HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-05-21, Page 4INVEST NOW! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 9 6:"0 INTEREST RATE DROPPING JUNE 1st JIM CARDIFF REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE BRUSSELS PHONE: 887-6100 RES: 887.6164 alaniteneefienren -enrage.. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Dead or disabled tows over 1,000 lbs., $10 to $15 Dead oe disabled' horsesy $20.00 each Small ordinals 500 to 1,000 lbs., lc per lb. All other animals such as calves and pigs picked up free: 24 hour We pay yeti for your animal at yew; forrn. service. CALL COLLECT — BRUSSELS 8874334 If no answer call 887-9335 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Prop. GORDON JOHNSTON Formerly Marlatt Bret. ENTERTAINMENT AT SMILEY'S HAVEN QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS THE TWO ACES FROM ST. MARYS Piano Guitar and Sax FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY DOREEN DANBROOK ON THE PIANO SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY Menu: Barbacued Ribs and Kraut; Southern Fried Chicken and Chips .11110004.11101.00011.11100r THE BRUSS$1 4S POST, BRUSSELS, ()WARM TkiliitSDAY, MAY elet, 1970 WANTED — .16" Tricycle. • Mrs, Win. Stephenson Call; 887-9016. FOR SALE — Riding AITI) Lawnmower, 1:fseci one season. Roy Cousins 887-9464 STRAY ED — From the farm of Clifford Ritchie, lot ln, concession 17, Grey 'cwp., a dehorned Hereford Heifer, around 600 lbs., Call: 887-6667 AVON CALLING BARGAIN; fiery Day is "Sale" Day When You Show People Avon's Wonderful Range of Cosmetics. Profit From Your Spare Hours — Sell Avon. Call Now — Mrs. M. :Unison, Avon Manager, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 32Y -- 451-0541 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery and Household Antiques will be held for CHARLES BOSMAN Lot 15, Concession 2, Morels Twp. 2 Miles South of Bluevale. SATURDAY, MAY 30th At 1:30 p.m. Terms Cash — Farm Sold Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer Whitechurch, Phone 357-2349 MALE Hg"..p WANTED — Full. time, no unemployment, For, further information write Box 1319 Hanover. WOOD FOR SALE — Hardwood Slabs, truckload lots $4.00 per cord: Softwood $3.00 Craig's Sawmill, Auburn 526-7220 FOR SALE 100 acre grass farm. Apply to: Mrs. Charles Warwiek, Bruseele 887.9336 SAWDUST Ffnet .PALE Good bedding for feed lots. We can load yon or deliver. Craig's. Sawmill, Auburn 526.7220 FOR SALE -- 7 room House in Morris Town. ship, north end of Brussels. Lerge lot, New oil furnace, new cline. boards, new hot water tank, and wireing, three piece bath. J. C. McNeil, Brussels, Phone S37-604.5 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaraneeed service to alitypes. Complete appliance repairs at .B.URK4 ELECTRIC Wingham 357-2450 Electrical Contractors • Appliances - Motor Rewind, 24 hour eMergen- cy service. NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF ETH,EL AND GREY TOWNSHIP DUMP To the Grey Township reidents. After May 19th, 1970 there will be no more garbage dumped on Lot 24, Con. 6, Grey Twp., known as the Elthel and North Grey garbage disposal. MI garbage Must be taken to the South Boundary Bast of Walton approx. r 4 mile; and this garbage only must be pet in a trench pronided. By Order Chairman of Property Comonittee BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT WiLSON - Mr. and Ales. Prenk Wilson are pleased to epitome.' the birth of their daught.n., Linda Lee, in Wingliant and District hospital on May 13th, 19.71% --• a. sister for :leather and Pam, CARDS OF THANKS My sincere thanks is given te all iltose who remembered Me with visits, cards, flennere and gifts while I was a patieet in Wingbain Hospital, Year thoughfele was, ap- ,preciated. Barbara Watts I would like to thank everyone who so kindly reMeMbered me, with visits, cards and letters while a patient at Wiegbara and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. A. Boeyk and, nursing staff on 2nd floor, for their excel- lent care. Mrs. Annie isenor CRANBROOK Stevie i'night, young son of Mr,. and Airs. Jack Knight. 14th con, underwent a tonsilectomy at List-. owel :Hospital last• week, • • Mre and nine Oscar Heel) Con- estoga,• spent the weekend .with. Mrs. Calvin Cameron and Miss, R M.-.Steiss.• Mr. and Mrs. George :McNair. Hamilton, called on Miss Alice -T. Forrest on Sunday. DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m., Wednes- day, May 27th, 1970, for the eon- s;ruction of the following drain- age works in the Township of Grey: EnNOK. DRAINAGE WORKS ---- 500 lineal feet of open drain, 4,691 lineal feet of closed drain, 3 Catch Basins. CLARK DRAINAGE WORKS — 1,460 lineal feet of open drain. 2,120 lineal feet of closed drain, 4 Catch Basins 'BOLTON DRAINAGE WORKS- 12724 lineal feet of open drain, 8n lineal feet of closed drain (Road Crossing), 1 Catch Basin, Canadian Pacific Railway Calvert cleanout, County Road culvert cleaneut in ftecardance With the Speci- fications foe Open Cut Drain- age Crossings fOr Heron COurity Roade, ARMSTRONG DRAINAGE WORKS -- 5,946 lineal feet of Open drain, Work on Canadian National High t-of-Way, Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of tender. The Township will supply the tile and pipe. Plans and speci- fications may be seen at the Township Oftire Ethel, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not neces. nntilY accepted. Mrs. E. M. CatIdlit Ethel, Ontario. Clerk, Township Of G13 t, WALTON t continued from page one) Walton Unit U.C.W. Meeting, The May meeting of the Walton Unit of the. was held in the basement of Duff's 'Untied. church, Wednesday evening. May '13th, with Mrs. Don Achilles nil'- big the opening verse on Spring, I-Iymn 15, was sung with MrS: W. C. Mackwell as pianist for the evening. Mrs. W. C. Ilackwell read the scripture from 'Matthew, followed by a meditation on Springtime, Mrs, Achilles led in prayer, A. Christian Home" mode etation was given by Mrs. Hack- well which. brought to light that it makes . no difference. how lux- onr homes and • furnishings may be, as this is only the setting for life that goes on within. Hymn 30.1. closed the devotional part of the 'fleeting, Mrs. Wm. ('mitts chose as her topic. "Indian Canadians". She mentioned that. F. Edwin ^Ken/piing spent most of his mini'. stry among the Indian. Folk. The first summer he. ministered to the Crees at Goodfish Lake in •North.- ern Albeete and 'also the Lake Reserves in Northern Saskatche- wan. Some of his comMents were; We look and cannot see where the Indians have a social concept for "Time", for "Savings" fOr "Work" 'which are strong feat- ures in our culture: We also see a circular chain of failure in their life With margim.1 existence, pov- erty, lack of self-confidence, low morale, mental and • physical ill- nesee higher .than average mortal- ity, ineffective citizenship that is unable to !produce and provide- adequately. poor' heusing, over crowding, inadequate diet, bad. sanitation, family breakdowns, social; conflicts leading to • fines and imprisonment, late •emphaelee the. linportan.ce • becoming something and someone, and look on the Indians as lacking in else bition, be who has been • taught the importance of being now. We see integration and education trs the only solution for these .people who must by taught to find for themselves in our society.- 'Mrs. Coons concluded her story with an appropriate scripture token from Paul's Letter to °Mations, folic...wed by a prayer devoted to the f ndien people. Airs. Gerald. Watson, president for the coming term opened the business portion with a poem. "nletnories of Mother". she gave thanke. to all who had taken part in the even- ing's meeting-, The minutes of the last meeting were read hy Mr's. C. Haekwell, the secretary fon loWed the roll call, which Was answered by a flower in the Bible. Mrs. Allan McCall gore the .treas- nrer's report and received the .ot- faring which was 'dedicated by. Airs. Gerald Watson. A discussion on having a church picnic reveal. ‘.ed that everyone was in fa.voar Of having a picnic the last wee]; 'in August or, first week in Sept- ober. The Sth and 16th bazaar was announced for May 2.6, at 8:15 ti lien Mr. Bruce McCall of -Tirue4 sets will be guest speakin., with onto/gain/neat by the "SWeet Adelines" quartette frmn Instowel, Walton Cnit is responsible for eorreepondenee to • the 17.C.W's• adopted Student Minister in the. .month of July. He will be on student Mission stationed in Sask, • Airs. Howard Haekwell was the op, pointed correspondent, with Mrs; \\!. C. liackwell and Mrs. James Clark assi-sting. Mrs. 'Earl Watson and Alt's. I)on Achilles, Copper Contest leaders read their list of names. June is the first Copper. Contest month. Mrs. Frank Dunk and Mrs. Allan McCall volunteered their assistance in the kitcheu foe the l'hameinefertlein wedding on. Saturday. Hymn 453 was sung, O i race was. sang and. lunch was served by Mrs. Emerson Mitchell. Mrs, Fred Dunk and Airs. Ron 'Bennett. U.C.W. 8th and 16th Unit The' Sib and 161.1) Unit, 'May meeting was held at•the home of Mrs. James Smith Wednesday evening Ahoy 13. 'rite meeting opened by singing hymn 263 with Airs.• Harold Bolger as pianist. Mrs. Don McDonald read the seripture from Psalm 122. The Topic "There must be something on. T.V." was presented by Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald, Airs. Don 'Fraser and Mrs. Rae Houston. An article was read from the Clip Sheet and was fol- lowed by discuSsidn..Flymn 19 was Rung followed by prayer. The or- fering was received and the min- utes of the last meeting were read by Airs. George McCall, The roll call was answered by '12 members. Mrs. Doug Fraser announced the 'Bazaar and Bake Sale. • to be held Tuesday evening-, May 26th at 8:1.5 p.m. The speaker . to he Mr. Brute MeCall. Brussels and entertainment he the Sweet-. Ade- lines of .Listowel, Alt are invited to attend this special event, men especially. Grace was sung • and. lunch was served by Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs. Harold. Bolger. and the, hostess. C,G.I.T. Entertain Mothers • Cninen.held a special Meet- ing on May 5th in the basement of the church with their mothers AS guests, The meriting opened with. a sing ;,,or:g which was led by niargarot .1Lxon, Anne Watson. and Susan Humphries. The pre- sident, Debbie Wey led in pledge followed by a hymn, 'Pito roll call was answered by 1.1'; members giving their •mother's mat name. The secretary's re- port: was read by the secretary, )leather' McDonald read the seri!)• attended to. Por' the Worship .heather MeDonahi rend thhe scrip- ture lesson, Kim Humphries led in prayer followed by a hymn. The members of the ('.0.1.T. Sa ng ft song. Al,,'.s 1). IDoelcen led in praY- or and then introduced the Mtn "The Shattered Silence" which followed with discussion. A very successful hake sale was held and the meeting was closed with taps. UNLOADERS and FEEDERS BADGER SILO VEF.D LOT and STABLE PLANNING Sales and ServICe KENNETH. MARKS & SON Rh 4, Atwood, Onto kit*, 36E' 2721 FOR SALE Choice Strawberry Plants freshly dug as you order. Ideal for .feezing or as fresh fruit, Large juicy berries. $3.00 per hundred plants. Phone before calling for plants to allow time for digging and trimming plants, -Phone 397-3325, Percy Biggs, R.R. 2, Wingharn, Ont, NOTICE — FOr all your needs Contact: Don Phone, 887-9264 electrical wiring McLean Brussels.