HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-05-28, Page 3racnr..1 on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Also "CASHAB LE AT ANY TIME" Guaranteed Savings Certificates up to 81/2 %. FOT further information contact your financial adviser or write or telephone collect: STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Street, Tororito 363-5477 area code 416 A FEDERALLY CHARTERED COMPANY MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE cORPORATt0/0 mosnisimomimaisimimb —Thv AVAILABLE FROM JIM CARDIFF Phone 887 - 6663 Brussels Ont. 13avSSELS POST,1311USS444, ONITOK) ri-Wit8DAY, MAX 4$*, PUBLIC NOTICE 1970 CENSUS AND ENUMERATION The Huron-Perth Rec:onal Assessment Department will be, commencing its annual census and enumeration programme. in the City of Stratford, Town of St Mary's, and all towns,. villages and townships in the two counties, June 1st, It Is expected that it will take approximately two to three weeks to complete this work, The information required is basically the same as that required by the assessors in past years and is necessary for the corm pletion of the assessment roll for each municipality. FAMILY PARADISE CAMPING PARK (Located 5 Miles South East of Walton)• OPEN FOR: TROUT FISHING, CAMPIN'G SWIMMING, PONY RIDES, PICNICS PLAYGROUND FACILITIES "A Nice Place For A Vacation" Address Reservations and Enquiries To: All enumerators involved in this programme carry identification cards. Therefore do not hesitate to ask to see these before answering questions or divulging information, Your co-operation and assistance in this programme will be very much appreciated. Further inquiry in this regard May be made by telephoning either Goderich 524-7326 or Stratford 273.0510 or Zenith 66500 for long distance calls, IHURON-PERTH TUBERCULOSIS AND RESPIRATORY DilSEASE HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING The Huron Perth, Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Assoc, Intion held its annual meeting recently at the Downie Street WIt-YWCA its Stratford. About 250 people attended, this; first annual meeting incorporat- ing Huron and Perth counties, chaired by president, Mrs. Edith Brothers. In her report, Mrs. Brothers (looted the Hon. Thomas Wells, Minister of health in noting. "Ontario has been well-served by Chest clinic services it. is right to pay tribute to the role td. the voluntary agency in pioneer- ing the program in Ontario." tn keeping with this tribute, distinguished service pins were presented to E. C. Boswell of Sea- forth for 20 years involved in the Christmas Seal Campaign and D. M. Rae., Stratford, a past. president for outstanding" service to the as- sociation over the yearst, Mrs. Brothers noted that during the, year, 28,000 pamphlet8, posters and booklets were distributed to Ocelot's, public health nurses, and schools in Perth and Huron counties. Three courses Were offered iin Gelder:telt, 'Listowel iina Stratford for children with asUmmtle con- ditions, Statistics are being com- piled With a. view to the. estab- lshnient of an emphysema club for the support of the chronic. re- iiiii.........our.00661.010.1116•••••••n ••••••••••••Maimilsoll BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTINIATES ▪ Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling spiratory disease sufferer awl, his family, The financial report for the association revealed total re- ceipts in 1,960 were $56,550. Of this total, $25,577 was received from the Christians Seal Cam- Paign. Total disbursenients for the year were $31,956. Cash on. hand as of March fit totalled $21,50.; Trea t in en t' of a stlim a ti c' chi I -dren was discussed and demon- s tra i ed. A film. a demonstration by .children. and 0 panel discussion were included in the program. Tinder the direction of -1Tiss Linda Myers, Bradry Schenck of Seaforth. Connie Dick. Timmy CaHuey, Dennis Goforth. Faye Hums. Marianne Nigh, Steven !Patience a nd Julie Wade demon• strated some of the exercises and games they had learned in the course for asthmatic children, As proof that many children with asthma can participate in normal every-day activities Miss Myers pOinted Out that Connie Dick, one of the children ia the demonstration had walked .111 ,7 miles in f) recent Oxfatn walk. A film on the Asthmatic Wing (ltildren.'s Centre, in Toronto, wb it'll illustrated treatment, of asthmatic children was shown, Dr. j, r. AfoKinl, C, Taylor, Mrs. Peter Case and Mrs. Jack [;vans participated in a panel discussion 01' various facets of treatment for children With a sthma. IT'S A MATTER OF LIFE AND BREATH! Your Christmas Seal association cart help FOR FREE BOOKLETS ON HOW TO QUIT SMOKING write to HURON-PERTH TUBER- CULOSIS a RESPIRA- TORY DISEASE ASSOC- IATION 121 WELLINGTON ST. STRATFORD, ONT A doctor Who had just started practice examined his first pat- let. He could think of no diagnosis of the symptoms, so he said; "Have you ever had this before?" "Sure," the patient replied, "I've had it twice' before." "Well, advised the doctor with more assurance, "You've got it again." Add an extra touch of distinction... LOW COST UNIT STEP ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS mign Steps, even precast Unit Steps, look bare and un- finished Without ornamen- tal iron ralltngs. They're dangerous tool The big Improvement that ,`nit Step railings make to the appearance of your steps or porch is out of alt proportion to the small cost involved. They come in many designs—..front au- thentic reproductions to contemporary styles. We take care of the instal. lation. Get our'free quota. tion gn Unit Step metal- craft for steps, porches, stairs and room dividers. CRAFTED BY FRANK KLING LIMITED. PHONE 8274$20 SEAPORTH WM. RED SHIELD CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE IN SIGHT A total of $‘1.01S, has been mil- Ned in connection with the current Rod Shield Appeal in this and 1.- roandipg communities. The local Campaign Chairma.n, Cecil D., McFadden, has done a most thor- ough job in organizing and carry- Jag through the camPaign. With Most of the returns -for 'Brussels in, it seems a certainty that a new high Wilt he reached. Will all our friends of the Army who have not made their donation kindly do so by May 31st,. These: will be grateful] received at Head- quarters, Box 010, Wingham. Captain Jack 'earnall oirtsr Mr. McFadden is expressing grati- tude on behalf. of The ' Salvation Army to all who hit ye responded to the appeal. "You are sharing in a very practical way in our work for others." stated the Captain, "and we pray Clod's blessing on you", GOLDEN WORDS TAKE TIME Take time to 'work — it is the price of success, Take time to think it is the source, of power, Take time to play — it is the seer et of perpetual youtlL Take time to read_ — it is the f'ou'ntain of wisdont•. Take time. to worship — it is the highway of reverence. Take: time to be friendly it is the road to happiness. Take little to love and be loved it is the privilege of the Cods. Take time to' look around — it is too short a day to be selfish, Take time to laugh — it is the music 01' the soul, The Value of Worship When e're 1 pass a church I stop in for a visit, So when at last I'm carried. in The Lord won't. ask,""Who is' it?" DONALD - G. IVES r . phoie...13000tittle 8074024 . Mr. Taylor,. director of the Stratford Children's Aid Society, pointed to some of the implic- ations involving the family, of the sthmli tie. child. Mrs. Case. a dtelician, discussed various methods of deterin ining food alergies in asthmatic child- ren. Dr. McKim pointed to the neees, sity of foachingg the astbanatic r child, to avoid possible attacks ialt their own, once they occur, Mrs, EVarta, a public health. Mll's.0 froth ElOciet'ith discussed her role in the hoftle of the itOth, 11l O De Child, que$410u, said a,usliver DattOci figiQWe4, the panel ptototglr4 141.0:::100040.1*•••n ••00*. Offine: $8,4100 MOTT, FAMILY PARADISE CAMPING PARK . R.R. 4, Walton, Ont. Phone (519) 527-0629 CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE THROUGH: Open Tuesday and Friday RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY REAL ESTATE BROKER = GENERAL INSURANd- E',RUSSaLS Rels,; $184