HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-08-05, Page 88 THE HURON 816NAL, FRIDAY Atialjg `:; • 1881.
MOULDINGS, and every
Description of Interior PI oath.
NEWELS and BALL 41.'f.:RS
A Specialty. Send 1 r Price
Lists. SH1N(1LI:a,
Estimates oft ,'.pptica-
tion. ;,.'r -Address
- INlbarn. ,
t)N THE Boon. -The ferment here am
all early risen now. From tour a m.
till nine p. in. are the working hours
now lir many of them.
Ova FYVAuLa -Tho victims of the re-
cent casualties aro nearly Knot Mini frum
their injuries. We regret to learn that
our good townsman, Mr. Hodge, of the
firm of Hodge & Haynes, was very ill
last week. But is now getting better.
8olmattt11 .
FEHtioNAL.-- W. H. and A. P. Ed-
dwards, of Toronto, are visiting their
father, Rev. A. Edwards of this place.
E. C. Potter had a quantity of berries
and cherry preserves taken from his cel-
lar last week.
Geo. Cidbick had a binding bee one
night last weep, in which about twenty
men aid boys took part.
' Bo. Won*. -One day last week Jos-
eph Colcluugh cut 18 acres of fall wheat
in one day, and says ho will bet money Foes MANITOBA. -Mr. J. M. Lawrie,
he can cut twenty acres. of St. Catharines, brother-in-law'of Mr.
8. Dickson, prat master, leaves here to
day for the Birtle District, Northwest
• Ehe ailment levied on the xatbe.as Territory, accompanied by Mrs. Lawrie
eminent a thin year is 1{ the and family: Mr. Lawrie accompanied
dollar, being f. of a manes* s than last by Mr. S. �iannah and Mr. K. McLeod
+ wenttotheNurthwestlastspring. Hewent
CHANGED Hearse -Mr P. McPhillipsl lamely fora trip, having no 'intention
4 whatever Of settling there. He was ser
who has carried on the livery business at much taken up with the appearance of
Exeter fur a number of years, left uu the country, however, that hepurchased
Tuesday for Manitoba, having sold his s large tract of land within three miles
livery to Mr. A. McDonald, who now I of the village of Birtle, returned home,
has charge "f it. disposed:of his business in St. Cathar-
DE-E►sen. - Mr. Robert Fountain. Ines, and is now art route to Itis new
father of Mrs. W. H. Verity, and who• ! home. He takes with hint a number ..f
has been ailing for some time, died at I horses and a lot of other stuff fur use in
his residence, North Exeter, on .Tues- the new country. Mr. Lawrie is a
day last, at the advanced,age of 70years. I shrewd, active business mean, and al -
He was highly respected by ail whotu he I though we do not .u:ticipate he will stick
had funned an acquaintance. -[Times. long at farming, yet we have no doubt
era he knows what he is doing, and that the
Wtnrh&m. • change of location will be profitable to
him. He says the country around Bir-
Goob Caron. --Mr. James Halliday the is settling up surprisingly fast.
made a good haul of black bass en Mos-' When he went out there last spring, he
day evening. He caught several weigh- ' thought he was going to the very out-
ing fully two pounds each. He sent 1 skirts of civilization, and now there. is a
three weighing over five pounds, to s. ' smart vilhage and the eurroundieg coun-
H. Gradon, Esq., barrister, London, as•1 try is nearly all taken up and much of
a sample of *hat we have in the Mail the land settled upon. --{Expositor. •
WALEISu ON THE WATER. -We were Bruss- els.
under the impression that the days for
attempting to walk on the water were I Vennor's July hail storm struck Brua-
long.past; still some people are foolish eels haat Saturday afternoon.
enough to think they can do it yet. THE RATE. -It is believed that the
One day last week a man tried it on the I taxes this year will amount to 2 cents on'
mill -race in Lower Winghant, and came the dollar.
near drowning. He was taken out by I CALEDONIAN. -Great preparations are
some young amen who happened to be in
the vicinity at the time. He says he
had a hole in one of his boots, which let
• in the water, causing him to sink He
RATIN& A Hvsar.---1'he ram stores of
Saturday ev•tng last caused some quick
harvest, work in drawing in to the bens.
Also a few Rose"* wing to the Point
Farts with their Julreta had to drive at
a rather faster �wco. This (anewr re-
start is in full b set once a�cus From
East, Nest, North and South u,yty fait
maidens have come to revive their'
beauty ..nos more.
RETURNED. Mr. Thomas Govenlock
retuned from the old couutry on Weti-
uusday evening last. After disposing of
his stock. Mr. Gnvenlock took a week's
holiday and visited several points of in-
terest in "Auld Scotia," and spent a very
pleasant time among the friends and
scenes of his youth. We regret to lesrn
that his cattle speculation did not turn
out as well as could be wished. The
meat trade is very dull in the Old
Country this season, and prices are un-
usually low. Many cattle exporters
have lost large sums of money. This is
couch to be regretted, as men of the en-
terprise and means of Mr. Govenlock
and others, who have ventured in this
cattle export business, have been pro-
ductive of very great benefit to the
people of this country, and it is to be
regtette3 that while doing good for
others their speculations do not turn out
well for themselves. However, very
likely they will have better luck the nut
time. Mr. Govenlock looks well, and
judging from his appearance we should
say that his trip has done hire more good
than will counterbalance the effect of
the poor luck in his business speculation.
Nm*- Tutr.r. - Last f'ndad night ewer
forty pound of tuuttn4 was stolen farts
the premolars of Mr. John Bowers.
Mr. Mathes Spro..l, Wawarnnh, had
two sheep 1) at last week whsle straying
on the nal. N'ild cuts are suspected.
Mr. Ben. Augustine, of Ashfield, late-
r asst a valuable horse through sickness.
The gonna! w -a, estimated at about A1b0.
Mr. Currte-, .•1 Waeauwlt, has sold
his property. c. eprlauig a fano of two
hundred .rid ninety aerie and a sawmill
to Mt. Si Lith, of Chatham, for $4,000.
Mr. Thew. Stothers, West \1'awanush,
starts out thrashing this week with his
steamer. Mr. Stothers says he has a
big season's work ahead: Hie machine
is rn fine order, anti there are few can
outthrash at.
Acuiug T. -A son of Mr. Irwin
Dougherty, Ashfield, met with a serious
accident on Saturday while reaping. His
leg got accidently caught in some part of
the machine gear, and was mangled se-
A certain gent, not too old or yet too
too*21, has lately been mowing the this-
tles in his garden and intends thrashing
the same and feeding the seeds to his
"bird" who will -to judge by the look
of things -be forthcoming shortly, as
the "cage" is nearly ready t.. receive its
fair occupant.
The numerous friends of Mr. Joseph
Smith, carpenter, will be sorry to hear
of his intended departure from our
midst. He leaves for Chicago oo Fri-
day next, where he will remain allwinter.
Then westward ho' in the apring, destin-
ation Dakota, where if he likes the looks
of the country, he intends moving his
fancily. We wish Mr. Smith a safe
journey and a profitable and pleasant re-
sidence in his new home.
being made for the celebration of the
Caledonian games.
Hor.-A hot man from a hot place,
should get up a subscription for a new and still heating, was staking things
pair .,f boots and try agaiu.-[Advance warm in town on .Monday' last. Ben-
. did it.
The residents don't know which to
attribute it to, the N. P. or the N. C.-
Mr. \Venal has•purchased an engine. the National Policy or the New Council,
There will be a hum at his furniture Possibly both have hal finger in the
shop in a short time. • pie.
Miss Rowell, of Ottawa, is at present MALT. -The engine and other ir achin-
In the village on a visit to her b;other, ery for the use of Rogers' salt well have
Mr. Geo. H. Rowell. ' arrived, and - will be placed in position
The fall wheat in this section has all at once under the supervision of Mr.
been harvested in good condition. The Calbick, formerly of Goderich.
crop is much better than was expected Qcizr.-Our. town is unusually quiet.
some time ago. The farmers of the neighborhood are
Within the pest two weeks there has busy in the harvest field; the schools are
been two boats put on the river at this closed, ;Ind a large number of boys are
place, and rowing is all the rage. Se- in the flax field; business is dull and the
veral matches are spoken of. merchants are mghing for the dullness
One of Watson's of Ayr, binding i to cease.
machines has been exhibited in this Vecartons.-Rev. fi, Jones is offona
neight••;rhood by Mr. 1Vm. Levy. The holiday trip. Rev. J. Ross will follow
farmers are highly 'pleased with it as ashortly. Mr. John Stewart is in town
labor saving machine. ! spending vacation, and looks solidly
The contract of fittingupthe m yt • robust, notwithstanding his severe tus-
}wou ht from Met Brown fa arson y sle with Blackstone. Miss Dollie Shaw
p nage ' and Mr. William Shaw returned Mon -
was let on the 1st lost,, the 'moon ( (lay last from a trip to Michigan. Mise
Mon -
work t , H. Bohn, and the carpenter Annes Oliver and Miss Campbell are
work.and paintin4 to Jas.
• Id home from Brantford College recupera-
Colborne. RAD ROAD. -The gravel road, north
and South of the village is in a back state.
Bethel B. C. Sabbath school, which The townships of Morris and Grey are
has been for a time working under ditfi- responsible for the state of them. The
collies, has been revived. A full list of Council of one township claims that
ea: r.eat ,efficient and willing workers have that of the other is responsible for the
been selected, and the school will nowgo abomination, and between then' the
right along. gravel road has gone to the bowwowa.
grice Woas.-7 acres and a half of If the thing is not attended to at once,
fall wheat were bound in six hours and a the fall rains will break up communi^a-
half. --n the farm of Mr. .Tames Patton, tion by the gravel road Between Brua-
Garl,ranl,) v Geo. Patton, Mr. Thurlow eels and the outside world. Our Reeve
of (:arbraul, and E. Shaw of Leehurn. will shake them up at the next meeting
The binding was very heavy, we are in- of the County Council.
furine l the shocks average 40 to the acre.1 ivy ON THE ROAD. -Cnnblderable ex -
R e ate pleased to note the improve- citement was caused here lately by the
ments daily made on Cherrydale fares- ejectment of Caleb Whiting from a farm
Mr. LeTouzel is almost constantly doing in the township of Morris, hard-loy.
something to improve its general ap- Whiting it appears had rented the place
pearance. Having excellent water
privileges and scenery; we should not be
inn -need to see Cherrydale become a
leading summer resort.
from Pat. Moore. who is not in good
savor with many who, have had dealings
with him. The property was, it is said,
is 'salt, and Moore was beaten in a rase
Rawer xwa,►sea. --After many 3ayNhsledet Toronto, Whiting chaises that
J via: thrashers are again in motion. Moore hurried hack from Toronto, wait -
Farmers have an eye to your flocks of ed upon him, alleged that he had been
sheep, and dow't "blood" the beet when robbed of $17:0, and was on that aecount
they come to see you The steam short of funds, and offered to make a re-
thras;:er o1 Mr. Ackland, thrashed .t We of 20 per cent on the rent if he was
Mr Henry green, on the canal. one day ' at once. Whiting aocoriinglypaid
last week. The yield of fall wheat was hies, he says and shortly afterward re
tory good. eeieed notification not t• pay the rent
W Moore. as the farm was out of hu
1. , moor While chopping wo....i is
Mr Burke s Kurth butt week. Mr James
Hogarth gave his foot a hail gash with
the ase which will lay him up for s few party by the Sheriff, at the request of
weeks the real owners Popular opinion is
-• .a. Ir\ ..r Al STEN )'any of th with Whiting, as against Moore The
w.iis in tine community have gone dry, Isteor is well, if not favorably, known aa
and all the creeks. )'any of the farm a travelling vendor •d dry -goods along
ars have to draw water in witgona for c tie hishways ani byways of Huron and
home, and dove their stock clown lint- neighb nni a•untiea
wrier Row to the lake f ir water.
vh •nld th• dry spell last ,ranch l.'nger Twt �trovst s- n'.w v""
for '4111"•n. s• -..fight Q. dryter' rin(ir�
hands. He informed the parties inters,
ted in the matter, that Moore hal ob-
tained the rent. and he was not in a post -
thin to pay it again. The upshot was
tee ejectment of Whiting from the pm -
Treating M pave snee.
Cl.avar.An., O., 'holy 2I --A1 tits.
fin t0oItbeepee'theb.ei_Sae.
The W inghanr Tine says. -Mr. T. S.
Reid, successor to F. Dodge, having se-
cured a good businees stand in the thriv-
ing village of Dungannon, is about to va-
cate his store in the Stone Block, Jose-
phine street, Winghsm, in favor of some
other candidate for the smiles oftor'tuae.
tVe regret to see Mr. Reid, who is a
decent respectable man and an upright
merchant, leaving town after a stay of
only two, u;onths.
"Secure the eirfisioie'e before the ski -
dote fades." Our villagers were electrified
the other day upon peeing a house corn -
ming in town on wheels but were soon
again in a state of placidity upon Inves-
tigating matters, and finding the afore-
said house nothing more formidable
than a ph. gallery, though the larg-
est of the'kind we ever saw. We under-
stand the operator is an excellent
hand, and the probabilities are he will
leave a good many "shadows" behind
This village can boast of having more
than a dozen dressmakers, and all hand-
some young ladies, too. I think we can
safely challenge any. other village in the
county to -bring forward , the sante num-
ber, and all unmarried. Yet it is not to
the credit of our dressy "fair ones" that
I say so, for 1 fancy it must be surpris-
urpnring to any one who enters into the de-
tails of fashion to consider how far the
vanity of womankind has laid itself out
in dreg', what a prodivious number of
people it maintains. and what a circula-
tion of money it occasions? Providence
in this case makes use of the fully which
they will not give up, at.d it becomes in-
strumental to the support of those who
are willing to labor. The poet has truly
aid.-"Rut womankind that ewer knows a mean.
Down to the dregs their sinking fortunes
Hourly they give, and spend. and wasteand
And think no pleasure can be bought too
vis 8.21 cuss,
from wbicb Piedmont was drawn by re-
sew of his absence, thus relw.atingtherace
to Lucy, Voltaire, and Edwiu Thorne.
Pools sold -Lucy, $20, Voltaire, $16,
and Thorne, 11, until 1401110 one induced
Voltaire's driver to show some lightning
practice oil the track, when a few green-
horns began too nubble at $2tion Voltaire,
with Lucy next choice at $20. The na-
rity of the pools, floweret.,
Luucy into the position of favorite at
gtiod odds.
The track was s little heavy as the
horses began "brushing" before start.
Voltaire kicked like a Texan steer dur-
ing scoring, and went about half a
length of the grandstand on his forelegs.
President Edwards gave the driver a
thorough overhauling during the scor-
First Beat. --Voltaire gut the pole,
and the favorite theoutaido. The hones
scored about twenty minutes before
effecting a start. The three went away
nose and nose. Voltaire broke at the
first quarter, and Thorne took the lead.
Lucy showed her speed at the half, and
from thence house it was wheel all the
way. Al the wire Therne's driver urged
his horse to make a final effort, and
Thorne's nostrils got in first, with Vol-
taire a bad third. Time, 2,24
tio•co wl heat.- The horses got is fair
start and it was rather even all the way
ar and to the three-quarter pole, with
the best show apparently for Voltaire.
At the home stretch, however, Thorne
passed Voltaire, and won in 2.23 Vol-
taire second Lucy third.
Mr Harinhs:, of aaesiltos, d out
ter thep��Tpase el atteltding the unn�l
of his sister, Mra Hammil, %
awaiting the cortege to start he was taken
auddeuly ill, and expired before medical
aid arrived. The deceased was tiftv-two
years of age, and had resided in Ijxmil-
tun over thirty years. He leaves a wife
and five children.
Nagave Makes ea ab.tskes.
Nature's own remedy for bowel com-
plaints, cholera morbus, cholic, cramps,
vomiting, sea sickness, cholera infautuuu,
diarrhoea, dysentery, and all diseases of
a like nature belonging to the summer
season, is Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild
Straw berry, which can be obtained of all
dealers in medicine.
A pocderlch' on the 2nd Inas„ by the Rev, Dr.
alas just opened out a
re ler. obs ern, to Mise Annie 1 Leob, both oJf GodeMricleh.
In the third heat, which finished the
rave, Thorne took the lead and never
lost it, winning in 2. 22, with Lucy se-
cond, and Voltaire third.
CLEVELAND. Thursday, July 28.--2,21 class
Edwin Thorne ........................... 1 1 1
Lucy. .................................,» 5 3 9
Voltaire.. 3 9 3
Time -2,901, 2.23, 2.22. .
It was supposed the '21 class contest
would be ssomethu,g to cause bated
breath. It didn't. The great Chicago
stallion, Piedmont, under Pete John-
son's supervision, had not the least
difficulty in capturing both tint and sec-
ond Looney. The mighty Alexander
was not himself at all, seeming to be
without nerve and allowing the distance
flag to fly in his face in the second heat.
Tho evening before there waa little
variance in the amount of specie ventur-
ed on the two stallions. They brought
$100 each where Lucy tisk $16. Even
on the grounds before the first heat
Alexander was preferred at $100, to $85
on Piedmont, $1.2 on Lucy.
Piedmont had the pole, Lucy outside.
They got away well, Alexander's nose in
front, Piedmont and Lucy lapping. At
the turn Alexander flew up, and at the
quarter pule Piedmont was two lengths
to the fore, Lucy a half behind Alexan-
der. At the half Alexander fell away
two lengths more. At the third quarter
the black stallion had lost another two
lengts. So at the end Piedmont won
by three lengths; Lucy second, with five
lengths to give. Time good -2.18; only
half a second from the extra purse.
The chestnut winner now commanded
$200 in the market, and the field beg-
ged for 51.
Lucy led the second start and Alexan-
der changed his gait with a loss of fire
lengths at the first bend. Toward the
quarter poet Lucy and Piedmont made a
beautiful pair, even as a line, but Lucy
became proud in such good society and
hat her head and feet, also two lengths,
This little lead Piedmont held all the
way adding an inch now and then, till it
footed up three lengths at the string.
.Alexander, lathering, had the red flag
waved in his face, and he went meekly
stablewards, to the disgust of his back-
No one ventured a penny now against
Piedmont. Piedmont and Lucy had it
neck and neck for a few yards from the
stand, but Piedmont added a length to
his lead at the first two toles and came
to the end away ahead 4/1 the little mare,
who trotted a pretty race, however, sod
won second money. -
SANE it DAY -Second race. Pulse
$2,5000, 2.21 class. $1,250 to first, *825
to second, $375 to third, $250 to fourth,
with 8500 extra to the winner of the
fastest heat if better than $2.174, 8, J.
Morgan, Chicago, enters ob. s. Pied-
mont, by Almont. 1 1 1
Palmer oi£ Wells, Aurora, Ont., enter
br. m. Lucy, by Royal Revenge. 2 2 2
G. Wilson, Philadelphia, enters blk.
s. Frances Alexander. 3 dia.
Quarter. Half. .-(Quarter. Mile.
First heat 241 1.00 (, LISSecond heat 341 l.1.twi 1.11 2.ltlt
Third heat 31 10I 101 1. 2.19
Innen Is mat.
To the E ilitor of the Clinton New Era,
The Rev. J. B. Williams, of Roches-
ter, son of Rev. Dr. Williams, of Gode-
rich, has lately been delivering a lecture
on the "Power of the new'epaler." Ac-
cording to the report of the lecture in
the Rochester Democrat, he extolled the
newspaper as an instructor, in no mea-
sured terata. He quoted Laucsrtine ap-
provingly, as saying that "Befure the,
centery runs out the newspaper will be
the only educator." Indeed, the lectur-
er went so far as to say that "It will be
ahead of all hooks, so that they cannot
live. The newspaper is a district school,
an academy and a university to many in-
telligent men. It educates in all de-
partments." Further on, the lecturer
IS reported as saying that the newspaper
educates upon spiritual questions. Now,
all this is eery antagonistic to the views
expressed by the father "4 the lecturer,
some time ago, in a local preachers'
and class leaden' convention held in
the town of Clinton. Id that conven-
tion the oracular Doctor denounced the
newspaper as a means of instruction.
He referred to two or three cases "f im-
moral editors, who had colne within the
singe of his observations, and told us he
eras led by what he saw of their immor-
ality, to make up his mind largely to
ignore newspaper literature in the fu-
ture. Pater contra fttiwm. The modern
newspaper is, unquestionably, the most
faithful record of the events which tran-
ire in this i
sp m indene world, and from
Ito source can such telling illustrations
be obtained of all those truths, which
we need to know, whether scientific,
political or religious. McCarthy, in "A
history of our own titres," says "The
English people fav'e long learned M look
to the newspaper preen ae not only the
quickest, hut on the whole, the most
acxurate source .4 intelligence, is all
alattera o` public interest.'
N tries a tt. Sewn.
Holstein, Aug. 2, 1781.
THE Cincinnati ('nmmerr nl thus hits
the nail on the head regarding the dy-
namite deviltry, supposed tobethe work
of the Inch "Skirmishers Congress
will have to take this matter in hand,
and we shall we in the course of the de-
bates how far toadying to assassins can
be carried in this country. It does not
become this people, whose President has
been shot down by a hideous vagabond,
to allow BWs of murderers to go into
the internal meehine hmn:tee . There
area lot elf eehenlere in this country
Mr Duncan Campbell, of Rtanley,who
u teaching in 8. S. No. 1, Ila), has
gone to visit his friends is New. Bruns-
wick during the vacation.
Just t.. show how ridiculously low a
printing ottioee, (not in Clinton, but in
ileaforth tendered for work, we may
state that its proprietor accepted at
Sgt 1st), two iota that cannot he made to
pay at lege than $20 each. The publish
er offered the work to us at $15 each,
but it was refused, and tw.. Mitehe'll
publisher% also refused it at the limn
figure if the publisher in question
makes as large profit on his general
work as he would on the. he will soon
ase a milli -nacre {1`lint..n New Era
Williamson- In Oodertch, June I6. .1gnes
W illLmeon, aged 1 year and 1 day. WITH
Young -In Ouderich, on Wednesday, Augurs
3rd, Jane Vonng, ague 63 years.
Mcliona h- On Weduesda , August 3nt, MMarla lbbeloved wife of John A, MellonEllVO1OOS to match
aXh of Smith'r Hlll, aged H years.
eiederasli Markets.
' OoDEsrcir. August ItL,1381. In all the Shapes. These are the
Wheat, (Fa11l V bush, ...,,. Si 18 *51 1)
Wheat, 'Spring) V ttah.....,.. 1 13 re 1 ,
h'lour, V barrel.. 530 e• 6 W itiWilS1
Hurl filirNI
nn n
Oats, V bush .....,,,.,. . ,.,, o 42 e u su
t'r..s, 1' bush. ............:.... 0 tit e U 7U
Corn. Z• bush . .... ........ 063 to 0 7e
Barley, le bush...........i .... U 65 W 0 tl0
Potatoes 1' bush in. wl.. .. ,, .... 0 73 ,e 0 1a)
lea), N tun .. .................. 10 00 el 10 00
Butter. N ID ...................:.. 0 15 v 0 Ie
Eggs, t✓ dos. iunpsckedl........ u 121 •s 0 13
Cheeee, 0 11 " 0 12i
snorts. le cut ................. 0 75 w 0 75
Bran, V cwt .... ..... ., u 00 " 0 60
Chop, V cwt..... . 110 " 1 40
Wool ....................... U 18 -. 0 90
Wood....., ...................,
salt per barrel tWuuleeaMl..... 066 w 46
. TIONE1R, Goh:rich, oar. 1785.
RISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors. etc,
Goderich. J. T. Darrow, �V. Proudfout. 1751.
Attorney, `Solicitor in Chancery. &a.
Goderich, Ont. 1731.
TERS, &c.. &o,.. Goderich and Wingham.
C. Seager, Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton. Wing,
ham. 1751.
. Solicitor. (Alice -Corner of West street
and Market Square, over George Achesoal,
Goderich. 1751.
.E.4. LAW.
T -
LAW. Solicitor in Chancery Convey-
ancer. &c. Ocoee over Sheppard's hookssae,
Ooderlch, Ont. Any amount of money to
loan at lowest rites of Interest. 1751-y.
Solicitors in Chancery, &.
Goderich and Wingham. M. C. cameras, Q.
C.; P. Holt, M. G. Cameron, Uoderich. W. !�-
Macara. R-ingham. 1731.
3 lebical.
IAN, SURGEON. &o. Graduate of Tor-
onto University. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians. London. England. &e., &o„
M C. P. S.. Ontario. Office and residence:
Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton street. God-
ertch. 17944m
▪ GEON, coroner. &c. (Mee and rirabliettoe
on Bruce Street, second door west of Vielseta
Street. 1751.
• . clan, :surgeon and Accouchcr. Graduate
or Toronto University. Ontceoppoette ('amen
ems & Camerons Bank, Lucknow. if not la
mace. enquire at the Bank. 1762-y.
TLat can be bought any rihere.
Prices Moderate!
30,000 ROLLS
Plata Fork: and Spoons
Would respectfully Intimate to his numerous
customers and the public generally that lie
hasjust opened out a
Fresh Stock
Physicians, Surgeons, Accouebers, &a
[Mice at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the us Paper Hangings comprising esery
Jail. Goderich. G. C. SaA3mole. J. C. HAIsw Novelty in
TON. 1751
▪ to Ilr. Firmest') Graduate of Ontario Ve.
tannery College. Office, stables and residence,
on Newgate Street. four doors east Of Colborne
Hotel, N. B. --Horses examined as to sotuI4.
Gess. 1751.
Loans aha insurance,
e1500,000 T4) LOAN. APPLY TO
rich. 1759.
175,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S -
TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to i3. L.
YLL Dederioh. 1781
elle on gooat 8 per cent.F arm Amite R. RADCLIFFE Propertyor tiret-cTown 751
amount to suit borrower's at 6 to 64 per
Beat- Private funds, Apply to 8taou and
Mowrow, Ooderiob.
-LTA. amount of Private Funds for investment
at lowest rates on arstclass Mortgages. Apply
..2.J Money to lend at lowest rates, free of
any costs or chargee. SEALER & MORTON,
opposite Colborne HoteL
Goderich. 23rd March 1881. 1779.
V ieaded Credit Company is prepared to
lend money on good Farm security. et six per
oent. Full ppaartloulars given upon application
to HUGII HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Goderich.
▪ on Farm and Town Property at lowest In-
terest. Mortgages purchased, no Commiselon
charged, Conveyancing Firs reasonable.
N. B. --Borrowers can obtain money to one nay
If title is satishetnry. DAVISON & JOHN.
'ATOM. Banisters. &c., Ooderleh. 17111
Life malting money out of the so-calledSkin- , L need Awnless
lnsnranoe Agent.
miahin Fund, no dnu1t. We would R' pr''enetatt era claw Compsnlea Alsos eat
kg' the t' N LIVE gca 1
J tape R circulation. for Oat 1751
the promotion of riots in the country
.A. aoa [ Nwt-WA7rcE o.
not fee kindly toward England if there I Money te /end es Montage. either in Town er
were public subscripti ns there, backed nal" Property. In asy way to wit Ne borrow -
b newspapers of lar a circa on o K' ( os -'s' wa'm Rays block' Oodertch
r y
for the reestahltahment et the Southern INSURANCE CARD.
Confederacy, and if rioters came over
here to preach this sort of bloody folly.
and boasted that they were so sacred
that we must not touch them, it seems
o vita possible that we should pull their
Aside frost the infernal machine de-
velopment, them was a general feeling
that there had harm about enough war
against Zeeland preached in this roes
tt7. The everlasting ilrsgd"ng is be-
half .4 ionwecticahle iehemea for de-
stroying the Brinell Rswtnre should Ae
t(.,l>jj.ed by frees of public opinion Let
the demagogues ntfders'and N estop that
they have nothing to lactim by joining in
the howlIng the is e=fikoted to Anst'e,
to Empire
BRITiAN ARR. ('O'Y. TownwTo ratsbliahed
PH(RNTR INV ('lY%-, of Loaenosr inntiandl-
EataNluksd I7ti
HARTPOP TNS (`(YY. of AAwTgntn. ('onn.
IfassMiished law
Risks taken In the shove fire -elms OSteer. at
the Iowa* net., by HORA('R NORTON.
The andeasigrted is siren Appraiser for the
)honey te Loan en Mat-elasa seenrity, trent
7 ingest ('.05 . (`aarses, medevate.
. t+Mletriet. gets to taw• 1741
suitable for
All this Season's Patterns in
Window Shades,
Which will be found much superior to any
thing yet shown In this county.
Prices very oest,
AI, A all solicited. No trouble to
show patterns whether you buy or not.
are now reedy Sr rout 11111pettloa al