HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-05-28, Page 8••••••••••••••• TER BRUSSELS POST, 1111,1f; SELB, 0Ncti.IU THURSDAY, MAX mil; iito inummuumasimampumummiusimpanm Wary Maxim Yarn PHONE 887.6901 NOTE THESE BLOUSES GALORE TO PLEASE "The Smart Ones FROCKS In lip To The Minute Styling and Fabrics GIRLS' FROCKS TRICKY STYLES SCARVES TO SET OFF YOUR OUTFITS * *. BOYS and MEN'S WEAR BUCHANAN DRY CLEANERS' AGENCY "Pamper Your Clothes" 1111111111111111 11 N11111111131111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111 Mile's farm Equipment Sox 251 BRUSSELS PHONE 887.9404 Your JAMESW AY Dealer "FIRST IN- POWER CHORING" FOR SALES AND SERVICE 1000.1111101.11100111*******VIRMOONVelow***Nolleftwooftwaionmarismowookomosekawionftempor TAM111111911111/11NONEM111111111111111111111111111211111111111111117: IrEPHENSON'S BAKERY GROCERY Javex 64 oz. 39c Kraft Cheese Whiz 16 oz. 69c Maxwell House Perc Coffee 1 lb. 89c Heinz Sweet Relish 15 oz. 35c Phone 887-9226 Free Delivery minimsegimisigissimalmiumesimunnes ummiliaresionassiminummitiiminnum THOMPSON and STEPHENSON MEAT MARKET PHONE 887.6294 FREE DELIVERY WEEK-END SPECIALS FROM OUR MEAT COUNTER Lean, Boneless Barbecue Steaks .... 1.19 It, Fresh Ground Beef ....... . • ... . . 3 lb for 1.95 Sliced Breakfast Bacon ... ... •••-• . • .. • ... 79c lb FROM OUR. FREEZER: Lemonade vomilf ............ . Waffles .......... • .430 ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF 'FRESH TNSPECTED REEF Alq13 lI ryur l OUR 61,15[NESS" 01.440000ROMINOMORMIONNONNOOtifilt. • .**No****10,0.100ftexemorrollostremftso**, BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opent at $t00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSik WED. = THLFIS, MAN? 27 - 28 - 29 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS" El\fri Presley - Marlyn Mason In Color "THE MALTESE BIPPY" Dan Rowan - - Dick Martin Carol Lynley Color Cartoon MAY 30 - JUNE 1 -2 — DOUBLE FEATURE --- "THE WILD BUNCH" Restricted Zero Mostell - Kim Novak Trent Walker "THE GREAT 'BANK ROBBERY" (Adult klutertainment) Wm. Holden - Ernest Borgnine Robert Ryan Color Cartoon vvgD., :JUNE. 3 to,T.UES JUNE 9 — DOUBLE .FEATURE "OLIVER" Ron Moody • Shani Wallis. Oliver Reed "SEVEN GUNS FOR THE McGREGORS" Robert Wood Color Cartoon MILK NOT ENOUGH 1.1 a child is kept too 1 ong on a milk diet without solid foods ad- ded, he will develop anemia says the federal health department publication "Canadian Mother and Child". Alilk is an 'almost perfect food, but it is tint :Mate :perfect, aS it does not contain much iron needed to htmild blood and muscle tissue—By about three months baby's Store of iron froin hiS mother is getting low, sa he needs more iron. lb may still be lot ml chubby but his skin will be pole later on, he will tire easily amid become irritable, Ry introducing time solid foods in time, you will Provide him With the iron need-. ed to ptovent the occurrence •f this arietula "What do you think will go Weli. With thimse red slacks? " asked the 1113Om1ng wife, 'Her hilShell d .811 evohid .0(4.• lit ei'te, 1.11011t 0i,lli fi;HOW WOO' 99c 33c Dream Whip 4 oz. 53c Start Orange Crystals 4 — 3 1/2 oz. tins 59c McCUTCHEON GROCERY Phone 887-9445 We Deliver 011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111113 WEEKLY SALE BRUSSELS STOCKYARDS LTD. EVERY FRIDAY AT 12 NOON Large Enough To Be Effective Small Enough To Be Personal PHONE 887.6461 BRUSSELS, ONT. Brussels Transport SHIP PIGS EVERY MONDAY A.M. CATTLE TRUCKING and. SHIPPING SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE Phone George Jutzi 887-6122 Brussels IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU did1113111111111211111111111MICZMINI1111111111111111111111allialliMit McCUTCHEON MOTORS LTD. 1968 MODELS Chev, Belair, 8 Cyl. AT., PS, PB, Defogger Chest. Belair Sedan, 8 Cyl. with Automatic,Radio, Defogger Oldsmobile Delmont 2 Door Hard Top Fully Equipped 1967 MODELS Chev. Impala 4 Door Sedan Fully Equipped Chev. 13elair Sedan, 6, Radio, Auto. Rambler Rebel, 6 Cyl. with Automatic, Radio Chevelle 396, SUPER SPORT 1966 MODELS Oldsmobile 4 Door Sedan, Radio Pontiac Sedan V8 Power Steering Chev. Impala 2 Door Har&op Auto. Radio V8 Impala 4 Door Hardtop. Fully Equipped Chev. Biscayne, 6 Cyl. Std. Trans., Radio 1965 MODELS Ford Galaxie 4 Door Hardtop Fully Equipped . Pontiac 6 Cyl. Sedan with. At. Pontiac Sedan with V8, Radio P. Steering Olds. 4 Door Hardtop Corvair 4 Speed, 'Radio 1964 MODELS Ford Station Wagon 1961 MODELS Dodge Sedan USED TRUCKS 1969 Chev. 1/2 Ton, 6 Cyl. 1960 GMC % Ton Pickup COMING IN 1968 Chev. 1/2. Ton, 8 Cyl., A Trans. McCUTC14.0111 MOTORS Chevrolet Oldsmobile Chevelle Chevy 11 Car* ChOvrOlet Tracks Phone 887,685e tirtmeit Silt $ervic• 011001014411$114 ii0011V,VIONAM00014011001114 0 0 ' Agent Buchanan Ory Cleaners 4 for 89c Red Rose Instant Coffee 6 oz: Pre Priced $1.29 .. Garden Cocktail 28 oz.