HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-05-21, Page 3ROY w, KENNEDY, Publisher Box 50, Brussels, Ontario. Published at Bruseets, Ontario, every T.hurvlay &Cebu Claris Mail Iteglaration. Number 9502 Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers ASSOPlatiOr Oriiano Weekly NewaPapers Aiseelation RFAL ESTATE. BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT FOR HOWICK FARMERS M'JTUAL FIRE INS. L1ABIUT::e RES. 887-5164 "HOUSE of MAX" FURNISHINGS - INTERIORS M. L. WATTS FUNERAL HOME PHONE: 887.6336 or 887-6585 BRUSSELS, ONT. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY SERVICE Open Every Weekday Your Guarantee For Over 35 CEMETERY LETTERING Box 156 WINGHAM CRAFTSMANSHIP Years of JOHN MALLICK r0000.4+4., - CRAWFORD CRAWFORD and MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q,C, A. R, M. MILL, B.A., LLB. BRUSSELS and PHONE 887.9491 WM. ADAMSON Pigs Every Mon., Tues!)1: urs , LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Dial 887-6357 PCV CLASS FS and F .4•'-?•,-.4't J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST - ,4EAFORTH, GOVENLOCH ST, 527-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Thursday Evening CLINTON OFFICE, 10 ISSAG STREET Monday, and Wednesday 482-7010 Call Either Office For Appointment THE McKILLOP MUTIJAL FIRE IliSURANCE, COMPANY Orifice - Main Street SEAFORTH Insures • Town •Dwellings • * eltaGea of Farm Pr0.116 ,01' * Summar Cottages • Chureivm tibisets, etc.) Is also tiNtfitidOti -6,roo, v.ifito, 4011494 fgHli'Q ACittiNTPI ts, 1:411i4tOrth: it, tirilch 1111, It11:016rfil; 0111'4011i rjOrlit4 4,4101411 ilf$tiklq ttir;•trit!, :44,• tior ; 1.;DOtiholgitu, &kit .004, t; F. !. WINGHAM PHONE 357-3630 FIRE AUTO PHONE; OFFICE 83-6100 White Bread 1st prite 2nd prize 3rd prize 4th prize Brown Bead 1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize 4th prize Folic ifs 1St prize 2nit ONO. Sod priZe 4th prize" Chelsea atipS 1st Pete 34.4 twri2til 8i4 Prize doz. 140 50Y c114 't;110$0 t1onrit0 y9 M611% ITOtiorfitioti tkviti tupoolA Ltgititi ti.Otti t!'tat5f.1) i Or' iftiOi Vithlt# A,7 -13‘, 'oti?",0.N:'4,11 ,•fi0.1:illithlffiltk 0490 1 I t. ;t it,. • 3,i61{PY i1/4 THE BRUSSELS PosT,I3R(J$SEL$, &SIAN(' THURSDAY; MAT Usti 1.970 GREY CENTRAL HOME 401-100L MEETING Unheeded for last week) `There Nvas a. small attendance lit the May meeting of time Grey Central Homo and School: Assoc- the 1411)001 00 day veiling, May 7. The niemberS approtied sending two .delegates; to a Leadership Training Cantp to? thririe days IR .111.00. ;rile lii1;xeoutive find disClissed ide'a of geiting in) a VW' lh . . , the fall for a fund i•aisilig: fireject. el.mber aSkOd to, ihirdt about. this , for tfici riot tl(eet rib. CoMmittee was nanied to see about getting playgronii4 moat for the school. Miss Thomas c.,,ave an interest- ing report of the "Critical Years Conference" held in Toronto. which she and Miss, granter had attended. She stated that the critical Years were the Kinder- garten years. Teen-age. rind adult habits are formed at this tender age. Mrs. Lothar Weber and Mrs. Hilton Ward gave reports on the annual meeting- of the Ontario Fed- eration of Home and School, which had been held in Toronto. They gave detailed 'reports of reso- lutions presented and passed at this conference, After the business, the teachers led four discussion gdoups on Mathmatics., Methods of teaching and reasons for those methods were discussed. The next. meeting is to be in the form of a family night on Monday, jitne 3, with a Pot. Luck Supper at 6 o'clock, after which games and entertainment will be en- The meeting closed with R soc- a! half .. hour with cookies and 00 f tits?. ONTARIO FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE NEWS The Ontario Commodity Council will support federal legislation for national marketing of farm pro- ducts, if the legislation receives certain amendments. The council. a special depart- Mont of the Ontario Federation of Agriculttire, reotests that members of the proposed national marketing council and commodity agencies be nominated by , pro- ducer connbodity organizations. . The coot Cil forther suggests that members be elected fon a Wmcifie period of time, to be set clearly in the reg-alations. These and other su;...;:est ,:h1 changes in the legislation, s proposeil by tbe council, will be presented tx) the Agricultural Committee or the Honse of Coin, mons by t11.9 ation of Agriculture, The Ontario Commodity Co11.00 et6e191011 rilltd0 following al\ '11,11610 rat* of rno. Nwriel1 rtfliffilt1 gifiU di bitifit1fit) totitintitott(1,1445111. Pi.161111i 11:1•Ei f:11011JirtiF14,11-1 : si Fi ;-1 fit4 vi0 4 IhtIO 'Witt LADIES' DIVISION OF THE BRUSSELS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 1979 PRIZE LIST SECTION L Domestic Science DIRECTORS - Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs. Ross Bennett, Mrs. Clare Veltch, Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, Mrs. Jack Bryant. Please put number as well as section and article name en entry tags. All bread and buns, cakes without icing and pies brought in plastic bags. BREAD Class Mt Nil NI 1,00 .75 .50 1.01) .51) 1,00 .50 1.017 5 .50 11. checoratq layee rake, choc6late icing date itof cake mix too .75 .59' Date and dm to:4f 1.00 .15 .50 ) N'ut and Cherry fo'a4 (not yeast) 1.00 .75 .50, Gum drop cake, noi . 1.00 .75 .50 15. Sponge cake, not iced 1,00 .75 .50 16. .Obocolate layer cake, (Cake AtiA) icing optional - 1.00 17, Queen Elizabeth cake, 8" square with. the original icing of sugar, cream, and butter, topped with 18. Single layer cake, decorated for cocoannt .0 75 ,60 Thanksgiving, appearance to count 11.50° 1.00 .225 . SMALL CAKES AND COOKIES 19. Light iced cup cakes, seven not. a mix 1006) .: 411 25 75 :50 20. Raisin scones, seven 21. Shortbread, seven • pieces ,60 .40 .25 99 Muffins, seven, bran only (no, raisins or dates• .60 23. Tea Biscnits, seven .60 .40 24, Oatmeal date squares, seven .61J .40 25. 3 kinds of uniced squares • 3 of each 26. White jelly roll with lemon filling 1.0 .112.,•inch. es long PIES 27, Butter tarts, with raisins, ,even „(not to be made with prepared fillings) 75 .50 .10 28. Raspberry pie, lattice top .75 .50 .40' 29. Raisin pie, lattice Lop .75 .50 .40 30. Pumpkin pie .75 .50 .40 31. Cherry pie, covered .75. .50 „40 32. Covered apple pie .75 .50 .40 33. Lemon pie, meringue topping ,75 .50 .40 CANDY 34. Chocolate fudge (ten pieces) 1.00 .75 .fir: 35 Maple cream (ten pieces 4 1.00 .75 .50 35. Collection of fancy Cookies, 9 kinds on a 12" plate 2.50 1.50 .1.00 SPECIALS $4.0P 2,5 lb. Howson & Howson Bread Flour $1.00 ib. Howson & Howson, Bread Flonr $4.00 25 lb. Howson k Howson Bread 'Fleur $1.00 7, Tit. }Towson & `Howson Bread Flour 25 lb, HOWS.on, & Howson Bread 1:Towsoi:t Howson 'Bread 1111 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MIL tttttttttt IFFIretFlIt ttttttttt ,l.4 IF l• ti .00 73 ii 1 .5(t .40 $4.00 Flour $1.000 Flou; $2.50. 1,75 :Tt Loaf white bread, .entire crust Loaf brown bread, entire crust Loaf ft-nit bread, entire crest Hurts, 3 kinds Chelsea, plain, _CloVerleaf, two of each . . Cciffee cake, (bread dough).„•round • Cop *ii.fl• cinnamon and brown Angai 1..00 .107 ;40 • CAKES Angel cage tupiced).• 1.50 1.00 :75 Fruit cake, daYk ,(unieeil) not cut, 6"xd" •••• 1.50 1.00 .75 Fruit cake, light, ftiracf04 1' 1.50 1.00 .75. not •eut,11.".x5" Single layer opplesauce cake; butter icing 1.00 0. .5'a 10, Ba.nana layer cake, boiled icing 5. • .49) not make' nix • 1.00 .7.