HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-05-21, Page 1Jr $2,50 A Ydar In Advance — $3,50 TO. U.S.A. tiliUsga§ POST t1wit8).)AY, MAY 21st, 1970 POST PUBLiSHING HOUSE WALtifiN Mr, and Mrs. W. J„Leemlug and faintly,. and Fred Watson, who makes his home with them, visit- Or Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Watson at. iSayfield. Miss Amy Love et Torontospent the holiday weekend with her sister, Mrs. Walter Brondfeot, On Saurday evening Mr, and Mrs. Ray Hnether, Steven and John visited with Mr, and MO., Louis Taylor and Mr, and Mrs, Robert Taylor, 'Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Childerhose and family of Stanley Park, Kit- chener, visited on, the holiday Monday at the home of 'Mr, and Mrs. Win. Murray. There were nine members of the Walton Women's Institute atended the annual meeting of Eatif Huron District at the Blue- Vale Community Halt on Tues- day, May 12,' when the speOcer was Mrs, Victor Emerson of Whitechurch who is the Bruce District Curator, She is a very humbrous speaker, and gave many thoughts to take back to branch curators. Mrs, Wm. Simpson of Mitchell IS spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Leonard Looming. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Huether and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Penner, Nancy and Dennis ,near Mr.. and Mrs, Brian Traviss, London, were Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss. Mr, and Mrs. Horace Rutledge and faintly, London, visited with relatives the village for the holiday weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Hubert of 'Ottawa}, Mr. and Mr8'. George Peth- ick, Winthrop and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williamson amid family of Walton visited Sunday at the' hotne of Mr, and Mrs: byte Macho and family of Sea,forth, Mission Band The Mission .13and Was held Sun! day inornitig in the baseinent of the church with 33 present. After thee. Call to Worship hymn 623 was sling. Ma ry Searle gave the secre- tary's report and the treasurer's report was given by Stephen Dennis, The collection: was 'Me- dved by Stephen Dentis and Ross Mitchell, lanice Houston is to he the Pianist for the June meeting when the mite hoses are to be brought in, They all went to their classes with Mrs. Merton Hack- well, Mrs. Mae Sholdice, Miss Karen Uoutt.s and Mrs. as their teachers. Hymn 502 was sting followed by the Benediction, W.I. To Hold Open Meeting The Walton Women's institute will hold an open meeting in, the community hall on May 27th at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. Roy Williamson and Mrs. Harold Bolger convenors for Home Economics and Health will be in charge of the meeting,, Bill McLean, Sea forth, will show pica- tires of his recent trip to Europe, The 1-14 girls Will also be guests and Put On their skit and demon. on Litiht PoVillriVi 1. ri0M PEOPLE WE KNOW Richard Alcoa is a patientn i •Wingintin and District Hospital, Mr. aria Mrs, H. B. Allan, Lon- don were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. D. A., Rapp. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Davidson were weekend visitors with her Molh.er Airs. 1. AlcArter. Leonard Lamont, who was Patient in Westminster Hospital, Letdon, is home, Archie Thompson, - Toronto, spent the weekend at hoMe with his mother, Mrs. M, Thompson. George Bone is seriously ill in Wiegtram and District 'Hospital where he underwent surgery, Mr. and Mrs, Mac MacLean of Ingeraoll were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'red MacLean. W. IT. Bell, who has been a patient in 'Westminster Hospital, London, bas returned to Brussels. Mr. and Mrs, Ross McFadden and family of Mississaugute wore weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil McFadden. Mrs, Annie Isenor, Who has been a patient in Wingbam and District ital for' a fow weekS, has returned home. Cterald'liaan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baan, Walton, was among the graduates at Ridgetown Col- lege of Agricultural Technology. Mr. Dennis For" Ethel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Earl has sucecesstailly completed his first year• at Sir Sandford Fleming College. Lindsay. Syinpathy is extended to Mrs. Archer :Grower whose mother, 2.1rs. Robert ,Galbenith, RR 1, Atwood. died Saturday in Listowel Mem- orial Hospital. Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Rann and family of Galt were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rant, Mr. and Mrs. George Town of Chatham were also guests of Mr. and Mrs." Rant, Mr. and Mrs, nOMIld rlarriS, and Jelin of London, Mr. and Mrs. Norman. T-Towell, Mr. and Mrs. 000(11)ran of :Brantford were holiday weekend visitors with :dr, and Mrs, Max Watts and family, John Isenor of Toronto watt holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Goulet. Also at the same 'home, on Sunday. were ale and Mrs. '‘Villiard Jamieson. Mrs, Chris tarrabie and Ttitiny of 'Kitchener. Mr. mid Mrs. Peter Roberts. Karen and 'Michael of Ottawa, spent the. past Week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.. Carl Cowing and visited hes fath Qr. mho has been a patient in Wing- halo hospital for the past two weeks, BRUSSELS ROWGER IlY tAtAit TOURNAMENT te;iiu consislilrg Or have Hastings', ;Murray Lowe, .A1 Harvey. iack Higgins; Bill Stephenson, and Gordon Matheson entered the 1.4th annual 5 pin Invitational Team Tournament for Labatts Awards in 'Walkerton. The team did welt with a pitifall of 3949. The winning teens Was over 4100. Dave Hastings won first in the '811" group with a high triple of 838 and third high single With 319, • Many teams entered the tourn- ament, and we congratulate Brus- sels Lenin for a very good showing. Miss Margaret Nichol Graduates With Award The St. Mary's School of Nurs- ing Graduation was held 4i t. the Fairview Cinema in :Kitchener Thursday, May 14th. Among the thirty-six graduates Was 11-.116$ Margaret Nichol. daughter of Mr, and Mr:;, Ross 'Niche], RR 4, Brussels. The award. .for Outstanding Professionel Developmegat was. presented, to Margaret by Mrs. E. Humphrey. Following the graduation: cere- monies, a delicious smorgasbord supper was held for about forty relatives and friends at the home of the graduate, When site received many lovely gifts. Heartiest congratulations and wishes for continued success are -extended, t.o Miss Nichol: MORRIS RESIDENT PERISHES IN FIRE •• David • Joh nston, 93-year-old resident of Morris Township lost his life in a. fire that destroyed the home of his son Fleming John- ston on the second concession of Morris Township, Saturday night. s The body was recovered 'from the. ruins' or the home at about' 6 Nt.in: Sunday. He was asleep when the: fire erupted, Fleming Johnston was net at home at the time of the, tire. His daughter Yvonne May Johnston. 2n, was treated at the Winghant and District Hospital for hints on her face and hands and released, Firemen aaid they believed gaso- line fumes were ignited by a pilot light on. the kitchen stove. Wing- ham volunteer firefighters battled the blaze for about six hours be fore they were able to recover Mr. Johns ten's body front the ruins. OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, R. H, 2. ListoweI will hold "Open House" for neighbours and friends, at the home or' their son MSC, Sthith, R. R. 2, Listowel. on Sun , day, May 24th, on the ceesstoti of noir 001din \VNi(Itrip, ArOw0i HEALTH ,MEETING OF THE MAJESTIC W. I. A good tern out or members of Majestic W. 1. and guests' met in the 'public library ort Thursday, evening', May l.4th at 8 o'clock t.o enjoy a program on health under the converiership of Mrs. Earl Cudiriore and Mrs. Norman Mc, Lally, After the usual opening eXcereiSesi the president Mrs. Alberta Smith called on the seey-treasurer. Mrs. Marie Me- (lut.cheota for the minutes of the Mare's meeting and the financial report. Mrs. Doug Hemingway i gave an nteresting 1'01)011 of East. Huron District Annual which was held in Bluevale on May 12th. There are 30,1397 W. I. members in Ontario. the' international Scholarship trains a girl in Tur- key to be a midwife. Foul reso- lutions were sustained, the '7.1tIt Anniversary Fund needs sumiort from all Institutes, urges conven- ers to make their reports more in- teresting, Tweedsmuir curators to send in a history of the com- munity, The guest Speaker, Mrs. Victor Emerson curator fot Grss- Bruce District gave an informatise talk, on Tweedsmitir Histories. Miss Catharine Hunt, Home Elcon- moist for Huron County gave an interesting 'report of her work with the Institutes and the Club Girls, She plans to 'visit the Masi- estic W. 1, in October The next district annual will he held at Ora,nbrook in. 1971. A new Tweedsmuir curator is needed for Majestic Institute to take over the work done by Mrs., Stephens The meetina was turned over to Airs. Oudmore, convener or Health who gave some interesting current events one of 'which was a des, eription of 'Nana. a new fabric: Tire roll call Was "Don'ts in the use of drugs" and many helpful precautions were given:. The motto, Patience is the best remedy for every trouble" was given by Mrs. Marie Davie who interspersed her talk with a tumb- er of poems. An iuteresting paper on Drugs was given by Mrs. Norman McLarty. Drugs may help you or harm you therefore much core must he, exercised in their use when deemed necessary. Self treatment may be dangerous and if symptoms continue a. doctor should: be consulted and told what drugs you've been using and his advice sboald be followed. Watch for side effects of some drugs on driving. Try to keep the home, free from poison§ — put cleansers, disinfectants, waxes, fly spray, kerosene; gasoline, medieines. etc, in locked cabinets or cupboards where children can't get their, Road labels (food and drug) care- fully and folio* directions cor- rectly e'verytime they are needed, especially dosages recommended for onildren, Watch for expiry date , .r! voll arid rim 't illtF ito;.itf BRUSSELS PUPIL IS SCHOOL FAIR PRINCESS On Friday evening May 1.5th gigantic concert was enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience' in Belgi•ave Community Centre, It was presented by the pupils of Belgrave, Brussels and Blyth Schools, sponsored by the School Pair Association as a forerunner of their Fiftieth Anniversary Fair in September. The' numbers, varied in type and content, Included square and folk dancing. musical choruses, instru- mental numbers. choral reading and creative dance. A display of gymnastic skills Was especially well received. Brussels Stodent Chose, n A. highlight of the evening was the selection of a School. Fair Princess from nine cottestante who represented the tirade eight girls of their schools; The :Princess, chosen by audience. vote, after a. short talent con- test. was 'Barbara 1Viuilwyk of Brussels Public $chool„ daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jake Muilwyk, R.R. 4, Brussels'. The attendants to the Prineeas were ,,Toyee Pearson, Brussels, daughter of Mr and. Mrsa Ralph Pearson and Kathy Dnnber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Allan Punha r, Belgrave. The Pritcess ,and her attendants were crowned and congratulated by George Johnston, chairman 'of the Schoo/ Fair Association, The concert ended with a mass choir of senior pupils from the three-schools- who masterfully out- ' did a. thunderous shower of rain on the metal roof with their ren- dition of "Its a Grand Night for Singing" and "Conte to the Fair". The latter is a sentiment whole- heartedly seconded by the School Fair Association. Whose wish it is to Make this fiftieth anniversary fair the best yet. DAVID JOHNSTON David Johnston, of Morris Township passed away at his home on Saturday. Mayl6th. in his 94th yeas., He is survived by three sons, Charles of Woodstock, George of Bel ;'rave, and Fleming of Morris Township: also by ten grand- children and one. great-grandchild. The funeral service was held from the S. J. Walker' Funeral Home. Wingham. on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Burial., was in Wingham cemetery. Show, ten and bake sale would be Saturday afternoon. May 23rd in the public library: Mrs. Aletsarty conducted an interesting contest: Happy Birth- day was sung for 2 members. Mrs. Marie MeTaggatt and Mrs, Marie McCutcheon and the Sunshine collection \Vag taken tip by Miss Beth Hoover, A delieloUig hint% Wftg gOlvved AiSki MOitAiqt A0114.k; §11010 0100 reijuit PIO 010,4404 atifF, f1141-0-i.