The Brussels Post, 1970-05-28, Page 2Don't let lack of cash hinder a bargain buy! That house you hesitate to 'buy today because of the cost of a mortgage . what will it, be worth in ten years or longer? Just look every- where at the record of increased real estate values over the years! So come in and discuss a mortgage loan to help you enjoy that dream home righ now . and own it while its long term value rises. Borrow today at Victoria and Grey. PiCTORM "'RUNT COMPANY SINCE *Me LISTOWEL BRANCH 291-1450 For bargains read the classified ads, PHONE 887„6011 4RUSSE4S, ONT, FORD CUSTOM 500 4 DR. SEDAN V8 Auto. Trans, Power Steering, Radio 1969 DODGE 4 DR SEDAN 6 Cyl., Auto. Trans, and Radio 1967 OLDS 88 4 DR. SEDAN V8 Auto. Trans, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio 1966 FORD F100 PICKUP 6 Cyl Engine, Std, Trans. 1965 FORD 1/2 T611 WITI-111 STAKE RACK 1965 FORD ECONOLINt 'VAN .MOTottS. YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAI'RLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 887.6249 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3460 For A Better USEb .CAit • •V AT THE' RIGHT PRICE 1969 METEOR RIDEAU 500 4 DR. SEDAN V8 Auto, Trans, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio 1969 never • get t00. Much. This .•sea,Sort. one• boWl•of.Satice and one pie, stand at, the window .and there is still this • .delcions • stuff all around, leaveS like umbrellas and stalks as thick as Frank Thomp- son's wrist. Says I. don't you think , the rhubarb Mill soon t)e ready, and Winnifred Edgar told us we could have all we wanted. Not iinielt sense putting in garden when we don't eat what is already there. Maybe, says you (Iota know how .to coOkit, I could ask Mrs. Chidlow or Ethel you don't know bow to cook it, or about my virgin garden. TruthfallY yours. DART LEAGUE DANCE Friday, June 5th, in Brussels. Legion Hall, Ian Wilbee Orchestra, $2,00 per couple. LOVE IS A PUZZLEMENT It's the last days of school and good or Charlie Brown its deter- : mined to express his affection for his secret Rive, a little red- haired girl 'in the half-hour color ahirnated special You're In Love, Charlie Brown, Wednesday, June at 8 p•in: on the CEC-TV netwdrk. Charlie neglects his homework, develops a ehrorlic Stomach ache, misses the school bus and winds up lin the 'principal's office as he Struggles for courage to offer his heart to the, moppet tfreh, POET BR'U$SELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1970 put of 32 seats, litery voter we took received all the ruin he could drink plus a mickey for the cele, bration, which didn't take place. Waited Willtaineoli Saunstered over yestetda:Y. t Says,, Trouble l'i'ltdeati h.'s- having(Mite a ;time tiVer 'Mala'YAla. I says. , they hint haVe given him a lovely iftne cause he gave them $52,000,- 0a0. f nillionl dollars. Waiter in. sisted our Prime Minister WaS more interested in getting rid of our wheat, but any pictures I see, he isn't shovelling wheat but always surrounded by beautiful gaps. Another thing, I Continues, a bunch of Saskatchewan farmers wanted to send wheat as a gift to: our starving Indians and Eskimos nod our wheat board flatly re- fused to allow it, The Trudeau goVernment sent a committee to investigate poverty among theta Canadian Indian eitiOn$. The'' spent six hours among 100. ins, no poverty they SaY. Says I, the Wheat boartl plus this commit- tee should be shot, Says Walter, if everyone that should be shot *as shot, we would have less fid- dlers, 'this committee says there is no real poverty among out Indians. They will receive more, money in a week than all our poor Indians will get in a year. I says, Walter, let's -get behind the N.T),P. and we will have a real deinecta"tio government that Will he for the people, the ordinary neople, not the niiniOnaires and money 1 int- erests, Walter got to his feet, looks me in the eye, says, new look Ir, man, we couldn't get behind the N.D.P. They are so far back if would be impossible to get behind them. He continues. some people, don't even know what they want. Some people have voted Grit, Tory. Wet, Dry, IYFO, Social Credit, and maybe even Coto- monist, and off he saunters to work in his garden which shouldn't be planted until the new moon hid Pell and Len Lamont are both back in town, J wish thy would get a job on the Dew Linn or flag sitting at the North Pole, This pair are, very impudent with me, in fact, they are a thorn in the flesh. Had Bill Cardiff in with his chain saw the other day and he is a teal wood cutter, The saw is in excellent working order. I undetstand Hi Rutledge and, Tom penningtOn overhatil it and keep it in Perfect condition, This year I am a wee hit behind with my gardening and being hugged by my hitter half. Each morning she goes to the window looking out. on my tinplOwed, Iln. planted garden and says catty things such as, are yott going to stimmerfallow this land? Are you waiting for the right time of the Moon or the twelfth: of July? wonder What it will he like to hate lettuce and radish in October, blk, etc. This morningI decided to put a stop, to this Unnecessary our' Mod talkathon. SO, I got to v.iindc.'" first, J Should. explain. rbulmth pie, or S'atit'V. 1)01.tOr to 11)P than peach OS and cream, lob-. StRrS from New Brunswick, cavair from the Black Sea or dates from TTOI$. ja.110., I love if and never, ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. KEN SCOTT and HIS TRIO FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM IWE FEATURE: Turkey, Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut, Fish and Chipa 4:IENITLEMEN'S CLUB . NEWS ITEMS The morning of the Prince EdVard Island election Brussels was as quiet as Browntown ceme• tery. You could tell every- Tory '))N,, the way their heads hung down. The Quebec election knocked the, wind • out of them but two in a row was just too much, They take their politics very seriously in Spud Island In 1936 I crossed the ferry from Tormentine and arrived at a little country hotel at Richmond where my trailer had beery stored :for the winter. The landlord said we could use you and your new car today to take voters to the polls. I Made a bargain, was to have a pilot, someone. to show ine where to go etc and $25310, a lot of money for the hungry thirties. Be asked me to drive around to the cellar door and raise the lid of the trunk. They started putting in rum. Quarts. pinis, gallons. I says, now _hist a minute, J don't want lo have m2,- car seized. I was in- formed, and truly so, there is a C;entlemen's Agreement no cars either searched or seized election clay. I went to the mounties. and they said, you are a tourist and' ill not be bothered and no car will he searched for 24 hours. I found out I was working for the Tories which made me sick to my ,.tomach, but I carried on until five o'clock when my pilot passed made a poor showing cause not one Tory was elected, not one