he made his I .xenipied positions nf trust, end b. his : not en:y heat the record, but eaglet te
to. For further partIeniamiairg to
H ATMs+ A leo 100 tierce nt west el
T. tions hare been wetted
Or •
Vied ' • Huron- Battalion ...1 Infantry. Hewton, Mrs. Rears, Mn. Dr. Reeve, I mile in 2 P5 This gives a little idea of able management el largely due the pre- I trot.. rut as 2 (K. He says her murrain
Iiot 6,013 the trt1 emu.. R. 0 A hi.0.01
Mies E. ROOTM, Miss L Reeve, Clinton; whet she ean tin. A bettor Mem is givon • rent astiefactory condition of the North-. is do. not a little to her treatment while'
chard. Frame House. and astable. Fifty acres To he Mal ,,r, Captain end Brevet Maiirlia:
vksr'i gild web fenced. Apply to 0Aitionsir , wilimm ft,Th„ 1(4,,,,,.. v B
, frovn n Rev. 1). R. UFA Mn.. Davidson, 'Area; in the stateementa Hut sh• distanced ern railway H• was recognised as one I slang. While .• ther homes ans ruined
//k Pserneene.
- 4 Company, nes W. Wellipsnoet Connor, Mrs. Duckhem, Ondtnich; Mr. and MTS. Alexander at Chicago; she hits trotted of rile but midway men in Coinada.' y overwork, Maud ft. was retired tele
-- . ........ ...1.r..........- . - -....- -.. - -- 1 eglinee rasignationi is hereby eacT:i. 'Annum, Berlin; Mr. and Mn. VOlitior forty-nine races; has been beaten out of Formerly he was a 1.,1111C1MXI of 'nine ' porsrily after her four yesir-iild perform
I To rn
be Paseter, Ron. Cert. end r- and hintity, Mrs. T. D
eareff, Mr. pia'. in only three; hiss won first money prominence and had a MO in the Cane- ance and was not overworked for two
I tetrameter Franca Jordan, vire Brevet Woolfenclen, rn
Mimi Howard. Detroit; in fifteen and twetwei in twenty.two: and also Parliament, hut .11 late years he , years Capt Penne. manager of Magi
- - - i
_ Majom James Thompson, who is hereby Mrs. E. Y. vrilliae, Mrs F T,. Mterniy finally that she heat So 4.,. Powers and devoted his time and ehilitte* to pro • K.. say* the mare can trot a hall sage
n and HairArrower rea
permitted to retina. retaining hit brevet Mrs. It. E. Cobb, Mita Hattie williams. Irene et Columbus, Ohio 'noting the interest* .,1 the Northern. ' now in one minute, with o'nditiun'
• sihive te m
sank. To he Quartermaster: Donald Nostra Willie William*, Harder Joule , [The 61,A. hie merle one error in t hel which is one of the moat effic;ent end favorable. He also says that the time is
3cgto tbe pnAlte Mr peel patrassi•
a erialinunesto at cartels Ho ^ols ColvinBfirsehan. Gentleman vie** Jor Williams. Bay City, Miele Jeffrey. Mn I store Lucy wen 22 first find 13 tie- !beet paying railway institutions in the i aiming when a mile will he treated in
ways be found at his 91... -rat Parlor near Beatty Mr Beatty, London two minotee or )eweer
the Poet olloo Goderich 1751 ear appointed Pm -master ^,nd prize.. • Fe 'at 'teat 1 Dominion - -(Wlirld
11 TS. corner of Victoria and FAO strata in
the town of Goderich, for sale cheapor wiU isa
exchanged for tans property. Fouarticulate
Apply to JAa. SIMAILL. Architect. oace Cmbb's
Block. or J. C. CCRPLIK. auctioneer.